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Might get a new Desktop


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I recently took the chance to look at my system info for my desktop, and I have realized that the motherboard, the one main part I have yet to update, just recently turned 8 years old.  If I'm right, it's probably on it's last leg.

Finding one on today's list that's compatible with all of the parts is rather difficult.  One main thing is that I'm surprised it's been able to handle a 1 TB Hard Drive.  I mean, that was barely even possible at that time.  Not to mention handling Windows 7.  Plus, 4 GB of DDR RAM max?  Even for it's time, that was impressive.

Trying to find a motherboard to replace it won't be a simple task.  I'm probably better off buying a new desktop and selling off all the pieces online. (Case and all.) Of course, I'm keeping my 1 TB Hard Drive if I do take that route.  I mean, 500 GB isn't enough for me anymore and 640 GB probably won't last me much longer.  1 TB is a must for me.  So yeah, even if I do get a new one, I'm keeping the Hard Drive, no question asked.

So yeah, that's what's been on my mind since I looked at it.  The motherboard is probably on it's last leg and I might look forward to a new desktop early this year.  However, we'll see.


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One piece of advise I can give you.  Avoid a Dell.  At least this year (and probably 2011).  I've seen so many practically brand new Dells come in from the cheapest to the most expensive desktop.  The most recent one was two days ago.  The computer was 4 months old and the hard drive and PSU had already went.  The PSU was a shitty Delta and the hard drive was the worst possible - a Western Digital Scorpio Blue.  I've had so many Dell laptops under a year old come through my shop thanks to crappy motherboards and of course those damned Scorpio Blue drives.  In fact, if I were you I'd just purchase a new motherboard.  Get a really nice one with Core2Quad support.  You'll have to buy a new processor and cooling assembly, but it will be well worth it trust me.  Oh, and obviously you'll have to get some DDR3 ram too.  But your existing PSU should be enough so long as it's at least 300 watts.  That's my advise to you.


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^^I know very well to avoid Dell.  Those thieves can die for all I care.

As for my PSU, it's a 500 watt, so it should do me nicely if I get something like what you are suggesting.


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Jan 3 2011 on  12:32 AM
^^I know very well to avoid Dell.  Those thieves can die for all I care.
That seems rather harsh, don't you think?

And besides, I happen to own a dell and I haven't had that many problems with this computer.


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My old Dell works fine, but I guess they've gone down the roads in recent years. Recently we bought a new computer for Downstairs. It's an HP and I can highly recommend it! We've had no problems so far at all, and it is very quiet (a must for my dad :p)


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Okay, maybe that was a little far, so I apologize.

Still, Dell is one that's crossed off my list of what brand I might get.


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Geez!  Getting a new one might not be such a bad idea, since my desktop computer keeps restarting without warning, even freezing during restart at times.  I think it might be the PSU on that one, though. (Call it a hunch)

Still, replacing the computer completely doesn't look like a bad idea right about now.


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Dell, like all other manufacturers has it's bad years.  2010 and 2011 are two of them.  They were also pretty bad back in 2004 and 2001 - even in their Enterprise class units.  HP's bad years include 2006, 2008, and 2009.  They've been excellent in 2010 and I'm sure they'll still be great in 2011.  Gateway has been absolute crap since they partnered with eMachines in 2004 and eMachines has been terrible since day 1.  Acer partnered with eMachines this year so watch out for the 2011 Acer's.

I own 6 desktops that I use on a constant basis.  5 of them are HP and 1 of them is a dell.  All the HP's are from 2008 except for one which is a late 2009.  My maser machine is about three years old now, but it still kicks a whole lot of ass. :D Fortunately I know what I'm doing when purchasing a computer, so none of my HP's are affected despite the fact they were made right in the middle of HP's bad years.

Now I want to make myself clear.  When I say HP had a bad year in 2009, that doesn't mean that ALL of them will have problems.  Even if they are an affected model, only so many can fail.  But just because you haven't had a problem with your 5 year old Gateway doesn't mean that they're not crap.  You're just one of the lucky 3% that hasn't had a problem yet.

Pokeplayer.  Do yourself a favor and go buy this sucker.  Hurry before they jack the price up:

Slap this on there and you'll have the most kickass rig you've ever seen for $300:

In the end you'll get a kickass 2.8ghz quad core core i5 processor and a motherboard that will be able to accept 16gb of DDR3 ram. :D

EDIT:  F***.  Screw this.  I'm gonna go buy that package now.  My master machine could use a little upgrade.  The only thing I don't like about that board is the fact that it only has 1 standard PCI slot.  But whatever.  I don't need more than one anyway.


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Well, it's official!  I can't do much more with it.  I've made my mind up.  Come Thursday, I'm buying a brand new desktop and selling all the pieces of my old one on-line. (Save for the 1 TB Hard Drive.  I'm keeping that sucker.)

Come the weekend, I'll have all the parts ready for sell on eBay.  I'll put the listings up by then in case you guys are interested.

Now if you all don't mind, I need to figure out which new desktop I want to buy. (Leaning towards an HP, that's a killer deal if you must know.)

See ya later!


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Well, all of the parts finally got shipped.  At least they are sending it via FedEx, so it'll get here fast.  It won't be too long.  I'll soon be back on with a brand new desktop. :)