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Flyer boy Jared's life

Jrd89 · 46 · 6300


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I was shocked at first, but then I laughed. It was unexpected  :lol
Your last name is Kick? That sounds pretty cool.

* I was thinking you could do the first description of flying in the fanfic, since I think this part means a lot to you.*


  • Petrie
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Yeah, bushwacked! When we get to flying in the story, please let me make the first description. And you're right, it really does mean a lot to me.


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No matter how bad things get, they could always be worse.  I've went broke before trying to help my family.  It happens.  Just be glad you have food and shelter.  And you shouldn't be complaining about a 2008 car, even if you only have one in your family.  At least you don't have to worry about the thing breaking down every time you go out.  Honestly it's hard for me to feel sorry for you when I see people in situations a thousand times worse than yours on a daily basis.  At least you have a home back in Michigan.  A lot of people don't even own a home at all.  My point is, things could be a hell of a lot worse.  Rather than complaining about what you don't have, you should try to appreciate what you DO have.  I know it's hard to do that, but that's the only reason I survived living in a one bedroom 650 square foot apartment with my mom and aunt for 7 months.  And I kept that attitude that whole time.  And you know what?  Things got better.  A LOT better.


  • Hatchling
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To Jared: if the lease is up, why not buy the car?  See if a loan can be gotten, then your family won't have to worry about unreliable transportation?

Also, I'm sorry to hear about the supermarket situation.  A lot of places are not hiring.  Keep trying in different lines of work is all I can suggest...whatever is out there.  Don't close yourself or your mind to anything if employment is what you truly seek.


  • Petrie
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to Petrie:

.....the Envoy is my parent's vehicle, so I really don't have a say in the vehicle's fate. My parents are going to go ahead and return it.

You made a good point saying to look in different lines of work for a job too, and not be fixed on just one thing. You're also right about saying "take what you can find" something will crack eventually..

I forgot to mention, (excellent news for my dad) He'll be getting over $20,000 from the old nuclear power plant (Cook) that fired him (for something HE KNEW he didn't do wrong.. BUT THEY didn't BELIEVE him..) He's been on the phone with a lawyer for several months now trying to solve this problem.... and I think he's done it!

The Cook Power plant in Michigan is going to go ahead and just give dad the money. With no lawsuit involved in this., which is great.
They're gonna do this the easy way and just give him the money... (with no lawsuits and no court cases) They FINALLY admitted my dad was right with what he said and they were wrong. And it took the Michigan plant almost 1 1/2 years to figure that out...

TOOK them long enough.... <_<  <_<  so Problem solved.

So my dad'll be getting $20,000+... which is fantastic news for him!  ;) He'll really be able to pay a few bills there, and have some $ left over.

We are going to find a car to replace the Envoy. The Envoy will be returned (I have no say in this at all... whatever my parents decide to get, is whatever they choose to be)

and to landbeforetimelover: I'm sorry for being such a whiner. I DIDN'T KNOW that you were in that kind of situation and had it that bad. A 650 sq. foot apartment with your mom and aunt for 7 months!   :o   :( wow. And i'm in an 1,100 sq. foot condo with my mom, dad, sister, and 2 small dogs.

So you were stuck in a place HALF the size of our condo. OH man, I feel bad for you. I admit it, you were in a much worse situation than what I'm in, by far. I believe you there.

And did I mention, me and my family went and looked at a house for sale (it's on the mainland right across the river from where the condo is. It's very close to downtown Jensen Beach, too where all the restaurants and businesses are.

My mom likes the house, and I do too. My dad didn't like it quite as much as my mom and I did. It's nearly new, It was built in 2005, and it's 2 stories tall (I've never lived in a house with more than one floor in it, and with stairs in it before)

And did I mention that the house is colored a very light shade of pink, too. It's not an ugly shade of pink either. *Yes, I immediately thought of Rinkus when she said the house was pink  :lol *  

She wants to see about renting the house. (I don't plan on it happening) right now... but it's something to think about anyway... It COULD still happen.... but nothing is set in stone just yet...

also lbt lover, about the 2008 Envoy... it's not my SUV, it's my parents. (I have no say in it's fate) My parents are going to return it in a month, and they'll find a replacement car to's their vehicle and their choice.. not mine.

so we'll have *whatever my parents choose to replace the Envoy* AND the 1995 Buick Riviera.... 2 vehicles instead of 1 right now.

