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The Mystery of the Blackweeds


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Since you are still actively going to update this story (You said your are, at least.) I'm going to wait until either this story is finished or the Fanfiction Awards are almost over to write a review. That way, my review will be based on more/all of your story, and be more fair and helpful that way.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Jun 25 2011 on  03:27 PM
Since you are still actively going to update this story (You said your are, at least.) I'm going to wait until either this story is finished or the Fanfiction Awards are almost over to write a review. That way, my review will be based on more/all of your story, and be more fair and helpful that way.
Well, that may take a while. Granted, I'll be updating more often now, since school is almost over for me, but it's still gonna be a bit long. I've got it all planned out, and it's a rather long story.

Anyways, back from the dead, a new chapter, finally!

Chapter Seven

Littlefoot galloped down the tunnel, glancing every now and then behind him. The sounds of the others rang throughout the caves, the pattering and scrabbling of their feet, the laughs and gleeful screams of the players.

The longneck skidded round a corner and stopped to catch his breath. The game had been going now for a while. He had had a few narrow moments, but so far, he had kept himself clean of any black handprints. He ducked behind a rock and noticed a track of black handprints. The spikeback belly-dragger must have been through here already.
He jumped as he heard footsteps behind him. He scrambled over the rock to the other side and ducked down as a shadow emerged from further down the cave. He sighed with relief as he saw it was Chomper and Ruby. He smiled and hurried to meet them, but noticed that neither was walking very fast. As he got closer, he saw why.

Chomper rubbed the black mark on the end of his snout as he waved to Littlefoot “Hi Littlefoot. Have they got you yet?”
Littlefoot shook his head “So who got you?”
Ruby piped up “That big one, Redback. We went round a corner and he was there waiting for us to round the corner. We’d never get past him, he filled up the whole tunnel.”
She tenderly showed him the condemning handprint on her thigh. Littlefoot frowned “Is it painful or something?”
She shook her head “The print isn’t, but those Blackweeds do play a bit rough.”
Further talk was cut short, as the Sailback’s voice rang out not far away “C’mon, I hear them down here!”
Littlefoot glanced behind before heading down the cave tunnel “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

“Good luck” called Chomper.

Down a different tunnel, Ducky and Petrie ran and flapped as fast as they could, with Celya and Rheddo’s growing louder. The pair ducked under a rocky outcrop, as the fast runner and belly-dragger scrabbled past. They waited a moment before emerging. Dusting themselves off, Ducky panted out “I wonder how the other are doing…”

“They take care themselves.” Petrie replied “Think about where we hide! It still a long time till bright circle touches mountain!”

The swimmer looked about frantically. Who knows when another one of them would come along?
She spotted a small side-cave and grabbed Petrie. The pair hurried into the cave and waited, still and silent.
No sound from outside, but the low whistle of the wind through the tunnels.
Petrie suddenly felt a drip on his head. Must just be a leaky cave. Peeking tentatively outside the cave, he saw movement not far down the tunnel and ducked back in.

As he returned into the darkness, he shrieked as he saw, just above Ducky’s head, a pair of big, green eyes.
“Petrie?! What is wrong?” Ducky asked in concern, blissfully unaware of the eyes behind her.
The flyer could do nothing but point behind her, his feet and wings frozen stiff with shock.
Ducky watched her friend in confusion “What is it Petrie?”

Turning round, she saw exactly what. She had no time to cry out as an inky black clawed hand engulfed her head.

“Gotcha.” Said Celya with satisfaction as she climbed from under the winded form of Cera, who lay on her back, a black mark on her belly and head. She had been sprinting down the tunnel when she spotted the fast-biter running towards her. With too short a distance to skid to a stop and turn round, she had tried to jump her. But the poor threehorn was still no great jumper, and landed squarely atop the tiny sharptooth.
Luckily for Celya, Rheddo was not far behind, and after landing a black paw on Cera’s crest, rolled her over and retrieved Celya, who had landed a mark on her belly just as the threehorn landed on her.

“How many are left now?” The fast biter asked.
Rheddo counted on his claws “Err… Well, we already got this one and that spiketail a ways back. And I think Redback got a couple.”
Celya grinned “Not much to go… Ah, perfect timing, here’s someone now.”
Rheddo turned and saw Tero round the bend and approach them. “You had any luck Tero?”

The flyer silently nodded and lifted up Ducky and Petrie, both covered in black slime and held by their tails in his claw.

“Tero! Put them down!” Celya shouted “We’re playing a game, not hunting.”
Rheddo nudged her knowingly “Ahem…”
“Oops….Well, anyways, put them down! Yer hurtin’ them!”

