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Jrd89 · 31 · 4307


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**You could call this my personal LBT movie collection thread.  ;)

In this thread, I talk about the LBT movies on Dvd that I have/find. (as I add on to my LBT movie Dvd collection... ;) )

Originally, I titled this: "I found cold fire on dvd" because that's the movie I bought first!  :yes

....which I found on a 2-pack Dvd along with "Saurus Rock"!  :D  **

What a happy day it was for me today. I had to tell you the good news. I have been looking for "The Stone Of Cold Fire" on DVD for over a YEAR now..

Back when I lived in Michigan, I did find a copy of it..... at an old thrift store... It was an old VHS copy and the tape inside looked like it was worn or some of it got chewed up somehow....

So I thought to myself... "No, Jared... not that one.... If you're gonna own your favorite LBT movie...... you gotta have it on DVD.. not on an old, worn out tape... that way the picture won't get spoiled or worn out and it'll last much longer, too.

(and I am VERY delicate with CD'S and DVD's. I always handle them by the edges so the disc dosen't get scratched.)

And like i've told you guys... I've been looking for LBT DVD'S in stores, and none were to be found in my old, small, Michigan, town.

But down here in Florida.. it's been a little different..

Ok, on a different thread I said I found a DVD of a few episodes from the T.V. series at a Wal-Mart..

And at the mall at a music & movie store, I found 2 LBT DVD'S (both used):

There was one of the original and one XIII:"Wisdom Of Friends"..

(I said to myself in my head ...I'm not paying to see the yellowbellies...i'm paying for Pterano and Rinkus.)

Well, TODAY... I FOUND "THE STONE OF COLD FIRE ON DVD"..... BRAND NEW, TOO!!!  :DD  :lol:  :lol:  :D  :D

It was at Barnes & Noble here in Jensen Beach....

You see, the DVD is actually a 2 pack, of VI & VII..

So if I buy it, I would be getting "Cold Fire" as well as "Saurus Rock"

When I was In the DVD section looking for lbt, I thought..

"Ok...  <_<  they'll probably just have a couple t.v. series ones, and probably LBT I and XIII...

Then I found one that said "two-pack" on the cover... and I wondered... "ok, which 2 movies.."

And when I flipped to the back cover... I saw a picture of...PTERANO!!!!  :wow  :wow  OHHH YEAH!!!  :DD  :DD  :D

I was shocked (don't worry, I didn't scream but I started breathing a little heavier) I said  "oh my GOD! I found it! I found Pterano...FINALLY! "

I saw that the price of it was $20.. I didn't buy it just yet though.. But I WILL later this week...

My car (the '95 Buick Riviera) got down here all o.k. last week.. But my Mom and Dad told me "don't drive it just yet".. Because we have to get a Florida license plate on it first and get it all registered for the state of Florida (and get the old Michigan lic. plate off)

So just my Dad is driving it now... and he's ONLY driving it to where he works *just to the power plant and back*

but this Thursday (yes St. Patrick's day) the air conditioner is going to get fixed on it.. (and if I remember right.. my dad was going to get the Florida plate on it, too)

Then, I'll be able to drive the Riviera on my own.. So Don't worry.. Thursday or Friday.. I'm going back to Barnes & Noble to buy that "Saurus Rock & Cold Fire 2-LBT movies-in-one" DVD.

Don't worry... I put it in the very back of the LBT file to try and hide it so that it's not the first LBT DVD that sticks out in front for snyone to see...

I GOTTA get it! It's my chance to get Pterano and Rinkus on DVD...and a brand NEW DVD copy, too..

I talked to my mom tonight about it.. and told her that I found "LBT 7" on dvd after over a year of looking for it..
She was a little happy, too... And she has no problem with me getting it, either...

I swear, when I was at the store.. I could here Rinkus's voice in my head saying...

"C'mon Jared.... 'ere's your chance... ya' gotta get it, know yah want to."  :lol

So i'm gonna get it.. thursday or Friday.. I think nobody will probably look for "Land Before Time" Dvds at that specific Barnes & Noble between now and Friday, considering that it isn't super popular with kids today (at least right now, anyways...)

When we move to our new house (and out of this tiny, 1,100 square foot condo) i'm gonna buy a brand new LED screen t.v. for my bedroom *either 19" or 22"* and i'm gonna buy a blu-ray player that also plays DVD's to go along with it...

That way, i'll be able to see really good rich pink on Rinkus and bright bold orange on Pterano.. :yes

After I get it closer to this coming weekend, I'm gonna somehow sneak it up to the condo and hide it in one of my dresser drawers (where I keep some of my other stuff, here.. like my folder of drawings and my drawing pad...y'know, that kind of stuff)

I gotta keep it a secret.. the only one I told (in my family) is my mom, and like I said, it's ok with her..

But my sister and ESPECIALLY my dad. can't find out!!! But don't worry, i'm good at hiding stuff..

Be happy for me, guys... I GOT a chance to FINALLY own "The Stone Of Cold Fire" on DVD  :DD ... (with "Saurus Rock", too)   :yes


  • The Circle
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Uhm, could you not have obtained it via ebay any time you wanted?


  • Petrie
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Or Amazon? Unless you don't like shopping online.


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Hahaha. Nice going man. I know how that feels. I can't buy things online as well, so I always have to have the luckiest chance to find it in the real world. That's how we do things. Cause we're men. (and women.) It just feels better to find a DVD of your favorite movie in some obscure place (or hell, even have to hunt for it) then it does to just buy it online. Especially when you didn't think you would ever find it before. If you seriously can't find a specific item, then it's time to look online.