Heck if my car was from 2008... of course I wouldn't complain about it. and yes, it would have no mechanical problems whatsoever...  

In reality, my car is a '95 (and I have to split it with my dad, too... so the car is for us both to use)..

now with the Riviera being a 16 year old car with 225,000 miles on it... is something more fitting to the subject.. and of course I will be buying my own new car for my own exclusive use (once the job is found and money starts rolling in for me) For now, I will be using the Riviera along with my dad...

(What still matters to my dad is that the car still gets us from point A to point B despite it having 225,000 miles on it.... Although it is getting worn out, the car still runs ok... we just gotta get the A/C compressor fixed so we have the a/c working again, and that'll do it for any significant problems)

I assume my dad will keep driving that one until he chooses to either sell it or keep going with it until it totally dies out on him.

I'll explain what's going on with cars down here:

The Riviera will be down here in Florida in a few days... we'll have that and the Envoy we already have down here right now, for a month....

then, after the Envoy gets returned, we'll have *whatever vehicle my parents find to replace the Envoy.... and we'll have the Riviera.*

And 2 cars will make things easier than just having only one vehicle to do all the work here.

my apologies lbtlover. I won't whine so much now. Your words are so true. Things may not be peachy right now, but they're not so drastically terrible as in what you described how bad it could be. I'm sorry. It's just that in my 21 years of life, I haven't lived in such a bad situation like this at all.

I graduated from high school in June 2007, when everything was fine and I was still feeling good about my future.. and then the trouble started..

2008... just MONTHS after graduating from high school, the economic disaster began and things began to fall apart.

I'm very proud of you that you were able to survive 7 months living in that tiny place. :yes It's a scary thought for me to even think about.

Sorry for complaining, lbtlover. I still feel sorry for what you had to go through... and you did have it worse than what I do now.   :(


  • Petrie
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I also have some more general info about me for you guys. (as far as computer literacy):

It's very poor. I really mean it. All I know how to do is e-mail, type, and post messages.

I have a cell phone, but I only use it for phone calls. I don't know how to text message (And I don't really want to get into texting at all, i'd rather just make a phone call... I think it's much easier that way.)

-I had no real friends growing up at all. (I mean it) and you guessed it, I don't have any friends down here in Florida either. I was picked on a whole lot through my school years.

Head's up guys... the list is very long :

-I don't have a facebook account,
-I never learned how to use facebook,
-the same goes for Twitter, I don't know how to use that. (not interested in it, either)
-I don't have or know how to use a myspace account,

More importantly:
-I don't have a digital camera, I barely know how to use one...
-I don't know how to post pictures online. (The only camera I ever got was on my 9th birthday, and It was an old film-type camera. I don't have it anymore.)

-I don't have a scanner and I don't know how to use one. So sadly guys, that means I can't post any of my drawings on here... (My own computer is still at our old house in Michigan. I've got a printer with it, but no scanner.

-I won't be able to use my own computer again until we finally move into our Florida house. My mom said "Our house BETTER sell by the 4th of July, that's all I can say."

-My mom also tells me in the past "you shouldn't talk to anyone that you don't know online." <_<  But, I trust you guys here on the GOF.

-Also, for youtube, I do have an account there, but I only message and comment on videos there.. I don't know how to make any youtube videos...I don't know how to post a video... I don't have a camcorder.

-I also have a deviantart account... I like to post comments on other user's art that I like.

-As for music... I only use CD's..I like them better than an Ipod. I don't have an Ipod or anything like that... I just think that CD's are much easier to use, than having to download songs off the internet, when I can just walk into a store and buy the c.d... I will keep using cd's until they're completely gone and obsolete.

-I don't have a webcam, either... never learned how to use one, either.

