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I'll never look at the first LBT the same again


  • Ducky
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Does anybody here know that Judith Barsi, the girl who played the voice of Ducky in the original Lanb Before Time died when she was just 10 years old?  It was the most tragic thing I have ever heard of.  :(  :angry:  :(  :angry:  :( A father shooting his own daughter in the head!  :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad Judith Barsi has been abused by her alcoholic, psycho father since she was eight years old because he was jealous of her fame.  One time before She and her mother left for the Bahamas to film Jaws 4, he put a meat cleaver to her throat and threatened to kill her and her mother if they never came back!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: Here's the full story.  I'll never look at the Land Before Time the same again after finding out about this young little actress's tragic death.  :(


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This topic has come up at least a couple of times on this board.  One of them is found Here:

But yes, it is sad, indeed. :(


  • Cera
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Oh yeah, that's been known among the people here and on other LBT boards for quite some time. I shudder when I think about it.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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Really it is awfull if children become victims to such horrible crimes. It happens every day. Even with a father being the murderer this is not a unique case. Yet through the land before time I felt more of a connection to the horrible events which probably caused my strong reaction which I mentioned in this thread.


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Judith Barsi's death is indeed a tragic one.  I, along with others, have known about this information for some time.

I can't help but feel pain in my heart for what she had to go through.  I feel that NO child should go through what Judith did.  What kind of sicko parent would kill their own flesh and blood?

There was a time that I wanted to make a fanfic documentary on Judith, but all things on such a production never got past the first chapter.  I am in severe writer's block with it.  It doesn't seem it will end any time soon, so I'm sorry to say that it will never appear. :(

Well, I've lost things to say at this point.  Maybe I can finish later.

Well, See ya later. :^.^:


  • Cera
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send me everything you've got on your Judith Barsi project, I might to be able to to keep it going if you're not going to finish it.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Aug 12 2006 on  03:00 PM
send me everything you've got on your Judith Barsi project, I might to be able to to keep it going if you're not going to finish it.
I'm afraid that I got in such a slump over the writer's block thing that I ended up erasing it from my computer. (There are several stories as to which I have done this.)

Though I will give you what the basic idea of the first chapter was going to be.  The basic idea for the first chapter was Judith getting discovered and being put into that commerical that started her carrer as an actor.

I had the whole basic plot of the story, but the words just never came. :(

So, in the end, I gave up on it. :cry

Though if you like, I can give you what the basic plot was going to be for each chapter. :^.^:

If you like, we can continue discussing this over PM or e-mail. (Your choice.)

Well, I'll see ya later. :^.^:


  • Chomper
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Does anybody here know that Judith Barsi, the girl who played the voice of Ducky in the original Lanb Before Time died when she was just 10 years old? It was the most tragic thing I have ever heard of.      A father shooting his own daughter in the head!     Judith Barsi has been abused by her alcoholic, psycho father since she was eight years old because he was jealous of her fame.

I hope that assholic savage is rotting in jail for eternity.


  • The Circle
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No, he doesn't. After he shot his wife and Judith he went into the garage and shot himself.
From what I read his probably motive for this horrible murders was that he permanently feared his wife would leave him and take her daughter with her. She would have had every reason to do so, as her alcoholic husband threatened her and Judith all the time telling them he would kill them if they tried to leave. At one point he held a knife to Judith's throat. Nobody took these signs serious enough :cry2
I feel quite upset when I think about how poor Judith must have felt in reality when she gave Ducky her characteristic, cheerful "yep, yep, yep".  :cry


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I mourn every July 25th, the day she was killed. I wear black on that day, no matter what the day is. Except Thursdays. I wear black underneath my regular attire on Thursdays.


  • Cera
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I still cannot believe someone would do such a terrible thing to a sweet girl like her. People in this world can be so f****** stupid sometimes.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: LBTFan13,Jan 14 2008 on  08:57 PM
People in this world can be so f****** stupid sometimes. evil all the time.


  • The Circle
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True, many can be.   Perhaps part of some of the various problems this world has, though not the only source.


  • Cera
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 What he did was not just evil, it was simply stupid. I cannot really say my real thought on this, because it causes a great deal of impotence. Humanity has such great of potential, but it seems that it also has such great of stupidity without a name.... sorry, it makes me feels too bad.


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  • Ducky
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How can anyone do something like this. How? I can¥t explain myself. What for a father must I be to do something like that??? I just can feel sad about this. Really really sad :cry


  • The Circle
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I doubt that stupidity was the cause for the murder of Judith Barsi. Stupidity however annoying it can be, is not really a malice. There is evidence that Judith Barsi's father had a paranoid fear that his wife and his daughter might leave him (a fear to which he may have given substance by his attitude to his wife and daughter).
Except Thursdays. I wear black underneath my regular attire on Thursdays.
Is there a rule against wearing black on Thursdays?


  • Cera
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 Nope, it wasn't stupidity, it is a bit of hard to me to explain my thoughts on that, that's all. It was something that should never happen, but it did, and I hope it will never happen again, but we can never know.


  • Cera
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Becoming an abusive, alcohol addicted loster is always stupid. Yes, I would say that Barsi's dad was a complete dumbass.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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I never said he wasn't. But stupidity is not the cause for intentional murders. I would go so far as to say that I find a murder out of stupidity a totally different case than a carefully plotted murder or even an amokrun in a fit of rage. I'm afraid the murders of Judith Barsi, her Mum, and the suicide of her father were committed because of something much more sinister and vicious than mere stupidity.

Why is it that you wouldn't wear black on Thursdays lbt/cty_lover?


  • Petrie
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Is there any truth to the rumour that this is why every effort was made to ignore Ducky's father in the sequels?