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"A New Journey" (based on Watership Down)

Petrie. · 334 · 26949


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"I don't fight!" said Cinankhen and for the first time his voice sounded a bit sharper.
"I asked a question. What are the functions of Owsla and the guards Arvens?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry narrowed her eyes for just a moment before she spoke again. "It would be a better choice to direct your question to an ACTUAL Owsla Captain, however..." she stated with a pause before continuing "Since you asked Arvens... he should answer you."


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Cinankhen rolled his eyes slightly but was clearly intent to maintain a save distance from both Arvens and Maybery. "He too is an Owsla captain your highness", he said. "So with such an assembly or Owsla captains it ought not to be too hard to answer that simple question. What is the use of Owsla and the guards? What are they guarding? This is my question to Arvens and I hope not to cause a conflict of authority when one Owsla captain presumes the right to answer for the other."


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Rankin had heard what Cinankhen had questioned and he knew it was troubling the former owsla guards. He hopped up to the group and had a little space between he and arvens, and tried to answer cinankhen

"Cinankhen," Rankin spoke in a rather confirmed voice, as if everyone already knew "Their job is to bully everyone into submission to keep their power. If they don't get what they want then they will get rather aggressive about it. If that answers your question, can you go with arvens now? I think I'm just going to sleep here." Rankin was getting annoyed at the quarrel.


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Cinankhen shook his head as if to get rid of a fly that would crawl into his ears. "What is the use of an Owsla Arvens?" he repeated.


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Arvens snorted at Rankin's brash response to the question.  "Not all Owsla's are power hungry, though some certainly are, I've seen them, but I didn't come from one, if that's your concern."  Turning his attention back to Cinankhen he said rather pointedly, " The job of the Owsla is to protect the warren.  You're free to interpret that as you will.  Some will say its to protect all who live there.  Others will tell you that's an excuse to do what you want for your own ego.  Depends on which rabbit you ask, in which warren, and at what time."  

He nodded to Mayberry and added, "And I'm not an Owsla captain, I was an Owsla member and coordinator within my warren.  I did all sorts of stuff, but I never made the final call.  Do not assume I am a power hungry individual like all those rabbits you've heard of in stories.  I just happen to know what needs to be done and when since I did a lot of that in my time in the Owsla."


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"And you are the only one left of your former warren Arvens?" Cinankhen asked.


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"As far as I'm fully aware, I may very well be the only one left," said Arvens.  "Its not something you do, look back on man to see what's going on.  You run and hope you get away and survive.  It is likely others are alive, but I never found them."


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Cinankhen nodded. His voice sounded perfectly calm and factually rather than snidely when he continued: "And never bothered to look either. At the sight of man run as fast as you can.
But the fact remains that in the face of danger guardians and Owsla members run just as fast as those who they are supposed to protect and who are termed cowards for it. I do not blame Owsla members for running in the face of danger. What I do blame the likes of you for is the assumption that others may not talk to you or another Owsla member..." he nodded at Mayberry, "...the way you might talk to them. Your hraka or that of any Owsla member or chief rabbit doesn't smell any better than that of anyone. I don't know what you were like as an Owsla member, I don't know where you think tyranny begins or by what right you think you can assume a higher authority than others. But what I do see is that if, as you say, it is the job of the Owsla to protect a warren you must have failed that job if you are the only survivor and didn't even bother to look back in your flight to see if any one of those you were supposed to protect survived. Again I do not blame you for running, but I see nothing about you to tell me how you dare to expect a hlessi in the open to follow your orders or take any cocky tone from you. And if it is your intention to ever find anyone less devoted to hlessi life to join or to follow you to found a new warren you may have to show more than the mere word Owsla to impress anybody who wouldn't submit to just anyone.
That being said what's the decision of the high Owsla members on what they will do? Accept this stand of things and continue as we did before. Part ways with anyone who won't submit to an authority from a past and different place. Or..." at this Cinankhen subtly took a position from which he could dash away at the wink of an eye, "...something else?"


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Arvens could feel the rage building inside of him.  Damn it all to Frith, he thought angrily, as he turned from Cinankhen once again and began pacing.  This cheeky whelp thinks he knows all.  Has he ever even seen a man, or dog attack a warren?  Some young rabbits have no respect for those who earn their position or those who clearly know why it is things are done the way they are.  It gave Arvens an idea, one that would certainly change how the whole situation was going down, right out in the open nonetheless, which he wasn't all too pleased with in the first place.

Arvens quit pacing and moved as close to Cinankhen as he felt he could get without the rabbit bolting away.  "You've been doing a lot of big talk for a small rabbit.  So you want to dance with the Black Rabbit in the pale moonlight do you?  What I want to know is what have you done in life to be such a critical source of all beings?  If you think its so simple to stand and face a human intent on killing all rabbits in sight, I would like to see you turn and stop and watch your friends, your family, your life, torn, slashed, and gassed into oblivion and say 'I'm more magnificent than thou because I have stayed and protected when its a suicidal mission' and still be ok with that.  You wouldn't be'd be dead like the rest in that unfortunate plight.  Its worth more being alive than dead so don't you dare say I have failed rabbits.  I can still be of use to other rabbits, provided they have the sense to recognize when luck and opportunity come their way," he snarled menacingly.  "I don't know what warren you came from, but they didn't teach you a shred of dignity and respect for those who have been through a lot in their lives."


