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Am I being weird....

Jrd89 · 23 · 3805


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I wanted to know.

At night (currently living with my grandparents for 2 months before moving to Florida with my family) why am I staying in michigan..?

Because I work at a restaurant as a dishwasher (with very nasty foul-mouthed men in their late 20s and 30s even..)

and it's the busy summer season here, but i'll be going down to Florida with my family in early October.

I showed my drawings of my flyer, Ptero to my mom and she finally liked a drawing I did of him a couple days before she left... She REALLY liked that drawing of him.

(he's a pteranodon like Pterano.. but he has large, ovally eyes, and no neck ring.

I haven't given him colors yet. I've only drawn in pencil so far.

My mom found a couple of places where I could learn about computer animation down there. (and ONLY 10 miles from our ocean-front condo (where my parents are living), too!!!)

When I go down there, i'm gonna get a 2002 Chevrolet Camaro (coupe), A silver one.

I MAY be onto something if I could learn how to animate Ptero.... you never know.

But back to what I was asking originally..

At night, when i'm all snuggled up in bed. the last thing I do is whisper very very softly....

"Good night Pterano....... nighty-night Petrie..........nighty Night Rinkus....

then I close my eyes and head off to sleep.

Is that weird? and am I being very weird with that? Just wanted to know..


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I don't think your wierd, when I was eight I used to do the same thing with a toy of Littlefoot that I got when I was three, and I still have it too.


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I admit I do find that strange, but each to his own as the saying goes. If you want to do that, go right ahead. Why would I attempt to stop you?


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If it makes you happy just continue doing it and don't care what others think.  Though that can be hard to do then to say.


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Strange, yeah, but nobody here will tell you to stop doing it as it bothers none of us.  If you're comfortable with it, well, then do so.  Everyone has their comfort feelings and needs to do certain things.


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Weird is a term that can be stretched very far as it is mostly a matter of the perceptions of individuals (similar to the term "normal"). However, if we accept the perception of a majority of the people as a definition then I daresay the blunt answer would be "Yes, you are weird!" I am saying this as one who would certainly get the same response when asking the majority.
The question is to what degree it is a bad or harmful thing (if to any). You are not causing any harm to anyone else so your degree of weirdness is a private matter about which you alone are entitled to decide.
However, the more tricky question is to what degree you or anyone are doing harm to themselves through extreme degrees of weirdness. I summed up the essence of what I mean to say in my signature as "Dream of the Great Valley, but don't forget to build your Great Valley in real life as well."
We should live our enthusiasm for LBT, but we are not doing ourselves any favor if by doing though we fail to draw a clear line between LBT and real life. If we are incapable of drawing such a line and if our enthusiasm for LBT influences us and our attitudes at work, at school, to our families, or to anyone else in a sensible manner then I don't think one can blame others for treating us as weirdos (in a negative sense of the term). If people live in their own LBT world to such a degree that it influences their perceptions, and attitudes, their daily lives, possibly their spiritual lives or (looking at what is sometimes written there is no doubt about it) their sexual lives then I really think people to whom this applies should stop for a moment and really ask themselves if they really want to live with the consequences of living in a dreamworld that will never ever manifest physically. On the one hand one needn't submit to every fashion or abandon any not-fashionable interests in order to avoid "weirdness", but if one feels bothered by being seen as a weirdo (and because this WILL affect our real lives this IS something that we ought not to be utterly unconcerned about) one should really reexamine ones life and actions and make sure that it is not so entirely based on LBT that we are missing out on so much else this life has to offer.
Weirdness needn't be a stain but neither does it need to be a laurel wreath and it is almost certain to be a burden if it comes in excess.


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Quote from: Jrd89,Aug 2 2010 on  07:09 PM
Am I being weird? I whisper goodnight to Pterano, Petrie.


...What, you care?


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No I don't think you are.

Whenever I went to Okotoks to visit my cousins when I was younger, on the drive back I would alway's have my mouth wide open and look around with big wide eyes, just Like Littlefoot looking at the great valley for the first time in the first movie. I eventually grew out of it but I still look back and go, "that was sure a weird thing I did." in my head. It was cute. :lol:


  • Petra (He/They)
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dun worry. I'm just as wierd. Shoot, I miss Pterano for crying out loud. i just wish they would put him in another sequal.

btw, sup i'm a newbie and i love the Land before time! I think its the best movie series there is! And i love Pterano.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Quote from: trulyfantasticme,Apr 2 2011 on  03:36 AM
dun worry. I'm just as wierd. Shoot, I miss Pterano for crying out loud. i just wish they would put him in another sequal.

btw, sup i'm a newbie and i love the Land before time! I think its the best movie series there is! And i love Pterano.
Hiyooooo! Welcome to the site dude!