-All I can say is that I have about 3 drawings I made of Rinkus...and before that I think I did 4 Petrie drawings... and I think I did Pterano 2 or 3 times also...

all I can say is that I hope you trust and believe me there....

Who knows... maybe further down the road (when I'm living on my own) i'll finally be able to learn how to use some of those things I mentioned earlier.

Right now the only computer i've got to use down here is my mom's laptop, connected to a printer... and that's it. It'll remain that way until we finally get out of this 1,100 sq. foot condo with 4 people and 2 dogs, and finally move into a house down here.

Here is a list of the things I would like to have after I find a job. I'll list them in the order I would like them:

First, a car,
Second, a new t.v. (Maybe one with an LED screen...when they come out with the smaller bedroom-sized ones...
Third, a new computer for myself. (maybe with Windows 7),
and fourth..(a new stereo... the one I got right now is a half-and-half... with 2003 controls and 1999 speakers... the original 1999 controls broke *actually, the c.d. player stopped working on it in 2005* And my dad found controls off another one he got at an auction.

We hooked up the '03 controls with the '99 speakers, and it managed to work, and I could play cds again... (It still works right now, btw..)

So, yeah... I have very bad computer literacy right now..:(

Sorry that my computer literacy is so poor.

I wish I could share my Rinkus drawings with you. :( Sorry.

You'll just have to keep believing in that i'm a big flyer lover. I know you do.  :yes

(and that I love Rinkus so much that.... I can't quite find the words to describe it.)

I can't hardly do a day without looking at drawings of him on deviantart or the G.O.F.... or watching videos on youtube with him in it.. or on some nights, having dreams about him while in bed.)

I do appreciate that bushwacked and Nintendoofah64 are Rinkus fans, too.

And I REALLY like how bushwacked and I have been doing on our fanfiction story "Flyers of the Mysterious beyond" and that we add little pieces to it of every couple days or so along with Redtooth101.

My question: "What would it be like, Jared, if you were a rhamphorhynchus, and got to live with your pink pal Rinkus, Pterano, and Sierra....

along with  bushwacked (Luke) your rhamphorhynchus friend who's traveling along with you)...?"

is finally being answered. And i'm so happy about that!  :DD  :D  :D

I'm having LOTS of fun writing the story so far. It really IS lots of fun! and I really enjoy it.  :lol:

I hope you weren't too dissappointed to hear about how illiterate I am with computers right now. Maybe someday in the future when i'm finally living on my own, i'll eventually learn how to use a scanner... or how to post pictures online....etc. <_<


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Posting pictures online is easy. Make an account on photobucket (the registration process is similar to the one you've gone through while joining the GOF), and it will you offer an Upload option. Go Upload, and it will open a window where you will browse through your folders and find a picture you want to upload. Then, it will be uploaded. It is preferable that the picture is a JPEG file (extension .jpg). If your file is not JPEG, just open it in MS Paint and save it as "JPEG-JFF compliant".

Once you uploaded it, you picture is now on photobucket's server. You will have to link on the GOF. To show your picture on the GOF, right click on your picture on photobucket, then click Properties. Copy the URL, then go to the GOF, write http:// tags in your post, and paste the URL between the brackets, this way

http://*paste your URL here*

or, this way

*put some text or title*

There, I hope it solves your problem!


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  • Cera
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Don't worry about it, Jared. My computer skills aren't fantastic either. I can't even use an instant messaging system (much to the disappointment of some GOF members). :oops

Just to add onto what jansenov said, you can post pictures directly on the GOF by posting the URL of the image between tags. Make sure that when you do this, the URL is of the image itself, not a page that the image is posted on. For example, when you click on an image in a Photobucket gallery, the URL will look something like this:
Quote*Photobucket user name*/?action=view&current=*name of image file*.jpg
If you try to post this image URL on the GOF, you will get a message saying “Sorry, dynamic pages in the [IMG] tags are not allowed”. In order to post the image, you need to delete part of the URL, as below:
Quote*Photobucket user name*/?action=view&current=*name of image file*.jpg
Make sure there are no spaces in the URL (whether you're posting a link or an image), or it won't work.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you need me to explain anything better. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Just an update *I appreciate your support, guys.. thank you*

First.. the car situation..