Tero looked as if he wasn’t going to obey her, but she turned her frosty glare on him, and he relented, putting the young dinosaurs down on the ground. The inkstained pair scurried away from Tero and down a nearby tunnel.
“C’mon, there’s only one left now.  let’s finish this.” Celya said, leading the way.

Littlefoot sighed with relief. There was no way Redback would find him in here. The sharptooth had been chasing him when he turned down a narrow, curved tunnel. Redback would never fit down here.

As he clambered through the passageway, he thought to himself about these Blackweed Brothers. They seemed a bit rough, but for dinosaurs from the Beyond, that was to be expected. For sharpteeth, however, they seemed nice enough. But how would the grownups react, Littlefoot thought. They accepted Chomper quickly enough, but he had raised him since he hatched. He knew Chomper well, he was very different.
He reached the end of the tunnel, reaching a junction with a larger cave, mercifully empty. The longneck took another moment to catch his breath, before he heard the sounds of voices down another tunnel. He got back up and trotted down an alternate tunnel, which led to a junction with another tunnel further ahead. He stopped briefly as he saw a shaft that led through to the sky, and saw that the Bright Circle was less than a foot’s-width from the mountain top. He had almost won!

He ran ahead triumphantly, and as he reached the junction he was bowled over as he collided with something coming down the crossing tunnel.
The mass of dinosaur tumbled against the wall, landing Littlefoot upside down, ontop of whatever he hit.

“Heehee…gotcha now...heh!” Came the voice from beneath him, as a large, inky hand rose up to press a firm, but gentle, black handprint onto his face. The mass shifted and the longneck slipped off, landing on the ground. Redback giggled to himself as he looked to Littlefoot.
“You okay?” Redback asked as he dusted himself off, “I mean, aside from being out?”
Littlefoot nodded, now weak with exertion. He got up and shook the dirt from his body. As if on cue, the rest of the Blackweed Brotherhood emerged from another tunnel.

“Ah, I thought I heard you, Red.” Rheddo called.
The sailback waved his claw “Just got Littlefoot here. How’ve you done?”
“Got ëem all.” Celya said, suddenly perking her head up “Ah, sounds like they’re on their way here now.”
Moments later, groaning with exertion and battered, Chomper, Ruby, Ducky, Petrie, Cera and Spike emerged from the other tunnel.
“So we won?!” Redback asked with glee.
Littlefoot nodded “Yeah, I guess so.”
A cheer rose from the Blackweeds, as Redback stepped forwards to pat Littlefoot on the head with his non-inky hand “You gave a good game, kid. ëTwas an honour playing with you.”
“Um, thanks…” Littlefoot said.

Redback went about the other young dinosaurs, Patting Cera and Spike on the head as well, and shaking the hands of the others. The youngsters were visibly taken aback by this sudden display of politeness from such a savage-looking sharptooth, but they smiled and thanked him just the same.
“So then, how about that promise of yours?” Redback said as he returned to Littlefoot.
Littlefoot nodded “Yeah, I know. C’mon.”

The group of dinosaurs gathered, Littlefoot and Redback at the head as before, and Littlefoot led them through the caves to the exit. The Bright Circle was just beginning to sink below the Great Wall. He turned to Redback and the Brotherhood.
“Okay, l know we agreed to show you around the Great Valley if you won… But not right now.”

The Brothers looked ready to object, but Redback raised an authoritative claw and they fell silent.

“Go on…”
“Well, I think the safest thing would be that you guys wait here until it gets dark, and we’ll come and get you. It would be safer to show you around when nobody’s awake.”

Cera glared at Littlefoot “Littlefoot, do we really have to always have sleepless nights whenever we meet new people? First the tiny longnecks, then Guido, then the Yellow-Bellies, now this?!”

Littlefoot glared back “I’m sorry. But it’s just the safest way to get newcomers into the Valley. Especially with sharpteeth.”

The threehorn girl rolled her eyes and mumbled something mutinous but indistinct. Redback, however, was all for the idea.
“Makes sense. So, we stay up here until you come and get us, right?”
Littlefoot nodded “We have to go now. See you again tonight!” and headed down from the caves towards the valley floor, his friends in tow.

The sailback sighed with satisfaction. It would be nice to feel healthy grass under his feet again. He headed back into the caves, followed by Celya, Rheddo and Tero, sat down, and waited.

Not long now.


