The Gang of Five
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Raptor · 25 · 12471


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Human life is gone. Nothing is left except a singel page from the last human settelment, shown here:

Things..... are happening to us. It's almost like evolution is flowing backwards. Some of us are no longer Human, others are still changing. It's

Now, nature has reclaimed the earth. The Future IS Wild. Animals large and small exist, unhindered. North and south switched climates long ago, leaving the north a tropic paradise and the south a frozen wastland. This RPG takes place in the place that was once Clevland, now a beautiful rainforest. There are remains of human bulidings still there, hidden in the foilage. Lake Erie is home to strange aquatic creatures, being much deeper then it once was. But as beautiful as it may be, it is filled with predators and prey of all sorts. Play the Predator or the Prey. It's your choice.

Name: Uratha
Speices: Corgar
Gender: Male
Height: 20 ft
Length: 63 ft
Bio: Uratha is a Corgar, a reptalian predator. He moves on four strong legs, each equipped with razor claws. His head is much like a T-rex's and a crocodile's melded together. He has six spikes at the end of his tail, denoting him as a male. Corgar mate for life. Descended from Monitar Lizards.

Player animals so far:

Corgar: Made by Raptor.
Areetah: Made by DarkHououmon.
Forelen: Made by Raptor.
Raptizal: Made by Threehorn.

NPC animals so far:

Aviformosus: These are pack-hunting avian predators with a ruff of red feathers down they're necks and dark blue plumage. 3 ft tall and 4 ft long. Descended from Parrots.
Stenochoritus: Reptalian herbivores with four horns on they're heads. Uses long, sticky tounge to reach branches high on trees. 6 ft tall and 30 ft long. Descended from Chamaleons.
Grefec: Huge mammalian ambush predator of lake Erie. Hairless, with Crocodile-like jaws. 10 ft tall and 62 ft long. Descended from Orcas.
Herx: Omnivores swimming crustacean with a spike on it's head. Spike is solely for show. 1 ft long and 10 inches tall. Descended from Shrimp
Deod: Weakly armoured, six-finned, omnivores fish. Prime prey for Forelens. 1 ft tall and 3 ft long. Descended from Tuna.
Palorinachus: Mammalian herbivores with a twisted, knareled crest. Can vocolize by blowing air up through crest, which is connected to the nasel passege. 7 ft tall and 28 ft long. Descended from Deer.
Hesdfocarus: Predatory aqutic athropods with a Pirahna-like attack pattern. Limited to regions where a certain algae lives. 5 inches tall and 3 ft long. Descended from Centipedes.
Emporer Fasticorus: Large, flying insect with sustainible light from it's abdomen. Feeds on moths. 1/2 inch tall and 4 inches long. Descended from Fireflys.
Ufariun: Nocturnal, free-swimming Parasite with six mandibles. Attaches and drains the blood from prey. 1 ft tall and 8 ft long. Descended from Tapeworms.
Serkezes: Deep-water predators which come close to the surface at night, and have bioluminsent organs on fins, head, and strands of flesh on lateral line. Teeth are so large that it is unable to close it's mouth. 10 ft tall and 56 ft long. Descended from Angler Fish.
Desxesdsa: Terrestrial, predatory, nocturnal arthropods with stinging tails and spikes. They have large pincers and shearing mouthparts as well. 4 ft tall and 12 feet long. Descended from Scorpions.
Xewasque: Nocuturnal, herbivores, "Puff Ball" mammals which look like balls of fur with eyes. Eyes are extremly large to let in any light that may be in the night. 5 ft tall and 4 ft long. Descended from Rabbits.
Sythra: Monster creature with truly hideous features. See page two for deatails. 34 ft tall and 94 ft long. Descended from Elepant Seals.


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(Are humans allowed in this RP? I thought this takes place when all human life is gone.)

