The Gang of Five
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Out of time and place

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank groaned as he flew his P-51D past a group of B-17's it had been five days since he had seen the city where he had been born destroyed. A few in his squad and some other allied pilots knew he was half German, but he knew theywould never have the same feeling that he had right now. As he passed by the lead B-17 he noticed a lone Me-109 heading toward the group. He ordered his squad to turn toward the lone plane head on. As the group of four neared the plane it dove frank ordered the rest of the flight back to the Bombers he was going to shoot down this plane himself. As he came closer to the ground he noticed he no longer had air flowing over his wings he was in a steep dive that not many had been able to recover from. the Me-109 pulled out of the dive but frank saw a bright light and his plane vanished into thin air little did he know he was not the only one.


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Dan was driving in to work, listening to music on his mp3  player in his car.  It was a normal type of morning and, like usual, his drive wasn't to long.  There was a stretch of highway or road that had few cars on it.  He was driving along when he saw a bright flash of light.  His car, and he himself, vanished into it.


  • Yet another wordsmith
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December 7th, 1941,
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Matthew awoke in his bunk aboard the U.S.S Arizona,suddenly he felt a vibration, then another,then the lieutenant yelled from the deck "get up men,we're being bombed!!", he continued to yell this as Matthew slowly got out of his bunk "another drill" he mused as he walked up to the deck, then the corridor burst into flames.

 Matthew ran as it seemed another bomb hit the ship, he soon saw one of the crew members, perhaps the cook, attempt to extingish the flames with a bucket of water, Matthew continued to run up the stairs on to deck when a plane flew close by, as it did, Matthew noticed the rising sun on the side - a japanese plane. Many of the Arizona's crew members had guns and were shooting at the planes, one of them who didn't have a gun noticed Matthew "One thing, them ain't navy planes!" he yelled.

Matthew quickly grabbed a machine gun mounted on the guardrail, he grabbed some ammunition and started firing at the planes, soon a Zero went down in flames and another buzzed the deck, as Matthew continued shooting wildly but trying not to hit  another ship.

 The lieutenant soon yelled "Oh my God, the Oklahoma is on its side". Moments later the ship went down. Seeing this, the U.S.S Nevada attempted to retreat and the Arizona's crew tried to assist it by providing cover, but then a bomber flew over the Arizona and droped its load. Just then a bright light appeared on the deck the moment Matthew noticed the bomb, he made a dash for the bright light as if it could change his fate and as he dove in, the Arizona went up in flames.



  • Petrie
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October 28, 1943 (the Philadelphia Experiment)
USS Eldridge (DE-173), Philadelphia Naval Yard

Lieutenant Cleve Robinson leaned uncomfortably on the rails on the bow of the destroyer escort. Ever since he woke up that morning, he has felt a weird sensation in the pit of his stomach, as if he was going to throw up. He stuck his head over the railing to breathe in the fresh air. It always made him feel better.

"Robinson," a commander interrupted, "get back to your post! The experiment is about to begin."

"Yes sir!" Cleve replied sternly as he walked back into the radio room and sat in his chair. The air inside wasn't nearly as fresh, and Cleve was feeling nervous about the experiment. He almost wished that it could start the secret experiment already.

The commander has installed some field coils on the front of the ship that is somehow supposed to make the ship invisible. They were going to test it out soon, and Cleve wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea. But nonetheless, he followed his orders.

"Attention," the speakers in the ship screeched, "The experiment is about to begin. Please report to your battle stations immediately."

Cleve could hear the rushing of footsteps as sailors scrambled to their battlestations. One minute later, it happened.

Cleve could hear a large bang and the sound of two mighty generators starting up. Nothing seemed to be happening. But then, a green fog slowly began to creep into the room via the cracks in the door.

