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Kingdom Hearts: War Across the Realms

Nick22 · 300 · 22890


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Here is the discussion thread for this potential rp. I will be playing 5 characters
- ratchet clank and Angela Cross from ratchet and Clank and Kopa and Vitani from the Lion King rp..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Ducky
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We're starting out in a setting very similiar to the first Kingdom Hearts game. The plan right now is to have some kind of villain alliance (mostly Disney characters.) trying to take over the worlds with Heartless and maybe trying to eliminate any Keyblade wielders they find.

You can play as any Disney character, including original characters if you want. Any other characters are allowed in, too, but I'm mostly hoping to work with the Disney mythos. You're free to pick a villain to play along with any number of heroes. Just be careful not to overexert yourself.

Magic is allowed and can be used by any of the characters within reason. You can't have Simba blasting out lightning and fire, but something more mundane like earth or some nature ability will be good.

I'll be listing my characters later, along with a character sheet example. Sheets aren't necessary at the moment, so if you want to claim some characters go ahead.

List of Worlds and claimed/available characters thus far.

Destiny Islands
Sora - Mr. Drake (Main character.)
Riku -
Kairi -

Disney Castle
Mickey Mouse - Drake (Main character.)
Donald Duck - Drake
Goofy -
Minnie Mouse -
Daisy -
Scrooge McDuck - Drake
Huey -
Dewey -
Louey -

Radient Garden
Leon - Starfall Raptor
Yuffie -
Cid - Drake
Aerith -
Merlin - Nick22

Olmypus Collesium (Hercules)
Hercules - Nick22
Hades - Drake
Phil - Drake
Megara -
Pegasus? -

Port Royal (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Jack Sparrow - Mr. Drake
Will Turner -
Elizabeth Swan -
Barbosa? -
Cutler Becket - Mr. Drake?
Davy Jones - Mr. Drake

Lilo and Stitch
Lilo - Drake
Stitch - Aerodactyl
Angel - Nick22
Jumba - Drake
Pleakly - Nick22
Nani -
Gantu -
627 - Aerodactyl (Main character)

The Princess and the Frog (Don't know the characters in this...)
Tiana - Mr. Drake
Naveen - Mr. Drake
Dr. Facilier - Mr. Drake

Pride Lands (The Lion King)
Simba - Drake
Nala - Nick22
Rafiki - Drake
Timon - Drake
Pumba - Aerodactyl
Kiara - Drake
Kovu - Nick22
Vitani - Nick22 (Main character)
Kopa - Nick22 (Main character)
Zira -
(Jeez, that's a lot...)

Robin Hood
Robin Hood - Starfall Raptor
Little John - Drake
Prince John - Starfall Raptor
Sheriff of Nottingham - Starfall Raptor
Sir Hiss - Drake
Maid Marion - Starfall Raptor
Friar Tuck -

The Great Mouse Detective
Basil - Drake
Dawson - Starfall Raptor
Olivia - Starfall Raptor
Ratigan - Nick22
Fidget -

Goliath - Nick22
Elisa Maza -
Hudson -
Brooklyn - Kor (Main character)
Broadway - Drake
Lexington -
Bronx -
Coldstone -
Coldfire - Drake
Nashville (Gnash) - Kor (Main character.)
Katana -
Fu-Dog -
David Xanatos -
Fox Xanatos -
Owen/Puck - Drake

Villains Unaffliated
Maleficent - Drake
Pete - Drake


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Here are the weapons my characters will posesse
 : Wrench, blaster and miniturret glove
- rocketsled that fires fireballs, Invisi-armor can make wearer invisible for a short time- Rocket laiuncher, has a limited ammo of 5 rockets..
Clank- Kung fu moves, tie-bow boomerangs, and  flower cufflinks
 has limited magical abilities, such as increased speed, sonic Roar, and increased strength
Vitani- can stalk enemies silently, has sharp claws, and eeth
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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  • Ducky
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Pretty much any character you want, whether they're your own or a canon character from any series. But like I said, I'd like to keep this rather Disney-oriented at least in the style of the worlds visited. Canon characters don't necessarily have to follow their original background for instance Ratchet would probably have a Gummi Ship and be able to travel the worlds in this, but they should retain their original personality/background as much as possible.

Currently you can only play as one villain, while the number of hero characters is completely up to you.


  • Chomper
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Could I play as 627 from Lilo and Stitch and give him the ability to stretch his limbs as his magic power, and since you said we could use non-Disney characters could I use Totoro from my neighbor Totoro and give him wind powers?