Ok, my parents turned in the Envoy to a GMC dealership down here. (That was done on March 18th)... then, they got a rental car.. and bad news about the '95 Buick Riviera... my dad's having gear trouble... we're having trouble getting the car to shift into reverse and neutral... The car will only move forward.. (although my dad and I were able to get the car into neutral after trying for like 15 minutes in the parking lot...) we moved the car from the middle row to the back row of the parking lot and parked it in the spot rear-end first, so if my dad has to go get it repaired anywhere.. he can just shift into drive and move forward out of the spot and be on his way... He's in the process of looking for a car for mom (to replace the Envoy) and he's also looking for a car (just a work-car...something to get him around) for himself.... the choice is up to him, not me... he could get the car fixed so it shifts right (even though the car is worth, like.. $1,200...and he knows the bill for that would be almost as much as the value of the car...) OR... he could sell the Riviera and find a replacement car.... it's up to him...

but we're gonna get my mom's vehicle first (which will be our main primary vehicle) before dad gets his vehicle (for him to go to work in)...

For now at this moment, we're living off of a rental car for our only transportation right now.. Yes it sounds scary...but the good news is that my dad got his money from the old michigan power plant (Cook) that he used to work at...

His check came last Monday (March 21st,,) I think the check was for $45,000 if I remember right...And I think my mom is looking for a Mercedes ML 350 (which is an SUV, by the way) and that'll be awesome..

So don't worry guys... I know my dad and mom will have our car problem all figured out soon... we may be down to 1 rental car right now, but things will change soon.. I'm not THAT worried...I will update you on any car information as soon as I can.. job situation.. :(

Nope, still nothing right now...I've been down here for 6 months......6 months... and still do not have a job..

Wanna know all the places i've applied at? Here's the list:
Publix, JCPenney, Target, Winn-Dixie, Total Wine, Bed Bath & Beyond,

A ups shipping warehouse for a 2010 christmas season job (went to apply for the christmas season job, filled out an application, did NOT get a phone call that evening, which meant I wasn't picked for the ups job)....

Floating Submarine (which is a restaurant), The Home Depot, Caps Island Bar & Grill, Shuckers (restaurant), Mulligan's (restaurant), Tony Roma's (a restaurant that's about to open in April but just learned a couple days ago I wasn't hired there),

(I also applied online for 2 things...A meter reader job for Florida Power and Lighting.. no e-mails from them... which means they haven't found a job opening in my area...
and also for a job at Comcast... I recieved a rejection e-mail from them... Apparently, I don't have the skills or experience that they're looking for..)

Returning to the businesses...
Conchy Joe's (Which has been the ONLY PLACE TO CALL ME BACK...I already told you about that one, interviewed, then called the place back a few days later....and was told that I wasn't hired..), Petsmart, The Sports Authority, Kohl's (and Dollar Tree and Wendy's which I will talk about below...)

So, that's the list of all the places i've applied at down here...21 businesses.... I only got interviewed at the UPS warehouse and Conchy Joe's.. and the only place I got a phone call from for an interview was Conchy Joe's...

(Now, about Dollar Tree and Wendy's)
I just visited Dollar Tree last week with my mom (we were our running errands) and we saw 2 "now hiring" signs in the window, they were hand-written...
)the job duties included cashier, stocking shelves, keeping the store clean..etc.) so I filled out an application there and turned it in... (there was a drop box by the office inside the store..there were several in there...I made sure mine was on top when I turned it in..) so "Dollar Tree" is looking good right now..

And now for Wendy's... I put an application in there a few weeks ago... I saw that they had something going on for interviewing people for jobs this coming Tuesday starting at 2:00 p.m... I went there last week and checked up on my application (I talked to the manager) he looked very friendly and nice...It turns out that a whole bunch of workers were fired, not for bad work performance, but for having bad , nasty attitudes... wow. :blink:

Now the workers that were in that Wendy's when I visited last week were very different and looked much friendlier than the ones who were there a month or two ago..

So, I have a chance for a job at Wendy's or Dollar Tree... it looks good right now..

