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FBS's New Art Stuffs


  • Petrie
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Cool!!! That's awesome!!! I can't put to words how awesome this is; I had no idea this was even possible until Adder said it and Mumbling did it! I'm loving this site more and more! *is totally having a spazz attack* Thanks!!


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Haha no worries! It's a nifty little feature which saves lots of time ^^


  • Petrie
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It's still awesome! Sorry I messed up on the topic thing.  :oops I feel like an idiot!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Dec 19 2010 on  05:51 PM
It's still awesome! Sorry I messed up on the topic thing.  :oops I feel like an idiot!
Don't worry about it. :)

Your not the only one to do it; I did it a while ago on another forum, posting a topic that already existed, :oops  :lol:


  • Petrie
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Kay, I'm glad to know that mistakes like that are normal! *hugs* I guess that's how we all learn! :DD


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Well, I’m glad that worked out. (Thanks, Iris! :)) For the record, FBS, I wouldn’t have stopped reviewing your art just because you posted it in multiple threads (and I doubt Iris would have either); your artwork is too awesome to ignore. :D

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Dec 19 2010 on  02:56 PM
As for the texts, my mom taught me to write my T's like that when attempting to do 'fancy' ways of writing. I blame my mom for making it look like an F :DD !
Maybe I’m the only one who thought they looked like F’s. I think it’s mainly the hooked “tail” on the base of the letter (which gives it both pronounced asymmetry and an extra right angle, neither of which I typically associate with T’s), combined with the little points in the middle that sort of correspond to the lower prong on an F. Good thing you had the F in “forever” lower down to set me straight. :lol Don’t get me wrong, though; I love stylized text :smile (You should see the cards I make for people), and the font you’re using is pretty cool.

I couldn't really find any good Domehead references and I couldn't find my LBT movies (eh, my sister probably took them again, the little bugger...). I'm sure it would've turned out better if I had movies 1, 4, and 6 with me. I don't really trust the later designs with the different animation.
Seriously?! You drew Tero without looking at the domeheads from the first movie?! :wow Holy buckets, either you had some reference that was really good, or you have an incredible memory for detail. :o I was comparing your picture of Tero to some screenshots* of the original LBT’s domeheads, and was impressed by how consistent your drawing was. (While I was doing so, I noticed for the first time that the three domeheads who attack Cera all look slightly different from one another, which got me thinking about how I could potentially flesh out their characters and write a story centered around them. :idea)

*I have a fairly large collection of screenshots from the original LBT, sequels VII through XII, and certain TV episodes. The next time you find yourself facing a lack of references for a LBT character, feel free to ask me for some. ;) I know there are also some other members here with even larger screenshot collections, which are already posted somewhere online.

I heard about the Troodon option too; my sister thought that, but only cause the two in the seventh movie were so smart and we heard that scientist consider Troodon one of the smartest of dinos. To me, the Rainbowfaces were Gallimimus; I mean, wouldn't Troodon be considered a sharptooth?
The first time I saw LBT VII, I assumed that the rainbow faces were ornithomimids of some kind as well, however I was perplexed by the fact that they were treated (more or less) as benevolent and harmless, when their closest relatives in the seriesóStruthiomimus, namely Ozzy and Strutówere always depicted as antagonistic nest thieves. While the rainbow faces arguably look less like Troodon, I see a fair number of reasons why they would be based on that dinosaur, not only because (as you mentioned), it is considered to be among the among the brainiest of dinosaurs, but also because it has long been popularly speculated that had Troodon not gone extinct, it might have gone on to develop its own technology and civilization, with some…radicalists (inspired by an excessively humanoid reconstruction of a hypothetical Troodon descendant) going so far as to argue that they in fact did survive, developed space travel, and are in fact the creatures commonly described by alien abductees. :crazy

Anyway, my theory is that the filmmakers used Troodon as the basis for the rainbow faces, but made them less “sharptooth-like” by removing the sickle claws (which weren’t as prominent as those of their relatives, the dromaeosaurs, to begin with) and keeping the teeth non-visible most of the time. (There is at least one shot in which you can see a set of pointed teeth in the female rainbow face’s mouth.) Also, while Troodon is generally thought of as a carnivore, its teeth are serrated in a similar way to those of plant-eating dinosaurs, so it may have included some plant matter in its diet, so it’s not altogether implausible that they could coexist with leafeating dinosaurs in the LBT series. (Incidentally, Troodon was initially classified as a pachycephalosaur, so at one time in paleontological history, your pairing here might not actually have been considered much of a stretch! :p)

