The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

I am quite saddened.


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*sighs* How do I put all of this?

As some of you know, I have been creating a Ducky & Petrie video entitled "Drowning".  I have been stuck on it for some time and have decided to talk about why I wanted to make such a thing.

It's not just that I absolutely love this pairing, but that there's something else.  If you were to look up the words "Ducky Petrie" in a Google Video Search, you'd find NOTHING on it.  That's right.  Aside from my joked Rick-Roll I did on April 1st, no one has ever posted a single video for this pairing on the net.

Yeah, I wanted to create it and so that others could see what I see of them.  There's obviously something going on between these two, but no one seems to show that support for it.

I'm even saddened by the lack of fan-pics for these two.  You hardly see one of them together.  Those that do exist when you do a Google Images Search under the words "Ducky Petrie", I warn you not to look at.  I'll just warn that one of the first ones you find is M-rated.  If that's not enough to make you stay away, I pray your innocence won't be tarnished.

I wanted to make a fan pic slideshow for these two after I was done with my current video, but with such a lack of support, it's just impossible to do so.

That's what I'm saddened by.  A pairing that is so loved by the fans, but such a lack of support for them.

Why is that?

What do you think the reason is for it?


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While I think Ducky and Petrie are cute together as friends, I never see them as being in love. Some with Cera and Littlefoot. I just think they're good friends; not in love or anything. Personally I'm not bothered by the fact that there aren't many fanworks of Ducky and Petrie as a couple.


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I think that this is partly because you are overestimating how many land before time fans are seeing "something going on" that would be termed "pairing" between two characters who (if they were humans) would probably be not old enough to have finished primary school.
Do not feel saddened that the rest of the world doesn't necessarily interpret their friendship in this way. We are talking of two great friends of very young age and different species. The movies do not suggest anything but great friendship between the LBT characters unless you totally want to interpret things your way. If you do however, then you must also accept that others may not share that interpretation and produce anything related to it.


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Next to the reasons mentioned above, Google Video is not the best video site out there. I hardly know anyone using it.

Edit: oh you meant the search engine.. Meh nevermind my reason ;)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm just curious, what are you hoping to find on Google Image Search that would suggest a relationship? When I searched "Ducky Petrie," I saw images of them holding hands, hugging, staring into each others eyes lovingly...What more could there be?


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Well... if you look a little more closely, there is at least ONE picture which is really, and I mean REALLY inappropriate...

SO inappropriate that you'll want to puke the second you look at it. :blink:


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lol LBT pornography.

Quite unpleasant....


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Okay, let me clarify my point of view before this gets out of hand.

I guess a part of my interpretation comes from the times Petrie saves Ducky.  He even solely took on The Original Sharptooth to try to save her.  Sure, he nearly drowns in the process, but you have to admit that he was either very brave or very crazy to take on that thing, and if he's crazy, I'd say he's crazy in love.

Love is a powerful emotion, and one does tend to go to the greatest lengths to protect those they love.  Why would he go to such obviously death-like lengths for a girl he hardly knew at the time?  If that doesn't explain love, then what does it explain?

Not to mention that Ducky actually kisses Petrie just for getting food down.  Why would she do that for a guy she hardly knew?

You can go against it all you like, but when it is obvious with the fact that they don't actually show such closeness with anyone else, it just really says a lot in the end.

I shall NEVER defy what I feel about these two, regardless of what anyone says.

Now, as for the last part, I guess I over-interpreted with what others have posted in certain areas of the forum. (Especially the Captions area.  Should have known better. :slap ) I apologize for that.

I guess what I see and what you see are two different things.  Sorry for the mishap I have caused. -_-


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Love isn't always romantic, however. And kissing does not always mean "I want to be your mate/partner". For the kiss in Ducky's case, I think she was just being overly friendly. I never saw the kiss as a sign of romantic love. Petrie saving Ducky is also not proof of romantic love in my opinion. He just cared very much for her and wanted to save her. This just means, to me, that they have developed a strong friendship (keep in mind they were likely together for a long time while looking for the Great Valley, it wasn't exactly just down the street or anything); it does not mean they are romantically in love. Also I should point out their age. They're too young to be looking for a mate/partner to be with. While love may be a part of their life this early on (such as Ducky with her mother) romantic love may not be a part of their life yet, but will be starting most likely when they are adolescents.

Sorry, that's just how I see it.


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I agree with Darkhououmon.  I think you're reading too much into this.  They're children and have no concept of romantic love.  Different species shouldn't matter as it's a kid TV show (lord knows inter-species relationships are commonplace in a lot of movies).  But NOT when the characters in question are CHILDREN.  Maybe later in life, but certainly not now.

Cancerian Tiger

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I've always seen these two as more like brother and sister than anything else.  Same goes for Littlefoot and Cera.  Actually, I see the bunch of them as having sibling-like bonds and nothing more.


