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Power Rangers Zeo ZX

LBTFan13 · 248 · 18939


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(Guys we shouldn't be as successful in fighting the putties. during the first episode the putties overpowered the rangers-to-be.)
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((OOC: I posted this point in the discussion thread. We are going to be overpowered by the putties because we haven't gotten our powers yet. After we are recruited, then we can actually start to overpower them. Until then, no intense fighting yet. I should have made this point sooner, and I apologize for not doing so.)

Unfortunately for the group, the Putties were much stronger than they anticipated. Rob tried desperately to fend them off, but they kept coming back. "There's too many of them!" Rob noticed Patrick was taking a beating, so he shoved a Putty to the side and dashed towards Rito. He flying side kicked the skeletal monster in the side, but it didn't do much damage. It did manage to push him back a little so he could grab Patrick off the ground and help him back to the group. "I've got you," he muttered.

Goldar laughed as the kids tried to regroup. "There's no chance for you humans! Lord Zedd and Empress Rita have returned, and you shall all bow to their rule!"

"This can't be happening," Rob uttered in slight horror. "This can't be real." Unfortunately, he was caught off guard as a Putty kicked him forcefully. Rob jolted back and rolled on the ground, clasping his hand on his chest. "We're getting hammered out here!"


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With all the Putties surrounding the group, they didn't notice someone coming from behind and attacking them. It was another new student who were able to grab them and kick them, not much to defeat them, but enough to open some space. Still, the enemies' numbers are overwhelmingly large and they were able to return the strike and to force the newcomer near the rest of the small group of students been trapped there. - "Well, the good news is that the are not going after more students but for you... now us." - he said as managed to stand up again, grabbing his right arm that suffered a heavy strike from a putty. - "Any of you have a escape plan?"


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John was surprised by the appearance of the puddies.  He had not seen their like before.  At first he tried to start fighting them using basic karate, with not a lot of success, though he did manage to block some of their attacks, overall not to effective.  

Then he switched to the other style of martial arts he knew, handy being older then he looked.  He switched to using Monkey Kung fu, the bizzare way he was acting having 1 or 2 of the puddies scratching their heads since they had never seen this style of martial arts before.


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i say we run Tracy said exhausted from swinging the heavy book bag.. We need to get away from these things.."
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Eric nodded, smacking one away from himself with his staff.
"I'd say that's our best bet right now..."
He said, backing up...


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"At the moment, no," Rob replied to the newcomer, "and now I'm starting to get the feeling that this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"Give up, humans!" Goldar commanded as he fixed his tail behind him. He couldn't deny that he felt some degree of pain when Patrick bit down on it, but it wasn't enough to keep him down. Of course, he didn't want to project that a human was able to pull a trick like that on him. "Surrender to your new rulers!" he continued ordering.

"If somebody is going to save us," Rob commented, "now would be the time to do it."


"Aye yae yae yae yae!" Alpha screeched. "This is horrible! The college is falling to Goldar and Rito! What do we do?"

"Calm down!" Zordon pleaded. "I have a solution. Teleport the five humans that fought against the Goldar, Rito and the Putties to the Command Center immediately."

"You mean you found our new Power Ranger candidates?" Alpha asked

"That is correct," Zordon nodded.

"But there are six of them!" Alpha commented.

"I know, but I have a feeling about the sixth human, something I can't explain," Zordon admitted. "I feel like he can handle himself."

"If you're sure, Zordon!" Alpha frantically pushed several buttons and looked over on the Viewing Globe. He watched as the five humans were instantly teleported away from the college, and in a flash they appeared right before him.


Rob had no idea what just happened. First he was at the college, and in an instant he was somewhere else. He looked around and noticed that Eric, Tracy, Patrick, and the newcomer were with him, but John was missing. "What the heck?" he muttered as he tried standing up. "Is everybody okay?"

"You are safe now," a mechanical voice answered. Rob looked forward and saw a robot that he recognized all to well.

"Alpha Five?" he asked.

"Command Center Prototype," Alpha responded, "but how do you know about me?"

"I....uh....." Rob couldn't get the words out, because he was still trying to process everything through his mind. "What is this place?" he finally asked.

