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LBT 2 Review


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I actually liked this guy's Sleeping with Hinako review. The premise sounded so ridiculous  that it was actually mind blowing. However this review really pissed me off. Not because he didn't like the movie but because of his totally arrogant yet ignorant attitude towards it. I also find it rather interesting that according to him, LBT 2 copied a facial expression from Bleach. Yeah, despite the fact that Bleach came out 10 years after this movie! Yeah, OK...

Also why would he complain about the series' terminology? Oh, the T-Rex is called Sharptooth, Oh, Cera's called a "thweehown". Who cares? Personally I think it adds creativity to the series. Sure they're not the most ingenious names ever but then again I doubt they were aiming to be.

I will agree with him on the Sinking Sand though. They really could have come up with a better name for it. Unless they had the characters sinking into quicksand they should have just called it something like The Black Lake(I think he even suggested that as a name).

Seriously this is why I wished the Nostalgia Critic would have reviewed one of these movies instead. Because instead of an actually insightful and even funny review, we get a review by a guy who has no idea what he's talking about.


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Thanks.  I'll download this and watch it.  Sounds like it may be funny because of the person and not the movie itself.


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Okay, first off, I want to point something out.  The job of these people on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses is that they are meant to point out everything WRONG with the product at hand and make a parody out of it.  In reality, they may actually like it, but they are using everything wrong with it to making a parody of some sort.

It was the case with NC and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.  The truth is that he actually likes that series, but he was ACTING like he hated it to simply make us laugh.

Think about it, even we, the fans, have run into mistakes that we just have to laugh at with the franchise we love.  Those graphic problems indeed were expected to me for him to make fun of.  That's his job.

Now, with his review, I must sadly agree in some areas.  The songs aren't that great and just don't work in the end.  Not to mention the names in some areas aren't creative.  I have to agree on the Sinking Sand, with the account that it's NOT made of sand.  That has always bothered me.  Why call it the Sinking Sand when it's not made of sand?  I find his name suggestions more creative.  To be honest, I'd go with Lake of Death in the end.  You fall in there, you're pretty much dead.  They were lucky to be saved by the adults.  At least they changed Gurgling Pit to Smoky Mountain in later sequels.  That is definitely more creative.

Not to mention, I can't stand that weak "talk about babies" scene.  I always fast-forward past it whenever it shows up.  Nothing can be said about it to make me like it.  I really hate it that much.

Look, I love the franchise, but I don't really like this movie all that much.  I don't necessarily hate it, but I'm far from liking it.  The only Land Before Time Movies I hate more than this one?  10 and 13.  13 is the Holy Grail of Crappiness in the franchise, and I can't wait for that one to be bashed.  As for 10?  Just check out Malte's infamous review on it.  I pretty much agree with him on it these days.

So yeah, I have to agree with him in quite a few cases.  I'm sorry, but I have to take his side in this case.


  • Ducky
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The difference though is that the Critic, while he may criticize a movie, is still able to point out the positive aspects of the movie he's reviewing. His reviews are informative, insightful, and they are done in a humorous way. The critic also has a clear understanding of what he's reviewing. It's for those reasons that I love watching his videos. And he saved me from watching Alone in the Dark(I was slightly tempted to watch it when I was younger).

I have my problems with the sequels too. You wouldn't believe how many alternative plot ideas I thought up for LBT 10. Ones that don't involve a solar eclipse. I'm sorry but this review was neither insightful nor was it funny. Yes, the animation is inconsistent, the storylines don't make sense at times, and the songs can be downright awful(One reason why I will never watch LBT 9 again even if Donny Osmond did sing one of the songs). Believe me, as someone who has had a keen eye for even the smallest detail in animation since he was little and is going to college to learn animation, I get that the animation in these movies is far from perfect. I just want to see a review that actually gives these movies a fair chance. Even Dragonball Evolution got fair reviews and that movie was far worse than even the worst Land Before Time sequel.


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^ Absolutely.
I cannot really say anything competent yet as I haven't watched the review to the end. I have a slight headache at the moment and the headache really makes it a serious pain listening to a voice that would be a pain to listen to even without a headache. Now I don't want to bash anyone for a voice they cannot pick, but I have the feeling that this guy has actually been working to get his voice the way it is. It is not even the voice itself but the way he intonates everything he says is really tiresome.
There is a lot one could criticize about LBT 2.

This kid lost his mother to a sharptooth probably a few days ago, fought for dear live against a sharptooth (and killed it) even less days ago and the first thing he does is befriending the first other sharptooth he meets? Does it have to do with the fact that this sharptooth is so Barney colored?

Might be one of the things I could say about LBT 2. But I could also point out the maintaining of many character traits from the first movie as well as some very sentimental scenes (not everyone likes sentimental stuff but I for once do). They could (and should) have worked the plot out more carefully. I think they should have elaborated the relationship between Littlefoot and Chomper more and I also think it might have been a good idea if another character (like Ducky who definitely hasn't lost a relative to a sharptooth and is a character whose friendliness might make her ignorant of some problems) would have been the first to make up a relationship with Chomper with Littlefoot's understandable reservations becoming part of the story.
As for terms I never saw a problem with the descriptive terms they are using. Actually it might sound less realistic if they came up with something overly fanciful as they (the dinosaurs) are just describing what they see without the intention of sounding spectacular. They could have called the sinking sand something else (the use of sand originating more from the human term quick sand rather than the dinosaurs' perception), but the mud we saw when Ducky "tested" with her foot basically came down to wet sand even though it did not make so solid an impression as quicksand often does.
The gurgling pit was not a synonym for the burning/smoking mountain but a reference to the crater in particular. In the German version it would be the "feurige Grube" (fiery pit). I don't have a problem with either term as a reference to a crater.
Nor do I have a problem with the Littlefoot asks about babies scenes. I don't think I am assuming too much when I think any unpopularity of that particular scene comes more from the fact that it contradicts anyone who wants to interpret grownup stuff into LBT which I think does not belong there <_<
Anyway, I may watch that review later on to say more on it.

