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Your Thoughts on the LBT Villain Songs


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When the villain steps in to sing their evil plot, we just know it's going to rock and be quite enjoyable for the few minutes it's around.  Land Before Time is no acceptation with this.  I find them all to be quite enjoyable.  In fact, back then, I watched the earlier sequels just to listen to these songs.  I didn't care about the plot or anything, I just wanted to listen to the song the villain was going to sing.  It's just a shame there aren't more, because you all know just how good Villain Songs are. (Listen to anything Disney can offer and you've got the best.)

So, for this topic, give your thoughts on the ones The Land Before Time has.

I'll list them and so you can't get lost on which ones I'm talking about.

From The Land Before Time 2: Eggs

From The Land Before Time 3: When You're Big (Hyp is the real antagonist for the third movie.  Those Sharpteeth are just there to create some suspense.)

From The Land Before Time 4: Who Needs You

From The Land Before Time 7: Very Important Creature

From The Land Before Time 8: The Mad Song (We all know Cera is the real antagonist in The Big Freeze.  She helped turn Ducky against Spike.  That Sharptooth in the middle of it all isn't even worthy of being called a carnivore.)

Gee, we only have 5?  Such a shame. :(


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I don't think the songs that the villains sing in lbt have as much of an impact as the Disney songs do. Think of Hellfire from the hunchback of the notre dame, or be prepared from Lion king... Those are tons better than anything in LBT I can even think of.

I must say I like 'Very important creature', but in my eyes Pterano wasn't really a villain (moreso his two partners). 'We are big' also comes close to being a villain song, showing that they really do want to hurt littlefoot and the others... But the other songs are made for pure entertainment and do not hold any evil or angry text in it.

In my opinion, the creators of the land before time sequels didn't do very well with the Villain songs. I love the land before time, but the songs are a minor addition, nothing like Disney in which they explain like half of the story line.


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Protagonist? Don't you mean antagonist? Protagonists are the main character(s) ; antagonists are the opposing force.

Personally I don't consider Cera as the antagonist of LBT 8. While yes she did "help turn Ducky against Spike", from what I recall Cera said that she was only trying to help Ducky express her feelings; in the end it was Ducky who took Cera's advice too far, so in a way Ducky could be considered the real antagonist of LBT 8. But I don't think she is; personally I think it's the weather itself that's the true antagonist of the movie (yes weather can be considered an antagonist; an opposing force need not be alive).

Now as for the songs, I do still kind of like Who Needs You. It's the only LBT sequel song I can still tolerate. Not sure why, though.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 24 2010 on  09:43 AM
Protagonist? Don't you mean antagonist? Protagonists are the main character(s) ; antagonists are the opposing force.
Thank you!  The correction has been made. :)

Anyways, I really don't find much of it too special, but I must really comment on the song "Eggs".

I have actually done a bit of research on this and have found "Eggs" to be THE most listened to Land Before Time Song on YouTube.  Yes, despite the fact that the scene this song comes from is banned, people have gone through the trouble of making/downloading an MP3 of the song, do their own little thing with it (Be it a still frame, putting in lyrics or doing a custom video with it.) and posted that on YouTube so everyone can listen to it.  From there, the views just suddenly skyrocket when compared to all the other LBT Songs.  The public finds it THAT good.

Why?  I don't know to be honest.  Maybe it's the catchy tune of the song.  Maybe it's who sings it. (Jeff Bennet, who voiced Brain from Pinky and the Brain.) However, I think the most likely reason has to be the lyrics.  I have found people to just crack up at the word "Eggsactly".  There's also the fact that this song has THE harshest phrase to ever come out of The Land Before Time Universe.  In fact, I could name it right now. :)

"You leaf-loving, bush-burping, stem-smelling, garden-gorging, plant-popping, tree-tasting, dirt-devouring beast!"

And people absolutely love it. :D

To be honest, this song easily gets stuck in my head, despite the fact that it doesn't reach the Top 10 on my list. :)

Other than that, I really don't care much for them. -_-

It's just that they're too darn catchy! :P:


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I gotta say Very Important Creature was highly amusing. Michael York is NOT an actor who sings. In fact, this was is second out of two! And they were almost forty years apart at that! The first was in 1969's "The Guru" which it made since for him to have a song, since he was a pop star. I haven't heard the song, but he included the lyrics in his autobiography.

