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Biggest "Cold Fire" basher ever

Jrd89 · 18 · 2744


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Hey you guys. I saw this. this is your typical sick, dirty foul mouth.

In these 2 videos. he reviews his personal review of the stone of cold fire.

He calls himself the "cartoon hero".. and says how he did enjoy the first 6 LBTs up to "secret of saurus rock" but then he gets to bashing how he hates cold fire.

HOW could ANYONE HATE PTERANO!! Tell me! (but I laughed because it's so ironic that the cape he's wearing is Pterano orange !  :lol

Oh, and he calls both Rinkus and Sierra "Rhamphorhynchus henchmen" when he DOESN'T know Sierra is a Cearadactylus... not a rhamporhynchus.

I HATE how he gets mad and complains "THE FLYERS ARE SUPPOSED TO FLY.. WHY DIDN'T HE JUST FLY!" at the part where Rinkus falls off the cliff. That part I thought was really funny. C'MON MAN!!!

and "Very Important Creature"... A POINTLESS SONG??!?!? THAT'S THE BEST SONG IN THE MOVIE!!!  :blink:

Now i'm warning you guys.. beware of sick, foul swear words and also...  the end of the part 2 video doesn't have to do with lbt and is very disturbing.

I'm glad most of you guys love the stone of cold fire (and I'm proud of those of you who have "The stone of cold fire" as your favorite LBT movie :yes  :yes

I say this guy isn't even a true LBT fan.

I would never talk like this guy at all unless I was raging mad. And I don't have a fat, ugly,  face like his, either.

(I'm actually kind of a quiet and shy person)

here are the videos, part 1 and part 2 (flyer fans.. cover your ears!)


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You should remember that everyone has their own opinions on stuff. What if you were to tell in public that you hate something, and people disagree with you? Surely someone would get mad at you for saying that. :p


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Frankly unless attempts are made to pick up arguments (if any) and counter argue there is little point in threads aimed to bash videos that are bashing or perceived to be bashing something we may like.
For me personally LBT 7 has always been kind of a mixed experience. It had great merits such as the introduction of the interesting character Pterano, but it also came with severe drawbacks such as the permanent deus ex machina rainbowfaces who then departed in Star Trek style that really made an in ill crossing over as far as I am concerned.
Anyway, people who are no LBT fans or people who outright hate LBT are entitled to their opinions as we are to ours. But same as I feel it is an odd idea of an LBT hater to watch an LBT movie and then invest a lot of time and effort into bashing it I consider it a rather similar wast of time and effort for diehard LBT fans to watch such videos and then bash back in return  :rolleyes


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Just because the guy had some complaints about LBT7 doesn't mean he's not an LBT fan. Not all LBT fans are going to enjoy LBT7. For me, the 7th movie is actually one of my least favorite. It's the first LBT movie I had shut off before it was even finished because I had found it boring. I also didn't like the "alien rainbowface" ending all that much.

Now maybe the reviewer really doesn't like LBT. That still doesn't mean he's not entitled to his opinion. If he doesn't like LBT7 and if he feels the way he does in the video, then so be it. Let him say what he wants about LBT7. Why should everyone love the 7th movie? Just because you love it, Jrd89, doesn't mean that everyone else should or will. Everyone has different tastes. Just because this guy doesn't like LBT7 doesn't mean he has no good taste. It just means he didn't like LBT7.

So what if he doesn't like LBT7 anyway? So what if he made a video pointing out all the flaws he found in LBT7? So what if he complained about different parts of the movie? Again, it's just his opinion and he has every right to express it. I know LBT7 is one of your fav movies, Jrd, but please respect that not everyone is going to feel the same. There's no need to start a topic to complain about this guy.


  • Chomper
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He's a troll, and you shouldn't feed them by getting angry at them. That's just what the troll wants. I should know. A few of my friends have a habit of trolling, and while I don't condone that, I have to say that they are hilarious as long as you don't take them seriously.


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Far as I know, none of my friends troll. As for me, I don't. I find trolling immature and if I found out one of my friends were trolling, I'd likely have a word with them. It is true it's best to ignore trolls. That I agree with. Getting angry at them only encourages them to continue. Trolling wouldn't be as big of an issue if people would respect other people's opinions and not attack them for liking/disliking something. I don't have much respect for people who troll because they apparently don't respect others' opinions themselves.

I'm not talking about those who troll as part of a skit. One could say that Angry Video Game Nerd or Nostalgia Critic are trolls, but they do what they do for fun and comedy, not to directly insult anyone. Real trolls, however, are out to upset fans or nonfans of something and intentionally try to cause conflict and anger. They are so adamant about getting their point across that something either rules or sucks that they refuse to listen to opinions opposing their beliefs or handle their arguments in a mature way.

Whenever I see or am told someone is trolling something, I pay them no mind because, far as I'm concerned, no real troll deserves any attention.


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This guy is no troll.  I've actually talked with this guy, even giving out my love for the franchise, which he took rather well and accepted.  Furthermore, he's not bashing, he's creative criticizing.  Creative criticizing is basically pointing out the bad points in a mature manner, and giving their thoughts on such areas.  He was even cracking out jokes, much like Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd do for their reviews.  Sometimes the two can seem to come off the same.  It can be hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Also, note who put this up.  Yep, I did! ;)

The ones who did The Land Before Time reviews at, including this one, most of them are really good people.  They are just acting out of their usual character to make it more entertaining and make their point.

The Cartoon Hero has the flaw of having a bad camera. (He's told me that he would replace it if he could afford it right now.) So he really needs to give the extra effort to make his video stand out, and you can tell that he really tries at it.