  • Ducky
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Yeah, that's fine. We're going to have to flesh out the exact nature of the powers later, but for now we're just focusing on getting people to join. 627 could actually have a few more abilites (cause he had quite a few if I remember right) just not too many. Do you plan to play him as a hero or a villain?


  • Chomper
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I plan for him to be a villian at first, but not working for anyone, just in it for himself, and then to be turned to good later on, you know like all the other expariments, I know Jumba said he couldnt be turned to good, but no one is beyong redemption, anyway I think stretching limbs would be anough powers if he keeps all his powers from the show.


  • Ducky
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Well, if he's going to have his powers from the show, he doesn't necessarily need any magic. The magic is just there to be a balancing option for the more normal characters. Sort of like in the actual games.


  • Chomper
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If that is so, he should have no magic, he was so strong it would be unfair, I should probably give Totoro on the other hand some more powers.


  • Ducky
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Okay, just keep in mind that it has to fit the character. And not all your characters have to be able to fight/use magic, there are plenty of other things to do.


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  • Littlefoot
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Well, if you can keep it Disney/FF orientated and not go into other areas, then i will be happy to join, but if others are allowed in, then I wont join in....

Kingdom Hearts is one of my favourite games of all time, and I like to see it remain as Disney/FF only...bringing other franchises into it would only ruin it imo.


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I don't know a lot of Disney characters well enough to rp as them apart from the Gargoyle characters, some winnie the pooh characters, since I use to have one of the books as a kid and use to watch tv series but I don't think they would fight and the gargoyles would turn to stone at daytime, unless I had a char like Jason who knows a spell to make it so they don't need to do that or if they had one of those amulets the mayan or aztek type gargoyles had, ,or a similar magical doodad.  Or the char knows a spell they can cast on themselves.  

Not sure who else Disney owns apart from th gargoyles, pooh, last I heard some of the Muppets, and the classic characters like Mickey and the others.

I don't know much of the Final Fantasy games apart from I played ff 1 and 2 on the gba.


  • Littlefoot
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I would go with Disney created shows/movies, not what they own...I mean, we don't need Spider-Man, Wolverine or the Hulk showing up and yes, Disnesy apparantly owns Marvel to a point of their shows.

Not sure about the lisencing thing with Nightmare Before Christmas though or why it was included in, but I'm not arguing with that one, I like the movie.....if that one is included, then if I join in this rp, I might include Coraline into it, you know, have Sora and co face off again Other Mother :D


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that leaves out Winnie the pooh characters since they were not made by disney but by someone named  A. A. Milne.  Whoever that is.  I use to have one of the books as a kid as I recall.  

Guess that leaves just the Gargyles characters but they are not to useful since they are stone by day unless magic is used.  unless the char knows a spell to prevent that, but to do magic in gargyles fashion I would have to go and learn latin since I think they do their spells in latin.  I've not seen the show in a while.  Always thought restricting spells to latin is stupid since any spells that date back to the roman empire were spoken in the everyday language.  If it were me I'd say any language would work.  Or no language if you can just concentrate.

Guess that means in the gargyle world no magic was possible until the latin language existed.  Guess even oberon's race could not do magic till humans invented the latin language.  Just have pissed off Oberon and the older ones of his race, waiting till humasn got around to inventing latin so he and his kind could finally do magic.


  • Chomper
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Acording to the creator of this you can use characters who are not from disney as long as thay fit, so you are not just limited to Gargyles


  • Littlefoot
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Not ture actually Kor....Whinne the Pooh is from Disney apparantly, he and his friends have shown up in the previous Kingdom Hearts games.

I guess you would have to reasonable, however, Gargoyles sounds awesome I reckon...would make for a good world.

However, there is one world I wish to take, mainly for the fact of the villain in said world....Dr. Facilier.


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Maybe they bought the chars from  A. A. Milne, but they were not created by them.  The gargoyles at least were made by an employee of disney or made for them.  

I've never liked having to speak latin to do magic.  None of my chars do that nor have to speak to do magic unless the rpg system requires it.  

Still if I did one he would have to do magic or have an amulet to nto turn to stone by day, which means less the char would be able to do and he'd have to be carried around.


  • Ducky
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Nightmare Before Christmas is definitely allowed in. I love that movie. As for keeping it Disney/FF oriented. That is my intention, but I don't want to be too restrictive on the players.

I'd love to see the Gargoyles in here, but the stone sleep thing is a definite drawback.