The temple bells over the water
The cows and the holy men
The sound of the sitar
The smell of incense
The dust and the flies
I don't know why it is so
But I feel
It's strange but
I feel
Let me stay
Let me learn
Let me listen

"Odd little song" indeed. I guess the other thing that amuses me about Very Important Creature is how hilariously different it is "Tom's Boat Song" . That and there was a whooole lot of aging between the two movies. Michael York almost had a song in Great Expectations, but he didn't since he was known to be a non-singing actor. I imagine the poor man was running out of breath throughout Very Important XD . Especially at that last bit where he had to hold it!

The Friendly Sharptooth

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"Eggs"- I think that song reflects Ozzie in both a good and bad way. The bad is, clearly, Ozzie forcing upon Strut what he thinks is best. He's not showing any consideration for what Strut wants. He is trying to get Strut eggs, so isn't being selfish, he's being self-centered. The brotherly bond is focused on what Ozzie thinks is best. He's being controlling, but not withholding. Even though Ozzie is working so hard on something for the two of them, it's only burdening Strut because it isn't what Strut wants. Trying to get something for someone is nice, but if it's not what they want, the end result isn't nice at all.

The good I'd say is Ozzie's mindset. Just like Pterano trying to do what he thought was best for the valley in VII, and Cera trying to help Ducky in VIII, the unfortunate actions were backed up with pure intent. Ozzie thinks green food is detestable. He thinks eggs are great. He is trying to get eggs for both of them, so he is doing what he thinks is in his brother's best interest. Controlling, forceful, blunt, rude, and so on, but if he didn't care about his brother at all, if his heart held nothing for Strut, he wouldn't have focused so hard on getting him what he thought would be best.

“When You’re Big”- It seems to me that Hyp lacks any sort of control in his family. He doesn’t things out with his father; his father’s word is law. He even cowered before him near the end. I think that song just shows the lack of balance in his life. Sure, he does what he wants when his father isn’t around to see, but when he’s there, he is feared into submission. Hyp reminds me of Cera. When she’s with her father, there is this hint of rebellion, like Hyp when he scowled at his father, but there tends to be meekness. When the parents are away, they do as they please. Just like Hyp went off into the Mysterious Beyond when he wasn’t supposed to in III, Cera went to the new water when she wasn’t supposed to in IX. If Hyp was Littlefoot’s young friend, and Cera was the teen-figure, I could just as easily see her sing that song.

Littlefoot has had a big influence on Cera, which is why I think she isn’t like Hyp had become. It may be hard to see Cera act like Hyp did, but on the reverse, it didn’t seem likely that Hyp would become kind, but Littlefoot got through to him too. The equation I see when I hear that song is: Cera minus Littlefoot. Cera acted just like Hyp in I, at the beginning and middle. Going even deeper, if Littlefoot’s mother hadn’t died, and Littlefoot hadn’t had the need to go off and meet other kinds like her, I think we’d have a young Hyp. Hyp’s friends do what he wants, while Cera’s friend Littlefoot keeps her in line. In short, when I hear this song, I think to myself how grateful Cera should be that she had companionship to stop that mindset from taking over her as well.

“Who Needs You?”- I must say, one of the lines really makes me laugh, as it contradicts the soul of “The Land Before Time.” Ichy sings, “I need you like a cold in July.” A bit humorous to find mention of a time increment in a show that takes place before time itself. Ah well. I guess Ichy didn’t get the memo. Let me see what I can do. (Whispers) “Hey Ichy, this is supposed to be the land before time. July isn’t supposed to exist yet. Just thought I’d let you know for future reference.” “Well excuse me! ëI need you like a cold during meals.” There, ya happy?” “Well, that doesn’t rhy-” (He glares at me.) “Yes, quite happy. Thank you for your time.” (I turn to leave, then stop.) “By the way, it doesn’t make sense that you call it the sun but everyone else calls it the Bright Circle.” (Runs as Ichy sicks Dil on me.)

“Very Important Creature”- That song pretty much validates his heart. “They think we mean to do them harm, but we only want what’s best.” He’s like the thief that steals to feed his family. He uses his means to justify his ends. He has a white heart inside a dark body; he commits foul deeds for a noble cause. He reminds me of Cera in a way. It’s minor, but, you know how he feels superior to others, Cera sang a line in XII that shows the same thing. During “One of Kind,” she sings, “Doesn’t he know? Can’t he see? The best Three Horn in the valley is me!” So I think Cera and Pterano both have that complex of being better than others. Pterano was following his inner map to good, but his conceitedness steered him down the wrong path.