I know you guys are hoping for the best for me.. and I appreciate that..  :)

Now for the third subject...
I hate to turn to a negative subject...I hope I get a job soon.. I don't mean to sound so crazy or insane, but..

It drives me nuts being stuck in an 1,100 sq. foot condo with my mom, dad, sister and 2 dogs, no bedroom of my own, all of us having to share 1 laptop computer (I have my own, but it's still at our old house in michigan that still has to sell) I miss my bed, my own t.v., and my stereo.. I have to sleep on a pull-out bed on the living room couch here....

Sometimes..I cry, whine and complain about my current situation...My mom tells me that she doesn't like whiners and she also says that "nobody feels sorry for you".

*Sigh* IF only our old house in Michigan sells...I'll feel so much better and so will my family. Once it sells, we'll FINALLY be able to live in our Florida house! Yay! Then i'll have my own bedroom again with a big, thick mattressed bed to sleep on (BTW..the mattress on the couch bed.. is VERY thin, has little support, and feels like a sponge almost) and i'll have my own tv, computer, and stereo back for myself.

My mom also says that I need to improve on my social skills...I'm being too shy and need to learn to talk to people more, give eye contact and don't look away.

(Of COURSE I gave eye contact to the people I talked to when I applied at those places I listed earler. I gave the Wendy's manager and the Dollar Tree cashier very good eye contact)

and the fourth and final (BTW, my parents want to help me get back in college this fall, and pay the tuition fees, too)

Where did I go to college when I was back in Michigan?

It was a very small college building right in South Haven called "Lake Michigan College" (my grandparents paid the tuition fees) and I did something in one class I took that I feel very guilty and ashamed about...I took an algebra class...twice
(in the Jan.-Apr. 2008 semester and again in the Sept.-Dec. 2008 semester..btw, I haven't been back to college since that Fall 2008 semester, either)..

... I didn't get that Algebra class either time around after the first 2 chapters..

I started blowing off the class at Chapter 3-onward...After the first 10 minutes..I stepped out of the room and went down to the lobby and goofed off on the computer for like an hour and came back about 20-30 minutes before the class was dismissed for the day.

I wasn't getting ANYTHING after Chapter 2. I NEVER understood all those complicated formulas and equations....and it only got more and MORE complicated as the chapters went on... yes, I did try a tutor, but it wasn't working out....even my dad was having trouble when I showed him that I didn't understand. He agreed that those equations and formulas I showed him were very tough..

(BELIEVE IT or not, there were never any homework assignments in that class.. you just did as many problems in the book you wanted to.. if you needed to practice...there were no assignments...just lesson lectures, quizzes and tests. No homework)

I withdrew from the class the second time avoid getting another failing grade

Algebra is NOT for me... (and it was only the introductory algebra course, too!)

I should never have started skipping the class to go goof off on the computer in the lobby...that was WRONG to do. (From now on, I WILL remember: DON'T go off SKIPPING classes! whether you understand them or not.)

Now, i'm very fortunate, my parents said they wanted to try and get me back in college (here in Florida, of course) this fall... I WILL update you on that when I get more info.

Hmm... maybe I could get into animation...who knows?

I'm still hanging in there. It still sucks right now, but I know my parents will have their cars soon, and I have a shot at a job at Dollar Tree or Wendy's.

I will update you on any new info as soon as I can.

I'll try not to be all sad and disappointed. There have even been some times when i've felt like dying or dropping off the face of the Earth. I'm pretty lonely with no friends down here.  :cry *I HAVE to stop thinking like that.*

I do have you guys on the GOF to talk to. That makes me feel a little bit better anyway.

I'll think positive and keep hanging in there.


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Don't give up Jared.  Something will show up, I'm sure. And what's with algebra? Is there a way I can see the classes you took in Michigan (I passed algebra on my faculty, I'd like to compare the two curriculums, and perhaps I can help you.)


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It sounds like you have a good chance at Wendy's and Dollar tree.
Stay positive - another day passed is another day closer to your house in Michigan being sold.


  • Petrie
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Ok, another update.