The names Tero and Teryx are very similar and in fact, it's kind of a running gag amongst the gang to go "Ter......." Insert a long deliberate pause for both Tero and Teryx to react, usually with impatience. Then finish with whatever name they had in mind. Just a joke to get on their nerves! Tiki and Clubbie (unlike his 'real world' counterpart, Clubbie talks and is quite an amusing little weirdo :lol: ) do it on a daily basis.
That’s brilliant! :lol I love that!

Can’t wait to see more art from you! :) And again, don’t worry about the issue with the threads.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Man, I can't get over how incredibly awesome and friendly everyone is around here! It's quite refreshing that the internet still has friendly sites with kind people! Thank you everyone!! *another group hug!!*

I tried to put as much efforts as I could with the fonts, since my handwriting tends to be chicken scratch......It's nice it know it wasn't in vain, especially since my self-esteem in general's pretty low.  :unsure:

I used to have the screenshots of the Domeheads so I can use one for my avatar, but deleted them after I chose one (even then, I knew I was going to regret it, which I did). It's still my current avatar, but I'm afraid it didn't help me in my drawing. Not only did it show very little detail to begin with, but I didn't have too much access to the internet when I drew the pic and outlined it, so my Domehead design was practically on memory. Thankfully, when I get....obsessed with a character, I study them and watch the scenes and everything very intensively (and I mean second-by-split-second detail; that's how I managed to pick up some of the Domehead's hidden smirks during their attack on Cera). And once certain details are in my mind, they tend to stay for a long while (e.g. the colors on the Rainbowface's beaks). I guess it helped that I fell in love with the Domeheads *before* my sister went on a 'steal-all-MY-LBT-movies' rampage.  :DD In fact, practically the only saved screen-shot I had that was of the slightest use to me was of the baby Fast Biters for helping me draw the hatchlings....

(While I was doing so, I noticed for the first time that the three domeheads who attack Cera all look slightly different from one another, which got me thinking about how I could potentially flesh out their characters and write a story centered around them. )

*looks up at the quote and has a spazz attack* I did it! I did it!! I quoted someone for the first time!! Awesome!! *pauses awkwardly* Ahem.....Anywho, I did that too! It's posted on (though I didn't post it here as it's not as popular as my other LBT stories)! I would LOOOOOVE to see another fanfic about them when and if you write one!! And thanks for offering the screenshots; that'll definitely come in handy later, no doubt!!

I'mma go on a quote rampage now, look out!!

The first time I saw LBT VII, I assumed that the rainbow faces were ornithomimids of some kind as well, however I was perplexed by the fact that they were treated (more or less) as benevolent and harmless, when their closest relatives in the seriesóStruthiomimus, namely Ozzy and Strutówere always depicted as antagonistic nest thieves.

I know right! I guess they don't generalize based on the actions of one species. The Rainbowface habits are probably completely different. Or maybe they just don't have the concept of species relations; maybe to them, Rainbowfaces aren't related to Egg Stealers at all. But that's just me; I have no idea if they understand species-relation or not.

Quote has long been popularly speculated that had Troodon not gone extinct, it might have gone on to develop its own technology and civilization, with some…radicalists (inspired by an excessively humanoid reconstruction of a hypothetical Troodon descendant) going so far as to argue that they in fact did survive, developed space travel, and are in fact the creatures commonly described by alien abductees.

I heard of that a lot. One of my friends is an alien fanatic and she talks about 'Reptoids' all the time. I don't argue with her as I'm happy to let others believe what they want. I'm certainly not denying that there are aliens out there; the universe is vast, who knows what it'll hold!  :) Though, personally, I think we can be a bit more creative than human-like Troodons. Aliens don't have to resemble us. If I were to put my guess on alien life, it would be like that Discovery Channel documentary, Alien Planet. That's much more plausible to me than these 'little green men'.