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  • Ducky
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Nice chapter and not a moment too soon. :DD

The more I read, the more suspicious I get at the Blackweed Brotherhood. They just give me a bad feeling that they're going to do something really bad to everyone. Or, that's just me and I'm being paraniod. :P:

I'm really enjoying it and would love it if you got the next chapter up soon please!


  • Ducky
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Yeah i would like the next chap to! but don't hurry!


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No worries. If all goes well, I'll be able to write up the new chapter next weekend.


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Chapter Eight

The sky turned a pale golden colour, as the Bright Circle sunk from the sky, down behind the far mountains, heralding the approach of night. All through the Valley, dinosaurs said their goodnights and headed to their nests, lairs, caves and general sleeping-spots. Within the hour, the entire Valley was silent.

Littlefoot lay down beside his grandparents, both fast asleep already, snoring gently. Not Littlefoot though. It seemed like no matter what he does, he could not get to sleep. His mind raced with thoughts and ideas concerning the upcoming plan.

Wait a while longer, until the Great Night Circle is high in the sky, he thought. Just in case some other dinosaurs were having trouble getting to sleep too. Then he would quietly tiptoe his way over to Cera's sleeping place and wake her up. Then Ducky and Spike, then Petrie's nest...

He froze for a moment as he heard a crack of a branch nearby. Peering over, he saw a small shape approaching, followed closely by a taller shape. As they came into the moonlight, Littlefoot breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was nothing ore than Chomper and Ruby.

"Oh, it's just you guys... What are you doing out here?"

Chomper sat down beside him "I couldn't sleep. I was too excited about tonight!"

"We were wondering when we'd go to get the Blackweeds, so we came to ask you when we'd go get the Blackweeds." Ruby added quietly.

Littlefoot yawned slightly as he got up. Stretching, he whispered "I'd say about now would be right. Did you see anybody else awake when you came over here?"

Chomper shook his head "Nope, everyone's fast asleep."

"Perfect. Let's go get the others."

The trio of young dinosaurs silently made their way through the masses of sleeping dinosaurs, stopping by Ducky's nest to grab her and Spike. Cera's sleeping spot was next, though she took a bit of coaxing. Finally, after some nudging and pleading, Cera got up and grudgingly followed.

As Ducky and Petrie flapped down from his nest on the ledge, Littlefoot spoke up.

"Great, that's all of us. Now, I've been thinking over what we'll do tonight to show Redback and the others around. I've decided that each of us will be assigned to one of them."

"So who goes with who?" Ruby asked.

Littlefoot scuffed the earth with a foot "I, uh, I'm not sure yet... We can work that out with them, I think."

"Sounds good to me!" Chomper said "Let's get going."

With that, the youngsters made their way as quietly as possible, towards the hidden caverns. As they neared the cave entrance, they heard a sound. A sort of whooshing sound, like the beating of wings, and then...


Now getting very nervous, Littlefoot cautiously proceeded, and was relieved to see the sillhouettes of Redback and the others exiting the cave, walking towards them.

"Ah, Littlefoot" Redback called to them, waving "We were wondering when you'd show up."

"Sorry... You guys ready?"

The sailback nodded as he was joined by Celya and Rheddo. He looked over Littlefoot's shoulder and nodded in the direction of the others. "You ready to go too, Tero?"

Littlefoot glanced behind and was amazed to see Tero standing among his friends, as silent and motionless as ever. It took the others a few seconds to realise he was there, and when they did, it clearly took all their willpower to not scream.

Tero nodded and joined his fellow Blackweeds, as Littlefoot regained his composure and spoek to Redback:

"Erm... Redback, we've decided that each of us will be assigned to showing one of you or your friends around."

The sailback nodded as Rheddo spoke up behind him "So, whose going with who?"

Littlefoot thought for a moment and conversed with his friends before coming up with a decision.

"Ducky and Spike will take care of Celya, since she's a similar size to Ducky."

The fast-biter joined Ducky, who noticed that Celya was about a head taller than her.

"Chomper and Ruby will take Rheddo."

Chomper smiled at Rheddo as he crawled to join them. The belly-dragger gave what may have been an attempt at a grin, but appeared more like he was showing off how pointy his teeth were.

Littlefoot gulped audibly, but continued "Cera and Petrie wil take Tero."

Petrie smiled nervously up at the flyer, who stared at him with no semblance of affection, friendship, or any emotion for that matter.

The longneck then turned to Redback "and you're paired up with me, Redback."

Redback smiled down at Littlefoot "Well, that should be interesting."

Littlefoot nervously smiled back "Yeah... So, we're just gonna show you around the Valley, let you see what it's like, let you see how our kinds live."

