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Top 10 favorite favorite songs

Ptyra · 9 · 1726


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Heh. Kinda like Rat-Lady's Top 10's in the character section. But songs instead of characters. Favorites...NOW!

For mine, my boyfriend and I have only watched 1, 4, 6-twenty minutes of 12. We'll finish the last two, then get 2, 3, 5 when we find them. So my list is incomplete for now.

10. Very Important Creature- Simply because I LOVE the self-esteem boost. That and it's Michael York's second song in about...31 years XD. (The first one being "The Guru". It made since in that one because he was a pop star. Lol, in his autobiography he called it a "strange little ditty")
9. Beyond the Mysterious Beyond- Intro to aliens, but it is quite a pretty song. My mom actually thinks of this song when it comes to The Land Before Time. Probably because I watched 7 a bazillion times when I was little XD . But you'd think that the female rainbow face-alien would know better than to say "rariest"
8. Remembering- It's short and sweet. Better than other series songs.
7. Grandma's Lullaby- I sang along with this one when I watched 4 with my boyfriend.
6.Always There
5. Best Friends-I have a feeling that my boyfriend and I will have to part ways again in two years. So, I plan on doing a video composition of our times together and sing this song as the music. It's pretty sad for me to think about since we're pretty tight together. I think of it as "our song". We got teary during the actual part of the movie.
4. If We Hold On Together Diana Ross version)- Well...what LBT fan in their right mind wouldn't like this song?!
3. If We Hold On Together (Cast version)- Ha. This was at the end of the original Sing Along Songs video. I love that version.
2. No One Has to Be Alone (Donny Osmond version)- It's great ear candy, but there's something about the movie version that I like better.
1. No One Has to Be Alone (Cast version)- This one has so much more spirit than the other one in my opinion...and the music is much nicer.

Boy, I gotta watch the three I'm missing before I can go and revise my character lists.


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1. If We Hold On Together (Diana Ross; the original)
2. Always There (LBT5; one of few references Littlefoot's mother)
3. It Takes All Sorts (LBT4; just a good natured song all around)
4. Kids Like Us (LBT3; Littlefoot at his best!)
5. Peaceful Valley (LBT2; sums up their attitudes perfectly for it probably being one week, tops, after the end of the orignal! :lol )
6. Grandma's Lullaby (LBT 4; for anyone who had a front row seat as a relative passed on, this song is very poignant.)

That's about it for the top most songs for me. Yeah, you can tell I favor the Roy Allen Smith years.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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1. If We Hold On Together (LBT1)
2. When You're Big (LBT3)
3. Who Needs You (LBT4)
4. Eggs (LBT2)
5. Kids Like Us (LBT3)
6. Standing Tough (LBT3)
7. Big Water (LBT5)
8. You're One of Us Now (LBT2)
9. Peaceful Valley (LBT2)
10. Friends For Dinner (LBT5)


  • Cera
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1. If We Hold On Together (LBT I)
2. Always There (LBT V)
3. No One Has To Be Alone (LBT IX)
4. Bestest Friends (LBT X)
5. Family (LBT VIII)
6. It Takes All Sorts (LBT IV)
7. Kids Like Us (LBT III)
8. Grandma's Lullaby (LBT IV)
9. Beyond the Mysterious Beyond (LBT VII)
10. Things Change (LBT XII)


  • Ducky
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1. Peaceful Valley(Such a cute and uplifting song. For me it's very nostalgic and reminds me of how things were so much simpler back when I was just a little guy)

2. Eggs(The sheer silliness of it is just great!)

3. You're One of Us Now(A cute song for one of the cutest animated characters around. What more needs to be said?)

4. Friends for Dinner(Oh, the irony in this song is just so perfect! On top of that, it's Chomper's first time singing!)

5. Standing Tough(A rock song? In an LBT movie? Pinch me! I must be dreaming!)

6. Lone Dinosaur(I know many people don't like this song. For me, it's sort of a love/hate song. I mean I hate country music but geez is this song catchy. On top of that, it's just hilarious to hear Littlefoot describe Sharpteeth as "varmints"  :lol  YEEHAW!  )

7. If We Hold On Together(I like this song but at the same time, I don't like listening to it often. Don't get me wrong; it's a very good song but I just feel so depressed after listening to it)

8. Who Needs You?(I just laugh so much when I listen to this song! "You're ugly as sin, just a scraggly bag of skin." "I need you like a kick in the butt" I love the insults Dil and Itchy throw at each other)

9.No One Has to Be Alone(Both versions are really sweet, truthful songs. Beautiful lyrics, well sung and to top it off, it was written by Donny Osmond)

10. Bestest Friends(Just like If We Hold on Together, I don't like listening to this one too often, even though it's one of my favorites. The reason is because whenever I hear it, it makes me think of all the friends I've had to say goodbye to and have never seen again. Yet, it also reminds me that those friends, even if I never see them again, I'll always remember them and hopefully, they'll always remember me)

By the way, Ptyra, there was a version of If We Hold on Together sung by the cast?


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Just Cera and Ducky. It was at the very end of the original Sing Along Songs (which I had waaaaaaaaaaaay before 6 and 7, so it was my only LBT source, other than my friends who had the original). Lol, I HATED "Eggs" when I was little because it annoyed me...and my younger brother loved it.


  • Ducky
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1.If We hold on Together
3.Kids like us
4.Always there
5.Friends for dinner; I'm not quite sure why I like this but it's the song that my sister loves and it's nice to share that with her as she doesn't like LBT.
6.No one has to be alone both versions; interestingly enough this song because it's one of the songs that my Mum associates with.  Perhaps it's down to the fact that Donny Osmond sings it and she loves him.;)
7.Bestest Friends.

That's about it.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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5. Standing Tough(A rock song? In an LBT movie? Pinch me! I must be dreaming!)

You're awake! Ah, this was before 5, which was when things started going downhill. At this point, it looked like the series had a very interesting future ahead, but 5-13 and the tv series proved that to be wrong.

Why can't we have more rock songs, ballads, and orchestral broadway-style songs in LBT?

Littlefoot fan 1990

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Top 10 Favorite Land Before Time songs

Land Before Time I - If We Hold On Together
Land Before Time II - Eggs
Land Before Time III - Kids Like Us
Land Before Time IV - Who Needs You? (the only song in Land Before Time 4 I can stand and don't care if it sticks in my head)
Land Before Time V - Always There (tear-jerker)
Land Before Time VIII - Family
Land Before Time X - Bestest Friends (cast version and end credits version)
Land Before Time XII - Things Change
Land Before Time XIII - How Do You Know?

 :wave  :)  :p  :smile  :yes