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The Brave Little Toaster


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Oh yeah. Aside from LBT, this has got to be one of the greatest children's films EVER! I'm not sure which original is darker, but MAN has it got some pretty freaky stuff! That poor flower, the Toaster's nightmare (no wonder kids from the 80's are scared of clowns!), Lampy's "shocking" 180, the parts shop (though, the song was incredibly awesome!), and the junk yard scene...just the junk yard scene.
It had a PERFECT balance of light and dark scenes, from the house cleaning scene (complete with Tutti Fruitti) to the Air Conditioner's explosion; from that...BLAM field to the flower (a BLAM within a BLAM...withing a BLAM).

As I mentioned before, it successfully pulls of THREE Big Lipped Alligator Moments within each other. Only one part was significant, and it was the flower that reminded Toaster of Blanket. In the Blanky-tent scene, when Lampy asks why Toaster is being so nice to the Blanket, you KNOW Toaster is thinking about the flower, even though he doesn't say it. (That poor, poor flower :( ).

My favorite character overall is Lampy. He's always been my favorite, ever since I watched TBLT To the Rescue as a kid. I'm not sure why; I think I was charmed by him...and how he admitted to crying when the Master lost his thesis (I love his smile after he says it). My second would have to be Radio. He reminds me of one of my own OC's.


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I do like how the original of both movie series/franchises have not to much or to  many dark scenes and elements, but have some light and funny ones also.  Of the 2 I'd guess that the original LBT movie is the darker of the 2 since Littlefoot's mother dies in it.  I don't think there is an equivalent in The Brave Little Toaster.  the air conditioner shorts out or something, but he wasn't around a lot with the audience being shown the character so they'd care about the char when they do die.  Just my opinion.


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Well, there's more dark material to just Littlefoot's mother death. There's also the repeated threat of the Sharptooth and who knows what other threats.

The Brave Little Toaster had some other "dark" scenes. The blow-out of the Air Conditioner was a pretty darn SCARY scene...and he was a scary character to begin with. Then there was the lonely flower that wilted when Toaster ran away from it, taking its reflection away with him. The nightmare with that...clown (holy cow, that scares ME), Lampy electrocuting himself (a scene that would be very upsetting to kids warming up to him), and the entire junk yard scene in which EIGHT cars get song. And let's not forget the magnet, who repeatedly tries to make sure that everyone gets smashed, resulting in the Master getting trapped and nearly killed himself until Toaster jumps into the gears. Oh yes...and the junk shop scene, when the blender gets taken a part. And the Peter Lorre hanging lamp might be pretty creepy (NO! Don't use that bulb, Lampy! Who knows what kind of B-movie germs could be on it!)

I guess the BLT feels a little darker to me because there are so many scenes that are so much SCARIER (The air conditioner, Toaster's nightmare, the parts shop, the junk yard, the magnet, Toaster AND Lampy appearing to die, the Master just BARELY suffering a very nasty death, the storm scene...)
In one of the sequels, Radio is dead for quite some time because he sacrifices his cathode tube.


  • The Circle
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I've seen that.  I've seen only the entirety of the first one, but I've seen some scenes form the 2nd and 3rd movie.  The BLT movie does indeed have dark scenes, though I"m glad it's not to many, and there are some lighter scenes also.

I wonder if between the events in the 3rd and 2nd movies if radio was changed to be solid state or not.  Not important either way.