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Should Universal Bring Back LBT?


  • Chomper
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Personally, I would like to see one high quality sequel in the spirit of the original movie! A sequel that's geared more towards older kids instead of younger. A movie made for the fans that saw the original in 1988. No singing (sorry to those who enjoy that), no over the top obvious moral lessons. Something that even dares to ignore the many sequels and continue the story right from where the original theatrical movie left off. I loved some of the sequels (I adore Chomper) I have just always pictured something, somehow...darker for a sequel. So, get don bluth and some of the original story writers & animators on board and then yesYesYES...but I know that won't happen. :lol As for more sequels in the style of the many sequels already out there...sure, if they're not I said, some of the sequels are quite nice, others sort of make me cringe. and, just in my opinion, none of them can compare to the original classic.

Salvatore Blackheart

  • Chomper
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Maybe we must to wait for a new movie 2 years more.
if we compare the LBT original relase year 1988 - LBT II 1994 with LBT XIII 2007 and the next film, maybe 2013.
there are 6 years since LBT original film until LBT II.


  • Hatchling
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Should Universal do it? No.  Universal lost their touch years ago.

Should fans do it?  Again, no.  Every fan has their own "perfect plot" and you'll find that compromise is often not always found among rabid fans with their own very set opinions on the matter.  A comic maybe, but it would likely be a single person's creation--not likely something of a major group effort.

Business is business after all.


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You know, if we as fans do in fact decide to bring it back, we HAVE to hire on Rob Paulsen and Frank Welker.  Seriously speaking, they should NOT be left out.

I mean, just look at Welker's background for the TV Series alone.

(Note: Wikipedia Source)

# The Land Before Time (TV series) - Allosaurus / Velociraptors / Tyrannosaurus Rexes / Metriacanthosaurus / Deinosuchuses / Spinosaurus / Tarbosaurus / Nanotyrannus / Carnotaurus / Alectrosaurus / Cryolophosaurus / Saurophaganax / Acrocanthosaurus / Dinotyrannus / Daspletosaurus / Proceratosaurus / Carcharodontosaurus / Mapusaurus / Deltadromeus / Monolophosaurus / Eustreptospondylus / Megalosaurus / Torvosaurus / Suchomimus / Irritators / Ceratosaurus / Dilophosaurus / Yangchuanosaurus / Neovenators / Gasosaurus / Siamotyrannus / Becklespinax / Sinraptors / Abelisaurus / Aucasaurus / Indosuchus / Kryptops / Masiakasaurus / Rajasaurus / Rugops / Tarascosaurus / Majungasaurus / Liliensternus / Gorgosaurus / Alioramus / Afrovenators / Piatnitzkysaurus / Tyrannotitan / Eoaraptors / Herrerasaurus / Sarcosaurus / Zupaysaurus / Gojirasaurus / Dracovenators / Spinostropheus / Elaphrosaurus / Angaturama / Eotyrannus / Appalachiosaurus / Velocisaurus / Marshosaurus / Poekilopleuron / Bahariasaurus / Fukiraptors / Xuanhanosaurus / Szechuanosaurus / Edmarka / Indosaurus / Rapators / Ozraptors / Stokesosaurus / Diplotomodon / Wakinosaurus / Aublysodon / Chilantaisaurus / Altispinax / Suchosaurus / Xenotarsosaurus / Magnosaurus / Aliwalia / Alwalkeria / Borogovia / Chindesaurus / Dryptosaurus / Futabasaurus (dinosaur) / Lukousaurus / Majungatholus / Maleevosaurus / Erectopus / Ornithomimoides / Megaraptors / Dromaeosauroides / Pyroraptors / Variraptors / Dilong (dinosaur) / Guanlong / Noasaurus / Syntarsus / Megapnosaurus / Rahonavis / Unenlagia / Achillobator / Bambiraptors / Saurornitholestes / Coelophysis / Segisaurus / Procompsognathus / Compsognathus / Juravenator / Ornitholestes / Coelurus / Adasaurus / Atrociraptors / Compsosuchus / Nqwebasaurus / Podokesaurus / Rioarribasaurus / Scipionyx / Tochisaurus / Araucanoraptors / Metriorhynchus / Placodus

Add in the movies...

