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Kit12 · 35 · 3344


  • Ducky
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Yeah I get what you're saying, I mean if you and LBTfan wanted to do something with Luna and Chomper on the island I would still count that as within this role play structure since it's the same time and like we said we may work out something there, but I get what you're saying about it not being the focus and a sub plot of sorts I suppose.

Just wanted to let you (both) know in thinking that if you did decided to do stuff on the island I wouldn't be opposed to that.


  • Littlefoot
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Well, I have actually, as of late, been thinking of a leaf eater OC of my own, a Threehorn....sort of like Cera you know, well, she is the inspiration....mainly her attitude on how she approaches things, being proud and what have you XD

Although, not too sure on a name and all that, well, I do have a small idea on a name anyway.


  • Cera
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That could be interesting, the bit with Luna and Chomper on the island, and this threehorn character could be a nice connection with Cera.


  • Littlefoot
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Yeah, I'm sure we could figure out something with Chomper and Luna....granted, I do need a reason for Luna to be there....perhaps she was just there lost at first herself, but made the island her own and soon, becomes friends with Chomper as well, or something along those lines.

As for my threehorn character, I do have a name in mind, the name called Skye.  Yes, my threehorn character is a female as well, one whom is much like Cera in a way, well, not as bossy as Cera can be....okay, maybe she's not all that bosy herself, but she does speak her mind and all.

And no, she's not like Luna sort of thing, I mean, on how Luna can get upset over some thing, like in GVG's RP sort of thing, Skye on the other hand does get annoyed at times, but of course, she remains rather friendly and all that.  But no, she's not related to Cera and her family in any way.


  • Ducky
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Sounds great, and yeah I don't think there's a problem at all with more threehorn's than Cera having pride issues, don't they all? *ducks lest Cera come answer that* LOL

Anway do you want me to put her in with the list? Either Luna or Skye or both? I wasn't sure if you were still brainstorming so just asking :D


  • Littlefoot
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In a way, I was actually brainstorming, but in another way, I was revealing my character you know, sort of like both at once XD

But yeah, you can put them both in actually, gonna be going with both Luna and Skye ^^

Sucks Cera was already called as a character, but ah well, it's all good for me :D

Oh also, still am trying to figure out the cause of the problem with the Great Valley....I might be misreading it or something, but is it something to do with the adults taking over or something along those lines?  Too bad it's not the leaf gobblers (I believe is what they were called) from the fifth movie :lol:


  • The Circle
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I think this will be the first LBT rp where I'm not playing one  of the fc's.  No biggie since with my Oc's I have plenty of chars to rp as.


  • Littlefoot
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Skye has no family by the way.  You could say that she's a one dinosaur herd....well, that's what she calls it anyway.  And yes, she is still young, around Littlefoot and Cera's age for example XD


  • Ducky
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I think, if you read the role play post, what you're misreading is my OC's rant perhaps :D

The reason everyone's in the land beside the Big Water is becaue of the reason in V, the swarming leaf gobblers. This is after the movie, doesn't have to be right after, just some time after.

Now in playing around with the backstory of my OC's being the age they are now, I have it imagined that Cree and Tylr, who are like kid siblings for Petrie's mom and Pterano in that they are teens, roughly probably pre-teen when the big earth shake happened in I that separated them from their parents (they've only bumped into Petrie's mom like once not counting this role play)

So they kind of do the wandering on their own thing and meet up with their friend Lily only instead of the teens finding the Great Valley or anything they find this land of V, or atleast for this role play that's the history, and since I get the impression from the movie that the land is kind of vacant, I imagine Cree gets it into his head it's theirs/his and he's kinda of miffed when the adults horn in.

No one kicked anyone out, Cree just takes it that way.

Whew, all that for my logic for the first post :)


  • Littlefoot
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Yeah, I got lost cause of Cree's rant XD

Thanks though, makes it more easier to follow now.  I was actually, at first, assuming they were in the Great valley, you know, sort of following the movie plot, but to their own accord sort of thing.

But there is still a reason why adults ignore Skye....since no one is her parents or really know much about know, being independant and what have you XD


  • Cera
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Hey i'm sorry I haven't started in the rp, but I'm about to leave for Argentina in a couple days. I might be able to get on but I don't expect to. In which case, somebody can borrow my characters until I come back.


  • Littlefoot
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I could borrow them for the time being if you want.  Well, Littlefoot and Chomper that is till you get back.

I mean, I wouldn't mind....but of course, if anyone else wants to, they can borrow them instead.  But yeah, I would like to play as Littlefoot at least and yeah, most likely Chomper get the point :p


  • Chomper
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It's not too late to join, is it? Cause I've got an idea for a couple of OCs and I really like the concept of this rpg. :)

Name: Kel the Onehorn
Bio: Was separated from her herd in the great earth shake, so had to head for the Great Valley on her own. That's when she ran into a family of Fast Runners. They claimed they knew where the valley was and were headed that way, so Kel fell into line to get where she was going. She stayed quiet, knowing that she was only a guest, but they treated her as family almost since when they were face-to-face with Sharpteeth, she was usually the one to fight them off. But one day, as Kel fought a bigger Sharptooth and the family of Fast Runners tried to flee off to safety, they ran into an ambush of fast biters! The mother and father Fast Runner's sent their daughter back to Kel, where it was safer, as they tried to hold off the Fast Biters as long as possible. Blossom, the daughter, ran back to tell Kel who had just sent the Sharptooth running home to his nest what had happened. They never saw Blossom's parents again.

So Kel adopted Blossom and the two are still headed for the Great Valley. After the incident, Kel is still her same, reserved self. However, she's know a bit more wary of Blossom's whereabouts.

Name: Blossom the Fast Runner
Bio: She was young when she lost her parents, and has been with Kel ever since. She loves adventure, but just can't shake the image of Kel telling her that if she's not careful she could end up seriously hurt out of her mind. This causes her to double think things most of the time. She small in size and sorta young in age, but nothing can measure the size of her heart.


  • Littlefoot
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Hehe, nice characters, quiet like their little backstories indeed.

Even though I'm not the leader of the RP, I would still say to jump in, it's not too late at all, since they haven't really done anything, since it's only started ^^


  • Spike
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