The Gang of Five
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Have you had any recent dreams or nightmares?

Bongo · 5 · 1289


  • Spike
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Well, I usually have good dreams that always leave a warm sensation in my stomach, but this one I had a couple of nights was just.... :cry

Ok, just as a disclaimer; this nightmare I had is like an M.C. Escher painting. You have no idea or why. It is just there. With that said, my dream starts off like a dream; nothing. Then, this blank, white, flat rectanle appeared in the darkness, hovering there. On the board were little black dots. The dots did nothing at all. they just stood still. The board then went from being in the air to being on the ground.

Then, my entire body just vanished. I could feel and see and everything, but my body just vanished. I then noticed that I controlled the dots. If I put pressure on my body, I moved a dot. the more pressure, the more I moved the dots. The pressure seemed to be centered around my stomach, so it felt like I was being punched in the stomach. I suddenly had a main goal; Get all the dots toghether.

And so all the dots bunched toghether. They all then seemed to melt and mix with eachother and soon form a perfect circle. Then, the circle just shot out of the ground, creating a beam. A bright beam of light. Then, in the sky, another beam of light came out and started rushing at the other beam of light. I had a gut feeling that this was important and that the two beams must be align, even down to the molecule.

then, all of a sudden, I was transported to the beam of light's view.  All of humanity depended on that moment, because if the beams aligned perfectly, a new lifeform would be born. If the beams were just a luttle off, it could mean the end of the world. In all seriousness, the room I slept in became quite, and my dream became so quiet that you could hear a pin needle drop. I just felt the rushingof me and the beam of light. The beam and I collided, a blinding explosion, and I woke up.

Yes, I woke up hot, wet, and very sticky. It was that very unpleasant feeling too. The pit of my stomach felt terrible and my bad was just dripping with sweat. My bed coverings and blanket were messed up, and my forhead felt like I just went to a swimming pool, got out, and slept without drying off.

Now tell me your dreams and nightmares. I just decided to get the ball rolling. Oh, and look at the time! Its around 12:00 midnight when I am posting. Off to bed to dream GOOD dreams this time.


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  • Petrie
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Oh man, I have been having some real doozies!

The one I remember the most is probably a strange crossover between LBT and 2012. Basically, it was very similar to the scene that goes on in Yellowstone Park, where it basically explodes and there's fire raining down everywhere.

Except... It all happened in the Great Valley, and it was the Smoking Mountains that exploded and rained fire everywhere. And I do remember seeing Ducky and her family running for their lives.

That's the one I remember the most, but I do remember that I've been having soem really freaky-deaky dreams lately. Probably all cos of that crazy cheese we got. 40yr old cheddar does that to ya.


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  • Cera
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What a nightmare I had tonight... It was pretty long. About warzone and unnatural epidemy.
And that infection... Nightmare for people with trypophobia and entomophobia. D: Soon or later, you will turn into one of these THINGS...


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  • Cera
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Second nightmare in a row... wow.

This time, after I woke up, I had to check behind the curtain in REAL LIFE. In the last minutes of dream I was in my room, and that breathing behind curtain next to my bed was so realistic so I heard it some seconds after I woke up... brrr That was scary indeed.


  • Ruby
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There can't be anything worser in the world than visualising your own death. This dream of mine was almost a death experiencing one. Before this let me tell you I am a kind of a hypochondriac who googles out the symptoms of deadly diseases just because I have the slightest of the pain in my chest(confused if it would lead to an heart attack). So here goes my dream….

I am sitting with my parents at home and suddenly I realise that there is some kind of choking in my throat. And I immediately say this to my parents and as usual they don't care because this used to be a mundane behaviour of mine. But within minutes I start spurting out blood from my mouth and my tracheal tract is completely blocked. I can feel the congestion throughout my throat and in another few seconds I am not able to speak…. completely gone dumb!! And the worst part of the dream was I was literally begging my parents to take me to the doctor and my mom was getting ready at snail's pace(which actually doesn't happen) . I am praying to God to save me…. and was asking for nothing else than my life…. .. Only life.

Aftermath of the dream

I woke up failing to realise that it was just a dream since I still had that choking effect in my throat. I usually don't remember my dreams,but this one was really special because it was when I realised that it is the desire to live which is the greatest of the desires that man desires at death…. keeping aside any big problem that he might actually have …… I was literally praying God to give me my life back(during the course of my dream) … I could ask him for nothing else ….. From then on I feel my heartbeat whenever I have any problem in life…..and feel happy just because I am alive…