# The Land Before Time - Tyrannosaurus Rex / Pachycephalosaurus

    * The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure - Papa T-Rex/Mama T-Rex
    * The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving - Velociraptors / Unquillosaurus
    * The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists - Tickles / Tyrannosaurus Rex / Plesiosaurus / Kronosaurus / Mosasaurus / Elasmosaurus / Pachycephalosaurus
    * The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island - Giganotosaurus / Megalodon
    * The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock - Tyrannosaurus Rex
    * The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire - Deinonychuses
    * The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze - Albertosaurus
    * The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water - Liopleurodon / Xiphactinus
    * The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration - Sarcosuchus / Tyrannosaurus Rexes
    * The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses - Utahraptors
    * The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers - Spinosaurus
    * The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends - Baryonyxes / Tyrannosaurus Rex / Dromaeosaurus

All I have to say is, YIKES!

The fact is, if they aren't hired on for the next movie, it will be VERY regrettable.


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I definitely agree that Frank Welker is one prolific voice actor, and has probably voiced at least one character in every LBT film (his roles are usually uncredited, though), but I'd like to point out that most of the entries listed there are fake. The vast majority of those dinosaur species never appeared in LBT. There was no dinosaur in LBT III that could be positively identified as an Unquillosaurus (though in the prologue there were a couple of Deinonychus and some little bluish-purple striped theropods with spiny crests that I couldn't positively identify; Saltopus, perhaps). No Plesiosaurus or Mosasaurus appeared in LBT IV, and the Kronosaurus in the prologue didn't make any sounds (unless you count the ones it made while moving through the water). I don't remember the shark in V having a voice either. The “Deinonychus” in VII, the “Utahraptor” in XI, and the “Dromaeosaurus” in XIII are all the same species: fast biters (probably based on Velociraptor, though Utahraptor is not out of the question). The “Albertosaurus” in LBT VIII was probably just another T. rex. Xiphactinus was a giant carnivorous fish; it hasn’t appeared in LBT at all. And don’t get me started on the TV series: except for the last two, all of the species listed are theropods, many of which are so little known that you’re not likely to find them illustratedóif mentioned at allóin most dinosaur books. And there’s far too many of them; you don’t need more than two hands to count the number of theropod species that appear in the LBT TV series. It looks to me that whoever wrote that part of the Wikipedia entry just gathered up a bunch of theropod names and tossed them in there, hoping that that covered all of Welker’s voice roles. I don't think the entry even covers all of Welker's real voice credits; I strongly suspect that he also voiced characters like the domeheads in the first TV episode, and those little sail-backed lizards that appear throughout the movies.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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^^Well, I will again say that the source was Wikipedia, so I knew some of it was possibly fake.

Besides that, not everyone is a dinosaur expert like you, Pangaea.  Sometimes, it's hard to point out even half of the cameo dinosaurs in the movies, much less the entire TV Series.

Then again, some of the dinosaurs don't even look like what they are supposed to be.  Ducky's species was changed overtime, and let's not leave out the FACT that NONE of the members at the time guessed the species of the Yellowbellies correctly before LBT 13 came out and gave us the official species on the box itself. (Seriously, all of us were surprised at one level or another.)

Speaking of 13, do those sharpteeth in it really look like what they are supposed to be, if at all?  Seriously, your expert opinion here.

Anyways, my opinion on Welker still stands.  He should be in the next one. (If there is one.) He's just AWESOME!


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Feb 26 2011 on  01:49 PM
Besides that, not everyone is a dinosaur expert like you, Pangaea.  Sometimes, it's hard to point out even half of the cameo dinosaurs in the movies, much less the entire TV Series.
Dinosaur expertise has nothing to do with it. My point isn't that the person misidentified the dinosaurs (although they did do that), but listed creatures that never appeared in the series at all. For example, there were only two large swimming creatures in LBT IV, and only one of them had any “lines”, but the poster claimed that Welker voiced four such creatures. Likewise, there were less than ten different kinds of sharpteeth (and related dinosaurs like the hidden runner) in the entire TV series, but the poster listed dozens.

