The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details. - Permanent Domain Change


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Well, just made a free DNS service!  I can't believe it.  So the new domain of the LBT Server is:

Now this will make you all happy I suppose.  From now on, there will be no more having to replace the IP address with the domain name!  In fact, the end user can't even see the IP address and port number anymore!  Also, the requirement to have no spaces in filenames is GONE.  You can now have whatever spaces you want and you no longer have to replace the IP address and port number with!  This will make everyone's job a ton easier (mine included).

But for everything gained, there always seems to be a cost.  ALL of my other domains have to be put in a silent grave.  Why?  Because kinda frowns upon redirecting websites through another domain that's provided by them.  For example, when I specify the URL to, I specified it as "" doesn't want me doing that with their domain names through another one of their domains.  So yeah, I've got to figure out what to do about that.

Another good piece of news however is that I can now get domain names for websites on my server.  I couldn't do that before because couldn't connect to my server and told me that the address I typed in could not be reached when I was trying to sign up.  Now however, it seems that sends a small package of data to any server trying to ping my server and it's enough to trick into allowing the website.  

Anyways, I've still got a lot of work to do.  I'm working on a new website for my business and I'm also going to get a .com in another domain that I need.  Unfortunately I can't share these websites with you, as one of them isn't something I'm proud of designing (because of it's content) and the other one (my computer repair website) has personal information on it such as my phone number and address.  Though I'm sure someone here could find it if they looked hard enough and knew where I lived, I'm not setting myself up as an open target. :rolleyes:


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Well, good thing you got it all working again.

Now, on to the maintenance. :)


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I must say, I'm loving the new domain. :D Everything's gonna work out in the end.  There is a new feature.  I don't know if anyone else will use it, but I sure do.  Simply add "~upload" to the end of the location of a folder on the server that you have permission to upload to and you can just bookmark that to back stuff up quicker.  For example...


Of course, the first URL that leads to my server space will ask for a password, but you can check it out by using the URL to the Universal Upload Folder.  As I said, I don't know how useful it will be to people, but it's out there if anyone wants to use it.