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I agree too. "Love" is NOT consistent to romance. You think Petrie would have LET Ducky die against the sharptooth if he wasn't romantically attached to her? NO! He would have saved her because he HAD to by mental nature. Kissing and hugging isn't necessarily romantic either. Does Ducky hugging Spike mean she's in love with him? No. Love is a very universal thing, and FRIENDSHIP is part of the greater part of it. And then there's an "instinctual" thing. You don't see a dog and a cat being romantically in love in real life, now do you? Sure there's the thing with being friends and growing up together, but they don't have the INSTINCT to be romantically in love. It doesn't click with them.

I personally am disgusted by Petrie and Ducky as a couple, or Littlefoot and Cera...yet I'm comfortable with the "slash" of Lampy and Radio in The Brave Little Toaster, but that's a different concept entirely :lol ...I think O_O .


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Apr 25 2010 on  10:31 AM
Those that do exist when you do a Google Images Search under the words "Ducky Petrie".

Are these the images your talking about of Ducky hugging Petrie, or them staring at each other lovingly?


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Well the third one just disproves the relationship is lovingly mutual between both of them. :lol :lol  Not at this age, and certainly not in the video.  You'd be crazy to feel Bluth felt these two should have anything beyond a friendship.


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The first three really don't prove romance between them. The fourth one is a work of fan art.

Remember Petrie's situation in the first two pictures and remember Ducky's personality. If any other members of the gang were Ducky's size, she'd be holding them in a similar way. The reason for her hugging him and holding his hands was because she was doing her Ducky-thing, consoling her friend when he was upset. While this is an act of love, like I said she would do the very same thing for any other members of the group.
And for the third one, she hugged him simply because she was excited that the Spiketails were leaving. She could easily have hugged Cera or Littlefoot if they told her they were leaving...Petrie just worked better for humorous effects, and captioning with "I shall call him George"
And I really think that if Petrie had a crush on a girl flier, Ducky would support him all the way in his feelings for her, and be really happy for him.

General Grievous

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I don't support romance between Ducky and Petrie.  In fact, I hate interspecies romances.  It doesn't mean they don't love each other.  It IS possible to love someone without having romantic feelings toward them.  What's wrong with them just being really close friends?

Well... if you look a little more closely, there is at least ONE picture which is really, and I mean REALLY inappropriate...

SO inappropriate that you'll want to puke the second you look at it. blink.gif

Was it more of that Rule34 garbage?  I hate that crap.  I can't do any kind of search on an innocent topic without that trash popping up somewhere in the search. <_<


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I always thought Ducky and Petrie to have more of a brother-sister kind of relationship going on.

to me, there was never anything hinted to me as a romance (even though its obvious they are simply children that have yet to be old enough to consider such a thing) I always thought it was like bigbro-lilsis kinda thing. (though I think petrie is the youngist? wait um.... who IS the youngest? I forgot)

I'm sure if they where to get older it'll be like Idk a forbidin romance kinda thing. but you know.


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PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO, I would love it, maybe because Petrie and Ducky are my favorite, but anyway, don't read hateful comments, just make it, I never thought of them as lovers though, rather as very good friends, but anyway.

Oh and I hate 34 stuff about LBT too :crazy I saw one once, the result-cursing all such pics forever...


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Apr 25 2010 on  10:46 PM
Love isn't always romantic, however. And kissing does not always mean "I want to be your mate/partner". For the kiss in Ducky's case, I think she was just being overly friendly. I never saw the kiss as a sign of romantic love. Petrie saving Ducky is also not proof of romantic love in my opinion. He just cared very much for her and wanted to save her. This just means, to me, that they have developed a strong friendship (keep in mind they were likely together for a long time while looking for the Great Valley, it wasn't exactly just down the street or anything); it does not mean they are romantically in love. Also I should point out their age. They're too young to be looking for a mate/partner to be with. While love may be a part of their life this early on (such as Ducky with her mother) romantic love may not be a part of their life yet, but will be starting most likely when they are adolescents.

Sorry, that's just how I see it.
I think romantic love in that age exists, after all I had crush on my teacher when I was 8


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But an eight-year-old does not understand or comprehend romantic love as adults do. There's an enormous difference between a crush and real love. I had a crush on my PASTOR at that age (I know, I know  :rolleyes: ), but that came to fade. A crush is an immature (sometimes childish) interest for a person that usually (and hopefully) vanishes. People have crushes on actors, people, and even characters that they can NEVER have, but persist until it becomes unhealthy and annoying.
Kids think love=high school drama movies. Boy meets girl, boy and girl seperate, boy and girl "reunite", boy and girl hang out, boy and girl fall in love in two days, boy meets rich girl, rich girl wants boy *High School Musical plot here*. Or, Boy meets girl, girl hates boy/boy hates girl, boy does something "cool", girl likes boy *cheesy RomCom here*. None of which would really happen in the REAL world. Little kids ADORE the story of Romeo and Juliet, but when they get to be the age of the lustbirds, they begin to realize that they were incompetent morons.

I see Ducky's relationship with Petrie to be the kind where she would squeal with joy if Petrie found a flier girlfriend and try to befriend her before the rest of the Gang can say "Hi". As for Petrie, the same thing. (And Spike would be "Big Little Brother" and make sure Ducky's boyfriend brings her home on time...and heeee'd better! Or he'll meet the foot, tail, or belly.)