Then again, some of the dinosaurs don't even look like what they are supposed to be.  Ducky's species was changed overtime, and let's not leave out the FACT that NONE of the members at the time guessed the species of the Yellowbellies correctly before LBT 13 came out and gave us the official species on the box itself. (Seriously, all of us were surprised at one level or another.)
Oddly enough, I seem to remember thinking that they were probably based on Beipiaosaurus even before I saw it in the description. (Beipiaosaurus isn't a very widely known dinosaur, so that may be part of it.) Still, their design is almost certainly the most inaccurate of any creature in the entire series.

Speaking of 13, do those sharpteeth in it really look like what they are supposed to be, if at all?  Seriously, your expert opinion here.
You mean the Baryonyx? Well, I guess I would say that they looked less like the real dinosaur than Sharptooth and his kin look like real Tyrannosaurus. They had elongated snouts and three-fingered hands like the real thing, but the snout was still proportionately too short, wide, and deep; the nostrils too far forward; the jaws incorrectly shaped, and lacked a small crest on the midline towards the eyes. Furthermore the first finger (the thumb) should have borne a large, curved claw much bigger than the other two, and the arms should have been longer and more muscular.

Anyways, my opinion on Welker still stands.  He should be in the next one. (If there is one.) He's just AWESOME!
Just to be clear, I definitely won't argue with that. The man is a vocal mastermind. It astonishes me that some of the sounds and voices he does can even be produced by a human being. :o And the sheer extent of his filmography is mind-boggling.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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It would be more likely that any land before time thing would ever come out if the movies and the tv show were still being shown on some channel somewhere, and if they were still making money.

do the movies still ever show anywhere occasionally?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper
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For the my honest answer to you Vonboy, They can acctually but if they are making more LBT movies and TV shows. It takes a lot of time, 4 years or maybe even more, they may doing a lot of work. Because in the movie companies the people that work there plan everything like draw the characters and bring them to life into animation by using computer graphics. The voice actors work on movie lines and sing songs that musicians wrote and they do it over and over till they get it right and make sure it is suitable for children of all ages and families too.

Plus, I believe Vonboy, that they are not airing episodes because I think they are making a suprise for us LBT fans. or maybe not shall see when years go by.

This is all I can say for now.


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  • Petrie
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The fanboy side of me wants to say yes to a new LBT sequel, but then I think about it logically:

Like it has been said previously; Among he LBT fanbase, opinion is divided over what would necessitate a good sequel. The fanbase is petty much united in saying that any sequel would have to considerably darker andmore serious than number XIII, but after that, no matter what they could do, they would alienate fans.

If they make a new sequel that is in the style of the other sequels (more child-oriented, songs, etc), they would not really gain any new fans, but they would potentially retain the current fanbase. If I was going to go in this direction, I would make sure it still had that child-friendly charm to it, but keep its quality in the area of sequels VII to X (In my personal opinion, the best sequels in terms of quality, story and  and music).

The other path is to try to make a darker, more serious sequel, more close to the original. This would please the older fanbase, perhaps gain the series more critical attention, and no doubt attract new fans, but would alienate the main demographic of the films: Children of approx. 4-9 years old.

...Come to think of it, this is exactly what the Godzilla series has gone through. Dark, melancholy original, series of lighter-hearted sequels (Showa series), then a brief hiatus, and then re-emerging on the scene with darker stories and better special effects (Heisei Series), then doing the same, and returning in the Milennium Series. And the Big G is more popular than ever!

So, if they do it right, it may be possible to make a "New improved" LBT sequel, or possibly sequel series. If they disregard the current sequels, making it a direct sequel to the original, but perhaps reintroduce characters from the sequels with newe storylines or something. For example, it would be a good opportunity to give Ali that character and development that critics noted her lack of.

So personally, I'm still divided on the idea. But a fan-film is a nice idea. I hear they are doing something similar with the Redwall series.


  • Chomper
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Quote from: Allicloud,Mar 29 2011 on  10:50 AM
The fanboy side of me wants to say yes to a new LBT sequel, but then I think about it logically:

Like it has been said previously; Among he LBT fanbase, opinion is divided over what would necessitate a good sequel. The fanbase is petty much united in saying that any sequel would have to considerably darker andmore serious than number XIII, but after that, no matter what they could do, they would alienate fans.