"This can't be good." Cleve whispered to himself as he made a run for the door. Unfortunately, he has been unaware of a disconnected wire from a radio set on the floor. He feel to the floor with a loud bang. He was unable to get up, and the green fog enveloped him as he gasped for air. Slowly, he began to feel dizzy and gain nausea. The almost threw up on the floor, but he manged to keep it down. The fog must be poisonous, he thought to himself. The air was also filled with the sounds of sailors crying out and groaning in pain. He wasn't the only one to experience this odd phenomenon.

Just as he was about to loose consciousness and all hope, a bright flash of light appeared. With his last bit of strength, Cleve raised up his hand to cover his eyes from the blinding light. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw.


  • General of the Great Valley
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James Elison listened to Hotel California by the Eagles as he drove down the nearly empty Route 9 in his Toyota Land Cruiser. The trunk was filled with camping supplies for he was en route to the Pine Barrens to meet up with his friends for a week long camping trip.

Suddenly, a flash of intense blue light in the distance caught his attention.

His heart leapt into his throat. "Okay, James, it was just your imagination. Nothing to be worried about," he said. The sound of his breathing and heart pounding echoed in the SUV.

As he stopped at a traffic light, he noticed that a swirling blue portal had blocked off the entire road a few hundred meters ahead...and the portal was heading for him at a rather rapid rate.

"Ah s---!" James shouted. He made an illegal left turn and sped down the road at speeds in excess of 80 miles per hour.

His heart flew into his throat as he saw the portal continuing to give chase

Eventually, the portal caught up to the SUV and engulfed in in a brilliant blue flash. Both the portal and SUV vanished, leaving an empty stretch of New Jersey road.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Matthew began to stir, when he opened his eyes, he expected to be drowning under the wreckage of the U.S.S Arizona, in the waters of Pearl Harbor. However what he saw was a desolate wasteland, Matthew couldn't believe what he was seeing, he thought maybe he had died and that this was the afterlife, but he remembered that flash of light, it could've been his entry into this place.


f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank cleared the light that had engulfed his aircraft and found he was still diving toward the earth. He pulled back hard on the stick his fighter slowly comming out of the dive. Frank recovered just 50 feet off the ground and climbed up to 250 feet. He scaned the landscape it was nothing like that of Germany let alone Europe. As he flew over what seemed to be a valley when he noticed he was flying toward a rather large plume of smoke comming from a mountain, Frank realised what it was but it was too late he had already entered the plume of smoke. Frank tried to gain control of the plane but he could not as he left the smoke plume the engine was already starting to back fire and then stopped. Frank opened the canopy and jumped out of the plane. Frank managed to open his parachute and drifted down toward a barren area not too far from the volcano. The P-51 glided on for another ten feet before falling to the ground and exploding on impact the the earth. Frank watched with dismay as he saw his plane hit the ground. "At least I'm still alive," he thought to himself.


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April 28, 160,000,000 B.C.
The Mysterious Beyond, Modern-Day Utah

The first thing Cleve noticed was that he was now in some sort of canyon. The ground was soft, and the air was once again fresh. The air even felt enervating. The atmosphere, at the time, contained more oxygen then it did today. The fresh air was a welcomed relief to Cleve's frayed nerves, but his clam and composure soon turned to horror.

"The is definitely not Philadelphia," Cleve whispered to himself, "and where is my ship?"

He looked around, but there was no trace of his ship, the ocean, or any man-made objects.

"Am I dreaming, or am I just hallucinating?" Cleve asked himself. He pinched himself, but the pain was real. Cleve, who has been too confused to feel shock, suddenly realized the grim reality of his situation. He was stuck in the middle of nowhere with no one else to help him. But as a Navy officer, he was well-trained and didn't panic. He remembered his "wilderness survival" training as a boyscout. The first order of business was to find water, and Cleve set out to do so. He took a few steps forward. Something didn't feel right.

"Wait, what is this?" Cleve asked himself, "This isn't grass." The "grass" looked just the same as it did back in Philadelphia, but it was a lot stiffer. Cleve pulled a strand out of the ground and carefully examined it.