(There is at least one shot in which you can see a set of pointed teeth in the female rainbow face’s mouth.)

I did notice their sharp teeth! They tend to give a lot of characters sharp teeth, I noticed the same thing on supposedly toothless characters like Pterano. Sometimes, I don't know if they're supposed to have teeth or not..... And your explanation makes sense to me. Afterall, Troodon's wouldn't be the only 'part-time herbivore' in the theropod family. With dinosaurs like the Therizinosaurs (which I heard was the only exclusively herbivorous 'sharptooth'), anything is possible!

I read your Troodon/Pachy post on the Domehead topic. Made me take a look myself! It's awesome to have someone so smart about dinosaurs here; I envy your knowledge!

That’s brilliant! I love that!

Can’t wait to see more art from you!

Thanks! My attempt to show some bonding amongst the characters since I'm not too sure whether I should write a fanfic of them or not. But at least I'm beginning to draw some of them out. Still taking my sweet time on Teryx though; I don't like drawing feathers at all..... And Clubbie; Ankylosaurus looks like a killer to draw....


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NICe work FBS! keep it up! :)
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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Dec 21 2010 on  03:10 AM
I tried to put as much efforts as I could with the fonts, since my handwriting tends to be chicken scratch......It's nice it know it wasn't in vain, especially since my self-esteem in general's pretty low.  :unsure:
Sorry to hear that. I have self-esteem issues as well, big time. (Again with the similarities!)

I did that too! It's posted on (though I didn't post it here as it's not as popular as my other LBT stories)! I would LOOOOOVE to see another fanfic about them when and if you write one!! And thanks for offering the screenshots; that'll definitely come in handy later, no doubt!!
Wow…I've been off too long. I didn't even know about that story. :o I'll definitely have to go see it when I have the time.

By the way, just because your story didn't get a lot of reviews on doesn't mean you shouldn't post it her. Most everyone on the GOF is a LBT fan, but not all of them visit, which moreover features so many works from so many fandoms that it can be difficult for a reader to find a good story of their preferred fandom. I would strongly encourage you to post that fanficóif not all of your LBT fanficsóon this forum. I know they'd be appreciated. :yes Just so you know, in contrast to how artists usually post their work on this forum, most LBT fanfiction writers here have separate threads for each of their stories, so that each story gets its own list of reviews.

The first time I saw LBT VII, I assumed that the rainbow faces were ornithomimids of some kind as well, however I was perplexed by the fact that they were treated (more or less) as benevolent and harmless, when their closest relatives in the seriesóStruthiomimus, namely Ozzy and Strutówere always depicted as antagonistic nest thieves.

I know right! I guess they don't generalize based on the actions of one species. The Rainbowface habits are probably completely different. Or maybe they just don't have the concept of species relations; maybe to them, Rainbowfaces aren't related to Egg Stealers at all. But that's just me; I have no idea if they understand species-relation or not.
There is some evidence that they might; all sauropods seen in the LBT series so far are referred to as “longnecks”, despite the obvious variations among different species (frill-necked Amargasaurus, hump-headed Brachiosaurus, narrow-snouted Diplodocus, etc.) They also lump all pterosaurs as “flyers” and all carnivorous dinosaurs as “sharpteeth”. However, the latter term has been applied to creatures that are clearly not theropods, such as sharks and pliosaurs, simply because they are predators as well; this is similar to how some humans once categorized animals based on superficial appearance and/or lifestyle rather than anatomy, classifying creatures such as dolphins and beavers as fish because they are aquatic, and bats as birds because they fly. So that evidence might not be conclusive.

(I did notice their sharp teeth! They tend to give a lot of characters sharp teeth, I noticed the same thing on supposedly toothless characters like Pterano. Sometimes, I don't know if they're supposed to have teeth or not..... And your explanation makes sense to me. Afterall, Troodon's wouldn't be the only 'part-time herbivore' in the theropod family. With dinosaurs like the Therizinosaurs (which I heard was the only exclusively herbivorous 'sharptooth'), anything is possible!
It’s actually surprising how many theropods have been suggested to have been part-or-full-time herbivores. In addition to Troodon, and the therizinosaurs as you mentioned, there are the ornithomimosaurs such as Struthiomimus and Gallimimus, and the oviraptorosaurs (notably Incisivosaurus, a dinosaur with buckteeth! :lol), and I think a few small feathered species from China.