And answering your question: Yes I do personally think that is kinda weird. But, since it doesn't seem to hurt you or nybody else, saying that I saw a problem in it would make me a hypocrite.


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(Forgive my double-post)

In fact, now I'm kinda in the same boat. This Mother's Day at church, in the flower-vases for peopl to leave their daffodils for mothers that they won't be seeing soon, I actually left a daffodil for Littlefoot's Mother.

Now, where's my Vicadin?


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Why would you need a Vicodin? You don't feel physichal pain, do you? If you fel physcihal pain go the doctor immediately. If you're just sad or depressed, it's OK.  People feel that way for many, many reasons.


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Quote from: jansenov,Apr 6 2011 on  10:55 AM
Why would you need a Vicodin? You don't feel physichal pain, do you? If you fel physcihal pain go the doctor immediately. If you're just sad or depressed, it's OK.  People feel that way for many, many reasons.
Nah, just kidding. I forgot, Vicadin is an antidepressant...It was gonna be a joke about me being potentially delusional, but I guess it kinda fell flat, huh?


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Well, I still sometimes do it now, but not as often. But I always at least think about Pterano and Petrie at night..Just to update, I live in Florida now...I left Michigan last September..

But returning to the subject..

trulyfantasticme: Really? I guess i'm not alone after all.  
I really miss Pterano, too. When I watch the part of "Cold Fire" where Pterano flies away for the last time, when he says:

"Then again, there are others I shant miss at alllll!.."

My eyes always start to water up, and I sometimes cry.  :cry  :cry

Because when he flies away, I think..

"But he never came back Jared...not in any of the 6 remaining movies..and not in the t.v. series."

I miss you, Pterano! :cry :cry  

I hope he comes back.

If there are no more LBT movies in the future, Pterano will never return. I'll be very sad and disappointed if that's the case.

Please, keep your fingers crossed and hope Pterano comes back for one more movie, trulyfantasticme. I love him just like you do. Let's hope for the best.

Cancerian Tiger

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Actually, to clear it up, Vicodin is a powerful painkiller.  I think what you're referring to Aliicloud is Valium, a very powerful antianxiety/anticonvulsant med ;).

Back on topic, I find nothing weird in a bad sense about this.  Quirky perhaps, but hell if it ain't hurting anyone, then I don't have an issue with it.  It's really good to be different.  The only thing wrong about it is the people in this world who prefer to remain ignorant and judgmental of others' differences <_<.


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Quote from: Jrd89,Apr 6 2011 on  06:41 PM
Well, I still sometimes do it now, but not as often. But I always at least think about Pterano and Petrie at night..Just to update, I live in Florida now...I left Michigan last September..

But returning to the subject..

trulyfantasticme: Really? I guess i'm not alone after all.  
I really miss Pterano, too. When I watch the part of "Cold Fire" where Pterano flies away for the last time, when he says:

"Then again, there are others I shant miss at alllll!.."

My eyes always start to water up, and I sometimes cry.  :cry  :cry

Because when he flies away, I think..

"But he never came back Jared...not in any of the 6 remaining movies..and not in the t.v. series."

I miss you, Pterano! :cry :cry  

I hope he comes back.

If there are no more LBT movies in the future, Pterano will never return. I'll be very sad and disappointed if that's the case.

Please, keep your fingers crossed and hope Pterano comes back for one more movie, trulyfantasticme. I love him just like you do. Let's hope for the best.
I hope he comes back too!!! I was wondering. How long have you been a Pterano fan?
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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I've liked Pterano since I first saw "Cold Fire" on t.v. (I think it was 2001.) I was 11 years old in 6th grade.  It was one of those "Saturday evening" movies on cartoon network.

When I first saw him being sneaky listening to Littlefoot's conversation with the rainbowfaces, I got really excited. I thought..

"Whoa. Awesome! Who's this big flyer?! Ok, he's gotta be one of Petrie's's either his dad or his uncle... he's very beautiful."

After that, I didn't know his name..I just knew him as "that big orange pteranodon who's Petrie's uncle.."

I last saw "The Stone of Cold Fire" on t.v. in 2003... and that was it for the next 7 years... I still loved that "big orange Pteranodon who's Petrie's uncle" though..