First, cars. The Riviera's transmission has been fixed. It cost my dad $1,234, and he knew that he shouldn't be spending more money on repairs on a car that has less value than what the repairs are costing him... But that's what he had to do. It was his choice.

So, yep. It's still a rental car, and the Riviera right now. Hopefully we'll have a new car soon instead of running around in a rental car all the time..

So, the gears work wonderfully on the Riviera now. It shifts into Reverse and Neutral with no problems, now.

Second, the job update
The shot at a job at Wendy's is still looking good right now, too. (They haven't told me no, yet.) I went back last Tuesday, and the manager said he was about to go on vacation, and that he hasn't hired anyone just yet. He said he'd be coming back on April 18th, and said he'd do the hiring after he gets back from vacation.

Third. The house.

We've got a couple that's interested in the house. They're not what we've had in the past like....lookers who just say" well...we like it...but it's too small for us"...or "we like it, but it's located too far away.."

No. My mom said that they were interested in the house...Who knows? We may have some takers. ;)

Fourth. New cell phones.

Yes. It was quite a day today. My whole family got new cell phones...our old ones were getting broken or worn out..(my mom's old one had a broken scroll ball, my dad's phone had a buzzing sound, and it didn't work because he got it wet last week. My sisters phone, (I can't remember) but one of the buttons was broken on it... and My phone had a busted screen...both screens were a total white-out.

I couldn't tell WHO was calling me, or see what the date and time was...

as for our new mom and dad both got blackberry torches, my sister got a Motorola Atrix 4G, and I got an LG Neon II.

My mom and I talked about what color I should get yesterday.. My choices were blue, red, or orange. My mom thought that I should get orange because it's a bright color, and I would have an easier time finding the phone, too.  in case I lost it..

I agreed. The phone would have a bright color and would be noticeable...

But the main reason I picked orange is that Pterano is orange.  :D

So my new phone is noticeable, and it's orange like Pterano :smile .

So, The Riviera is fixed, Wendy's looks ok right now, we may have people interested in our Michigan house, and I have a new cell phone.

and janesenov: I told my mom that I wanted to see about taking an animation class this fall at a nearby Florida college..She told me that i'd have to start with the basics first, (like english and math..)

She said don't worry, we'll get you a tutor for math.

so Janesenov:..... if I wind up taking another algebra class, I might talk to you and tell you about whatever i'd be doing or working on in the class at the time...

Right now, before going back to college this fall,  I have a goal of having a small job and a buying my own car before then. (and the car would be about a $5,000-$6,000 car..)

Remember, I'd get the $5,600 back that I loaned out to my parents (as soon as out Michigan House sells...I'm happy that we have a some peope interested in it right now.)

So the $5,600 would be a huge help...and i'd top that with the money i'd earn at the small job (like Wendy's). I would really like my own car before the fall starts. I want to make that a goal.

In the meantime, i'll keep hoping to get something started. If I can land that job at Wendy's and our house in Michigan sells, i'll feel very happy!

I would love to go back to college and learn about animation..that would be fun..

In the meantime, while i'm here in the tiny condo... i'll keep drawing on my drawing pad with the mechanical pencil.. I really LOVE the lbt7 intro pteranodon I drew 3 days ago. I drew his full body once and then I drew 2 other head shots.

I think it's my best flyer drawing ever and my mom really though I did great and wonderful on it, too! She loved it!

I see good things in the future. What do you think?...   :yes


  • Petrie
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All right, my parents picked up our new vehicle today! No more rental cars!

It's a silver 2007 Mercedes ML 350 (which is an suv). My mom absolutely LOVES her new vehicle. She was so happy today when we picked it up!  :)

So tomorrow, the rental car is getting returned and we have 2 vehicles now, the Mercedes ML 350 for my mom (yes, my parents own the vehicle, it's not a lease or rental)  and we still have the Riviera for my dad and I to share....

Things are a LOT better now that my parents have their own vehicle instead of having to drive a rental car all the time for their main source of transportation.

