The Gang of Five
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What kind of villain would everyone like to see?


  • The Gang of Five
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Maybe we could have a villain who actually succeeds in killing an adult plant-eater... Who do you think should be sacrificed?

Topsy? Killed while defending his wife and daughters.
Littlefoot's grandfather/grandmother? Maybe, but his mother already died that way...
Tria? Killed before her husband could save her.
Mr. Thicknose? Well, he is the oldest, and probably doesn't have long to live as it is...

Sorry if this sounds morbid.


  • The Circle
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Naturally, I've been dreaming up a fanfic where Littlefoot and the gang have been launched forward into our time.. and a terrible villain (human) by the name of Turk Huntura is trying to hunt them down to put on to his trophie wall

I'll post more on this soon

Manny Cav

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Quote from: Noname,Nov 26 2007 on  09:06 PM
Maybe we could have a villain who actually succeeds in killing an adult plant-eater... Who do you think should be sacrificed?

Topsy? Killed while defending his wife and daughters.
Littlefoot's grandfather/grandmother? Maybe, but his mother already died that way...
Tria? Killed before her husband could save her.
Mr. Thicknose? Well, he is the oldest, and probably doesn't have long to live as it is...

Sorry if this sounds morbid.
An interesting idea that I wouldn't mind seeing (I like seriousness in my cuteness, you know), but you've got a snowball's chance in July of ever seeing anything like that [again].


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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Aug 1 2006 on  04:49 PM
I don't know if that would work, because I can't see anyone who's become friends witht he gang turning on them.
Well, there is one that might.  

As for villains, I also like the leaf eater villain, though personally I thought Rinkus and Sierra were leaf eaters and maintain it as all Sharpeeth have been seen trying to make a go at the kids or, if they don't, are obviously Sharpteeth.  

While Sierra has, it's likely because of hatred of Ducky rather than trying to eat her.  

As for the villain that is like Prince Hans, I like that idea.  As for knocking a hole in the Great Wall, like that idea too.  As for Rinkus and Sierra returning, like that too.

As for intelligent villain, like that too.  

I have long focused on the idea of an omnivore villain.  One that I'll give teeth but that nobody would know he had sharp teeth.  He would plot to rule the entire world and the Great Valley and also perhaps a Sharptooth valley would be his last places he didn't control or have minions controlling by the time of the Land Before Time finale.  

Also, for dark effect, he'd have helped Sharptooth, though we didn't know it, get to Mama Longneck and hence have a role in the death of Littlefoot's mother.

My villain though, often wouldn't be seen killing directly, other than perhaps some random birds.  (Though he will turn out to have given Red Claw his good looks, showing he's a danger to Sharpteeth and Flatteeth alike.)  He might attack and show his true colors and kill Leaf Eaters and maybe a Sharptooth or two in a big battle near the end.  Ultimately, I had the villain be tail whipped by Littlefoot, who was fighting to save both himself and Ali,, and the villain would fall into lava in the Mountains that Burn.

He would be someone who thrives on racism so that he can divide both Leaf Eater herds and Sharptooth packs so that they never merge with others and he knows that they are as strong as they are untied and as weak as they are divided.  

He'd also have four other minions of his own type, in addition to Red Claw, Screech, Thud (who ultimately joins Chomper and turns on the villain and Red Claw), Rinkus, Sierra, Ozzy, and Strut (who also goes rogue and joins Chomper).  

As for who we'd sacrifice, I'd say the Old One.  She'd be really near the end of her life anyway by the time the Gang of Five are about of age and also her death, especially the villain would set Chomper's girlfriend and the Old One up so they ended up fighting and Chomper was forced to intervene and the Old One got fatally wounded and Chomper nearly gave into his instincts, and is chased out of the Great Valley, with even Littlefoot turning on him eventually.  Ali is mad at Littlefoot for what happened with the Old One, who turns out to be her great-great aunt or something, and Ali and Littlefoot's relationship nearly tanks.  

Then, as Littlefoot kinda hindered the others from getting Chomper, Topps and others demand Littlefoot be banished for life, and Grandpa Longneck very painfully agrees (don't worry, Littlefoot and Chomper will eventually be pardoned for everything.)  

After Littlefoot is gone, the villain starts criticizing the leadership, and, as he appears pretty wise, they give him more and more power.

He, meanwhile, starts inflaming racism everywhere in the Great Valley, though doing it so subtly that it appears the herds are doing it and not him and soon there are high tensions, which the villain "resolves", appearing to be more and more of a great "leader".

Conveniently for the villain, everyone blames Chomper for all the crimes he's actually committing.  

My other villain ideas was a Sharp Beak who married a Pteranodon and had a son but eventually she feared her mate would leave her and take her son with her, so she'd lure him away and eat him and tell her son that his dad with a Sharp Beak too and was murdered by Leaf Eaters, making her son hate Leaf Eaters.  Fearing that her son might find out he's half leaf eater, she'd keep him always under her eye and never let him go far.  Eventually though, he'd give her the slip, and, after some misadventures, end up in the Great Valley.