"This is the Command Center!" a loud, booming voice answered. Rob looked up and gasped when he saw a floating head in a giant,  glass like tube.

"Oh my god," he whispered. "Zordon?"

"Welcome, Rob, Eric, Tracy, Patrick, and Canis."


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you guys ACTUALLY Exist?!?Tracy dropped her book bag and looked for a place to steady herself.. ' so how much of the stories are true? are ALL of them true? We all grew up listening to stories about the Power Rangers, they were .. legends, icons, whatever you want to call them.. but i thought they were just that.. stories...
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Patrick closed his eyes and did something he hadn't done in 17 years, He started to pray.
When Patrick Opened his eyes, he saw he was in a strange place. "  Rob, Eric, Tracy, Patrick, and Canis, welcome to the command center!" A loud, authoritarian voice boomed." Patrick stared at him, unimpressed. "OK, start talking you giant floating head, cause I got my lawyer on speed dial." Patrick said, but upon taking out his phone, he saw it was busted. "Or I did until those freaking Alien Jack-holes busted it." Patrick said, putting the cell phone away. Turning to Tracy, a smirk crossed his face. "You say the power rangers are legends, well as far as I'm concerned they're nothing but a bunch vigilante bums who're are never around when you need them, where were they when our collage was attacked?" He demanded.


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Elsewhere inside a room someone stepped off of what looked like a transporter from star trek.  

"Excellent work as always scotty." A familiar voice said off screen said.  "It seems that the college is under attack.  So it's time to uncover the energy changing thing."

"Are you sure?" Another voice said.

"With the odd looking creatures I saw I doubt the police can do anything, and since comic book characters are no help it may be necessary to use it again." The first voice said.   "Just need to put in a component or 2 and it'll be ready for use again."


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Eric looked around, then whistled.
"Heh...Wow...So the show was true, huh?  This's really real."
He then stopped and looked at Zordon.
"So, does this mean we're gonna become Power Rangers or something?  Aren't we a little old?"
He asked, running a hand through his hair...


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"I can understand that you have many questions," Zordon began, "but all I can tell you is that everything you have been led to believe is wrong. The stories are true, and now the world is in great danger once again."

"Why?" Rob asked. "What's going on, and how do you know who we are?"

"I been watching you as you all arrived at Angel Grove College," Zordon explained. "I watched you fight against Goldar, Rito, and the Putties, and I can tell that you all have great strength and pure hearts. You see, you five have been chosen to defend the world as the new generation of Power Rangers."

"You're kidding," Rob replied in sheer awe.

"We can assure you, Zordon is not kidding," Alpha piped in.


Goldar watched with great pride as the Putties continued to cause mayhem throughout Angel Grove College. He laughed as the Putties terrorized the students and faculty, "Excellent!" he roared. "Everything is going according to plan!"

"GOLDAR!" a voice echoed through the air. Goldar turned around and looked up to the sky, where he found an image of Lord Zedd's face glaring at him. "Report!"

"We have successfully invaded Angel Grove College, your evil one!" Goldar bowed. "It is only a matter of time before we have completely taken over!"

"And what of the six humans!" Zedd pressed. "The ones who stood up against you and Rito!" Where are they?"

"They, uh, were teleported away from here!" Goldar stammered.

"YOU FOOL!" Zedd bellowed. "Zordon has found his new Power Rangers! Your stalling has proven to be your downfall, as usual!"

"My apologies, your excellency!" Goldar pleaded. "I shall wait for their return, and then I will destroy them all!"


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You're Zordon right? Tracy said " How exactly did you get stuck inside that tube? if i'm prying too much I apologize, but i'm curious.. thats all.."
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Rita was watching through her telescope.   "We should send down a monster before to long.  These new rangers will have little experience." Rita said.

They worked on putting the components into the device that was the size of a console tv type of thing.  "This should not take to long."

"We should name this." The other voice said.

"Time for that later.  There, now I'm glad I didn't dissemble this, but left it like this.
Ok, activate it."

There was a click then a flash of bright gold light that lasted for a second at most.  Once that was done the person with the familiar voice had been changed into a ranger.  His costume was solid gold with no emblems, except on his wrists were bracelets that resembled those of the tv cartoon character Space Ghost, though the same color as the rest of his costume.