Name: Viper
Species: Areetah
Gender: Female
Height: 4 ft at the shoulders
Length: 6 ft from head to tail
Bio: Viper is a lone areetah, which is strange considering most areetahs live in small groups. She is a newcomer to the Cleveland rainforest. She fled there after a fire destroyed her home hundreds of miles away. She hopes the rainforest will help her start her life anew.
Description: Viper is an areetah, a descendent of the cheetah. The areetahs still have the basic shape of the cheetah, but the similarities end there. The areetahs have much longer, sharper claws and their back legs lack fur. Instead they are covered in scale-like skin, reptilian-like. The longer claws are used to better catch and hold their prey. One of the front paws has claws even longer than the other three limbs. This claw is often used to attract mates and for fighting other areetahs.

Areetahs don't have spots; they are striped to help them blend in with the forest that they live in. They still use their long tail for balance. No longer weak like the cheetah, the areetahs have a powerful venomous bite. They have a dragon-like characteristic: a third set of limbs, jetting out from their shoulders. The areetahs have evolved a pair of powerful wings. They look bird-like, but the "feathers" are made of modified hairs, and the end result is a furry, bird-like wing.

Colors: Viper is a tawny color with black stripes all over her body. Black rings cover her tail, and the tip is white, as well as her paws, eyes, and mouth. The fur inside her ears is a dark brown, and her wings are tipped in dark brown as well. The bare skin of her back legs is brown in color, also black-striped to help her blend in to her surroundings.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Arboldin, all human life is gone. Unless, of course, by your first post, that he Time-Traveled here, but almost everyone on the planet for the short time there was Time Traveling was terrified of it, mainly due to the fact that when they sent you, you are more then likely not to arrive intact. If you're still alive when you arrive, you'll probably see bits of yourself lieing around. Oh, and great profile DarkHououmon.

IC: An immense Corgar feeds off his most recent kill, a Stenochoritus. The Steno's blood mixes into the Corgar's saliva, becoming a haven for bacteria. The Corgar, named Uratha, snarls as he spots six smaller predators, Aviformosus. The Aviformosus ruff the brillant red feathers on they're necks and back away into the foilage. The Corgar resumes eating. Though Uratha may not look intelligent, he is one of the smartest reptalian predators (And there are quite a few of those) in the future world. Uratha finishes his meal and goes off to the left in search of water, toppleing a few small trees as he goes.

OOC: I decided to create a second profile.

Name: Torez  
Speices: Forelen
Gender: Male
Height: 10 ft
Length: 33 ft
Bio: Torez and the other Forelens are the desendants of Painted Turtles. The shells that used to protect the have shrunk into a lumpy ridge on the Forelen's back and stomach. They are no-longer slow-moveing insectivores, but instead, the are Sea-Lion like piscivores, swiftly moving through Lake Erie to capture Herx and other small, free-swiming creatures. They're beak is lined with thousands of tiney razors to cut through prey. The males are brightly colored with streaks of yellow and green, wheras the females are only green.

IC: Torez:

On a beach where the forest meets the lake, a colony of Forelens dwells. One, named Torez, is heading to the water to catch some Herx or Deod, when a horrible roar rends through the air. A huge Grefec has erupted from the water and is snapping at the other Forelens. The yellow eyes of the Grefec zero in on Torez as he scoots backwards to get out of it's range. The Grefec slips back into the water and Torez stops, wondering if it's given up. Then, it explodes from the water directly in front of him, snapping it's jaws shut only inches from his beak. Torez scoots back, almost falling over himself, untill he's out of the Grefec's range.  


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IC: Uratha:

Suddenly, Uratha's jaws lunge from the trees a close around Damu's waist. He throughs the body into a tree. Uratha sees that the human is still weakly breathing. He raises one claw, and slashes Damu to ribbions. Satisfied that his attacker is dead, Uratha heads off to do what he was going to do in the first place. Find water.

OOC: I've seen A Sound of Thunder. But don't go changing the ecosystem around here!