I read your Troodon/Pachy post on the Domehead topic. Made me take a look myself! It's awesome to have someone so smart about dinosaurs here; I envy your knowledge!
Heh…Sorry I kinda repeated myself there. :oops Yeah, as my signature and member title imply, I’m crazy about prehistoric life, and love sharing information on the subject (I’m not an academic expert, mind, but I make a strong effort to ensure that I have my facts straight, and that I’m up to date on the latest discoveries). So if you want to know anything about dinosaurs, you know who to ask. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Sorry to hear that. I have self-esteem issues as well, big time. (Again with the similarities!)

Yeah, being different made me a prime target to get bullied rather severely. My family certainly didn't help.... In fact, it got to the point of when I once utterly despised the entirety of human-kind. If it wasn't for the fact that I eventually found some truely great people, I'd probably end up like Sierra (strangely, that's probably why he's my favorite character) or something. That's kind of a scary thought, but unfortunately very true. Luckily, positive attributes of the human species came in the nick of time for a complete 180 of my hostility and now I practically live to make others happy and can't stand the thought of making anyone angry for any reason.

Sorry for that rant, I just wanted to let it all out.

I would strongly encourage you to post that fanficóif not all of your LBT fanficsóon this forum. I know they'd be appreciated.

I think I will! Thanks! I mean, I posted up my Ozzy story, why not the rest! I'll get started on that definitely. And noted on the seperate post thing! I don't wanna make another blunder  :oops But I think I'm starting to learn fast on how to do things around here *is still excited bout being able to quote people now  :smile *

The classification thing is very interesting. Reading what you said, it makes sense to me that the LBT world is following the old perceptions we humans had in the past. They probably would classify birds and bats (when and if they saw them) as Flyers just as they would pterosaurs, simply because they can fly. Plus, I remember from one TV episode that the LBT dinos thought the Earth was flat and the sky was round, like old scientific theories. And some of the dinos (specifically Petrie) seem to worship the sun to some extent, much like a few ancient civilizations.

(notably Incisivosaurus, a dinosaur with buckteeth! )

Alright, I definitely have to check that out!!  :lol:

And no worries bout the Pachy/Troodon thing! I love reading your posts, especially since I love dinosaurs (and all other animals) to no end! I'll definitely come to you for information, I'm sure I'll be needing lots!!!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Dec 23 2010 on  12:53 AM
Sorry to hear that. I have self-esteem issues as well, big time. (Again with the similarities!)
Yeah, being different made me a prime target to get bullied rather severely. My family certainly didn't help.... In fact, it got to the point of when I once utterly despised the entirety of human-kind. If it wasn't for the fact that I eventually found some truely great people, I'd probably end up like Sierra (strangely, that's probably why he's my favorite character) or something. That's kind of a scary thought, but unfortunately very true. Luckily, positive attributes of the human species came in the nick of time for a complete 180 of my hostility and now I practically live to make others happy and can't stand the thought of making anyone angry for any reason.

Sorry for that rant, I just wanted to let it all out.
That's okay. Again, I can sympathize; I've had my own share of teasing (though from the sound of things, you had it worse than me :(). Anyway, great to hear that you're better now. :D

I would strongly encourage you to post that fanficóif not all of your LBT fanficsóon this forum. I know they'd be appreciated.
I think I will! Thanks! I mean, I posted up my Ozzy story, why not the rest! I'll get started on that definitely. And noted on the seperate post thing! I don't wanna make another blunder  :oops But I think I'm starting to learn fast on how to do things around here *is still excited bout being able to quote people now  :smile *
Oh, shoot! I forgot all about that first story you mentioned! I didn't even read the whole thing! :slap Sorry; I'll try to post a review as soon as possible.