"Should prove illuminating." Redback added with a grin.

Littlefoot nodded. "You guys ready?"

"Yep. C'mon Rheddo!" Chomper said, heading off with Ruby. Rheddo shrugged and followed behind.

Littlefoot watched as Petrie and Tero took to the air "C'mon Tero... Me know lotsa good lookout places."

Cera trotted behind them, no doubt muttering some mutinous nothings.

Spike lowered his head to allow Ducky to climb aboard, but Celya refused.

"I'll walk, thanks." she said dismissively.

Thus Littlefoot and Redback were left alone. He turned to the sailback "Well, let's get going."

Redback nodded and followed obediently behind Littlefoot.

The pair walked together, along the fast-water, past the sheltering grass and the bubbling mud. They wandered through the trees, past the thundering falls, along the base of the great wall, and all over the Valley. Littlefoot would have said something, but as soon as he turned to speak, he saw something in Redback's face.

The sharptooth seemed...touched. There was no real way to describe it, except that word. Touched. His gaze was never still, his eyes shifting from one sight to another, his mouth slightly agape.

"R-redback? okay?"

Redback looked down. "I'm fine." he said, almost evasively.

Littlefoot was unsure what to say, so he opted to say nothing. The pair continued across the valley, quietly tiptoing past a crowd of sleeping dinosaurs.

It was at this point Redback noticed something. As he passed the sleeping huddled masses, he saw that just among that small crowd, there were dozens of different creatures: twopeds, flyers, swimmers, longnecks, threehorns, clubtails., the variety was endless. The kind of variety you'd never get with sharpteeth.

He smiled at this as he and Littlefoot continued.

Soon, they headed up the path to the top of the Great Wall. Redback doggedly climbed on, but Littlefoot was beginning to flag. Despite everything he had been through, he still got tired just like any young dinosaur, and walking through the night takes it out of anyone. His yawn was heard by Redback, who stopped and returned to his side.

He lowered his neck and shoulders to Littlefoot's level "Climb aboard."

Littlefoot was hesitant at first "You sure?"

"Yeah, go on" Redback grinned "Just watch the sail. Pretty fragile, you know."

Littlefoot gratefully clambered up onto Redback's shoulders, wrapping his arms and legs gently round his neck. Strange. he had always imagined the skin of a sharptooth to be hard and cold and scaly. But Redback was surprisingly warm, and while his neck was boney, it certainly wasn't hard or rough.
Redback stood up and started back up the ridge. As they reached the top, Redback sat down, letting his legs drape over the side of the ridge, and Littlefoot clambered off and sat down beside him.

They sat in silence together, the Great Valley spread out before them. No word passed between the pair, but the peace of the night air and the gentle sounds of the Valley, the rumble of the falls, the chirping of bugs, the occasional grunt or growl of some dinosaur in sleep, compensated for the silence.

"You know, you got a great home here." Redback said, finally breaking the silence.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Littlefoot replied, awakening from a slight doze "Yeah, the Great Valley is a nice place to live. Plenty to eat, good weather usually, and the Great Wall keeps us safe from..."


Littlefoot shuffled hesitantly "Well... Sharpteeth, yes."

Redback raised an eyebrow "Oh? Are we not sharpteeth to you? My brotherhood and I?"

"Well...err... you're different from them..I mean..." Littlefoot wasn't sure how he could phrase it.

"Well, I get what ya mean. But I'm not just talking about the place itself. The other creatures you live with. It's great."

"....What do you mean?"

Redback swept a clawed hand through the air, over the Valley "Just look. Hundreds of dinosaurs, dozens of different herds, families and kinds. And you all just live together, no fightin', no hatred, no nothin'."

Astonished at how philosophical the sharptooth began to sound, Littlefoot replied "Well, uh, I guess so... I'm guessing you don't get that in the Mysterious Beyond, huh?"

Redback shook his head. "Never. Out there, it's eat or be eaten... I'd love to live in a place like this."

Littlefoot smiled. He imagined this to be like what Chomper would grow up to be like. Sharptooth, there's no way to change that, but kind and peaceful nonetheless.
The longneck suddenly yawned. The Night Circle was already at its peak.

"Gettin' sleepy, eh?" Redback asked, smiling.

Littlefoot nodded.

"Well, I've seen plenty for now. let's head back, eh?"

He lowered his neck again and Littlefoot clambered on board, and the pair clambered back down the ridge and made their way back to the secret caverns. They made their goodnights and went their separate ways.

Littlefoot returned to the sleeping forms of his grandparents and huddled down in his usual spot, as he mused on the last things he had said to Redback.