If they make a new sequel that is in the style of the other sequels (more child-oriented, songs, etc), they would not really gain any new fans, but they would potentially retain the current fanbase. If I was going to go in this direction, I would make sure it still had that child-friendly charm to it, but keep its quality in the area of sequels VII to X (In my personal opinion, the best sequels in terms of quality, story and  and music).

The other path is to try to make a darker, more serious sequel, more close to the original. This would please the older fanbase, perhaps gain the series more critical attention, and no doubt attract new fans, but would alienate the main demographic of the films: Children of approx. 4-9 years old.

...Come to think of it, this is exactly what the Godzilla series has gone through. Dark, melancholy original, series of lighter-hearted sequels (Showa series), then a brief hiatus, and then re-emerging on the scene with darker stories and better special effects (Heisei Series), then doing the same, and returning in the Milennium Series. And the Big G is more popular than ever!

So, if they do it right, it may be possible to make a "New improved" LBT sequel, or possibly sequel series. If they disregard the current sequels, making it a direct sequel to the original, but perhaps reintroduce characters from the sequels with newe storylines or something. For example, it would be a good opportunity to give Ali that character and development that critics noted her lack of.

So personally, I'm still divided on the idea. But a fan-film is a nice idea. I hear they are doing something similar with the Redwall series.
I quite agree, Godzilla was popular years and years back.
However Sesame Street, for example, was created in 1969 and it became completly popular for children for years to come by. Now Sesame Street is still going and going with new episodes and are adding famous movie actors.


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3 words  "Return of Sharptooth" no bs happy song ending, I'm talking about an insanely overly dramatic narrow escape but not without a price (characters actually wounded and/or die) kind of ending.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Yayz for bumping old threads! Okay, here we go:

This is all just my personal opinion, and after examining it a few times, I highly doubt anyone else will like it, but I just could not help sharing my thoughts on this. I think they should make another movie, but I do not want it to be The Land Before Time XIV (14). I would like an independent film made next. Now don’t get me wrong. I want it to be canon and take place after the thirteenth movie, you know, not contradict anything already established, but I want this excluded from the series as a stand-alone film. Maybe something like: The Land Before Time: Journey to a New Home with no number attached. Allow me to elaborate further.

I believe a new television would be awesome, but I feel that a movie should serve as the prelude to what the whole series is about. This is not unheard of. The Beatle Borgs did this. (Anyone remember that?) They made one television series then wanted another. However, before making the second series, they made a movie to bridge the gap, an explanation for why things would be different in the new series. (Wait, Power Rangers Turbo did this too, didn’t it?) The movie in between was very different than the original series, so I just feel that an overture like this would be better if not put with a number like the rest; make it its own film, not just another part of the series. Also, not several stories of the series following, but one single story broken up.

Anyway, I think this series should drop the overall lightheartedness of the previous series and take a much darker overtone. Most of the fans are older now, so I think it would be good to up the age appeal of the storyline. Besides, kids these days are more into darker stuff anyway. Now, I am thinking a major change from one series to the next, again, not unheard of. When the second Beatle Borgs season came out, I think the red one said something along the lines of, “These new villains make the last ones look like kindergarteners.” By major change, my thought is the Great Valley being destroyed, or something along those lines. This can happen in the movie, and the following television series can be about them trying to find a new home.

Like many epic journeys, I think a group split would be wise at some point. Maybe the grownups and kids can be separated, or maybe some families in one group and some in another, or maybe some really diverse combination like Mr. Three Horn, Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, and Petrie while the rest of the residents \are in the other. Things like this just do better sometimes when the focus can keep shifting. I think there should be more physical fighting and longer-lasting emotional battles. I do not mean longer arguments, but rather, longer times to recover. For example, what if two characters upset each other, and it’s two episodes later that they are friendly again?

This would be a great opportunity to fill some plot holes. It can explain what happened to Guido before he came to the valley, what those rainbowfaces were doing here, where Spike’s parents might be, maybe we could see Ducky’s aunt mentioned in twelve, and so forth. A huge plot twist like maybe the rainbowfaces being the ones who destroyed the Great Valley could be revealed much later on, and maybe a while after that, we see they had a good reason for it. The gang being noticeably bigger would also be good in my opinion. We can see old and new faces, and darker elements like betrayal, ambushes, and suffering could really bring out the series more. Even within the gang, betrayal can be used in ways such as a bad guy blackmailing one, and suffering can come from eating a bad plant or something.