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Rankin just sat where he was. He thought things were getting dumb at this point.

"I don't think anyone here should feel sorry then, Arvens." Rankin said "You trained a bunch of morons if they couldn't have survived when you could. You prepared them to die. I hope you feel proud, captain of owsla... But then again, I know what it's like to feel helpless in an terrible position."

OOC: No offense to previous players and/or chars XD


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Cinankhen hurried to speak before something more could be said but kept his voice at the unnerving calmness of someone talking about the weather.
"I pity you for the lot you have been through.
But it is you, not I who told me what to say or what not to without any right to do so. It is you not I who shows no respect for the other one. And as for that former rank of yours I don't have any reason to respect that or obey you for it. Whether or not you could have looked for other survivors or be of any help to those you were to protect and of whom you are the only one left may be left to doubt. It certainly does not put you in the position to demand particular respect, obedience, or submission to you or any Owsla member from me.
I don't know or care why you would think that I had not had my own lot to go through."
Cinankhen stopped for a moment as if he had said more than he had wanted to, but he he quickly continued.
"What you do I don't care. I have been been a hlessi for quite a while and don't need your or anybody's company. I did not ask to join you, nor did I tell you to join me. It might even be a risk to attract more elil in a large group.
There is nothing to gain for me but what stories you might tell or listen to. But you, who you have lived in the doubtful safety of a warren until recently with some of you being used to others doing your every bidding may benefit more from my tales than I would of yours."
There was a sudden change about Cinankhen's posture. For a moment his eyes seemed to go out of focus and he looked as if he was trying to remember something. When he continued he all of a sudden sounded like he was talking to himself rather than to anybody else: " with the Black Rabbit in the pale moonlight?" He repeated the words Arvens had used earlier as if he had just remembered them. "Is it not odd that we think of death coming in the shape of a rabbit rather than any elil? No! No maybe it is altogether fitting. You don't dance with the greatest of the elil. A race it is. Racing every day... cunning and full of tricks Frith said... runner... Runner! Not what they say... not what they try to make you, make them, make us.
The race we all loose one day, but not yet Inleh!" Cinankhen rose his head in a jerky motion to look at the moon and called: "Not yet Inleh!"
He twitched a bit and let himself drop to the ground. As he looked towards the others his eyes seemed to get back into focus gradually. He looked a bit confused but seemed to struggle not to show it if indeed he was.


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Arvens largely ignored Cinankhen's rant about the way things are according to Cinankhen.  This rabbit severely had issues with anyone telling him what to do.  Perhaps that's why he was alone all the time.  He took notice when the young buck went into a peculiar seizure of sorts and started mumblings things left and right about death and replaying what Arvens had mentioned earlier.  He had stopped eventually and looked as if nothing had occurred.  Arvens only asked one thing, "What in Frith's name are you?"


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Cinankhen looked puzzled: "A... rabbit?" he said in a tone as if Arvens had asked him for the own name.

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Mayberry's tired and gruff face seemed to lighten up for a moment as she heard Cinankhen's post rant talk of death. She stepped forward and looked Cinankhen in the eyes as she spoke. "We had one who spoke just like that... in my old warren... are you... a seer?" she asked as politely as she could despite her fatigue making her irritable.


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Cinankhen abandoned any attempts at hiding his confusion. "Seer...? Err... I can see, but so can you." Looking nervously at everyone he asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

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Mayberry sighed as she got set to explain.
"A seer back in my warren was a rabbit who had the ability to see things before they happened. When one talks about Frith and Inle as you just have... it is usually the sign of a seer... are you certain you aren't hiding any secrets from us?" she asked sternly, but truthfully.


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Cinankhen's face was a manifestation of confusion now. "What are you talking about? When did I talk of Frith and Inleh?"
As if seeking for help Cinankhen looked at each of the others in turn and finally at Rankin: "Is this some kind of joke?"


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Rankin laid down and answered "Well, if it's a joke then you're the joker." with a snicker. "Weren't you just talking to them a minute ago? What have they told you before? Can you remember?"

Rankin didn't know if this was a joke or not himself.


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Nostradamus and his friend Winston were sore stump and tired. they had stopped for a minute to rest in a bush. "See Nostradamus, I told you we'd lose that hawk."the skunk said with a worn out smirk. Nostradamus looked at him. " so that was a different Winston who I heard crying we're dead, we're dead, we're going to die." he said with a smirk. Winston chuckled. "I only did that so you wouldn't feel like a ninny." Winston defended as he poked his head out a bush and saw some rabbits. "Hey Nostradamus, check this out." He motioned as the black rabbit poked his head out to seen to see the rabbits. "I wonder what they're talking about?" Winston said as they listened.