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What would Pterano smell like?

Jrd89 · 11 · 1760


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Another thing came to my mind.

What would Pterano (the most beautiful and graceful flyer ever :)    smell like.

Have you ever imagined this?

Would he smell sweaty and stinky, or would he not smell at all. I'm not sure on this because I don't know if pterosaurs sweat or not.

And they didn't have soap, shampoo, deodorant  (or dare I say it... cologne)  back then... None of the flyers bathed in the movie "Cold Fire"

lol... Can you even imagine Pterano wearing cologne.   hehehehehehehehehehheeehh   :lol:   :lol:   oooooooooooooohh.

Note: Pterano didn't bathe in "Cold Fire" but I do recall reading about him bathing in a "hot spring"  *a prehistoric spa* in a fanfic that I read.  So i'm thinking he doesn't smell the least bit horrible.


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I've never thought about what a pterosaur would smell like. Pterosaurs are believed to have had a rather poor sense of smell, so I'm guessing that they probably didn't use scent to communicate the way mammals do. Going on this logic, their bodies probably wouldn't produce much odor.

Also, as far as I know, mammals are the only animals that have sweat glands. Modern birds and reptiles have very few, if any, glands in their skin, and dinosaurs and pterosaurs were probably the same.

I imagine that a fish-eating flyer might have a strongly fishy odor to its breath (though I don't think I've ever even had the opportunity to get close enough to a fish-eating bird to verify that this is the case with them). Petrie's kind is only seen eating leaves and fruit in the LBT series, though this doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility that they can eat fish as well.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

F-14 Ace

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Uh, what?  I mean, this is the most random, off the wall thing that has ever been brought up on here.  WTF?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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What is it with Pterano that makes some of our users so obsessed with him? He appeared in one movie as an antagonist, and was never heard from again. He was even passed by on the TV Show, which seemed to bring back every character it could think of.

And yet someone's already tried to start a role-play that's essentially himself chilling with Pterano, the thread "What would you do if Pterano came to your house?" spawned a very short-lived meme in the Party Room, and he's the only one-movie character with a comfortable position in the "Top 10 Characters Of All Time" list. And frankly it's all starting to annoy me.

Why would you possibly want to know what a fictional character smells like??? Especially a one-shot villain?


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,May 24 2010 on  01:01 AM
What is it with Pterano that makes some of our users so obsessed with him? .
Even The Guys Want Him.

Yeah. Maybe because he was voiced by Michael York?


And this topic is on drugs.

I mean the only things that can compete with this were these topics on a PokÈmon forum:

"Would u eat a dialga?"

"Hypothetical: would you sleep with a ditto?"

And some of the quirkier parts of Latias's Journey

And a diaper wearing Lugia with a bedwetting problem (appears in my PokÈmon crackfic The Life of the Legendaries).

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,May 24 2010 on  12:01 AM
What is it with Pterano that makes some of our users so obsessed with him? He appeared in one movie as an antagonist, and was never heard from again. He was even passed by on the TV Show, which seemed to bring back every character it could think of.

And yet someone's already tried to start a role-play that's essentially himself chilling with Pterano, the thread "What would you do if Pterano came to your house?" spawned a very short-lived meme in the Party Room, and he's the only one-movie character with a comfortable position in the "Top 10 Characters Of All Time" list. And frankly it's all starting to annoy me.

Why would you possibly want to know what a fictional character smells like??? Especially a one-shot villain?
It's probably because he is one of the more interesting characters in the series.  I mean, he is a villain but he isn't really evil.  He's not your typical, run of the mill villain.


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Please, with all due respect, I think you guys are overreacting to this. Yes, this is one of the stranger topics that’s been posted on the GOF (my own reaction when I first saw it was something along the lines of: :huh: :blink: :confused), but there’s nothing wrong with it! I don’t know what this says about my strangeness level (though the very concept of “strange” is a little subjective if you ask me), but I found it rather thought-provoking, actually. I’d never given any thought to what a pterosaur would smell like before; now I might include some mention of that when I describe a living pterosaur in one of the books I plan on writing.

If you’re really, really interested in something, even if it’s fictional, I don’t see anything unusual in wanting to know what it would be like to encounter that object in real life, along with all the sensory experiences that would come with it: what it feels like, what it smells like, what it looks like close-up, how it would react to you, etc. I find myself thinking this way about dinosaurs, other extinct animals, heck, even modern-day animals (especially ones I’ve never seen in the flesh before) sometimes. I would love to have the chance to pet a Kakapo, see what a Stegosaurus’s colors really were, hear the sound a T. rex makes, even learn for myself whether a giant squid smells as bad as their ammonia-rich bodies are purported to. Just last year I fulfilled one of my odd little ambitions, when I had to chance to pet a binturong (see my post on it here) and find out whether they really smelled like popcorn, as I’d heard on Animal Planet. And I’ll eat my socks if I’m the only other person in the world who’s curious about his/her passions in this kind of way. -_-

As for Pterano’s popularity, is it really such a big surprise? One-shot characters with large fandoms are far from unheard of. (Sharptooth was technically a one-shot character, wasn’t he?) And there are a lot of reasons that Pterano would draw attention. He's a very complex character: one of the few LBT antagonists who’s not looking for food and/or petty revenge; calculating (trying to gain Littlefoot’s trust, manipulating Petrie to get information from him when that fails, plotting to leave covertly in search of the SoCF to avoid arousing suspicion); ambitious (wanting to seize a allegedly magical object in order to gain great power and respect); and while his motives may be selfish, he’s not out to hurt anyone, and indeed shows remorse when he is responsible for someone’s death (even if, as in Ducky’s case, it turns out to be a false alarm). And unless you dislike Pterano, I don’t understand why you would be annoyed that he's so popular.

I might add that Ali was a one-shot character (with many fans) for a long time, until “The Brave Longneck Scheme” came along. As I'm sure you know, a lot of fans were upset, angered, and/or disappointed at how she was portrayed in that episode. So some Pterano fans might consider it a GOOD thing that he didn't have a guest appearance in the TV series.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Pterano (the most beautiful and graceful flyer ever

More beautiful then any female flyer? I mean, I know we don't know a lot of adult female flyers besides Petrie's mom, who's kinda old lookin, but for all we know there might have been a time when she was as good looking (by flyer standards) as her younger brother (I presume Pterano is younger...I mean, he looks so.) Pterano might be handsome by flyer standards,(I'd wouldn't know), but I doubt he's the most beautiful flyer ever.

Note: Pterano didn't bathe in "Cold Fire" but I do recall reading about him bathing in a "hot spring" *a prehistoric spa* in a fanfic that I read.

Where is this fic? It sounds interesting. I tried googling it but the closest I got was...the comment you made. You're not making this up, are you? (Just kidding!)  ;)


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You know, Bruton, it almost sounded like you were trying to correct his opinion there. You talking about Pterano being the most handsome flyer, (don't get me wrong, I agree with that) instead of the most beautiful flyer, there really isn't a difference. Handsome and beautiful practically mean the same thing, just handsome is used for men. But men can be called beautiful too. And women can be called handsome as well, if people wanted to make that so.  :yes
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I don't think Pterano is nessicarily the most handsome flyer ever. Pterano seems to. but that's just my opinion.

Bron the Longneck

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I wonder what Bron would smell like.

(I know, I'm obsessed. I plead guilty.)