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LBT: The Journey Home (PREVIEW)

Bongo · 48 · 6052


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Well, I would've been, if my stupid internet didn't die on me.  <_< Anyways, looks like vonboy beat me to it! Now, for some errors.

It was as if someone had taken an ice cream scooped and scooped out some skin and bits of flesh.

That should just be scoop.

And that's really all I found for errors so good job.

Okay, that was a pretty bloody meeting, if I do say so myself, but a good one  nonetheless. Anyways, nice work and update soon. ;)


  • Spike
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Thanks. I will fix that error as soon as possible.

As for the blood, I felt that the LBT universe had to mature a bit for this episode. I mean, in the first movie, Littlefoot's mother had a piece of flesh ripped out of her, but as the sequals progressed, the movies became sugar-coated and care free. I tried to bring back the maturity of the first film while keeping in mind that the sequals and TV series must exsist. I hope I pulled it off.

Please excuse me, but I am going to take a break from writing the story, so don't expect an update in 2 weeks, cause I need to take a break. I need to take a small break from the LBT Universe...

BUT to keep your interest, I will say (SPOILER ALERT) Littlefoot gets in a jam, Bongo gets more bruised trying to save Littlefoot, and a fan favorite girl returns for a cameo  ;)


  • Spike
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[align=center]...“Ruby…” Bongo then said in an almost demanding but very cautious tone,” I want you to get out of here. Forget about what I have just said about not letting go. Leave me and save yourself.”

Ruby looked at Bongo, completely astonished and tried to reason,” No! Can’t another way be chosen? It cannot end this way!”

Bongo silenced Ruby with a hand and gently said,” Ruby, I know we have just met and I know both of us are very interested in each other and none of us want to make these sacrifices, but one of us has to do it. I have an injured leg and cannot go anywhere. You on the other hand are fully healthy AND from what I have heard, you are the fastest runner ever. You have a bigger chance of survival than I do. Don’t risk your life for one whose life is nearing the end anyways. My time is soon over, but you are still young and have a life to live. Go and save yourself!” Bongo then let go of Ruby’s body and painfully hit the floor. His leg felt like it was going to explode any second.

Ruby knew he could not just leave him there. There would have been so much they could have learned from each other! Bongo noticed she was still standing her and gave an encouraging push and yelled,” JUST GO! LEAVE ME HERE!” RENDEVOUZ WITH THE OTHERS!” She then finally agreed in her head and sped off like a bullet over the rock wall to try and find the others of the gang. If Ruby knew this would be the last time they would speak, she would have regretted that decision.
he Velociraptors were thinking of chasing after Ruby, but after seeing the easy meat right in front of them, they knew who their target was, and started to come in closer.

“Alright you…arghck… you prehistoric jocks, I am ready!” Grabbing rock with one hand and a dead tree branch in the other nearby, Bongo made the counter attack. When the grey one made the first lunge, Bongo jammed the rock in its mouth, and with his good leg, kicked it right in the stomach. When the green Velociraptors jumped in for the kill, Bongo twirled his stick around and hit the dinosaur right in the jaw. A couple of teeth came flying out. Bring the stick back up to eye sight, he hit the Velociraptors in the stomach and pushed it away. Both of them retreated back into the rocky hillsides with no further disruption.

After the fight and some heavy breathing later, Bongo grabbed his sides in excruciating pain. It seems that one of the two made a swipe for Bongo’s stomach and got a hit right on the side of his body. Trying to find a cloth to cover up the wound in his bag, Bongo saw the Velociraptors again, but they were running away from him and around a cliff side trail. They soon reached the other side of a deep chasm and proceeded to go down what seemed to be a not so steep incline to the bottom. He then heard the faint cries of “Help! I am stuck!” Somebody help me!” from the bottom of the chasm. Curiosity got the best of Bongo, and he slowly and painfully crawled to the edge of his cliff. At the bottom was where the landslide has ended, into a great big bubbling tar pit, and in that tar pit laid Littlefoot, stuck in the tar, unable to move!

From what Bongo could gather, the landslide caused by some shaking in the ground not only separated Bongo from the rest of the gang, but also swept Littlefoot to the bottom of the chasm into a tar pit. From Bongo’s view, it seemed that Littlefoot was in a real jam. He pushed and pulled as hard as he could, but he could not unstick himself. The tar stuck to Littlefoot’s body like glue, holding him down as fate led him to impending doom.

Even after all the pain that Littlefoot put Bongo through, he knew that it was just not right to leave him there. Bongo had also observed that everyone in the gang he met was very close to Littlefoot, and his death may trigger something bad. He knew something had to be done. He knew he had to act!
The next thing Bongo did was courageous and stupid. Bongo put his stick and rock into his pack and proceeded to drag his body over to the edge of a steep incline and got himself positioned so that his feet were in front of him.