"We should get together again soon."

Redback, meanwhile, lay down inside the caves, and thought. This Valley was a nice place...Hmm, boy was that an understatement. It was a beautiful place, a paradise. Too beautiful, in fact.

He would have to talk to the Brotherhood soon.


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  • Ducky
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I finally got around to reading one of the fanfics on here. And this one is really good. The Blackweeds are very suspicious. They seem nice, but I think they're hiding something. Nice song in Chapter 4, too.


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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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It seemed like no matter what he did, he could not get to sleep.

Littlefoot breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was nothing more than Chomper and Ruby.

Tero nodded and joined his fellow Blackweeds, as Littlefoot regained his composure and spoke to Redback:

just a few things I noticed.

I really liked this chapter. So warm and touching, and it really showed the softer side of the brotherhood. I was suspicious of them before, but now I'm kind of more warmed up to them :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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  • Petrie
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Littlefoot awoke to the pleasing warmth of the Bright Circle at his back. He opened his eyes, blinking the sleep-sand clear.

He turned as he heard the familiar stomping sound of his grandmother. She lowered her massive head and nudged him gently.

"Time to get up, little one." She said quietly.

Littlefoot yawned and stretched his limbs. Rising up, he licked his lips and followed his grandmother.

"Let's head down to the watering hole." She said to him.

"Great, I am pretty thirsty." he replied. It had been a warm night, and he was still a little tired from staying up late with...

Oh yeah! Amazing, he had almost forgotten about his nighttime walk with Redback. Littlefoot wondered what he was doing at the moment. Probably still asleep in the caves with the rest of the brotherhood. He made a mental note to ask his friends how their nights went with their respective Blackweeds when he met them.

As he and his grandparents ate and drank at the pond, he smiled as each family of his friends arrived to join the large communal pool. This was one thing he liked so much about the Valley. Everyday, everyone would eat together in the morning at the watering hole, like some huge communal feast. And that was without the occasional celebrations, like the Time of Great Giving, namedays, and the ever-popular Bright Circle Celebration. Those times, the feasting and festivities would increase tenfold!
After breakfast had finished and the children excused themselves for a day of play, Littlefoot and his friends hurried over to the caves where Ruby and Chomper met them. He then asked Ducky how things went with her and Celya.

"It was alright, I guess. Spike and I showed her where we sleep, the watering hole, and then we walked along the Great Wall. But she did not seem very interested." Ducky replied, as Spike nodded through a mouthful of grass.
"Then she asked if we could see the Valley from high up, she did. So we took her to the top of the ridge and she looked around alot, and then asked to go back down. We went back to the ground and she went back to the caves."

"Huh, that's strange." Littlefoot mused.

"How Rheddo acted was the same as how Celya acted" Ruby added "He asked about the caves, so we showed him around them."

"He almost didn't care at all about the Valley itself." Chomper said "Just the caves."

"Hmph!" Cera snorted "you guys got it lucky! You have no idea what it was like being stuck with Tero al night!"

"She right. Tero one strange flyer." Petrie added, as he perched on her crest.

"It's like the guy prides himself in being creepy!" Cera continued "We'd show him something, and it's like talking to a rock!"

"Big, skinny rock, with big green eyes that...ooh..." Petrie shuddered for a moment "Never blinked. Me watch him all night, and he never blink once!"

Littlefoot gulped. While he understood the rest, ever since the Blackweeds told him Tero's story, the part about him never blinking was definitely creepy.

"And after a while, he just flew off. No goodbye, no thanks, nothing! He just flew off back to the caves."

"Well, when the Bright Circle peaks, I'm gonna go talk to them again. You guys wanna come?" Littlefoot asked as they walked towards the tall trees.

No one seemed willing to join him. Littlefoot sighed. He must have gotten lucky with Redback. The others were obviously reluctant to be around the Blackweeds, but not him. He definitely wasn't reluctant to be around Redback. In fact, he was a little eager to go see him again.

But for the moment, he let that go as his thoughts turned to play. Cera knocked a fresh fruitball from a nearby tree, and the game was on!

A few hours of play, and several exhausted young dinosaurs later, Littlefoot excused himself from the game and headed off towards the caverns where the Brotherhood were staying.

As he hopped across the fast water, he heard a voice talking to him from the nearby trees. "Not playing with your little friends today, Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot jumped and nearly missed the jump from the final rock to the side of the stream. The grass rustled as Mr. Clubtail emerged, chuckling to himself.

"Heh, sorry if I startled ya."