Then in March 2010, I re-visited LBT, (just for the heck of it at the time..) and really got deeper into it once I saw some youtube videos and tried to look for videos with "Petrie's uncle" in them..that's when I remembered his name, again...Pterano! and that's when I REALLY got into him...

And then I struck gold when I found this site (Ptyra told me about it beforehand and recommended it)

I didn't know there was a huge LBT fansite like this one... I really didn't.

Before I found the gang of five, I thought that "The Land Before Time" was a totally forgotten relic of the past. I thought. "Nobody's into "The Land Before Time" anymore"... BOY WAS I WRONG!  :lol:

I finally got the "Stone Of Cold Fire" on DVD a couple weeks ago at Barnes & Noble..I just watched it in full last week for the first time since December 2003. It felt SO GOOD seeing the movie again!  :)

So, i've loved Pterano for 10 years. I was 11 when I started liking him.

I just had trouble remembering his name. I KNEW who he was though..

Then when I really started getting into LBT in March 2010, I remembered his name was Pterano!  :)

As for Petrie, I've loved him since I was 6, when I was in first grade. Our Friday movie was the original 1988 "Land Before Time"...

And that same year, I remember my mom rented me "The Great Valley Adventure" and "The Time Of The Great Giving", which was the first LBT movie that I can remember when it came out brand new.

My mom knew I loved LBT. I thought Petrie was the funniest, cutest little flyer ever! :D

So...I've loved Pterano since the beginning when "Cold Fire" first came out when I was 11 and Petrie since I was 6.


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Quote from: Jrd89,Apr 7 2011 on  12:34 AM
I've liked Pterano since I first saw "Cold Fire" on t.v. (I think it was 2001.) I was 11 years old in 6th grade.  It was one of those "Saturday evening" movies on cartoon network.

When I first saw him being sneaky listening to Littlefoot's conversation with the rainbowfaces, I got really excited. I thought..

"Whoa. Awesome! Who's this big flyer?! Ok, he's gotta be one of Petrie's's either his dad or his uncle... he's very beautiful."

After that, I didn't know his name..I just knew him as "that big orange pteranodon who's Petrie's uncle.."

I last saw "The Stone of Cold Fire" on t.v. in 2003... and that was it for the next 7 years... I still loved that "big orange Pteranodon who's Petrie's uncle" though..

Then in March 2010, I re-visited LBT, (just for the heck of it at the time..) and really got deeper into it once I saw some youtube videos and tried to look for videos with "Petrie's uncle" in them..that's when I remembered his name, again...Pterano! and that's when I REALLY got into him...

And then I struck gold when I found this site (Ptyra told me about it beforehand and recommended it)

I didn't know there was a huge LBT fansite like this one... I really didn't.

Before I found the gang of five, I thought that "The Land Before Time" was a totally forgotten relic of the past. I thought. "Nobody's into "The Land Before Time" anymore"... BOY WAS I WRONG!  :lol:

I finally got the "Stone Of Cold Fire" on DVD a couple weeks ago at Barnes & Noble..I just watched it in full last week for the first time since December 2003. It felt SO GOOD seeing the movie again!  :)

So, i've loved Pterano for 10 years. I was 11 when I started liking him.

I just had trouble remembering his name. I KNEW who he was though..

Then when I really started getting into LBT in March 2010, I remembered his name was Pterano!  :)

As for Petrie, I've loved him since I was 6, when I was in first grade. Our Friday movie was the original 1988 "Land Before Time"...

And that same year, I remember my mom rented me "The Great Valley Adventure" and "The Time Of The Great Giving", which was the first LBT movie that I can remember when it came out brand new.

My mom knew I loved LBT. I thought Petrie was the funniest, cutest little flyer ever! :D

So...I've loved Pterano since the beginning when "Cold Fire" first came out when I was 11 and Petrie since I was 6.
Thats awesome!!! Being a Pterano fan for ten years. Thats freakin awesome!!!! I was like six in the year 2001. lol.

Anyway, I was do you think Pterano would react if you met him face to face and you told him this, "I think you're pretty..."?
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Ooh. That would be interesting.  :)

I think If I told Pterano, "I think you're pretty" he might find that strange coming out of a guy. (whether I was human or a pteranodon), wouldn't he? I think he'd get a little wide-eyed and say, "Well, um...thank you."
See, what i'd do is smile and tell him, "Pterano, I think you're a very handsome flyer." and he would warmly say to me, "Why, thank you." and he'd smile at me.  :D