Cancerian Tiger

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I do have a problem about the comment some folks make about Littlefoot befriending a sharptooth after his mother was killed by one.  Chomper may be a sharptooth, but he was not THE sharptooth that killed Littlefoot's mother.  That would be like a White person sayin' they'll never be friends with a Black person 'cuz a Black guy killed their mother <_<.  Someone's race is a very poor reason to hate them.  We (and other living things) can't control what race/species they/we're born into, and these folks seem to forget that :bang.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,May 3 2010 on  12:57 PM
I do have a problem about the comment some folks make about Littlefoot befriending a sharptooth after his mother was killed by one.  Chomper may be a sharptooth, but he was not THE sharptooth that killed Littlefoot's mother.  That would be like a White person sayin' they'll never be friends with a Black person 'cuz a Black guy killed their mother <_<.  Someone's race is a very poor reason to hate them.  We (and other living things) can't control what race/species they/we're born into, and these folks seem to forget that :bang.
I do actually think it makes sense for Littlefoot to be afraid or nervous around Chomper due to the fact his mother was killed by one.

Let's say someone watches a loved one get attacked by a dog at a young age. That event would have traumatized them to some extent, especially due to their age. Not so long later, they meet another dog, this one friendly but of the same breed as the one that they had previously seen attack a loved one. The kid is most likely going to become scared since their previous encounter with a dog was not a very pleasant one. And depending on their personalities it may take a while to get the kid to warm up to the dog.

Chomper may not be the same sharptooth that killed Littlefoot's mother, but this does not mean that it's impossible for Littlefoot to be afraid of Chomper or even view him somewhat negatively. After all he is still the same type of sharptooth that took his mother and mere sight of him could bring forth memories of what happened to his mother.

Of course this isn't what happens in the movie. Littlefoot is the first one who befriends Chomper, which may not have been an easy thing for him considering Chomper's species. What may have convinced Littlefoot to befriend Chomper was the fact he was just a baby and therefore helpless. Had they first met Chomper when he was older, I'm sure their friendship would have been harder to forge.


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I don't find any of the sequels bad.

But, I could had done it without all that screaming especially in LBT 2.


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I have to agree with Malte and Iris, the guy's voice was VERY annoying. He was sounded very whiny and I really couldn't take him seriously. In fact, so much I could only watch at least the intro.

I heard some of his other reviews and he had a actually good voice for it, but this one...I can't help but go ehhhh what?


  • The Circle
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I do have a problem about the comment some folks make about Littlefoot befriending a sharptooth after his mother was killed by one. Chomper may be a sharptooth, but he was not THE sharptooth that killed Littlefoot's mother. That would be like a White person sayin' they'll never be friends with a Black person 'cuz a Black guy killed their mother  <_<.
Now please Anna do not assume me to be racist in my views on LBT 2. I do think the comparison of herbivores and sharpteeth with the comparison of black and white people very leaky. In one case we have just a difference in skin color and that's all there is to it. In the other case we have one kind feeding on the other by the law of nature. It was not like the killing of Littlefoot's mother had been an accident or the "crime" of a single representative of an otherwise harmless species :angel. Of course the need to eat for sharpteeth and nature's design that meat has to be the foot is not based on any viciousness on the part of the sharpteeth, but still I think that it would provide a more tangible burden on the relationship of two characters than a mere difference of skin color.
The have pretty much barred out the past and the fate of Littlefoot's mother from the sequels while I think that it could have added a lot to make the stories that involve Chomper more interesting.
I do not think I deserve to be compared to any kind of white supremacist nutcase racist for this view :neutral

Cancerian Tiger

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To clear up any confusion, I was never even trying to imply that anyone's a racist here :neutral.  I was simply trying to find some kind of comparison that which humans could relate to more.  Why fear or hate an entire race/species for the personal crime caused by one individual of that particular race/species?  That's all I was trying to discuss here, not to label anybody as a racist.  I'm very sorry that I caused any offense by my comments, it was not intentional :bang.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,May 6 2010 on  06:39 AM
To clear up any confusion, I was never even trying to imply that anyone's a racist here :neutral.  I was simply trying to find some kind of comparison that which humans could relate to more.  Why fear or hate an entire race/species for the personal crime caused by one individual of that particular race/species?  That's all I was trying to discuss here, not to label anybody as a racist.  I'm very sorry that I caused any offense by my comments, it was not intentional :bang.
Well keep in mind that Sharptooth killed Littlefoot's mother. This is a far worse act than simply acting superior and treating another as inferior. While I am not saying Littlefoot would be "racist" against sharpteeth (all leaf-eaters likely naturally fear sharpteeth), I am saying that a sharptooth killing his mother may effect his judgment of sharpteeth in someway. Him fearing or even hating Chomper(even briefly) due to him looking like and reminding him of the sharptooth that killed his mother is a plausible scenario. As I said before, him not being the sharptooth that killed Littlefoot's mother does not rule out this possibility.


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That could have lead to some interesting character development on Littlefoot's character if they had done that & maybe some of the others too.  Though few think to put stuff like that in a kid's movie, for a variety of reasons.


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Well if you want to get technical, you could say that at first due to natural instinct, he did fear Chomper when he first hatched. Now of course this was only for a bout a minute, but he really did fear Chomper for being a sharptooth. However, he quickly, emphasis on the word quickly, learned that Chomper wasn't dangerous and befriended him.