(notably Incisivosaurus, a dinosaur with buckteeth! )
Alright, I definitely have to check that out!!  :lol:
Here's a picture of one. This guy was just made to be a Land Before Time character. :lol

The name, Incisivosaurus gauthieri, means “(Jacques) Gauthier's incisor reptile” (for obvious reasons :p). It lived in China in the early Cretaceous period (~128–125 million years ago). It's known only from a skull (about 4 inches long) and a partial neck vertebra, and is estimated to have been about 3 feet long. (By comparison, Oviraptor was 5–6 feet long.) It's considered to be a more basal (“primitive”) oviraptorosaur, and interestingly it was less birdlike than its later relatives, which suggests that oviraptorosaurs evolved some of their birdlike traits independently of other birdlike dinosaurs. Unlike most later oviraptorosaurs, Incisivosaurus had teeth, most notably the prominent incisors at the front, which it may have used for gnawing like a rabbit or rodent. I've seen at least one illustration that depicts it as eating nuts and conifer cones like a squirrel which I think is a neat idea.

It's one of many dinosaurs that I would love to see in a LBT fanfic. I tend to envision it as an awkward character (a little bit like Guido); a sort of dinosaur nerd, if you will. :p Although it kind of goes against my usual reservations against interspecies romances, I can't help but imagine one developing a crush on Ruby and making awkward attempts to court her. :lol

And no worries bout the Pachy/Troodon thing! I love reading your posts, especially since I love dinosaurs (and all other animals) to no end! I'll definitely come to you for information, I'm sure I'll be needing lots!!!
It's so good to have another kindred spirit on this forum. :smile Ask all you want; I love questions. :D Just in case you've had trouble finding it (this forum can be tough to navigate), my question thread is in this section in the Party Room. And by the way, you're a lot of fun to talk to; I really think an “Ask Me” thread of your own would be a good idea (especially since I'm causing this topic to become more of a conversation between us than an art thread :oops :p). I can promise you that you'd receive plenty of questions from me; I love asking them almost as much as I love answering them :smile. And don't worry; you're fitting into this forum just fine. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Interesting looking character.  Never heard of that dino before.


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Just so you know, I didn’t make that picture, although I did once create a simple little clipart pic of Incisivosaurus based on the same illustration:

I made this at least six or seven years ago, and there are definitely some anatomical errors. The hands probably couldn’t have been held in that position, the dewclaws on the feet are in the wrong place, the arms are too short, and the tail feathers are just lousy. :rolleyes As I recall, the pose and general shape of the dinosaur is modified from an icon of an Oviraptor from Zoom Dinosaurs. (I didn’t have a concept of copyrights back then. :oops)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Thank you for understanding my little rant. It's kind people like you and the members I've met so far that remind me each day that not everyone is bad!

And no worries bout the story thing. Take your time as there's no rush; my main objective is to entertain others while feedback is a pleasant bonus.

*prepares to reply when I see that pic and bursts out laughing* Okay, now my sides hurt. That is a very interesting specimen; i never knew a dinosaur like that could even exist! China, huh? Well, I'm not surprised, they always seem to have the weird dinosaurs! I'm jealous of that! He kinda reminds me of something, though I can't put my finger on it. I wonder if its incisors were forever-growing like a rodent's, or shed and replaced like other theropods.

Although it kind of goes against my usual reservations against interspecies romances, I can't help but imagine one developing a crush on Ruby and making awkward attempts to court her.

That sounds adorable! :DD A sweet character he'd be. Probably will be good friend with Petrie and Guido too!

Thanks for the link for your Ask Me forum! I'll be visiting that a lot! And all this is a bit off-topic, huh  :lol ? As for my own, since last time, I've come to be a bit more comfortable here. Everyone seems to be very pleasant and welcoming and the newbie feeling is starting to disappear. I'm gonna do it!  :yes

BTW, sorry if anyone was turned away by my last pic. It really isn't meant to be taken seriously. I know interspecies love doesn't really happen in the real world (except in cases of mistaken identity via imprinting or deliberate interspecies rape by bottlenose dolphins....... though I doubt the latter is done outta love...*shudder*).
Prehaps it'll be more acceptable to know that Tiki and Tero are fully aware of their differences and are content with the fact that having children is impossible for them. And probably for the best too, so their 'cross-species attraction' genes will die out with them (man, that sounds harsh; science is cruel sometimes).