“The Mad Song”- Gosh, I really see this song like a cup of clear water, alongside a dropper with black ink. At first, the water is beautiful, crystal-clear. The someone picks up the dropper and starts letting drops of ink slowly fall then dissolve into the water. That was a very-sad-to-watch display of corruption. “What if I start to feel better?” “No, you hold your grudge until they grovel.” Wow. There are much more wholesome ways to let out anger than wearing it on your shoulders. Talking to the person about it, running around, taking deep breaths and try to relax, punching something soft, but firm, and so on. Showing your anger blatantly to all around you and being mean is no way to handle it. Ducky cannot handle releasing her anger; she lacks control. She originally intended for it just to be toward Spike, but she couldn’t suppress Cera’s teachings and ended up being rude to her mother as well. Sure, Spike was getting on her nerves, but that’s what happens when you have siblings.

Fortunately, Cera’s influence was shown to have washed away in the very next movie. It showed Ducky’s new, self-taught manner of handling anger- laughing. Yep, after VIII, in IX, Spike splattered Ducky and she clearly wasn’t happy about it. Spike looked nervous, almost as if he was remembering the situation from the valley’s snowstorm, but Ducky just laughed it off. For this reason, I have long believed VIII and IX aren’t too far apart, but that, and the reasoning I just gave to support it, is all pure speculation. And that concludes my thoughts about the songs.


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Eggs would have to be my favorite. It's just funny and has some cool background music. Very important Creature is cool too. I like the melody and I like Pterano, Rinkus, and Sierra so it was cool to hear them sing. And it didn't dissapoint me. :D

Kron the Iguanadon

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Alright, I'm not all exited to about writing this down but it will haunt me forever if i don't. Here goes...

When i saw "The mad song" on the list initially i thought it was intended as a joke. Ithink it's really just a fun song and I was thinking "oh dear what are they going to do next, put 'Tough' on the list? (Which is also great, by the way.)

But then I saw the words, "We all know Cera is the real antagonist of Big Freeze---she helped turn Ducky against Spike".

No, we don't all know. The way I saw it, it was resolved that Cera was totally innocent. Here's the lines I'm talkin 'bout.

Ducky (upon reuniting with her friends):I am so happy to see you, yep yep yep. Cept you.
Cera: Huh?
Ducky: This is all your fault. You told me to be angry at Spike and now look what has happened.
Cera: Me? But I just told you to express your feelings.
Ducky: (sighs) I know...and my feelings are mad. I'm sorry. I do not want to be mad at you either. I do not like being mad, no, no, no.

So what's the deal, then? This song shouldn't be on the list, it isn't even on the wiki. I'm surprised more people haven't commented about this.

I still have a little more to say. Please do not take this offensively, Friendly Sharptooth, I don't want to upset you or anything, it's just me comparing my opinions to yours. I'll do it as kindly as I can.

Your review of the mad song was, I'm sorry, a bit of overanalyzation. You described it as such:

Gosh, I really see this song like a cup of clear water, alongside a dropper with black ink. At first, the water is beautiful, crystal-clear. The someone picks up the dropper and starts letting drops of ink slowly fall then dissolve into the water. That was a very-sad-to-watch display of corruption.

While i suppose that it could be seen in such a negative perspective, I personally see it in a much more positive light. I see this song as a cool, worked up number that's real fun to listen to, even if it's a little unnerving (dare I mention how much it contasts to listening to to a narrator for three minutes and then listening to Mr. Thicknose drone on? or how Cera's face looked at some moments?). It had some really funny moments in it for sure, like the screaming part at the end, and Mr. Threehorn's line:

Mr. Threehorn: Oh, she's mad at somebody all right!

Oh, and who could forget this?

Cera: Pretend you are a sharptooth!
Ducky: I could pretend I am your dad!


Cera and Ducky also harmonized nicely during the line, "When you're mad inside you, and it's bad inside you, you gotta let what's inside out!" They're completely right on that note---it's sure isn't nice to hold your anger in! You just wanna make sure you let it out the right way.  ;)

There are much more wholesome ways to let out anger than wearing it on your shoulders. Talking to the person about it, running around, taking deep breaths and try to relax, punching something soft, but firm, and so on.

Good thinking. Also you could try listening to loud, rowdy music; I'd choose Alanis Morrisette! ;)

Showing your anger blatantly to all around you and being mean is no way to handle it.

I would like to point out, though, that when we are mad, we are not thinking clearly and at the moment would much rather do just that then handle it by trying some of the wiser ideas you suggested. I know that's completely wrong, but hey, it's a lot easier to do,  and I admit I often do so when I'm angry. Which, unfortunately, happens to me a lot.