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"Hold it right there oh great bald one, I'm nobodies draftee." Patrick said, clearly irritated that this Zordon  had the nerve to save them only to turn around and draft them into his Private army. "And even If I would help you, which I won't, Just who is threatening the world whom the Military' s of the world can't stop. I heard that gold plated Monkey say Rita and Lord Zedd had returned, I want answers."Patrick said, clearing starting to lose his Patience.


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"A long time ago, I was in a struggle against Rita Repulsa's evil," Zordon explained to Tracy. "I assembled a team of five warriors who managed to seal Rita and her minions away. Unfortunately, before doing so, she trapped me in a time warp. This is the only way I can project myself to your world." Zordon then turned to Patrick, who had shown great anger in being told what he as meant to do. "What you heard is correct, Patrick. As I have returned, so has Rita and Lord Zedd, two of the most villainous beings in the universe. They are just as powerful as they were before, so your military cannot do anything against their magic. The have come to try and conquer the world, again, and it is up to you to stop them."

"You mean after the first Power Rangers defeated them?" Rob asked.

"It's more complicated than that," Zordon shook his head. "In order to destroy all evil threatening the world, I was to die. A Power Ranger made the ultimate decision to destroy my tube, and in doing so all evil was destroyed along with me."

"So how do you think you were brought back?" Rob asked again.

"That we do not know," Alpha replied. "Whatever the case, Zordon came back for a reason, even though we do not know what that reason may be."

"I understand this is a lot to ask of you," Zordon continued, "but Zedd and Rita have already begun their assault on Earth, starting with your college. If something isn't done, then the world will fall into their grasp."

"I'm in," Rob concluded. "I may have only heard about Zedd and Rita in stories, but they're here now, and somebody has to stop them." He stepped forward with confidence and gazed up at Zordon. "I will become a Power Ranger and fight Zedd and Rita."


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So, you're going to make us power Rangers huh Tracy said "Can we at least pick a weapon? as she turned around she noticed that there were display cases with suits inside " are those the old Power Rangers uniforms and weapons.." she said clearly awed.
 Bulk and Skull meanwhile were hiding in a classroom from the putty Patrol " This can't be happening Bulk said " I thought those things had been destroyed years ago!
 Well it is bulky, unless some freshman got his friends together found some halloween uniforms and are pulling of some sort of elaborate prank..which.. well I highly doubt is the case..Skull said, squeezed under the row of seats which also held computer monitors..
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Patrick glared at Zordon' s response. "There is no such thing as magic, the laws of Physics are clear on that." Patrick said as he listened to Zordon continue. turning his thoughts back to Goldar, how he was able to toss him aside, it reminded him how he hated feeling helpless against those alien freaks. He also thought about his parents, before they were killed, they always told him to always try and help people who were in trouble. But he had enough problems, his weekly meeting with his Probation officer. He had to get get out of here. Rushing over to one of the consoles. "One of these buttons has to send me back." Patrick said frantically.  Patrick jumped and looked behind him into what looked like a crystal ball. He saw The skeleton he guessed was Rito, along with the putties terrorizing the collage with Goldar. Patrick sighed when he saw the look of terror in the faces of the students and faculty. Turning back to Zordon. "Fine I'll cave and be a ranger, But only so I can murder those Alien freaks by the bushels." Patrick said. "Also, If I'm fine with any color but pink, got it!" He said. "So make with powers so we can get started, and skip the formalities, cause it looks like we're gonna have n the job training." Patrick said.


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Speak for yourself pal, we're not going out there without having some idea of our abilities.. and I'll take pink I suppose.." Tracy shrugged..
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"If you all have heard so much about Power Rangers, then you must begin getting used to see weirs things. I am just so glad to meet a legend like Zordon personally!" - Canis said by making a bow. He thought about the situation for a moment, he wondered if Zordon and Alpha Five would have noticed that he is not... human, he is as alien as Goldar and Rito, not from this world, but with way different intentions towards Earth.

He then looked at Patrick. - "But the frenzied college mate here is right, time is running out, and if you think we are worthy, then you should help us become Power Rangers so we can stop those aliens." - he said with determination.