Meeting more leaf-eater-talking sharpteeth would be cool, as if Chomper can learn it so easily, I don’t think the possibility of others following suit is so outrageous. They can traverse many places, like jungles, deserts, and frozen wastelands. I don’t even think a life lesson is needed in each episode. Maybe what can be learned can branch out over several. In the end, they can find some new place to be happy and safe. I do NOT want this being a dream sequence, daydreaming, story told by someone as a “what if,” or anything like that. I mean, come on, thirteen movies and twenty-six episodes all with them living in one place all the time- isn’t it about time for a change of environment in terms of living quarters?

I think a darker story like this warrants no songs, honestly. I think humor would be great, but the general overtone very serious. I also think the realism of death would be a good idea, either by a random character or two from the herd, or maybe even someone more known but wouldn’t hurt the story much to lose, like Ruby. Hey, I like Ruby! I’m not saying, “Whew, let’s kill her off!” It’s just that death is a large portion of extra flavor and emotion in a series. Several episodes could be about her friends mourning and trying to stop the sharptooth that got her, but when they have him trapped, they just can’t go through with it and let him go. Maybe before that, she was talking to her friends about what she learned that her parents had sent her to find, and when the characters bump into her family, they can share the knowledge which helps out their kind. They grieve, but the help she provided lives on with them. You know, something like that. Maybe they can even throw in some species we haven’t seen in this yet.

So yeah, here’s my two cents on this whole thing. Nearly all the fans have already been established a while back, so why not age the tone of the series to meet the increased maturity of the old fans and greet the new passion for dark stuff of today’s generation? Many people complain that the style just keeps getting more childish, but that is an odd way to handle it since, uh, I don’t know, people get older and not younger! So if universal is going to throw something new our way and slap the The Land Before Time title on it, I wish they could try appealing more to the fans they made long ago. Alright, all set for the criticism  of this silly notion.


  • Cera
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I think after the 13th movie I think they should end it.


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I agree with TFS. Although, to be honest, I think Universal should hand over the rights to another production company as they already dragged the series through the muck. They got stuck on the whole "this should be more child friendly" concept, which drew the series much criticism. And they're animation studio doesn't seem any closer to being brought back. They're holding on to the rights of a series that is otherwise dead.


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I'm neutral on the idea. I won't object to someone doing a new LBT movies/series. But I won't be upset if they don't do it.


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And that is what killed the series I think. All the others should have been darker.


  • Chomper
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The bad thing is that today creators of movies have no idea of a good story.
In most cases we get a stupid soap opera or an action movie full of special effects which you see now and will have forgotten in some weeks. Furthermore many movies for kids treat young people as idiots with the use of almost non-stop stupid slapstick.

I don't know if it would be a good idea to create a new movie under such circumstances.


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If there is another film, i would have it be like the first few sequels, minus the breaking into song. the original film has no singing in it,, minus the closing credits. Ali needs to be in , to explore her background, and give Littlefoot a female counterpart, someone of his own species he can confide in and be friends with. the Tv series did her absolutely no favors in that regard, she was barely in the one episode she appeared in.  Chomper, would probably be in, to continue the ' anyone can be friends , despite thier differences" dynamic. But I would lke to have the meeting between himand Ali have some significance, not the " You're friends with a sharptooth? thats cool" treatment they gave in The Brave Long neck scheme..
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Quote from: The Friendly Sharptooth,Sep 3 2011 on  02:41 AM
Yayz for bumping old threads! Okay, here we go:

This is all just my personal opinion, and after examining it a few times, I highly doubt anyone else will like it, but I just could not help sharing my thoughts on this. I think they should make another movie, but I do not want it to be The Land Before Time XIV (14). I would like an independent film made next. Now don’t get me wrong. I want it to be canon and take place after the thirteenth movie, you know, not contradict anything already established, but I want this excluded from the series as a stand-alone film. Maybe something like: The Land Before Time: Journey to a New Home with no number attached. Allow me to elaborate further.