I don't mean to sound offensive to your opinions, but I feel that you're seeing Cera as too much of a villian. She wasn't doing any of this to make Ducky a "villian"; she never thought of these as bad ideas. Maybe it's just cause that I can relate to her because I'm a person who's had severe anger issues (I even have an anger crease between my nose and forehead), whereas from the sounds of it, Friendly Sharptooth, you're a person who can control your anger. I admire you for that.  :)

Ducky cannot handle releasing her anger; she lacks control.

Which is why it's quite interesting, I think, to see her trying to do so. It's what made LBT 8, which was not  the worst LBT film but certainly not the best---so interesting. I'd also like to add that Petrie is no better---did you see the way he blamed all his friends in LBT 7, or how when they were all blaming Littlefoot in LBT 7 he started blaming Spike?

She originally intended for it just to be toward Spike, but she couldn’t suppress Cera’s teachings and ended up being rude to her mother as well

In Ducky's defense Mama Swimmer wasn't exactly helping her daughter by going on about Spike being with his new family. I'm not saying it was right of her to snap at her mom, but, Mama Swimmer didn't need to say something she probably knew would upset her daughter. (Just so you know, I do love Mama Swimmer and am not trying to blame her or anything.)

"Sure, Spike was getting on her nerves, but that’s what happens when you have siblings."

Spike did unjustly get credit in class for something he didn't do, right? And he did eat Ducky's treestars and keep her awake with his snoring and in the end she was like, "You can make all the sleepy noises you want!" I'm not trying to scapegoat Spike or anything, but I don't think he should just get off like that for things that annoy/bother Ducky. Sure, she said she wouldn't mind his snoring, but she was really glad to have him back at the moment and sometimes when we're  really happy we might say things we well...won't exactly feel the same about later.

well...I've really wandered off from discussing the song.

All in all, it was a fun and well choreographed song and I think you're turning it into something worse then it really is. It's not my favorite song, but I do like it and am not gonna let others peoples opinions about it to affect how I feel about it. Nor do I want my opinion to let other people affect how they feel about it. But, Friendly Sharptooth (and i'm not by any means asking you to do this) I do think you could focus a whole lot less on the negative of this song---seeing it as a sad-to-watch display of corruption---and instead kick back and enjoy it as it is---a fun, worked up song done by the talented Anndi and Aria! :)

Oh, I also want to comment on that last bit.

Fortunately, Sarah's influence was shown to have washed away by the next movie.

More like predictably, or "as promised"... Ducky said she would never get mad at Spike again at the end of 8, so I think it would have been quite interesting, I think, to see her break this promise in movie 9 and show more of her dark side, which she rarely see. But:

It showed Ducky’s new, self-taught manner of handling anger- laughing. Yep, after VIII, in IX, Spike splattered Ducky and she clearly wasn’t happy about it. Spike looked nervous, almost as if he was remembering the situation from the valley's snowstorm, but Ducky just laughed it off

A big disapointment for those, like me, who'd like to see more of Ducky's darker side (which I believe there are quite a few) but great for anyone who never wants Ducky be anyone but the sweet, adorable swimmer we know.

But like I pointed out earlier, Ducky shouldn't have just let Spike get off scott free like that by lauhing. She could have just calmly said, "Spike, I do not like it when you splash mud on me, no, no, no." That would have solved everything. What Spike did was fairly minor, but I don't think Ducky should have just been in denial about it. What she did here wasn't that much of an improvement from where she was at the beginning of LBT 8, in my opinion.

For this reason, I have long believed 8 and 9 aren't too far apart

Seriously no offense, but (laughs) since when has any land before time  movie not been far apart? The characters never age!

Long story short, I think "The Mad song" is just a fun song---someone even compared the second verse to a workout video :)---about how to be mad that helped move the story along. It brings back a few memories (i remember my little sister dancing to this song and putting her hands on her hips when Sarah said, "Put your hands on your hips. Shoulders straight") and doesn't deserve as heavy of criticism as people are giving it. Sure, it may get the wrong message across, but a lot of us know better then to listen to what a cartoon character says. (By the way, Friendly Sharptooth, I liked how you listed all those ideas of how to get anger out.)  Sarah admittedly even saved the day with her sonic boom voice in the end, so she really isn't the villian after all.

