The Gang of Five
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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 73436


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Quote from: Sable,Sep 8 2015 on  05:08 PM
1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - It's hard to pick just one, haha...probably Sierra. I've always loved his "I'm evil and proud of it!" attitude, especially considering the unfortunate lack of competent antagonists in the sequels. The way that he just casually suggests feeding the main 5 to the sharpteeth was pretty damn creepy; LBT really needs more villains like him. And he's a major badass, lol.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - The yellow bellies...ugh. Dinah and Dana were also pretty obnoxious, and I'm not fond of Mr. Threehorn, either.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "If We Hold On Together," "Very Important Creature," "Always There," and "Who Needs You?"

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Imaginary Friends" is cringeworthy tbh; same goes for "Yellow Belly Bounce."

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Nothing beats the original, obviously. Out of the sequels, my favorites are VII and IV.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - XIII

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - When Littlefoot sees the vision of his mother in the clouds in the first movie
I have always liked Cera. I even like Ruby almost as much as Cera. I'm not really into the songs in this show


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character Cera, because we are almost the same
Just for the sake of funz  x(cera

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character probably Hyp

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song Eh this is hard probably Always there, never alone, best friends

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song peaceful valley

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film this one is hard probably 10, 5 and 8

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film movie 2

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment When the Gang of 5 arrived at the great valley, when they are alone on the mysterious island, or when littlefoot must make the choice to or stay with his father and leave his friends, or return with his friends to the Great Valley
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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Wait...I never answered this?? Hold on...   :sducky  :bang

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Cera, definitely!

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Probably Chomper, at least after LBT 2. He was fine in LBT 2. :)

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Other than "If We Hold On Together", I'd say Bestest Friends. It's positioned in such a pivotal point of the series and was one of the most recent truly tear-jerking moments the series had for me.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Quite a few, to be honest. :lol
Who Needs You
Good Inside
Imaginary Friends
Girls and Dads
Basically, any song that sounds like....well, those. :p

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - LBT 2 and LBT 4. LBT 3 comes in close, too. I definitely prefer the early sequels.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Oooh, an easy one! 13! :p
Okay, other than that silly movie, probably.... hmmmmmmm....
LBT 5 was pretty clunky in the opening and the second half. I didn't care for it that much.
I'd also put LBT 7 in there because of the whole "aliens are canon now" thing. Oh boy... I really wish they kept their nature mysterious rather than revealing their origins so it would parallel how we know nothing of life on other worlds. They really dropped the ball on that one IMO.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
Alright, this one is hard but when I think "LBT" and "fond memories", the first scene to come to mind is the entire sequence in LBT 2 when the Gang meets up at night, talk about being grown-ups and proceed to chase down the eggnappers. That entire scene up until the next morning is probably the most vivid in my mind and one of the first images to come to my mind when someone says "LBT".


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Most liked Land Before Time character: I'd probably say Littlefoot but I really like Chomper and Ruby too. I like his curiosity and sense of responsibility.

Least liked Land Before Time character: The Yellowbellies obviously but other than that, Tria and Tricia. I don't find any good points about Tria and I just find Tricia trying to be too cute.

Most liked Land Before Time song: After If We Hold on Together, probably Always There. I also really liked Today's the Day. Always There is melodically very nice and it's lyrics are great. Today's the Day has a great video and it begins the film excellently.

Least liked Land Before Time song: Probably Me and My Dad or Creepy Crawlies. Ugh...

Most liked Land Before Time film: I'd go with Stone of Cold Fire, after the first one of course. Very good plot and new characters.

Least liked Land Before Time film: 13 but other than that, 11. The story was kinda good but the tinysauruses and Tria destroyed it. Also, Littlefoot wasn't quite himself most of the time.

Most memorable Land Before Time moment: Hmm, the scene where the Gang finds the Rainbowfaces near the end of movie 7 and the elevator scene. For some reason that was one of the memorable moments for me. Of course there are many others.