She'd not be a direct threat to the Gang of Five till her son met the Gang of Five, eventually befriended them, and later seemed to like them.  She'd threaten to harm the Gang of Five as blackmail to make her son come back and she'd even try and kill them all, her own son included, when the truth came out.   (She'd get knocked out and fall into a tar pit and die.  Always wanted to see a LBT villain die in a tar pit.)

Also, I had an idea where Topp's father would come back, be really racist, and make a big mess.  Also, Topps and his father would have some threehorn and a one horn enemy and they'd want to fight them to prove they are tough.  

Also, I had the idea for bad young leaf eaters that would get Littlefoot to try and get some underground stone that would supposedly give knowledge and this would enable a trip under the Great Valley for a change.  (We could have a sharptooth mammal in this one too.  Perhaps a Smilodon.)  These leaf eater villains, anyway, would get Littlefoot to start being mean to his friends.  His friends would suspect what is going on, but Littlefoot, feeling unappreciated by the grown ups, would desire this object and even break his friendship with the other members of the Gang of Five at one point.  Eventually, Littlefoot would realize what is going on, try and back out, the others would kidnapp one or more members of the Gang of Five to try and make him comply, and well, I still am working on what would happen then.  I'd like to have a longneck villain in this one if I could.  


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To me, an ideal villain is one that is ruthless and smart, but also has some redeeming quality, something to hide from those who fear him and something to learn for those who fight him.

A big example of this should be General Woundwort from the Watership Down TV Series; he wouldn't hesitate about sending his own troops to the death by the hundreds and nor he would about killing the small and defenseless... but he is also very reflexive and his conscience is powerful enough to make him change his mind about an enemy if he finds something in common with said character... that stopped him from killing someone in the series, and was an epic moment (there was also a conflictive moment he had about another character in his nightmares... that is the kind of complexity that I want to see).

Sadly, most villians out there are just bland and mean. No character development whatsoever.


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Well, actually my villain secretly actually opposes racism, in a way.  It is just that he doesn't want his side torn apart by that.  He'd love all the Omnivores to work together and may have even helped in that.  

He secretly believes that omnivores are meant to rule the world and believes, rightly enough ironically as we all know, that someday an omnivore is going to become the dominant species in the whole world.  He may think, to some degree, he's doing it for the "greater good".  He may believe that if a Sharptooth, Flattooth, or Egg Stealer comes to control things, that all the dinos will perish if some catastrophe happens, but, if an omnivore, which, due to the mixed diet thingy, can have the better change of survival, were in charge, he could help more of the other kinds live too by leading them through the disaster.

He does think of recruiting Chomper, finding him to be the most brilliant Sharptooth ever, more so than Sharptooth's brother Red Claw, but he soon realizes that, unlike other Sharpteeth he's won to his side, won't turn on the Leaf Eaters and comes to dread him, and, to a degree, fear him.  

He also is uneasy about Littlefoot, being the only victim, well sorta, that survived and he later comes to dread Littlefoot's friend making ability, seeing it as a dire threat to his new world order, so much so that he still sends out assassins after Littlefoot, even though Littlefoot gets banished.

Also, having been the mastermind, more or less, on the death of Mama Longneck, the villain is actually the reason the Gang of Five met in the first place (though he didn't mean it) and hence had a role, albeit totally unintentionally, of bringing more peace than ever in the dinosaur world.  

Also, I could use this Bothtooth world order thing to put Ruby in a moral conflict where, having perhaps felt under-appreciated all of her life in some ways, stands to gain power from this Omnivore New World Order, but has to swallow her pride and do the right thing and give up, or so it seems, that chance and fight the villain.  Ruby, of course, would end up with some kind of leadership role in the Great Valley as a reward and get what she always wanted anyway.  :)  

The downside is, this whole plot idea is almost certainly going to make the two-part finale film where I'd have this villain at be rated PG (albeit the lower side of PG)  (though, then again, maybe not as Claude Frollo and Scar seem a little bad to be allowed in G-rated films yet they are there still.  And, there's the Queen from Snow White who wants Snow White's heart in a box or something.  Hello!)

Also, my villain, as kinda an omnivore, would benefit from ruling the Great Valley, something not even Red Claw could care about, as he's leaf eater himself and, on the flip side, being a Sharptooth too, he'd be murderous and all that.  Naturally, he'd be billingual too.  


  • Ducky
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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Aug 2 2006 on  01:31 AM
How would having former friends duking it out be ripping off "Star Wars". I don't remember anything like that happening in SW, and the "friends becoming enemies" thing has been done is many other movies and such.
Er, basically Chomper would be LBT's version of Anakin Skywalker if they went that route.


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I'll just put an example in here from Naruto.