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Just one more response before I shut up. :p :angel

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Dec 24 2010 on  12:42 AM
*prepares to reply when I see that pic and bursts out laughing* Okay, now my sides hurt. That is a very interesting specimen; i never knew a dinosaur like that could even exist! China, huh? Well, I'm not surprised, they always seem to have the weird dinosaurs! I'm jealous of that! He kinda reminds me of something, though I can't put my finger on it.
Definitely one of the silliest-looking dinosaurs to ever exist. :lol Glad you liked the picture.

I wonder if its incisors were forever-growing like a rodent's, or shed and replaced like other theropods.
If it did use them for gnawing, then I'm guessing the teeth grew continuously; it seems to me that if it shed them, it wouldn't be able to feed as efficiently until the new teeth reached full size. Another thing occurs to me: rodent incisors stay sharp because whenever the animal closes its mouth, the lower incisors scrape against the back edge of the upper incisors, wearing them down. Incisivosaurus, however, only incisors in its upper jaw, so it makes me wonder if the beak on the lower jaw served as the sharpening surface; if that was the case, then I wonder if that would mean that the beak would have to be constantly growing as well.

BTW, sorry if anyone was turned away by my last pic. It really isn't meant to be taken seriously. I know interspecies love doesn't really happen in the real world (except in cases of mistaken identity via imprinting or deliberate interspecies rape by bottlenose dolphins....... though I doubt the latter is done outta love...*shudder*).
Don't worry about it. While not everyone here cares for interspecies pairings in LBT, most of us don't mind them (so long as they aren't too…explicit; you have nothing to worry about with your picture, of course). I know that there are some fanauthors and fanartists here who have featured these kinds of pairings in their work, so you're hardly alone. And sorry if I gave off the impression that I was put off by it; often I'm just too open and straightforward with my opinions. :oops

Thanks for the link for your Ask Me forum! I'll be visiting that a lot! And all this is a bit off-topic, huh  :lol ? As for my own, since last time, I've come to be a bit more comfortable here. Everyone seems to be very pleasant and welcoming and the newbie feeling is starting to disappear. I'm gonna do it!  :yes
Yes, the cordiality of this forum is one of the best things about it. :DD Glad to hear that you're starting to settle in. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Just one more response before I shut up.

 :lol That's okay; I love our conversations, it's so much fun and I learn lotsa new things, like that Incisivosaurus pic! That one's definitely gonna be on my background, I'd love a good laugh everytime I turn on the computer! That dino is definitely very interesting with many questions needing to be answered, though it seems my pet rat has a dino-equivalent!

And don't worry, your opinions were very nice and I felt that you openly-appreciated the pairing! I was just reading through some other posts and it seemed to me that lotsa people don't like the interspecies thing. I just felt the need to reassure! Things will never get too...physical in my pairing stories; for one thing I'm generally clueless and unbelievably innocent-minded (my parents tell me many times that I have the mind of a toddler). For another thing, that would be too much for my little virgin mind. So no worries on anything explicit!

To me, this is indeed the best forum site -probably the best site- when it comes to friendliness.

Edit: Just now noticed..... Whoooooooooooooo!!!! I'm now at Petrie's Junior level!!! :celebrate


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I asked if I should post this here, and I received word that I probably can if I put a disclaimer, and here it is: This is an edited screen-shot that I played with in Microsoft Paint. I really didn't know where else to put it. If there is another place for it, please feel free to tell me and I'll try to fix what I can! Without further ado, here it is:

Hope you guys find it as fun as others had on deviantart.  :DD Poor Ozzy; he had the truth told to him by a talking rock...


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I was originally going to draw this OC character last, but I figured to get the harder ones out of the way first.

First off: I suck at drawing birds and feathers. I find a bird's wing even harder to draw than a bat's wing, which is saying something.... Luckily, the birdies in the Land Before Time had minimal feather detail and that helped a lot! I managed to get my movies back from my thieving little sister and had some reference from LBT 9.