I believe a new television would be awesome, but I feel that a movie should serve as the prelude to what the whole series is about. This is not unheard of. The Beatle Borgs did this. (Anyone remember that?) They made one television series then wanted another. However, before making the second series, they made a movie to bridge the gap, an explanation for why things would be different in the new series. (Wait, Power Rangers Turbo did this too, didn’t it?) The movie in between was very different than the original series, so I just feel that an overture like this would be better if not put with a number like the rest; make it its own film, not just another part of the series. Also, not several stories of the series following, but one single story broken up.

Anyway, I think this series should drop the overall lightheartedness of the previous series and take a much darker overtone. Most of the fans are older now, so I think it would be good to up the age appeal of the storyline. Besides, kids these days are more into darker stuff anyway. Now, I am thinking a major change from one series to the next, again, not unheard of. When the second Beatle Borgs season came out, I think the red one said something along the lines of, “These new villains make the last ones look like kindergarteners.” By major change, my thought is the Great Valley being destroyed, or something along those lines. This can happen in the movie, and the following television series can be about them trying to find a new home.

Like many epic journeys, I think a group split would be wise at some point. Maybe the grownups and kids can be separated, or maybe some families in one group and some in another, or maybe some really diverse combination like Mr. Three Horn, Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, and Petrie while the rest of the residents \are in the other. Things like this just do better sometimes when the focus can keep shifting. I think there should be more physical fighting and longer-lasting emotional battles. I do not mean longer arguments, but rather, longer times to recover. For example, what if two characters upset each other, and it’s two episodes later that they are friendly again?

This would be a great opportunity to fill some plot holes. It can explain what happened to Guido before he came to the valley, what those rainbowfaces were doing here, where Spike’s parents might be, maybe we could see Ducky’s aunt mentioned in twelve, and so forth. A huge plot twist like maybe the rainbowfaces being the ones who destroyed the Great Valley could be revealed much later on, and maybe a while after that, we see they had a good reason for it. The gang being noticeably bigger would also be good in my opinion. We can see old and new faces, and darker elements like betrayal, ambushes, and suffering could really bring out the series more. Even within the gang, betrayal can be used in ways such as a bad guy blackmailing one, and suffering can come from eating a bad plant or something.

Meeting more leaf-eater-talking sharpteeth would be cool, as if Chomper can learn it so easily, I don’t think the possibility of others following suit is so outrageous. They can traverse many places, like jungles, deserts, and frozen wastelands. I don’t even think a life lesson is needed in each episode. Maybe what can be learned can branch out over several. In the end, they can find some new place to be happy and safe. I do NOT want this being a dream sequence, daydreaming, story told by someone as a “what if,” or anything like that. I mean, come on, thirteen movies and twenty-six episodes all with them living in one place all the time- isn’t it about time for a change of environment in terms of living quarters?

I think a darker story like this warrants no songs, honestly. I think humor would be great, but the general overtone very serious. I also think the realism of death would be a good idea, either by a random character or two from the herd, or maybe even someone more known but wouldn’t hurt the story much to lose, like Ruby. Hey, I like Ruby! I’m not saying, “Whew, let’s kill her off!” It’s just that death is a large portion of extra flavor and emotion in a series. Several episodes could be about her friends mourning and trying to stop the sharptooth that got her, but when they have him trapped, they just can’t go through with it and let him go. Maybe before that, she was talking to her friends about what she learned that her parents had sent her to find, and when the characters bump into her family, they can share the knowledge which helps out their kind. They grieve, but the help she provided lives on with them. You know, something like that. Maybe they can even throw in some species we haven’t seen in this yet.

So yeah, here’s my two cents on this whole thing. Nearly all the fans have already been established a while back, so why not age the tone of the series to meet the increased maturity of the old fans and greet the new passion for dark stuff of today’s generation? Many people complain that the style just keeps getting more childish, but that is an odd way to handle it since, uh, I don’t know, people get older and not younger! So if universal is going to throw something new our way and slap the The Land Before Time title on it, I wish they could try appealing more to the fans they made long ago. Alright, all set for the criticism  of this silly notion.
How about saying that 11 and 13 didn't happen and make a fil to replace those two.