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If LBT Was Anime, Would You Watch it?


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Okay, let's just say that an animation studio in Japan gets the rights to do an Anime for The Land Before Time.  Would you watch it?

Me being the LBT Fan I am, I most certainly would watch the first episode, but it all depends on what Japan does with it of whether or not I'll watch future episodes.

On the plus side, there's a lot that Japan can do with it that I really miss with kids shows.  They can up the violence and the love.  They can even include death if they wish.  This has been missed by us for a long time and we would love to have it back.

Now, of course, I know some of you will question swearing that you often see with subbed versions of Anime.  However, I am going to tell you that in the language of Japanese, swear words do not exist.  When it is translated, the swearing is actually put in by the subbing party to indicate a strong felling of emotion.  They only use swear words to make it more understandable for us.

So, aside from that, I would like the Anime at hand to stay as close to the true image of LBT as possible.  I pretty much feel if they avoid a DBZ rip-off of sorts, we'll be okay for the most part.  So yeah, they avoid that, and I'll more than likely enjoy it.

As for it getting dubbed, as long as 4Kids doesn't touch it, I'm okay with it.

Those are my thoughts on this at least.


  • Cera
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I'd certainly be willing to give it a chance. As long as the swearing was kept out, I could definitely see something like this possible.


  • The Circle
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I would watch at least an episode or 2.  I wonder what they would do with it.


  • Ducky
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The idea does sound intriguing. I would probably watch a little bit, get a feel for it and see if the first episode looks promising. I would support the idea just so long as they don't use those overused anime expressions, have a lame pop song as the theme or destroy their personalities. On the one hand though, the characters singing in Japanese could be rather cute.

An LBT anime could also bring in a recurring villian who actually HAS a motive, a personality, and a backstory. And who actually feels like a threat. All of these things a certain someone could have been but wasn't. I'm sure Ptyra knows who I'm referring to.

As for 4Kids doing an LBT anime dub? Oh, please, man! That's like asking if Uwe Boll or the guy who did Dragonball Evolution did a Kingdom Hearts movie! It's best not to think about it.


  • Ducky
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I would give it a chance. Though, I won't get my hopes up.  :confused

What I'm really worried about is their animation.
On some animes, I noticed their animation don't look that good. When they talk, they always stand still with only the mouth moving. And they talk a lot in animes.

Though, the japanese language 'sounds' cool.  :smile


  • Ruby
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^ Seconded.

Yeah why not, as long as it isn¥t too budgetish mishmash of talking heads
and overused panning.

The character design should also stay true to the originals as much as possible,
in order to gain my approval, as well as their personalities.


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  • Littlefoot
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Now, of course, I know some of you will question swearing that you often see with subbed versions of Anime. However, I am going to tell you that in the language of Japanese, swear words do not exist. When it is translated, the swearing is actually put in by the subbing party to indicate a strong felling of emotion. They only use swear words to make it more understandable for us.

I'm not entirely sure about that. I know of at least one time when I'm certain a swear word wasn't add in during subtitling; it was already in the anime.

In the first episode of Sonic X I believe, Sonic tends to use english words at some points (or full english sentences according to a friend of mine). There is one time he does say the word "shit". It's not just in the subtitles; you can hear it plain as day as he spoke it. I would consider "shit" a swear word.


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  • Cera
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Back in my elementary school years, I tried to draw them in an anime style. While it wouldn't be too bad and hopefully the Japanese can do a better job than the jump across the pond did, I guess the "feel" of LBT MIGHT drop a smidge.

And let's hope they CAN make a better reoccurring villain, Animeboye  :lol


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Okay, first off Japanese do swear.  For example, though not used a lot like we use the word "shit," "kuso" shares the same meaning.  The Japanese culture is much more refined than ours, and they don't swear often.  But there definitely are swear words and they're oftentimes used in the same context as ours.

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Yea, I would definitely watch it if it were an Anime. I think the Japanese language is awesome, and I always prefer the english subbed animes to the english dubbed ones. And it's true that Japan is much less strict with the amount of violence they put in their kids shows. I think LBT would be awesome if it were made in Japan.


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I would watch anything regarding lbt, as long as they would keep the morals in the movies.