Anywho, this is Teryx. He's an Archaeopteryx, probably known from the LBT world as a Feathered Flyer or Prickly Flyer (probably Feathered Flyer amongst his kind and knowledgable dinosaurs; Prickly Flyer to those who don't know what feathers are). He belongs in the same mixed-species group as Tero and Tiki from my previous pic (for whom I'll make individual pics later). Anywho, besides hanging out with other species in a segregational world, Teryx also has a few more differences from his flock:

Firstly, his vastly different coloration makes others in his flock think him as a totally different species and shun him (No, the color isn't for 'character distinction' that the later LBT movies are known for as my other OCs have little of it). In reality, he's the same species, just a different population. You see, his original nest was blown from the tree and landed on the ground far below. His siblings' eggs smashed, but the nest cushioned his fall and he survived. Thanks to an Egg Stealer, he was taken from his true flock to the other side of the mountain towards the Egg Stealer's home. Luckily, his adoptive flock, thinking the egg was one of theirs, worked together to drive off the Egg Stealer and rescue his egg, whom his adoptive mother (lacking eggs of her own) proceeded to hatch him.

His second difference: He could speak Leaf Eater. From what I assume of the later movies and from the LBT wiki, these half-birds spoke some bird language not understandable to the other dinosaurs. Teryx taught himself to speak the tongue of the flatteeth as well, which came in handy more than a few times, as his flock was just as racist as the other dinosaur species of the time. Any Leaf Eater that came near their home trees where driven away readily, Teryx having the job of verbally telling them to get lost (Teryx himself was saved from being driven off as his adoptive mother protects him from the others).

Because of his role in the flock (mouthing off to much larger creatures) and basically because he, as a practical outcast, had to take care of himself with only his mother to help, he has a few personality quirks. Any who knows Ramen from my Happy Feet story knows what personality quirk that is: Teryx stands down from nobody, a tough guy ego taken to the extreme. His tough attitude equals that of Tero's, but unlike the Domehead (who has the physical strength to back himself up), Teryx is a very puny creature who somehow got in in his head that he can take on a sharptooth as big as a T-Rex and win. Only reason he survived this long is because someone else (be it his mom or his friends) knock some sense into him and drag him away from danger.

Relationship with his friends go as follows...
-Tiki the Rainbowface: He's fond of having her as a friend simply because she finds his tough-guy antics adorable and does nothing to bring down his over-inflated ego. To him, this gives the perfect opportunity to show off. She also defends him from Tero, subtly of course!

-Tero the Domehead: This friendship is shaky at most. Their aggressiveness clashes repeatedly, to say the least. Tero constantly threatens Teryx, who defiantly goads his much-larger opponent on. Again, Teryx is only alive because someone's there to get between them. Despite this, they tolerate each other and sometimes, however rare it is, they help each other out.

-Cookie the Twocrest Swimmer: He considers her his bestest best friend of the group. He 'protects' her though it's she who usually ends up saving him. Like Tiki, she finds his antics adorable, though she's quick to tell him when it's going too far and when to run away. They're also confidants when one of them (mostly Cookie) is feeling blue.

-Clubbie the Clubtail: These two get along just fine, almost as equal as Teryx's friendship with Cookie. They're a prankster duo, so to say, though not even Teryx understands the weirdness that is Clubbie's brain. But however strange the clubtail's behavior is, Teryx always has his back in times of need.

The bottom pic is basically him as a downy little hatchling (though it doesn't look like it as I can't draw down). Of course, everything about it is speculative as there are no hatchlings of his kind that I know of in the movies. As he matures, part of the leg feathers will shed as his body gets better at regulating its temperature and his head will turn to the purple-ness of adulthood, plus gaining fully-functional flight and display feathers. The claws are maintained and hidden in the feathers during flight so not to get in the way (at least that's my theory on why the ones in the 9th movie lacked them).

Hope you guys like it!


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  • Ducky
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Well, it looks like I'm a little late on this thread. :oops  Good work on the art! Honestly, it's better than anything I"ve ever done. The Ozzy picture was hilarious! He gets told off by a rock :lol:! I liked the pictures with Sierra and your OCs. Very well drawn. And MUCH better than anything I've ever done and able to do. Good work!


  • Petrie
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Awww, thank you!! I try my best with them! And yeah, the Ozzy one is fun; a little improvising from my strange mind! Maybe I should do a Caption This with the screenshot!  :DD