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Haven't done this at all and I feel a little bad so here I go

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -Petrie. He's hilarious and nervous about everything. He is such a nerd though Cera has grown onto me, especially in the 5th one. I used to hate how arrogant and rude she was when I was younger but I realized she's quite the badass as I rewatched the movies.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character-I don't really dislike anyone in the franchise

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song- Oh gosh, well, I would have to say Bad Luck(too catchy) and Adventuring(another one that's an encouraging one) I can't also forget If We Hold on Together. Breathtaking

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Pretty much all of the songs in the TV series. They all just sound to repetitive to me.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film-
The first one of course and my favorite sequel its a tie between the 6th and 7th. They both had  plotlines that didn't necessarily overuse the Mysterious Beyond setting alot.  And also the 10th. They were the three that also did not have a real/serious conflict.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film-
Invasion of the Tinysauruses. I hated how everyone was against Littlefoot in this particular one and those tinysauruses was all his excuse to not be blamed :x

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -  Definitely the end scene of the original where the characters officially became the "gang of five" in the Great Valley.  The sequels, too hard to decide.

Gentle Sharptooth

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Petrie

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - For reoccurring character it would have to be Topsy or Mr. Threehorn. He moody, and really inconsistent. In LBTIII he is like the water Gestapo, but when Tria arrives he acts like teenager, and now suddenly he's back to the Original two dimensional character of Mr. grumpy pants. It's these inconsistencies of character that make me dislike him, its hard to like someone who the writers keep changing and do not keep his character development on track.  

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "It Takes All Sorts"  While definitely about diversity and dispelling prejudice, I see allusions to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 12:15-26).

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Better Off Alone" this is so inconsistent with the Land Before Time franchise, the Gang of Five has always needed each other through thick and thin. The only time this song would have worked is in the Original when Little Foot and Cera feuded and even hated each other. By now, the Gang has entered a groove and should know by now, they've survived countless perils because of each other. Ironically, this is the antithesis of my favorite song.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - "The Land Before Time: Journey of the Brave" with "Journey Through Mists" as close runner up.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - "The Land Before Time: The Stone of Coldfire" Simple, "because of aliens." (History Channel).

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - When Petrie becomes king of the diggers (LBT XIV: Journey of the Brave). Petrie has always behaved like the runt, and since the Original he has behaved like one with an inferiority complex or at least hyper insecurity and nerves. He gets so belittled and abused by family (brothers and sisters) in The Great Day of Flyers. It was refreshing to see Petrie in a more dignified, regal, and even confident persona. While certainly this borrowed from Sid the Sloth's side story with the min-sloths in "Ice Age: The Melt Down", Petrie wearing a Cesar like leaf circlet or crown is priceless.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - no competition: :)littlefoot

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Topps. In the whole series. Even after he became more "good" in last movies - his character is still faaaaar from me. And I still didn't forgive him (like I did with Cera). For me, I like him even leasr than such villains like eggstealers brothers and flyers criminals.

2.5) unique character: The most HATED so LIKED character: Original Sharptooth. what.  :rolleyes:

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "If we hold on together". No (almost) competition.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - srsl, a lot of them. I can't choose one.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Nothing can beat original. If you ask me for sequel: well... Land Before Time 5. (Land Before Time 4 is very close)

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - hmm... hmm... hmmmmm... Land Before Time 6. O_o Even with some of sequels are very very close.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - For original - Sharptooth's attack, Earthquake and Littlefoot's mother death sequence. For sequel - I would say - Littlefoot finds his father in LBT10 (since I'm very close to his character). And also: meting Chomper in island.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - It's hard to pick just one. Probably Littlefoot and Petrie.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Probably the yellow bellies. Scuttle got on my nerves a little too but he was fun at least.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -  If We Hold On Together

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Adventuring and I'm So Happy...they got really repetitive in the TV series

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The yellow belly one

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Probably watching it in the theater at about age 6


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -  Hmmm, it's a hard question, but I think if I had to pick only one, it would definitely be Ruby, followed by Ducky. I also like the sharpteeth as well.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Rhett for sure. I don't think I need to explain why...

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold On Together, also, I love the whole soundtrack of the original movie. James Horner really did knew how to compose great soundtracks, he will be missed :(

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Feel So Happy, it's just terribly overused, along with Oops Eeps and Adventuring, the former being too childish for my liking, the latter being even more overused.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The first one, of course. Nothing comes even close! :DD

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The Great Longneck Migration, I just didn't like it for some reason. Not that the 13th movie is any better....