He's actually a good guy off camera.  He just does this for fun and entertainment.  He doesn't mean to actually hurt those who enjoy the movies.  He acknowledges the opinions of others and accepts them as an adult would.  He just likes to give out his opinion on certain movies, much like the rest of us.

Also, doing this movie with the rest of the group who did the others allowed him to further his reviewing career.  He was able to gain an extra actor for some of his videos, which is a big plus when you do these sort of things.  They've got a few videos in mind to work together on.  We'll just see how it goes for them. (Oh, and if you're wondering who, just go to the end of the review.)

You, Jrd89, are just looking at him the wrong way because he hates a movie that you love. :)

Furthermore, I find The Land Before Time 7 as one of the worst movies of the franchise, which is why I rarely talk about it. -_-

Bottom line, this is an opinion and should be seen as such.

Thank you and good day. :)


  • Chomper
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Huh. From the rage I saw, I immediately figured "Troll."


  • Petrie
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Understood. Everyone has different views on different things.

Personally, I did think the rainbowfaces and the "alien" connection thing was weird.

I guess loving this movie & loving Pterano & Rinkus are 2 different things.

If you asked me "Do you love this movie or do you just love Pterano & Rinkus"...

I would answer "I just love it for Pterano & Rinkus"

Sorry about that. I just got into a bad mood when I saw those videos last night.


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It's okay, but Jrd89, you need to realize not everyone likes Pterano and Rinkus or LBT 7. Like everyone else said, people have their own likes/dislikes about different things. I know it can be frustrating to see people criticize something you like but think of it this way: wouldn't it be boring if everyone liked the same stuff? The most interesting conversations/views are those that conflict with yours. I've had really fun discussions with those who didn't like what I liked and vice versa.

Now I like LBT 7 but it does have its flaws. That doesn't mean it's a bad movie however. I also like Pterano but he's not my favorite character(I like Littlefoot better).


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Quote from: Valeron,Nov 5 2010 on  07:41 AM
He's a troll, and you shouldn't feed them by getting angry at them.
I found out the hard way once. :rolleyes  I can give any admins the IP adress(es) of the person who froze up my computer by hacking me, he hated me that much, it was on Ice Age wiki. The person also called me a f[censored] son of a [censored] on a review for one of my old LBT stories on That's why you have to have an account to review my stories. The person who left two flames in reviews on two of my five LBT fanfictions, someone called 'WTFWriter'.


On topic:

I doubt the person is a troll just because he hates LBT7. Sure the person shouldn't have used the profanities, but he must be a person who hates some, but not all LBT movies. It probaly is that 'WTFWriter' I mentioned above, atleast he dosen't GOF account, or he'd be after me, same with DeviantArt and


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Adder: OOOOOOOOOH!! THAT must've been REALLY ROUGH!   <_<  You got hacked. That guy on Ice Age Wiki was one dirty jerk!

I'm sorry. Something tripped in my brain last night. The thought "Quick Jared, defend your flyers!" went through my head.
Animeboye's response made me feel better. I learned something new.

It's just that I never saw "the stone of cold fire" reviewed so rough before.

I don't know why I went and did that last night. My brain tripped. I felt like I had to defend Pterano & Rinkus.

But every LBT fan has their own unique preferences and likes/dislikes different LBT

movies and likes/dislikes different LBT characters.


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^It was terrible, but all I had to do was update my adode flash player to stop him. I was shocked.

That's true Jrd89, I like Yellow Belly Dance, the yellow bellies, and thought LBTXIII was one of the better movies, compared to 11 anyway. Everyone likes their own things about LBT.


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Quote from: Adder,Nov 5 2010 on  05:20 PM
^It was terrible, but all I had to do was update my adode flash player to stop him. I was shocked.
That seems to tell me that he executed a security hole in your outdated Adobe Flash Player to hack you. Always keep your computer updated to reduce chances of you getting hacked. It won't stop all of them, but it'll make it harder. There is a neat little program you can get called Secunia PSI. It will monitor your computer and let you know what needs to be updated and how big a threat the outdated version poses.


  • Petrie
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The "cartoon Hero" bit may sound a little self-assertive but I didn't mind his review... Much. He is obviously not a real movie journalist but everyone's a critic. :rolleyes:


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I watched this guy on youtube. I agree. He was kinda bashing LBT7 but everyone has their own opinions. And on very important creature your right. that was the best song in the movie. though beyond the mysterious beyond was good too. In fact...very important creature is probably one of my favorites.Yeah alot of the movies on the collaboration thatguywiththeglasses was doing were really rough on the series. But at the beginning he stated that he still loved the great valley adventure to scret of saurus rock. So he still says that he does like LBT just that number 7 didn't appeal to him that much.


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Quote from: LBTDiclonius,Dec 28 2010 on  03:17 AM
I watched this guy on youtube. I agree. He was kinda bashing LBT7 but everyone has their own opinions. And on very important creature your right. that was the best song in the movie. though beyond the mysterious beyond was good too. In fact...very important creature is probably one of my favorites.Yeah alot of the movies on the collaboration thatguywiththeglasses was doing were really rough on the series. But at the beginning he stated that he still loved the great valley adventure to scret of saurus rock. So he still says that he does like LBT just that number 7 didn't appeal to him that much.
Actually I'm not sure if that could be considered bashing. I tend to think bashing would have been a lot more harsh.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I thought his review was pretty funny. i didn't really like "cold fire" (I don't really like any of the films after 4 and consider them guilty pleasures). I thought it was pretty funny the "I'm blue dabadeedabadi" part and the magic school bus reference, lol!