  • The Gang of Five
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Name: Wizbrim
Speices: Raptizal
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft
Length: 9ft (tail to snout when in dashing)
Bio: Wizbrim lives in a tribe with other Raptizal, these beasts stand upright but scaly, these are evloved from the humans no longer looking like humans they have long tails and have a long snout with their head even with it much like a raptor they have powerful musles in their legs and their necks just as strong. their hips are special since they are able to shift postion to lowering into a level out standard silimar to a raptor and run at very fast speeds and swift. They've when not in the time of hunting walk up right their tails being flexable living in huts and able to create camp fires these beasts learning a string of commucations and able to write, their claws are three fingers and a thumb these claws able to grip on things. Their feet have no long retractable claw but their three claw feet able to bend enough to hook on large or simliar size prey. Also their way of speaking is different to that of humans they having a new design to around inside the head giving them a way to direct each other to locations to set traps on larger prey overwhelming it in attacks from all sides.

As for Wizbrim he comes from a long line of family wearing a necklace of raptizalian sharp teeth around his neck with a robe like cloth around his neck down the back he like his father before him classed at the source of magic the one that knows nature better then all sense the seasons and other forms to explain the unknown. He has yellow slitted eyes with greenish brown scales with a chipped sharp fang from one hunt he was in when young. He been their shaman for the last 12 passing seasons.

the Rapizal also have some of the last human technology and see them as icons gifts from the past world a holy grail. the technology working in some sort of way they basical understanding it. and only Wizbrim may touch it or the head cheif.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Awsome profile Threehorn! I was wondering when somone would do something like that.

IC: Uratha:

Uratha steps out of the forest and one to the beach. As odd as it may sound, the water is drinkble. Uratha startles some Palorinachus and a colony of Forelens as he goes to get a drink. Uratha dips his snout into the cool, clear water and laps the liqud up. Suddenly, he sees an odd cloud of brownish things swiming right for his snout. He lifts his jaws up imediently as the Hesdfocarus converge right where it was a moment ago.


  • The Gang of Five
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OOC: thanks and have we already started the rpg?


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OOC: ok

IC: Wizbrim

he leads a group of his tribal Rapizalians to the sound of gun fire they soon discover the jeep and one pick up the keys "what are theses Shaman Wizbrim?" one asked

Shaman took them and look at the jeep they found and look at the weapons "I see these in still wrappings (book) they are what the old race use to hunt they fire metal out of them, we will take them back to the tribe" he gets in and put the key in turning it they all jump back a few feet hearing the noise

"you made it come to life!" one spoke

"Yes now all in, I heard sounds over there we will see what it is" Wizbrim said and put his foot on the peddle reading the books that was in the hut they kept all from the past in. He took hold of the wheel and drove through the forest they came to a dead human soon after.

"is that?"

"the past being yes. he not been dead long, take the being on here we will get back and I will proform the spell of the soul moving." Wizbrim spoke and they do so and head back.

the cheif sees the jeep as it stopped and the rest see it too "Past mover! you found one?"

"Yes and a dead past being, is the disloyal still alive?"

"Yes Shaman Wizbrim" the cheif spoke as they brought the dead human on the ground "I see Shaman you want to try the spell of moving souls."

"yes" Wizbrim spoke and then Cheif hiss and does a selection of sounds then two Rapizals bring out one of their kind and set him down on a pole. then Wizbrim go to his hut and brings back a small bag of powder taking some out blows it over the body then over the Rapizal

"No please" he begs

Wizbrim hisses at him and then starts chatting over and over and over with wind picking up then it dies down the Rapizal's head drops down with eyes closed and Wizbrim almost falls with the others supporting him near by "I done it... now we wait" he spoke

OOC: they speaking in their own lanugure of course and if arboldin like to bring his human back into but in the body of the Rapizal :).  if I what i put up isn't suited then I will change it, just thought it would be a funny twist for the human that got killed


  • Ducky
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OOC: It's okay...just no going beyond that. Okay?