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - When, in the first movie, Ducky finds out that no harm came to Petrie (other than being a bit soaked :p) after Sharptooth dragged him with him into the water.
"The fire flickers with possibilities, I wonder what happens if you get a little closer?"


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Most Liked Character- Littlefoot
Least Liked Character-Red Claw
Most Liked song-Peaceful valley
Least liked song-When your big
Most liked movie-10
Least liked movie-13
Most memorable moment- when Littlefoot and his Dad first met


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Quote from: Longneck3050,Sep 17 2017 on  03:50 PM
Least Liked Character-Red Claw
You hate Red Claw more than the Yellow Bellies?
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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Quote from: Hypnobrai,Sep 17 2017 on  09:51 PM
Quote from: Longneck3050,Sep 17 2017 on  03:50 PM
Least Liked Character-Red Claw
You hate Red Claw more than the Yellow Bellies?

Edit: btw...

10. LBT 1 (Yes, you won't believe it)
why, I believe...
*points the next prey for Tyran Sharptooth. And grabs big scissors I got as birthday present, comes after Sharptooth*


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immature me in 2015
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - I'm a mainstream Littlefoot fan. He's brave, clever, and loveable :)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Ozzy. He's a jerk, doesn't care about the feelings and/or personality of his own brother. He's violent, short-tempered and stupid.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Dinosaur! His tail was swift as lighting!
Dinosaur! His heart was brave and pure!
Dinosaur! Whenever times were frightening. Call his name and he'd be there for sure.
Lone dinosaur.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - The mad song from the Big Freeze.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The first one of course. ^^

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - I watched at least 3 times both The day of the flyers and the attack of the little longnecks and I still have no idea what they were about, so I'd guess they are, but honestly, I love them all ^^

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - In the first movie when Littlefoot is about to give up, but follows the fading memory of his mother through some rocks and the light starts shining over the area below which reveals to be the great valley. Tears everytime T_T


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - That's obvious: Littlefoot. Ducky and Chomper are tied for #2.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - It's a toss-up between Rhett and Hyp, and I doubt I have to explain why.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - This is kind of a tough one since I'm the one lone hipster who actually likes LBT music, but I'd have to go with Beyond the Mysterious Beyond

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - OOPS EEPS!!! :bang
As for my least favorite sequel (not TV series) song, I'd have to go with either Imaginary Friend, The Mad Song, or Say So.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Definitely the original

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Wisdom of Friends. Another thing that makes me kind of a maverick in the fandom is the fact that I really don't hate that one. Still, it's solidly my least favorite

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - That's a tough one for me, but right now the Gang finding the Great Valley springs to my mind
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 01:56:37 AM by Littlefoot505 »


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I probably should have done this last month, but here I go!

1. Most liked Land Before Time character: Petrie! Obviously! Right next to Ducky, of course, being the sweetest of them all, but Petrie was always my favorite by just a bit because of his character traits, and the fact that some of them even develop as the series has progressed.

2. Least liked Land Before Time character: That would have to be Topps. From the first time I watched the first movie, I immediately looked at him with disdain because of how racist he tends to be. I could never stand his arrogance, and I guess he's the reason why I also used to look down on Cera for a while before I got over that.

3. Most liked Land Before Time song: "If We Hold On Together" and "We Will Always Be Your Friends."

4. Least liked Land Before Time song: I'm not very fond of the TV series using repetitive tunes, even with different lyrics. It just gets old very quickly. If I watch an episode on YouTube, I basically just skip the songs! LOL!

5. Most liked Land Before Time film: The first film, and the Stone of Cold Fire. I was almost going to say the Great Day of the Flyers, but that would probably lead you all to say that I'm Petrie-biased, and besides, it was pretty slow-paced, so it didn't quite make the cut here.

6. Least liked Land Before Time film: Wisdom of Friends. It was so bad that I didn't even bother to finish it.

7. Most memorable Land Before Time moment: Hmm, ... well, ... one moment that sticks out in my mind is the Gang finding the Great Valley at the end of the first film. I always get classic dinosaur vibes every time I watch that scene! It makes me feel like a kid again!
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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This has been on the back burner for too long.