"This is interesting," Cleve whispered to himself as he examined the blade of grass, "and I'm sure that I've never seen anything like it." It also had a different smell than the grass back in Philadelphia.

Just as Cleve was getting up to continue his journey, he heard a loud explosion to his right. The explosion wasn't close, but he could vaguely make out a plume of smoke in the distance. An explosion meant humans, and humans meant rescue.

"Ha, I knew it," Cleve laughed, "I knew I wasn't alone." He rushed towards the plume of smoke. There was a hill between him and the plume of smoke, but Cleve still had plenty of energy left. Little did he know, he was headed straight for disaster.


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Dan hit the brakes as the bright flash of light hit him, not sure what the cause was.  Once the light vanished he looked around as his car came to a stop.  He was very surprised since now he wasn't on the road or anywhere he had been before.  Plus the radio wasn't picking up any signal.  He tried several channels then turned the radio off.

There was no road in sight.  He looked around and noticed not only the immediate surroundings looked different but everything else also.  It looked like he had somehow wound up where there were no roads.  How he had no idea.   He tried his cell phone, but it appeared he was now in an area where there was no signal so he put his cell phone away.

Not sure what else to do he decided to continue driving, at least as long as he could.  He wasn't sure how long he would be able to given how rough and undeveloped the ground here was.  He was going pretty slow.  He hoped he could find a road before long, even a dirt road.  Then perhaps figure out he arrived wherever he currently was.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank landed and noticed that someone was running toward him but the person was still too far away for him to get a good look at the uniform. Frank ran behind a group of trees and hid in the bushes out of sight taking both his Colt M1911 and his Luger taking the safties on both off and waited the person to get closer to him.


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Matthew ran blindly across this land, he then noticed two people in the distance, they didn't seem hostile, they seemed to be other soldiers, well one looked more like a pilot and Matthew sighed in relief knowing he wasn't the only one here.



  • General of the Great Valley
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James's vision cleared and he suddenly found himself inside a verdant clearing. There were no signs of a road anywhere. Even more surprising, it was daytime. His radio played nothing but static. He checked his cellphone and GPS. Neither of them worked.

He looked around. He could see a lake in the distance. He started up his engine and slowly drove towards the lake. He was thankful that his SUV was regarded as one of the best off-road vehicles money could buy.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The adrenaline in Cleve's body kept him going through the though terrain. After crossing one small hill and one small creek, he faced a mighty jungle that lay between him and the plume of smoke. The jungle, although green, was nearly silent. There were no birds, and there were no signs of other animals. This was good news for Cleve, however, as animals will only slow him down.

Soon, Cleve was close enough to the plume to notice the burning fighter at its base. It appeared to be a P-51 with American markings. There was also a collapsed parachute nearby. This was a good sign suggesting that he wasn't the only one there.

"Hello, anyone there?" Cleve shouted. No one responded. Perhaps the pilot is injured, Cleve thought. Despite having no medical supplies, he ran towards the airplane to see if he could find and aid the pilot.

Ten steps later, Cleve noticed strange sounds and smells coming from his right. There was a dense bush, and whatever that was making the sound was well-conceived. The sound sounded like a low growl, and the smell resembled decaying flesh. He took a step closer.

"Anyone there?" Cleve asked. There was no response. Cleve decided to investigate. He also had a Colt M1911 with 7 rounds, and he switched off the safety with his thumb.

"Identify yourself." Cleve shouted, this time louder. Suddenly, a creature leaked out of the bush. Its quickness and agility stunned Cleve. For a moment, they stood still, starring at each other. The creature was unlike any that Cleve had ever seen. It was nearly two meters tall, and it had the body structure of an ostrich. However, it had leaner legs, a long tail, and a large head filled with razor-sharp teeth. Cleve raised his pistol.