  • Ducky
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I would have to actually see it before i can say anything constructive. I can't stand Japanese humour, but the perspective of getting LBT back to it's gloomy origins sure sounds intriguing...
BTW, there are Japanese versions of Stitch (Lilo's not included) TV series and Russian cartoon Cheburashka. Perhaps one day some Japanese company will actually come up with an idea of making an anime out of LBT. Or we can hint them. :)


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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Given my "benefit of the doubt" mentality, I'd definitely give it a shot even though some anime renditions of some popular old school cartoons do look bloody awful :lol Despite that small niggling fear the fact that it was an extension of the beloved LBT series would pique my personal interest in wanting to see it moreso than just thinking..."meh why not." Intriguing concept this despite the fact that about 98% of the animation team for the sequels 2-13 were all Korean anyway! All they need do it bump it next door and we've got an anime LBT on our hands  :p  :DD


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I'm sorry, but I can't stand anime anymore...>_> everyone just seems to talk about it and draw it continuously. I just can't get into anime....the plots are always like, guy liberating people. Girls in the background all cutesy and crap, and the strong women characters are usually villains. :p

So in short, no, not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin would I watch this if it became an anime. >_>


  • The Gang of Five
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No. I am sick of anime. Mostly, I believe, it is fit to be ridiculed, except for a few good episodes. It is a popular genre due to the comparative ease with which is can be draw, its ability to come in very light and very dark varieties, and the fact that inconsistencies with plots, animation, and quality are seemingly excused due to it being "foreign" or "stylized."

EDIT: To be fair, there is also a lot of low-quality Western Animation out there, its just that if the quality of Anime were to be shown in an American animation, it would be considered low quality, but Anime seems to get a pass on that front.


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You guys just haven't found the right anime yet.  I'm gonna be honest here...99% of anime sucks.  You want to see a strong woman character that's not a villain?  Blood +.  I must admit that most anime is TERRIBLE.  It takes me a long time to find something decent.  To this day, I still have less than a dozen anime's that I like.  I used to hate anime because I thought it was really bad.  But then I actually found a good one (Inuyasha) and everything changed.  Then I found other good ones like Death Note, FullMetal Alchemist, Blood + (I just finished watching that series again today), and so on.  You just need to identify what types of anime you like.  Then you can find it.  The problem is, anime is all different.  You can't always just generalize everything and judge the shows without seeing them.  If I were you, I'd just download the first episode of every anime you can get your hands on just to see if you like it or if it's worth watching.  That's what I do.


  • Littlefoot
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As long as they do a good job, nothing Naruto related.....

Yes, I'm no fan of Naruto myself, more of a DBZ guy actually.

But I would rather them keep it more normal you know, no powers or anything like that sort of thing.  But yeah, I would give it a chance too.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: MrDrake,Apr 17 2010 on  03:21 AM
But I would rather them keep it more normal you know, no powers or anything like that sort of thing.  But yeah, I would give it a chance too.
Ozzy: Strut, what does the scouter say about that longneck's power level?

Strut: It's over NINE!!!!!!

Ozzy: ... ... That... that's it?

Strut: Yep.

Ozzy: GET HIM!

Littlefoot: Aww crud.


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LBTlover is right.  When it comes to Anime, it's all about taste.  I haven't seen every single one that's out yet, but I'm working on it.  I will say this though...

In most cases, despite what you may feel with it, it's better to find a nicely subbed version than a dubbed version.  The reasons why are simple.

Those that dub it always downgrade it in one way or another.  4Kids is a fine example of dubbing done wrong.  In fact, I wonder if what they do with Anime can be considered dubbing.  Some call what they do Americaizing, but I don't think that fits the bill either.  Kidifying?  Nah, not even kids should be subjected to the torturous things they change, and I won't call it Babying since even babies deserve better.

4Kids is widely known for ruining some of the best scenes in Anime.  Anime fanatics hate them for this and want them dead.  One thing they are known for downgrading are love and death scenes.  It's like non-existent in their versions.  Why?  Why do they do that?  It's not right, and we know it.

On top of that, the voice acting is just terrible.  They completely change the personality of most characters and have terrible voices compared to those of the original.

Funimation doesn't change anything, but you can find a mistranslation here and there.  The one thing I can admit that's bad?  I wish they would find better voice acting.  That's all I can really complain about.

As for subbing?  The worst you'll find is mistranslation, non-translation (Where they don't translate certain words... AT ALL!) translation notes (Seriously, stop that!) and bad text colors to work with. (What's the point of subbing if the viewer can't read it?) To get one of a more professional grade, you really have to do some digging.  However, once you find it, you will be pleased. :)

Just keep an eye out for egotistic jerks, and you'll be fine with subbing.

Remember, when it comes to Anime, it's all about taste. :)


  • Ducky
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landbeforetimelover, of all animes that you mentioned i only liked DeathNote a bit. And i simply can't stand Inuyasha and Blood+. :)