And I have jobs pending at Wendys and McDonalds right now ... (Tuesday the 19th is what McDonalds is calling their "national hiring day" where they will hire 50,000 workers nationwide that day ,)

I applied online a few days ago for the McDonalds located about 8 miles away from the condo... So now I have jobs pending at McDonalds as well as Wendy's, and my chances of getting hired for those two places are looking good right now   :)  .. So on Tuesday, I will check back at McDonalds first, and then i'll go check at Wendy's after that...

So, we have our new vehicle, the rental car days are over, and I've still got a good chance at a job at either Wendy's or Mcdonalds. Things are looking really good right now, guys.  :yes

Wish me luck, guys.

If I get my job, I'll finally save for my new car (not to mention that  I'll have my $5,600 that my parents owe me on top of that once our house sells...)  My mom's been telling me that she KNOWS it WILL sell this summer.


Please, don't rush me on posting my fanart. I will try to put it up as soon as I can. I'm still waiting on my mom to develop the last pictures on her old digital camera...then, she'll give it to me to take pictures of some of my drawings, and then i'll load them onto the computer (my mom's laptop..the only computer we have to use in this tiny condo..)

And then, i'll post them here on the GOF.  ;)

But please, don't rush me :(  and please be patient. (I lost a little sleep at night worrying that you guys were in an eager hurry to see my pictures and you'd start complaining if I didn't put them up immediately :unsure: ..:( ...)

I told my mom that I wasn't in a desperate hurry to use her old digital camera.. I promise you, I will eventually put them up.. trust me...  ;)

Just give me some time and let me wait for my mom to develop her last "old camera" pictures before she gives her old camera to me.  :yes

I promise to post them. But, please be patient.  :(


  • Hatchling
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Things are definitely looking better. :)  Glad to hear some things are going well, others weren't so good but you got through those problems.


  • Petrie
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BIG news, guys!  :D  I think i'm flying now!

On Memorial Day, Yes, memorial day. I got a call from Publix (which was the supermarket chain I talked about in an earlier post) and I got told to come in for an interview!

Then on Tuesday May 31st, I went to the interview. It went very well. I talked to the customer service manager named Meredith. She was looking for cashiers and baggers...

THEN I made it to the next step, yesterday, June 2nd, I got called back to take the usual drug test. She then said that if I passed the drug test, I would be a bagger and my starting wages would be $7.50 an hour... And if I pass my drug test (it was the cotton-swab between my cheek and gums test, BTW..) I would then go to an orientation meeting up in Vero weekend (June 10th-12th)

Which Publix location called me? The one on Hutchinson Island here...It's about 5 miles south of the condo.

Right now, i'm waiting for the drug test results to see if I passed that test, which I know I will.  :yes

I don't know my schedule or my first day, yet.. but,

Things are looking FANTASTIC for me right now, guys!!  :)  

Yeah, i'll still come visit here on the GOF in my spare time. I just won't visit as much as I do right now... but that's ok. I'll still remember to visit.

But wow, guys! I think I got a bagger job at Publix.  :)

***Flap! Flap! Flap!*** (i think) Jared the tan rhamphorhynchus is finally flying now!  :)

I'll be back to update when I get some more info.


  • Petrie
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Ok, now it's official! I'm working once again.... I have to go up to Vero Beach for 2 training meetings on Sat. (6-11) and Sun. (6-12)..

My first day of work at Publix is this Monday (6-13)

I had to wait 8 months... but i'm working once again. :)

So now... :D

Jared the rhamphorhynchus is flying HIGH and PROUD!!  :yes


  • Petra (He/They)
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Omg! That's great Jared! *hugs!* It sucks that you won't have your laptop though until July...  :cry

By the way, you should check out this Pterano caption. It's friggin hilarious!
*sigh* That's the price you pay for having an overprotective uncle... :lol Don't forget to read my hilarious captions!
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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  • Petrie
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Glad to hear it Jared! Looks like things are looking up!

By the way, I finished the basic character designs pencil tests for the "Flyers..." RP. I'm tracing them into vector drawing sometime tonight hopefully, so I'll send them to you soon.


  • Cera
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Sorry to hear about your laptop I hope to see you back here soon.