Littlefoot smiled "Oh, hi Mr. Clubtail."

Clubtail smiled back "Mornin' kid. It just seemed odd that you're not out with your friends today."

"Well, I was just going to see some other friends of mine. They live over in the Hidden Caverns."

Mr. Clubtail raised an eyebrow, but asked nothing of it "Well, have a good time. See ya round, Kid."

With that, the old dinosaur moved on, and Littlefoot hurried off towards the caverns. Within minutes he was there, and checking nobody was watching him, hurried into the caverns.

"Littlefoot? Is that you?" Came Redback's voice from within the caves.

Littlefoot followed the voice round a bend, and found the Brotherhood. There was Celya, perched atop Rheddo, who lay on the floor of the cave, at Redback's feet. Redback himself was seated on a rocky ledge, while Tero was, as usual; separate from the group, standing deeper in the shadows of the cave.

"Hey there Littlefoot. I was hoping to talk to you again soon." Redback said, stepping over Rheddo and Celya to stand before Littlefoot.

"I just wanna say" Redback said "On behalf of the Brotherhood, how much we appreciated last night's tour of the Valley. Good times had by all, right gang?"

The Brothers nodded, as Celya added "Yep. Tell your friends we enjoyed it."

Littlefoot grinned "Glad to hear it..."

Redback beckoned Littlefoot to join him and the others and continued "In fact, we think that for your efforts, you deserve somethin' in return..."

Littlefoot backed out briefly "Oh no, it's alright, you don't need to..."

"No no, I insist. It's the least you can do." Redback responded, drawing Littlefoot back into the circle. "And so, we've talked it over, and we've decided to give you the honorary Blackweeds."

Littlefoot was quiet for a moment. Honorary Blackweeds? "What do you mean?"

"It means" Redback replied "That as of tonight, you will be an honorary member of the Blackweed Brotherhood."

The longneck's face lit up. Even in the little time he had known about the Brotherhood, they had always sounded glamorous and exciting to a certain degree. And to be included as member! He nodded silently.

Redback smiled "Then meet us after dark. We'll be by those firecracks we saw last night. We'll give you a proper initiation there."

Later that night, just as agreed, Littlefoot lay down to rest, but could not sleep for excitement. What was this ceremony? What would happen?
After he was certain that nobody else was awake, he got up and silently snuck past the sleeping masses of his grandparents.

He slipped through the crowds of sleeping forms, around the ponds, in the direction of the smoking mountains. All the firepits and firecracks were in that area. And, like they said, there were the Brotherhood.

They were quite a sight. Gathered around a firecrack, the glow played with the shadows on their faces, giving an air of true mystery to them. He also noticed that, aside from the usual black shadows that were painted round the eyes of the Brothers, they had added to their makeup, strange patterns and lines and spikes around the eyes, adding to the mystery.

Redback stepped forwards over the crack, through the smoke being emitted from deep in the earth "Step forth." He said in a deep, serious voice. He had added to his makeup, a lightning-bolt on each cheek, and lines from the inner tips of his eyes, to the corners of his mouth.

Littlefoot gulped. He had not prepared for this. Steeling himself, he approached the Brotherhood, until he could feel the heat of the firecrack beneath his feet.

"Are you prepared to accept the bestowal of the honorary Blackweed Brotherhoodship?" the sharptooth continued.

Littlefoot nodded, too nervous to speak.

"Do you swear to uphold the reputation and name of the Blackweed Brotherhood?"

He nodded again.

"Then kneel down, and receive your reward."

Littlefoot knelt, though to be perfectly honest, his legs were about to give out anyway. Celya approached him, carrying a handful of strands of black grass, soaked in water from a nearby pond.

"You may wanna close your eyes." she said.
Littlefoot obeyed, and closed his eyes. He felt a finger delicately touching his eyelid, moving over it. She must be putting that black ink over his eye, as makeup like the others had.

As he felt her finger move away from his eyes, he opened them and saw Redback plucking a strand of black grass from his sail. He then took another strand from Tero, and another from Celya and Rheddo each. He then approached Littlefoot.

"Stretch out your neck." Redback said.

Littlefoot obediently did so. Lowering his head, he extended his neck as far as he could. Redback looped the strands of black grass gently round his neck, tying them in a knot, so that the loose ends hung down over Littlefoot's front, like some primitive necktie.

"You may rise, Brother Littlefoot." Redback said, solemnly.

He stood up proudly. Looking down at himself, he thought the black grass did make him look rather impressive.

"Now go, Brother Littlefoot. Until tomorrow morning." Redback said, waving a claw solemnly.