The main villain Orochimaru desires one of the three main characters who were all good guys until that happens. He offers Sasuke power and Sasuke, driven by the wish to avenge his family who had been killed by his older brother, leaves the team of three. Sakura (who has a sorta crush on him) tries to stop him but it doesn't work. Then Naruto goes after him with a team of a few friends and in the end ends up fighting Sasuke in a vicious fight and loses.
That's how far I watched the series anyway. I could very well imagine that a villain in LBT who goes a similar way will eventually realise the harm they have caused and come back to the good side...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Well, there is the possibility of a traitor Leaf Eater who, perhaps out of promise of not being eaten by Sharpteeth, would be luring Leaf Eaters into Sharptooth ambushes.  

(Kind of like those mice in Stuart Little who were in league with the cats in exchange for not being hunted by them.)

However, the treacherous omnivore makes a bit more sense as Sharpteeth would fear more something that could bite back.  

I also created a Sharptooth villainess who wouldn't be so much dangerous for just wanting to eat the kids, but would also be murderous, murdering her own mate and threatening to eat the Gang of Five to blackmail her son into going back with her.  (That way, her villainy would be more than just wanting to eat someone.)

(P.S., how do you spell the word for female villain?  The spell checker doesn't seem to like whatever I try.)  

I'd like to see a villain though that would responsible for someone dying right in the Great Valley itself (as we've seen, other than perhaps of old age and other stuff, nobody has died in the invincible Great Valley.  If a fatal attack happened right in the Valley, it would shockwaves right across the region.  Also, it could show mass Leaf Eater mourning rather than just a few crying.)

Quote from: "Midnight" on  
To me, an ideal villain is one that is ruthless and smart, but also has some redeeming quality, something to hide from those who fear him and something to learn for those who fight him.

A big example of this should be General Woundwort from the Watership Down TV Series; he wouldn't hesitate about sending his own troops to the death by the hundreds and nor he would about killing the small and defenseless... but he is also very reflexive and his conscience is powerful enough to make him change his mind about an enemy if he finds something in common with said character... that stopped him from killing someone in the series, and was an epic moment (there was also a conflictive moment he had about another character in his nightmares... that is the kind of complexity that I want to see).

Sadly, most villians out there are just bland and mean. No character development whatsoever.

You mean like Mother Gothel in Tangled?   She mainly is selfish but doesn't harm anyone directly unless pretty much forced, as she doesn't want to kidnap Rapunzel but just wants her hair and only takes her because it was her only way to keep herself immortal.   She mainly doesn't hurt anyone directly until she literally stabs Flynn Rider in the back.  

Also, she really did take care of Rapunzel, if only for selfish reasons.  

I made Agatha sort of like that, though she's darker than Gothel and murders her mate pretty early on and lies to her son and gets him to falsely believe Leaf Eaters killed his father and he hates Leaf Eaters.

She does, however, care for her son and does hope he'll be the leader of her Sharptooht pack one day and does have hopes for him, though she's really manipulative.  

However, she is dead afraid that her son will find out he's half leaf eater and hence find out that she's told some lies and realize, perhaps, what really happened to his father.  

(However, a Pteranodon/Sharp Beak marriage seems a bit odd for LBT, as does murder in the show, but it's not too out of place I think.)

However, my LBT 15 and 16 have Leaf Eater villains, true villains that is.  The only possible ones are Rinkus and Sierra, and we are in doubt as to what type they are.

I'd really like to see some kind of longneck villain.  Some threehorn guys who bullied Topps and that even the Mighty Topps is afraid of would be nice too.

Also, I added a Sharptooth mammal in there (Smilodon) too in LBT 16.  


  • General of the Great Valley
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I was thinking of a leaf-eater villain who was left behind by his herd on the journey. He manages to survive but he now feels a burning hate towards the inhabitants of the Great Valley. He plans to destroy the valley in various insidious ways (knocking holes in the wall, blocking off rivers, etc). All because he's angry at his herd for abandoning him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I still like the omnivore angle.  He could be a meat eater but his ability to eat plants could set residents of both the Mysterious Beyond and the Great Valley off their guards.  I mean, who's gonna expect a Flattooth to attack like that, right?  

I decided also to have a nice final showdown place.  I keep leaning toward the Mountains that Burn.  I even made it more intense as I made a sort of repeat of the Great Earthshake happen at the time.  I mean, in addition to the villain, the hero (Littlefoot) has to fight all the elements, and, for fun, stop the villain from killing and eating Ali.

In fact, I'd like most of the villains in that one to be omnivores, though others like Ruby, a Mr. Ruby, and a few Hidden Runners could be against the villain of course.  

The villain would also have returning villains Rinkus, Sierra, Ozzy, Red Claw, and Screech working with him, as well as the Fasts Biters from movie 3.   He'd have Thud and Strut working for him, but they'd defect to the Light Side.