“I really hope this works” Bongo prayed for he then slid down the incline. Lucky for him, the incline was covered with gravel, making the slide downward much easier. Nether less, it was a very painful journey downward. While sliding down, Bongo kept one hand behind him to steady him and another in front holding his injured leg.. The pebbles and rocks he slid over tore and ate away at his pants, causing some very deep and rough cuts on the bottom of both his legs. Bongo bit the bottom of his lip and his eyes started to water. The pain was excruciating. He was never taught in the ways of this physical labor in his training for the mission. His body was just unprepared for all the pain and torment. He just felt like having a melt down.

Reaching top speed, he zoomed all the way down. Small chunks of gravel and rocks tumbled behind him. The tar pit with Littlefoot struggling in it was getting closer and closer, and so were the two Velociraptors, Everything was going according to plan but then he noticed that he was coming down too fast feet first. He knew he had to get into a sideways position to prevent shattering his feet. Wriggling back and forth, he tried to get himself sideways without his body going berserk and flailing in the air doing barrel rolls. Sadly, Bongo did not get to do it in time. He hit his left leg and he felt that it had just shattered. His body hit the floor hard, and thanks to the momentum he had gained, he did a couple of barrel rolls before landing into the tar pit Littlefoot was trapped him.

Littlefoot saw Bongo land into the tar pit. He knew he had no other choice,” Bongo! Help me! I know I was mean to you and hurt you, but please, forgive me! I can’t get out! I am stuck!”

“Look…look…” Bongo said in a sort of soothing but strained voice. He was trying to calm him down even though death was right around the corner,” We have no time for sweet talk! Just move your body into that position…there we go…and on three, push your feet down as hard as possible”
As soon as Littlefoot turned his body so that his side faced Bongo, Bongo took both his hands and placed them on Littlefoot’s side.

“Ok” Bongo yelled as he readied himself,” Ready? One…two…THREE!”
With that, Bongo and Littlefoot pushed hard. After a few nail biting moments, Littlefoot popped his two front feet out. With those, Littlefoot grabbed the edge of the tar pit and pulled himself out.

“Now forget about me and go! I will catch up! Don’t worry about me!” Bongo yelled off to Littlefoot who was then trying to get Bongo out for saving him but almost accidentally got back in because of that

“Bu…but I just can’t leave you here!” Littlefoot exclaimed as he tried to grab Bongo’s pack to try and pull him out.

“Just leave me here! Save yourself!” the two Velociraptors were now at the bottom of the chasm and making a rapid approach to the two of them



Littlefoot then set off out of the chasm. He looked back and realized what he has done. Not only has he injured Bongo badly and may of caused emotional trauma on him, but he has also finally realized that Bongo meant no harm to begin with. Now the whole valley is on high alert for Bongo and to top it all off, Bongo now risked his own life to save his. Littlefoot knew he could not go back. For one thing he would be torn to shreds, and two, Bongo never wanted Littlefoot hurt, so he sacrificed himself. Not knowing what to do, all Littlefoot could yell out was,

“Thank you Bongo! I will try to get help! I am very sorry for what I did” and with that said, he took off trying to find the other, or even better…help.

Back at the tar pit, Bongo was struggling. Both his feet were now rendered useless for one had flesh torn out of it and the other shattered into a million pieces. All he had left was his upper torso and beyond. One hand was trying to reach for his Laser Pistol and the other hand was struggling unstuck itself from the tar. Finally grabbing his Laser Pistol, he got it eye to eye for aiming and took a shot at the moving raptors. A bright red laser about 6 inches in length came out. It missed. Firing another shot, he nearly fried the raptor’s feet, but it missed also. The third shot, this time, only hit the green one’s tip of the tail. It screamed in agony for the tip was now seared and all that was left was a charred tip. This not only made the green one much angrier, but it also made it go much faster in rage.

Bongo then carefully steadied himself and aimed for the head. Pulling the trigger…nothing happened. It appeared that tar had jammed itself into the barrel. Throwing the laser pistol back into pack angrily, he grabbed his stick and prepared for a very tough battle. The Velociraptors were now just circling Bongo, waiting for who was going to make the first move. Suddenly, the gray one made a jump. Bongo hit him right across the face with his stick and the blue Velociraptor fell into the pit with Bongo. The green one much smarter and made a swipe that landed one right on Bongo’s head. It caused a gash to appear and a small trickle of blood started to roll down his forehead. Nearly unconscious again, he lay down on his back and looked up at the sky. It was starting to transition from mid-day to dusk.