He was a little taken aback. This had been a bit sudden and quick and now he'd have to leave as soon as it was over? Oh well, he thought. He was too elated at the idea of being a member of such a group to care.

With a nod and a smile, he headed back to his nest. He stopped briefly by a pond to get a look at his reflection.
There were the blackweeds, tied around his neck in a gentle noose. And the eye makeup. With his eyes open, it was rather subtle. Just a thin line of black around his eye, that seemed to add depth and definition to his gaze. He did look rather impressive and mysterious.

As he lay down in his circle of stones, he smiled to himself. To think, just this morning, he was just an ordinary young longneck boy. And now, a proud Blackweed Brother. He shuddered with glee as he thought over the title he had been given. Brother Littlefoot. It just sounded so mysterious and cool.

Brother Littlefoot


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I've been waiting for another chapter. :smile
This just gets more mysterious by the chapter. I still can't even begin to guess who the Blackweeds really are. And now Littlefoot is part of the Brotherhood.  :huh:  
I am anxious and a bit impatient to see how this plays out.


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The next few days were like a blur for Littlefoot. Now that he was in with the Blackweed Brotherhood, he had a great sense of responsibility. He would hang out with the other Brotherhood members as often as he could manage without arousing suspicion. Most often, this would be a quick visit to the Secret Caverns sometime near the end of the day, joining them in the dark recesses of the caves, listening to what they had to say. Most of their time seemed to be taken up with telling stories of their adventures out in the Mysterious Beyond. Granted, he had had his share of adventures out in the Beyond, with his friends, but against the stories Redback and Company had to tell, his stories paled in comparison. Still, he was delighted to see them sitting with rapt attention, listening as he told them for the third time the tale of his adventures into the Land of Mists, in search of the elusive Night Flower to save his grandfather's life.

"*Sniff* Such a dedicated grandson." Redback said at the end of the tale as the others applauded.

But the tales of the Blackweeds were by far more exciting. Littlefoot's favourite was their tale of their encounter with the creature they referred to as the "Black Mountain Monster... So named, not because he was from a black mountain, but because he was black and big as a mountain!"

According to their tales, this creature was larger than any beast they had ever seen, with skin like rock and a mouth that shot blue flames. The part about the blue flames was a bit far-fetched, Littlefoot admitted, but it was still an exciting story to hear.

Then as they wrapped the stories up, Littlefoot would make his goodbyes and head home, with Redback escorting him to the exit of the caves. Littlefoot repeatedly told him that he now knew the way out by heart and did not need an escort, but every time the sharptooth shrugged it off, simply saying:

"Maybe so, but I want to."

However, all was not well in the Great Valley. Littlefoot's other friends watched as Littlefoot began to spend more and more time with the Blackweed Brotherhood, and it made them uneasy.
Cera most of all. She had never been a very trusting soul, and this was no exception. Something about the Blackweeds rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it was the fact that most of them were sharpteeth, maybe it was their disturbing appearance, she couldn't tell. But she was certainly shocked when Littlefoot adopted their appearance. She had been so used to Littlefoot the way he was, so seeing him with black grass hanging from his neck, and black shadows daubed on his eyes was a big surprise for her.
The others didn't seem to share her concerns for their friend. Chomper and Ruby were too glad to see more sharpteeth like themselves to mind, Ducky and Spike were intimidated perhaps, but didn't see anything particularly wrong with them. The only one who shared her concerns was Petrie, and that was because he was simply terrified of them.

So, as Littlefoot would leave their games to visit the Blackweeds in their cavernous homes, Petrie and Cera could be seen conspiring together, concocting theories of what they could be doing together. We mostly just hang out and tell stories, Littlefoot would insist, but Cera was certain there was more to it.

Voicing their concerns to the rest of the group, Petrie and Cera devised a plan.

"So then, what do you think?" Cera asked the group.

Ducky, Ruby and Chomper seemed skeptical of their views. Ducky stepped forth to speak "But Cera, if Littlefoot was doing something else with the Blackweed Brotherhood, why would he not just tell us? It does not make sense, no no no..."

"It makes perfect sense!" Cera retorted "He just doesn't want to tell us what they've been up to. He probably has to keep it a secret, 'cos he's in that dumb Brotherhood."

"Well, this is just me thinking out loud, " Ruby chimed in "But why don't we just watch what Littlefoot doesn't want us to see? Wouldn't that clear everything up?"

"My plan exactly, Ruby." Cera replied with a grim smile "Tonight, we follow Littlefoot to see what he and that dumb Brotherhood get up to."