IC: Torez:

Torez ungulates along the beach to get into the water. He hasn't eaten since early this morning, and it shall soon be nightfall. Nasty things come out at nightfall. He plunges into the water a darts around, searching for food. Torez soon comes across a school of Herx. He darts in, scattering them and snatching one. This goes on for a short time, till it starts getting dark. Torez darts back to the beach and halls himself onto the sand.


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IC: Wizbrim

Cheif looks to a slection of Rapizals "what is our food storage?"

"half cheif, should we hunt for pray?"

"Do so, any will do" he replied and they lower like raptors stand and sprit off into the forest. "As for the moving past machine it will stay where it is, all the other stuff put in the Hut of Past Divine" Cheif spoke and some go and put the weapons and other equitment into the hut putting them down in a empty section of it.

"I will stay for him to awake to see if it worked, if has we will learn all about the past. But he will speak of the past tounge we will have to teach him the words of our tribe" Wizbrim spoke to the cheif

"Understood and for this past creature body, you two strip all off to the bone we will keep the cloth and bones as a sign to the past to our beginnings." cheif said and they take the human body away.


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IC: Uratha:

As soon as the Hesdfocarus are gone, Uratha finishes his drink and heads back into the forest, startling some Xewasque. He gets back to his territory, lays down, and begins to sleep.

OOC: When the big predator's asleep....some scary things can come out and creep.

Name: Farda
Speices: Grezallex
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft
Length: 7 ft
Bio: Farda is a Grezallex, a wolf descendant. Grezallex have no fur, and have three spikes made of keritin on they're backs. Each spine is mounted on a joint, so they can be raised and lowered when the Grezallex wishes. Males have spikes on they're front legs, wheras females do not. Grezallex hunt in alone untill they have found a mate, which is when for a short time they will hunt together.

IC: Farda:

A Grezallex, named Farda, peers from the foilage, his yellow eyes glinting with hunger. He slowly sneaks around his quarry, a wounded Palorinachus. It is lieing on it's side, panting heavily. It has been two nights since Farda bit it, and the wound has become infected. Just as the Palorinachus becomes drowsy, he springs. Farda lands on the Deer-descendant' head and uses his strong jaws to break the herbivore's neck. He leaps of and begins to eat.



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(Hmm...does anyone have any suggestion on how Viper could make her first appearance?)


  • The Gang of Five
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OOC: you can just put her into anyway you think she could appear into it :)


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(Okay, I'll give it my best shot.)

A lone figure stalked through the thick jungles, blended in with the humid air. The creature was an areetah, descendent of the cheetah. Her wings were closed at her sides. She had not been able to open them up fully in this dense jungle, and they were starting to ache. She desperately wanted to find some sort of clearing. As she pressed on, she felt something sharp on her paw.

Yelping in surprise she quickly pulled back and looked at her paw. She scowled disapprovingly. It was just a thorn. Being very careful not to bite herself, she grasped the thorn with her teeth and pulled it out, and spat it to the ground. Swooshing her tail and looking around to make sure it was safe, she continued her hike, looking for a place large enough for her to give her wings a well-deserved stretch.


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IC: Rapizal hunting group

they race through the jungle till they sense prey not far and in view Viper saw them they was yipping and hissing then split up in different directions seeing in front there was a creature in the woods eating on some ferns the Palorinachus then suddenly gets spooked then all the rapizals came in from all directions jumping on it and biting in. soon after the attack they let go and spread out as the large creature moans in pain with blood dripping everywhere then the back group bounce and bite in more blood coming out one bites into a vine and blood sparys out of it the Palorinachus cries out in more pain and falls down. Then more came with wooden objects attached to stikes the others bite and using the claws rip out pieces and place meat in it. soon they fill up three big baskets and the ones that came with it start walking wih the hunters walking around them protecting the meat as they carry it away.

the rest of the body left in sight of Viper and the Rapizals left now got the meat to last the tripe for a week before another hunt.


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OOC: if you think I might go a bit to far let me know where and how and i will edit the post :) don't want to ruin it for any one


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OOC: nvm... lets contiune the rpg  -_-