"Stand back." Cleve ordered, almost expecting the creature to understand. However, it had the opposite effect. The creature charged at Cleve at unhuman speeds with its mouth wide open.

Cleve's hand was shaking with excitement. He fired a shot, but obviously missed. The creature was 70 meters away, so it was within range. However, shooting was never something that Cleve was good at. He managed to squeeze off another round before panicking. It too missed. Cleve dropped his gun and ran as fast as he could.

Silently, he prayed that someone could save him.


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Dan continued driving as best as he could, the lack of a road making it hard and his having to drive around large rocks and trees making it harder still.  He started to think it may be easier to just stop the car and get out and walk instead.  He thought he would drive a few more minutes or so, then he'd stop the car and try walking instead.


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Even while knowing someone else was here, Matthew was still aware of danger considering he was completely unarmed, suddenly Matthew heard two gunshots,he jumped at the sound of each of them and quickly turned to face the direction of where he thought the sound came from,then he heard another sound - footsteps and then growling, Matthew turned to see small creature staring at him, Matthew ran, he didn't want to know what the creature's intentions were.


f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank could not believe his ears when he heared the other human also spoke english but he had to be sure it was not a spy. Frank rose out of the bushes and ran toward the area where he saw the other person walk to. On hearing the gunshots he started running faster and when he saw the creature he fired 6 shot 3 of which he saw hit the creature. "Come and get me on you overgrown animal!," Frank shouted in German the dialect being East Central German but the accent was mild common to what would be found in one of the larger cities in eastern Germany.


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After hearing six more gunshots, a loud "thud", and someone shouting something in German, Cleve decided to look back. The strange creature that has been chasing him was dead, shot by someone hiding in the brush. Although fully conscious of the fact that the German-speaking stranger might be an enemy soldier, Cleve was too happy to care. He just got a renewal on life.

"Yes, I'm saved!" Cleve cried out with glee. However, his joy was short-lived. While he had his head turned around, he became completely unaware of the fact that he was still dashing away at seven miles per hour. Almost comically, he ran straight into a tree. The entire tree seemed to shake as leaves fell from the top.

"Ow!" Cleve yelped as he bounced back into the ground. He was shaken, but still conscious. He rubbed his head. There was a huge bump, but nothing seemed broken. He wanted to get off the ground, but he was not able to do so. As quickly as it came, all the adrenaline in his body left him. He was now feeling weak and sore. Instead of wasting his precious energy and approach the stranger, he decided to sit on the ground and wait for the stranger to approach him.


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Dan stopped the car.  With the ground getting rougher and larger grass and more trees driving was getting very difficult.  Once he had stopped the car he reached behind his seat to pull out a survival backpack that he had there.  He had once been a boyscout and continued to be prepared, over-prepared some would say.  

Once he got out of the car he popped the hood and removed the spark plugs, so on one could steal his car.  Then for good measure he switched the wires on the battery.  In case they did have their own spark plugs then they'd get a surprise when they tried to turn on the car.  

This done he slammed down the hood and went back to the trunk to take out a small shoulder bag with some other stuff.  Then he took out a compass and using that to be sure he didn't keep going in a circle he found out what circle was north.


  • General of the Great Valley
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James steadily kept driving until he reached the shores of the lake. He turned off the engine, grabbed the Remington 870 shotgun out of the case in the trunk and loaded it.

He got out of his car and to his surprise, he spotted what appeared to be a Human in the distance. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mirror. He shone the mirror at the figure in the distance, hoping to attract its attention. He kept his shotgun at the ready in case it was hostile.

(OOC - Kor, I assume your character is in the distance from mine.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(ooc: We can say that.  It would simplify matters I'd guess.)  

Dan was walking along when he saw some flashes.  He paused, thinking they may be from a mirror being used a signal device he took out a small metal mirror  out of it's small container.  He then did his best to signal back the word "Hello", still knowing Morse code from his boyscout days.