On a last note, Friendly Sharptooth, I'd just like to say that I've tried to say everything I wanted about how I felt about your review of "The Mad Song" and how I feel about the song in general without sounding offensive towards your opinions. If I did say something that bothered you, though, just tell me and I'll be fine. And again, I'm not asking you to feel the same way I feel about this song. As long as we respect each others' opinions it's all cool with me.  ;)

Whew, that felt good to let out. And yes, if I do say so myself, I did it the right way. :)

And to everyone---fans and critics alike---of this song, here's a really funny parody of it!

Enjoy! :) ;)  ;)


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Haha, I kind of agree with mumbling a bit, the song additions were more like adding a sing-along more than to turn the plot of the story.  However the "eggs" song from (2 I think?) always kinda made me laugh and facepalm.


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Yeah I agree that The Mad Song isn't really a "villain" song at all, and Cera wasn't really the antagonist. Cera's intentions were not to turn Ducky against Spike, but to help her express her feelings. Cera knows a lot about anger at this point and how to deal with it, and she was just telling Ducky how to, based on what she knows. The only mistake Cera made was not realizing that her way of dealing with emotion may not be for Ducky. People deal with emotion in different ways, and Cera's way was so different from what Ducky was used to that she didn't know how to properly follow her advice.

If Cera really had intended on Ducky turning against Spike, wouldn't she have made mention of that later? When Ducky accused her, Cera could have said, "Well I thought I was doing the right thing" or "I was only trying to help you", but she doesn't. She pretty much says that Ducky went too far, and Cera looked shocked and confused when Ducky said it was her fault. She didn't have a look of absolute guilt that she would have gotten when she realizes she did something wrong. In this case, it was Ducky who was in the wrong. She took Cera's advice way too far, so it is her fault, not Cera's.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Oct 28 2011 on  10:19 AM
Yeah I agree that The Mad Song isn't really a "villain" song at all, and Cera wasn't really the antagonist. Cera's intentions were not to turn Ducky against Spike, but to help her express her feelings. Cera knows a lot about anger at this point and how to deal with it, and she was just telling Ducky how to, based on what she knows. The only mistake Cera made was realizing that her way of dealing with emotion may not be for Ducky. People deal with emotion in different ways, and Cera's way was so different from what Ducky was used to that she didn't know how to properly follow her advice.

If Cera really had intended on Ducky turning against Spike, wouldn't she have made mention of that later? When Ducky accused her, Cera could have said, "Well I thought I was doing the right thing" or "I was only trying to help you", but she doesn't. She pretty much says that Ducky went too far, and Cera looked shocked and confused when Ducky said it was her fault. She didn't have a look of absolute guilt that she would have gotten when she realizes she did something wrong. In this case, it was Ducky who was in the wrong. She took Cera's advice way too far, so it is her fault, not Cera's.
I agree with DH here.  In addition, I think it's just easier for fans to scapegoat Cera based on her way of handling anger.  It seems like, in our society, we are taught that it is unacceptable to express anger, especially females.  It seems like we're just expected to be a bunch of internalizers.  Internalizing anger is much worse for you than blowing off steam (preferably in appropriate places like your car or house).  It is perhaps the top cause of chronic disease in our society.  If these two were to never change their types of anger management and grow older I would bet that Cera would outlive Ducky 'cuz she would be healthier internally, in my opinion.  I really don't see why expression of anger is as taboo as we make it out to be, when in fact it's a natural feeling and none of us are exempt from it :rolleyes.

This is coming from a former internalizer.  I used to internalize all my negative feelings, 'cuz I had learned at an early age anger was unacceptable to express.  Then one day, during my teen years, I got into a major argument and held my feelings in.  Next I knew, I was in the ER due to a health scare.  My family and I thought I was starting to have a heart attack, for I had this terrible chest pain that wouldn't go away, and weak vital signs.  It was determined to be stress-related, and nothing harmful was found.  I was advised to handle my anger better, but I didn't learn my lesson until I developed panic disorder.  After taking sessions with an expert in managing anger and other negative feelings, it went away almost overnight.  I haven't had an anxiety attack for years now, and I feel much healthier and better about myself.  Unlike Cera, I cry to let out my anger when exerise alone won't help, but hey, whatever works.  Better than holding it all in :yes.  

My bottom line is, those who express anger shouldn't receive such a bad rep.  I agree that Cera can get a little outta line at times, and if she just had a little bit of a stronger hold on her temper and directed it elsewhere beside others, she would be on the right path of anger management :idea.  That's just my two cents, though, and sorry if I got us off topic :p.


