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James Cameron's Titanic No Longer #1


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They said it couldn't be done. They said "nothing would ever beat Titanic".  Well, in a startling upset(Okay not really  :lol  ), Avatar has toppled Titanic for Highest grossing film Worldwide and domestically

I find it pretty cool that one director's movies would both end up being the highest grossing films to date. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of Cameron. I don't plan to be a film director but still, that's an impressive feat. Congrats to Cameron and here's looking forward to Avatar 2!


  • Cera
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I gotta say I'm not surprised that Avatar surpassed Titanic. They are both brilliant movies, but Avatar's story is so unique and if I'm not mistaken hasn't been done like this before. It's great to show that after the last movie he made was Titanic, he is still able to come back and wow us again. It's also quite a feat to beat the one movie everybody was sure would stay at #1 forever, especially if it's your own film.

Congrats to Cameron and hopefully this success will continue onward.

F-14 Ace

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Oh please...  Avatar is overrated and I'm sick of hearing about it every single day on the news.


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Actually those stats are incorrect.

Of course Avatar brought up a lot more money than the Titanic did, but you have to keep in mind that cinema tickets these days cost $10 to  $15, while back with the titanic they were only like $5. Therefore I still think Titanic made a lot more.

Still want to see avatar myself actually, I've heard it's a good movie.

F-14 Ace

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but Avatar's story is so unique and if I'm not mistaken hasn't been done like this before.

There is nothing unique about Avatar's story.  It has been used time and time again before.  In fact, it kinda reminds me of Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves.  It's like Indians and Cowboys but on an alien planet with tons of CGI.   Whoopty-effing-doo!  The movie was pretty much just two hours and 40 minutes of eye candy with a overused plot slapped on.  Remember kids, fancy special effects don't make a good movie!


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haven't seen it myself. remember though the gap between titanic at 1.8 billion and the next closest ' LOTR Return of the king, was about 700 million worldwise, which is a huge gap, only a few films have even made a billion. so what avatar has made is staggering, its the first film ever to crack 2 billion, and the second to reach 600 million in the US. its made a lot of money, but it was only nominated for 9 oscars, titanic was nominated for 14, which tied for the most ever (the other was a 1950 film called all about eve) so it won't win as many as titanic, although it will probably win a few, in the techical and special efects catergories..
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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Feb 4 2010 on  02:13 PM
but Avatar's story is so unique and if I'm not mistaken hasn't been done like this before.

There is nothing unique about Avatar's story.  It has been used time and time again before.  In fact, it kinda reminds me of Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves.  It's like Indians and Cowboys but on an alien planet with tons of CGI.   Whoopty-effing-doo!  The movie was pretty much just two hours and 40 minutes of eye candy with a overused plot slapped on.  Remember kids, fancy special effects don't make a good movie!
No, F-14. you're right, special effects alone don't make a movie good. The story makes a film good. You pretty much stated, albeit in a crude and pessimistic manner, why Avatar is enjoyed by the entire world. The story is a familiar historical tale that millions the world over can relate to, and the message of the film is one that resonates in today's world. LBTfan13 was right in the respect that this story has never been told like this before, however. Up until Avatar, there had never been a story that reached so many people and utilized such enhanced technology to tell its tale.


  • Cera
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Yes I understand that effects alone do not make a good movie, but you can't deny that the effects are really amazing, especially if you see them in Imax or 3D.

If I'm not mistaken, there are plenty of movies that have similar plot ideas but are told in different forms. That doesn't mean that their respective stories are overused, just expressed differently. I truly believe that Avatar told it's story in a unique way and I feel it succeeded.

And to be quite honest, I think it deserves all of the attention it's getting and the awards it is winning. James Cameron is a brilliant director and producer and it shows in his movies such as Titanic, Terminator, and Alien. Don't forget Avatar is a movie he made after a 12 year gap from his last blockbuster which also happened to be his most famous movie. He really had a lot to live up to because of the success of Titanic which is why this movie is such a big deal, not only for him but for us as well.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: LBTFan13,Feb 4 2010 on  03:29 PM
Yes I understand that effects alone do not make a good movie, but you can't deny that the effects are really amazing, especially if you see them in Imax or 3D.

If I'm not mistaken, there are plenty of movies that have similar plot ideas but are told in different forms. That doesn't mean that their respective stories are overused, just expressed differently. I truly believe that Avatar told it's story in a unique way and I feel it succeeded.

And to be quite honest, I think it deserves all of the attention it's getting and the awards it is winning. James Cameron is a brilliant director and producer and it shows in his movies such as Titanic, Terminator, and Alien. Don't forget Avatar is a movie he made after a 12 year gap from his last blockbuster which also happened to be his most famous movie. He really had a lot to live up to because of the success of Titanic which is why this movie is such a big deal, not only for him but for us as well.
That's your opinion.  My opinion is that the movie is overrated and over hyped.  And I think the blue people look like Nightcrawler from the X-Men. :lol


  • Littlefoot
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And yet, it bears a similar plotline to that of Pocahontas *shifts eyes*

Similar plotline

Okay, so I haven't seen Avatar yet, but this was just too funny not to post in regards to it :lol


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But of all time, it pretty much hit #6, or so my brother said. #1 was Gone with the Wind...and I think it'll be a VERY long time before that one gets surpassed.


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if inflation is included gone with the Wind is #1. GWTW made about $200 million in 1939 when prices were lower and there wasn't televison or home movies or anything ike that
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And Gone With the Wind had a much larger impact, culturally and otherwise. Avatar is big, but it hasn't changed the way movies are made like Star Wars did. If it doesn't have a good sequel, chances are we will think little of Avatar in a year or two.

I also cannot see it merchandising as well as Star Wars has done. Jedi knights vs. Blue tribal people... :blink:


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yes but Star Wars merchandised everything cereal the holiday special, action figures yoiu name it, there was a Star wars tie-in.. they did the sane thing with Phantom Menace but that stopped after everyone hated the film..
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