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -
It's probably a tie between Littlefoot and Chomper. Ruby is the fast runner up.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -
Dil & Ichy. While I find Ozzy and Strut's banter to be really funny I find Dil and Ichy's to be obnoxious. It's disappointing because I like the story behind the 4th movie but these villains kinda curb my enjoyment. I should mention that there are other characters that on their own I like less but they're in episodes or movies that I already dislike for other reasons as well.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -
Bestest Friends for the movies. LBT 10 was the first new movie I watched after getting back into LBT. At that point I was still pretty unenthusiastic about the songs so I was completely off guard when this song showed up at the very end of the movie and blew me away.

Remembering for the TV series. Star Day Celebration was easily one of the standout episodes of the season. My whole attitude towards Ruby changed from indifferent to intrigued thanks in part to this song. I actually also like Feel so Happy in this episode as well because it seems to fit with the story (and the fact that it was the first time I heard the song).

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -
Who Needs You is up there. I'm not a fan of the characters so I guess it stands that I'm not a fan of their song either.

For the TV series, probably the version of Feel so Happy that Doc sings as well. That's just...yikes. :sducky

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -
Like everyone else the first one is my favourite but for the sake of variety I'm going to exclude it from the list. I'd probably have to go with LBT 5 as I've had the most memorable moments with that movie.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -
Wisdom of Friends, but like my favourite movie I'm going to exclude this from the list as well. I would say it comes down to a tie between Invasion of the Tinysauruses and Secret of Saurus Rock. Both had characters I didn't like. Dinah and Danah were annoying and I wasn't a fan of the concept of Tinysauruses.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
   While these aren't necessarily moments within the movies themselves, they're memorable moments that I've had related to LBT.

   The first one was right around when 5 came out and walking into a Walmart and seeing a cardboard cut out of Chomper to advertise it's release. I loved Chomper in 2 so I was so happy to find out he was returning. I must have begged my mom to buy the movie. As far as I remember that was the most excited in terms of LBT.

   The next one was several years later when I was in grade 7 or 8 and got back into LBT again. It all started when a friend was over at my house and we randomly decided to watch the first LBT and I had forgotten how good it was. After that we decided to watch the rest of them (well at least up to 8 that I had on VHS). We got around to watching them one night when we had a sleep over and we got up to 4 for the night. My friend insisted that I wake him up at 6am so we can watch 5 bright and early and I agreed. 6 am rolled around so I woke him up and put the movie on. Within minutes my friend has passed out and won't wake up so I ended up watching the whole movie by myself. As soon as I finished he waked up and asked if I would watch it again. So I rewound the movie (the good old days of having to rewind movies :p ) and watched it a second time.

In more recent times it was pretty surreal watching LBT14 for the first time. After nearly a decade since 13 I never imagined watching a new movie. Probably the most nostalgic part about it was hearing all the familiar music used. I remember being excited when the classic danger music played for the sharptooth escape.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character -

Cera or Ducky. Can't choose because i really liked both of them. Chomper also comes pretty close.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character -

Either Mo or the Gang of Three: Hyp, Mutt and Nod

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song -

If We Hold On Together (some of the sequel ones are pretty nice too)

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song -

Don't have any hated songs, but again from the sequels just seem unnecessary for me.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film -

The original (along with the sequels 2-5)

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film -

Part IX

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -

The Earthshake scene from the first film, because i remembered that scene vividly despite not seeing the movie for 15+ years. Otherwise, the one when the Gang finds the Great Valley. (it was really beautiful)
Long-lost LBT fan.

Sergeant Burker

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1. It's definitely between Petrie, Pterano, Wild Arms, Spike, Chomper, Doc, and Mr. Threehorn.
2. None to be exact. They're all good in my opinion.
3. Beyond the Mysterious Beyond and Eggs.
4. None. All good.
6. There is no bad one(Yes, XIII is good to me).
7. The Rescue from the Mountains That Burn, LBT 1.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 09:03:40 AM by Sergeant Burker »
How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!