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I admit I tend to hold things inside a lot, though I do find ways to let out my anger. I usually vent online if I must, or I'll write something, play a game, etc. Lately I've been going to the gym and one of the things I do is bounce a medicine ball. That's great for relieving tension.

I know and understand that Cera can do some bad things. But deep down, she isn't really that bad of a person. I doubt she would ever consider deliberately trying to break the bond between Ducky and Spike. They're two of her closest friends. They had both, along with Petrie and Littlefoot, had helped her in the past, even saving her from dangerous domeheads (or whatever they're called in the LBT world). So why would she want to risk losing their friendship on purpose?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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(Hyp is the real antagonist for the third movie. Those Sharpteeth are just there to create some suspense.)

Are Nodd and Mutt too?


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I'm not entirely sure if they were true antagonists. They just did what Hyp told them to do. Left on their own, they probably weren't that interested in bothering Littlefoot and his friends. My guess is Hyp was sort of a "cool kid" to them and they wanted to be "cool" to so they did what he told them to do, even if they didn't agree with it.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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That Sharptooth in the middle of it all isn't even worthy of being called a carnivore.)

No sharptooth after 6 except the lioplerudon, the king of the belly draggers in 10, and those in the movie 7 flashback are. Darn.


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I feel that they should just omit the songs completely.  The original was not only a movie for kids, but also for the older generation.  The songs in the newer series just add more of a "toddler" movie than a "family" movie.  So with the villian songs, I really am against it.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Gee, we only have 5? Such a shame. sad.gif

Correction: Only 4 since "Mad" isn't a villian song by any means.

Most of them were made when Roy Allan Smith made the films. That guy knew how to make LBT sequels.

From The Land Before Time 3: When You're Big (Hyp is the real antagonist for the third movie. Those Sharpteeth are just there to create some suspense.)

Was it his fault that the water was drying up though? (The main conflict of the movie)

Personally I don't consider Cera as the antagonist of LBT 8. While yes she did "help turn Ducky against Spike", from what I recall Cera said that she was only trying to help Ducky express her feelings; in the end it was Ducky who took Cera's advice too far, so in a way Ducky could be considered the real antagonist of LBT 8. But I don't think she is; personally I think it's the weather itself that's the true antagonist of the movie (yes weather can be considered an antagonist; an opposing force need not be alive).

Neither do I. :) I assume we are in the majority here since this idea was actually established untrue in the exchange between Ducky and Cera later on. Whoever wrote the thing about us "all knowing she is the villian" is probably a Cera-hater or doesn't remember 8 well enough. I don't really like the idea of Ducky being the antagonist---sweet adorable Ducky, the villian of the film? :blink: But I like your idea about the weather being the antagonist of movie 8. I completely agree with you on it and am interested to see what else we may have in common. :)


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I can see why some may see Hyp as the true antagonist of LBT 3. While he didn't cause the water to dry up, he was harassing Littlefoot and the others, even going as far as threaten to kill them (what else could "make sure you never grow up" mean?).

As for weather being an antagonist, I learned this in english class. We were taught that the definition of antagonist is "the opposing force or forces of a story". By this definition, anything that is a force against the main character(s) is an antagonist. But an antagonist doesn't really need to be evil, though they can be (just like an antagonist doesn't need to be alive). An antagonist can also be the protagonist (an example would be Death Note).

There are movies I heard of in which contain a weather antagonist, such as The Day After Tomorrow, Absolute Zero, and Twister.


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I don't think Hyp was a villain. A villain is an evil character and an antagonist is an oppositional force to the protagonist, but the antagonist could be a good guy. Hyp wasn't bad, he just did bad things based on the impressions left by his father's attitude towards him.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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So unless Nod and Mutt are villians---which they aren't---"When You're Big" should be taken off of  both here and the wiki. Sorry pokeplayer, you started this post with five but it seems there are only three.

Seriously, Universal? Villian songs help to balance it out and prevent the songs from being to similar. If you're going to give us a total of 3 villian numbers in the series, the songs become distinctly similar because---seeing as adults don't get too many songs---they end up being sung by the same characters over and over and get too similar. I could deal with the kids getting 1 or 2 of the songs in the films, but the villians should get one too. If not, why not reduce the number of songs, or get rid of them all together?

In Universal's defnse, though, the majority of the villians in the film are Sharpteeth, who just growl. Pretty much every villian who does speak english, though---Rinkus and Sierra, Ozzy and Strutt, and Ichy and Dil---have gotten to sing. Oh, and the yellowbellies, u should put yellow belly bounce on there, those things killed LBT, they're villians