Good job   :DD


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LOL, I'm really starting to thank my lucky stars that I live in the biggest city in my country. My local HMV has pretty much all of them on DVD, including one TV series DVD, and trible and double-feature packs of some of them too! AND they have the complete 1-11 box set.

But anyways, congrats on finally finding it! I didn't know there was a Saurus Rock/Cold Fire double-feature.


  • The Circle
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I do hope you can get the dvd very soon.  The double-feature movie LBT dvd's are neat.  

When I got the lbt movies online from amazon on dvd I got all of the double feature ones first since I think it's neat to have 2 movies on 1 dvd.  & it takes up half the room.  They have the double feature for the 2nd through 11th movies with both of the Chomper movies being on the same dvd.  And that one, or at least the version I have is a double sided dvd, the only one of the double-feature lbt ones.  The rest are regular dvd's with the movies on 1 side and the top having a picture like most dvd's do.


  • Petrie
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Campion1: Yeah, I don't have an e-bay account.

and I can't buy online stuff, either. ... What matters the most is that I found it.. and that's all.

Allicloud: Wow, you're pretty lucky to have a store close to you that has nearly all the LBT DVDs. :)

Kor: Yes. I plan on getting it on Thursday or Friday. I should enjoy the double feature DVD. Thanks for telling me about the double feature LBT DVDs, too.

(By the way......I just looked this up and found some info..)

It's one of the "2 Mysteries Beyond the Great Valley" DVDs

It was released on November 29, 2005. (I think it's the newest "Stone Of Cold Fire" DVD release to date, too)  :yes

Hey... I found LBT VII on DVD! And that's all that matters to me.. :)


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Knowing that you Like Pterano and his company so much, I'm really happy that you found the DVD. Not everybody owns a credit card. In Croatian markets I've seen only the earlier movies. The newer ones (VI and on) can be found in bookstores but for double the price. Luckily, on a vashar (an unofficial marketplace) you can find all of them for a small price, among other movies, old comic books, magazines.  :DD


  • Petrie
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Update: You don't have to worry anymore, guys.. I GOT that "Cold Fire" and "Saurus Rock" 2-pack dvd TODAY! :)

My mom was able to get me back to barnes & noble today..


I felt so happy when I got it.. I feel just as happy right now!  :DD


  • The Circle
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Cool, congrats.  It's neat to have 2 movies on 1 dvd.


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More dvd news:
today (at the music/movie store at the mall) I found The Original 1988 "Land Before time DVD... (which I already know they've had that copy sitting there for several weeks now).. in brand new condition..

But also today, I found another one that just arrived. It was a used copy of "The Big Freeze" for $8.99.

So maybe the next time I head for the mall (Only a 7 mile drive from the condo).. I'll get those...

I bet they'll still be sitting right there. I know it.  ;) So, now I have a chance to get the original and the Big freeze... as well as 2 dvds of the tv series..

(I just want to have the DVDs of the movies over the tv series Dvds. I like the movies much better than the tv series. Not that I don't like the series. I liked the movies better.)

I want to go ahead and take that opportunity.... I'll see if I can get back to the mall in my free time before (if not).. after tropical storm/hurricane Irene passes by... if it does, that is.  And go ahead and pick up the Original and The Big Freeze. I KNOW they'll still be there sittin' on the shelf.  ;)

So hey! :) It's cool that I spotted a copy of "The Big Freeze" today....(and like I said...the Dvd copy of the '88 original has been just sitting there for weeks now.)

I've thought it over...and I want to take any chances I get in the future to get any of the LBT movies on Dvd (that I don't already have..) while I still have the chance to.   :)


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That's good. I personally don't really like The Big Freeze, but everyone should have the original in their collection  :D Hopefully you'll see more LBT movies in stock soon.


  • Cera
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Ah that is awesome. Even tho that movie sucked and was a waste of time watching it but if you liked it than that's your choice.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Congradulations! Nothing like a good old LBT collection to watch over.  :yes
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Cera
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I kinda wish they made a complete bundle meaning putting all thirteen Land Before Time DVDs into one complete set. That was be so much easier. And I know it would be expensive but a bit cheaper in the long run.


  • The Circle
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Maybe cheaper then some think since they'd not need to do 13 dvd's, but around 7-8 I"d guess.  And if they put it out on blu-ray it could be even less discs.  Though no certainty.


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Quote from: Kor,Aug 22 2011 on  03:19 PM
Maybe cheaper then some think since they'd not need to do 13 dvd's, but around 7-8 I"d guess.  And if they put it out on blu-ray it could be even less discs.  Though no certainty.
Well, over here in Merrie Olde England, there is a DVD box set of the first 11, and it is a real bargain. Most of the individual DVDs are about £6 each (Though I did get mightily ripped off by getting Big Freeze and Great Migration for about £18 each... Hey, I was impatient and I had the money), but I've found a package for the first 3 films for £10 (giving a price reduction against buying individually of £8), and the DVD box set of the first 11 was £35, a real bargain.

But hey, I had most of them already anyway, so it wasn't really worth it.

And actually, I liked Big Freeze, so good for you.


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Sure, "The Big Freeze" may not be the greatest LBT movie.. but it isn't really terrible. Thanks, bushwacked.  ;)

bushwacked: Yes.  You've gotta love the original The original is a masterpiece. :D  How could you not love the original?   :)

But hey..I don't need a Dvd collection really...I'm fine with just the original and "the stone of cold fire".. those are the only 2 LBT movies I really need to have anyway..

As long as I have the original and "stone of cold fire"...i'm good.. I'm not gonna get any more dvds after this....

I don't need to go spend a bunch of money all on lbt dvds... <_<  There's a lot better stuff I could do with my money... The only ones I like are the original and "cold fire" anyway.