The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Unfaithful - The Remake


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As some of you know, I made a music video nearly 3 years ago.  It was a tribute to the latest 3-way that had developed, which was Littlefoot & Ali & Ret.  It has now returned to it's home on YouTube with a graphic update and some changes.

I had to remake it from scratch to pull off the graphic update.  As a result, the timing has changed in some areas.  Other than that, I did change the part near the end of it.

I hope you enjoy the updated version as much as you did the original.  Anyways, here's where you can view it.

Unfaithful - A Tribute to Littlefoot & Ali & Ret
Unfaithful - A Tribute to Littlefoot & Ali & Ret

Hope you enjoy it. :)


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jun 4 2010 on  09:12 PM
Why did you need to remake it?
Mainly just to give it a graphic upgrade.

You see, back then I had unwisely brought the size down to about 7 MB. (Which in the end made it look like crap in comparison.) I mainly did this because I was so worried about space on my Hard Drive at the time and didn't understand the whole concept of KB, MB, GB, etc.  I was pretty unsure as to how big my 80 GB Hard Drive was at the time.  Today, with much more gained knowledge in computers, and now a 1 TB Hard Drive, I'm much more confident with everything computer related.

Of course, with the fact that I have reformatted this computer several times, the files which were used to make it originally aren't all there anymore.  I had to do this from scratch.  I still had the original video to help guide me and think about any changes I may have wanted to make for it.

Despite the timing being different by comparison, I feel I did a good job.

So yeah, just for the graphic upgrade. :)


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It's been quite a long time since I last made a music video, but here's a tip.  Try not to use slowed down clips unless they have some sort of meaning or purpose to being slow.  I don't know what software you're using but if a short clip has repeated bilateral motion, you can easily reverse the clip in order to double its length.  There were several places where you could have used this trick and the viewer wouldn't have even noticed.  At the same time, on most of those short clips you could have made them even shorter (in order to cut off non bilateral material) and reversed/repeated them several times in order to have a better effect.

And I'm fully aware that the music videos that the members here have seen suck, but I've matured a lot since then and my skills have dramatically increased.  In fact, I might make a few music vids pretty soon if I can get the chance.  Once I'm out of school, I'll have a lot of free time on my hands.


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I tend to use slowed down or sped up clips for timing purposes. Though lately I try to make sure they aren't slowed down or sped up too much.


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With this one, I did use Windows Movie Maker.  So yeah, there's no backwards function that I can use in there. (Seriously, why isn't there one in the "effects" area for it?  There's definitely room for it.) To be honest, I have to go through a lot just to get a backwards video and even then, there's no guarantee it'll look good.

For one of my other videos, I am using a different video editor.  Still doesn't have the backwards function, but I'll make due with what I have.  The biggest thing is that the upcoming video will have NO effects whatsoever.  Here's hoping things go well with it. :)