He knew his life would end right here. He started off as a courier to gather information about the past and ends up dieing a very gruesome death by Velociraptors. The very sad part would be that his real death may go unknown by the humans that sent him back to begin with. Accepting his fate, he finally thought of something good, he had just saved a life from certain doom and exchanged its for his. With this nice though, Bongo closed his eyes and soon slipped into an unconscious state…

After a few seconds, he regained some consciousness and opened his eyes. Holding his head up, he noticed that the two Velociraptors were running away, covered in tar and also cowering in fear. Looking up, he then saw a brownish/tan

Apatasaurus look down upon him. “How strange…” Bongo thought to himself. He then noticed that was being pulled out. Looking behind him, he saw that Littlefoot, still covered in tar, had returned with the rest of the gang. Cera, Spike, Ruby, and Littlefoot were all tugging at his backpack and shirt pulling him out. After a few agonizing minutes of the tar not wanting to let go of both his injured legs, he was finally out. Everyone gasped a sigh of relief and Bongo was glad that the whole ordeal was over.

“Thank you…all for he…helping me.” Bongo’s breaths were short and hard,” I would have been dead meat if it wasn’t for you guys.” Looking back at the brown Apatosaurus, Bongo asked,” So, who is your friend?”

“Him?” Littlefoot replied,” He is my long lost father, Bron.”
Bron looked down upon Bongo,” So, you are Bongo, huh? I have heard many stories about you. Seems like you got yourself in some pretty dangerous jams.”

“Bongo, looking down at his shattered leg, the other leg which had a piece of flesh removed, both still covered in tar, and felt his head for the gash and wiped some blood off of his head, finally said,” Yea, I did get into some pretty dangerous j…jams” Bongo then chucked a bit but then grabbed his head in pain.
Cera, being concerned about Bongo’s deteriorating health asked,” Bongo, what’s wrong? Do you need anything?””

“I…I am feeling dizzy a…and light headed.” Bongo then showed them all the blood coming from his head and leg,” I ne…need water. We must get back to the valley qui…ck. I am about to pa…pass out again…”

Everyone was very concerned and knew they all had to hurry back to the Great Valley before it was too late. Bron carefully bit onto Bongo’s pack and put him gently on his back. Petrie and Ducky then went onto Bron’s back to make sure that Bongo did not fall. The rest followed. Time was of the essence here, for Bongo was in deep trouble now. Blood loss had made him go unconscious, but before he did go, he looked down upon the gang, realizing that finally, in one of time’s harshest environments, he finally got a warm welcome. After that last happy though, he blacked out with a smile…


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Well...this say the least..bloody. But bloody in a good way. Really didn't spot any errors or mistakes in this one. Kudos to you!

Oh shiznit, seems Bongo's in a real jam now. Glad Littlefoot finally trusts him and you even brought Bron in there. Nice job on this c hapter, update soon!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Like i said, I understand you need some rest. I really want to read more, but I can wait.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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@ LBTDiclonius

Yes. I felt that I handled it maturely enough since it is not a blood bath of guts and gore (Like some other stories that I have read...oh god, Topsy's guts skewed across the floor...oh god   :cry

As much as you like my story and the introduction of Bron (And even Ali in the next chapter  :birthday... gasp, spoiler:lol: ) I must take a break from LBT. Its hard to explain, but I need to take a rest.
In fact, I have enjoyed writing this FanFiction, it has started to interfere with my school work

"Ok, time to update my story!"
*le write, le write, le write*
*Le looks over work*
*le rewrite, le rewrite, le rewrite*
"Ah, finally finished!
*Le post on GoF*
"Wonder what time it is? I need to wake up for school tomorrow"
*Le checks clock*
*Le 4:30 AM*
*Le pokerface*

 :lol Dont worry though, it hasn't affected my studies that hard, although I did tend to be a bit more sleepy in classes, but now everything is back to the norm. Just don't expext an update in about a week or two. In the mean time, go enjoy the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, because I saw your post on the topic and found out you like the show also  :lol

PS: I am allergic to Kudos  :x

@ vonboy

You have become a new daily viewer of my FanFiction. Take LBTDiclonius' Kudos as a reward since I can't  :lol


  • Spike
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:birthday HOORAY!  :birthday

Remember how I said before that I was working on another FanFiction? Well, guess what; I finally got the LOOONNNGGG Prolouge and Chapter I up...ON EQUESTRIA &nbsp;DAILY *squee*&#33; Go check it out please&#33;
Remember how I said before that I was working on another FanFiction? Well, guess what; I finally got the LOOONNNGGG Prolouge and Chapter I up...ON EQUESTRIA  DAILY *squee*! Go check it out please!

So...yea! I am really happy about that. Please rate and comment on my story. Oh, and what about you fans following My LBT FanFiction? What does ^THAT^ have to do with >THIS<? Well, now that I got a chaper done on one FanFiction, I can now start on THIS FanFiction!

Last thing I remember was that Bongo's was getting vast amounts of blood loss and is hanging onto life by a thread, right? This is going to be fun to write  :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I'm not really interested in either Half-Life or My Little Pony, so I don't think I'd like that fanfiction. I'll keep reading this one though, it's great!.

btw, My fanfictoon has 7 episodes or "Chapters" now, if you want to ketchup on it :DD .
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!