Ducky, however, was hesitant "I'm not so sure. If Littlefoot doesn't want us to know what he is doing with them, why should we intrude? It is not doing any harm, it isn't."

But Cera was adamant "Oh c'mon. Aren't you at least curious?!"

Ducky nodded admittedly. She was a little curious about the whole issue. "Well, okay. If it will stop you worrying so much, Spike and I are in."

Spike nodded in agreement as Cera snorted "I'm not worrying I just want to know what it is that keeps him going back to them."

"So, when we gonna do this then?" Petrie asked from his perch on her crest.

Cera was absolute and certain "Tomorrow night. He told me that he would be able to play more tomorrow because instead of leaving us early, he's going to see them when it gets dark instead."

Chomper sighed "I guess we'd better rest up then. It looks like we'll have another sleepless night tomorrow."

With that, goodnights were made and the sextet departed. We're going to get to the bottom of this, Cera thought to herself as she lay down to sleep at her father's side. All would be made clear, tomorrow night.


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To quote Alice, curiouser and curiouser. I wonder what the Black Mountain Monster is. Keep the chapters coming.  :)


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Quote from: Justin1993,Jul 18 2011 on  12:07 PM
To quote Alice, curiouser and curiouser. I wonder what the Black Mountain Monster is. Keep the chapters coming.  :)
LOL, I'm surprised Justin! You of all people should recognise a description of a gigantic, black-skinned monster that breathes blue fire! But anyways:

[Note: As previously, the dialogue in italics are in song, and the dialogue in bold and italics are sung in harmony]


The sky above the Valley became a rainbow of rose-hues, with streaks of orange cloud, and the slight hints of a golden lining, as the Bright Circle left its throne above the world and began to sink.

Another day of play for the young dinosaurs drew to a close. Petrie flapped his way towards his nest on the mountainside.  Ducky hopped up onto Spike’s back, while Spike munched contently on the melon they had been playing with, now thoroughly tenderised. Ruby trotted gently towards her caves, Chomper resting on her back, exhausted after a day’s play.

Littlefoot and Cera made their goodbyes as they parted ways, each heading to their respective sleeping spot. Both knew that an interesting night lay ahead of them, but neither knew just what was in store for them.
Hours later, The Valley was in darkness. Silence reigned supreme, save for the gentle rumble of the Thundering Falls.

In a clearing in a grove of trees, Cera stirred. Night had fallen, everyone was asleep. It was time.

Stretching and yawning silently, the young threehorn snuck away from the snoring forms of her parents, and past Tricia, her baby stepsister, as silently as possible. Reaching the fringe of the trees, she blew a gentle sigh of relief and trotted towards the Swimmers’ sleeping spot.
Gently nudging Ducky and Spike into wakefulness, the trio hurried to the Caverns, where Ruby and Chomper were eagerly awaiting their arrival. Chomper waved to them, but was gently hushed by Cera as they joined the group.

“Okay guys. Tonight, we’re gonna follow Littlefoot and see exactly what he gets up to with those Blackweed guys. Once we pick up Petrie, we’ll head over to his sleeping spot and follow him from there…”
“But what if he has already left? How will we find him?” Ducky whispered as they headed to the Flyers’ nest.
“Well then, we’ll head for the cave where the Blackweeds are staying and wait for him there.” Cera replied.

They arrived at the base of the small mountain where Petrie’s family had their nest. A few small, well-aimed rocks and Petrie joined them at the base of the mountainside.

“Great, that’s all of us. Now let’s go.”

The group crept as quietly as possible, through the groves and plains of the Valley, until they arrived at the Longnecks’ grove. There were the massive, sleeping forms of Grandma and Grandpa Longneck. But no sign of Littlefoot!
“He must have gone ahead, he must.” Ducky muttered as she looked around the ring of stones, wherein Littlefoot usually slept.

Petrie flapped high into the dark sky, and called in a low voice “Me see him! He headed for caves, but not too far yet.”
He swooped low and joined his friends, pointing towards a series of low hills. The group hurried through the woods, reaching the fringe, just as Cera spotted a figure disappearing over the top of a hillock. “That must be him!” She said as she picked up her pace to a vigorous jog.

The others following behind her, they ducked as they reached the hills. Peeking over the top, there he was.

At first they did not recognise him, as he was once again wearing his honorary blackweeds, tied in a gentle noose about his neck. He was facing away from them, but they were sure he had his black facepaint on too.
Keeping as low and silent as possible, Cera and co. followed at a distance, just behind Littlefoot. Over the hills and through the tall trees the followed him, until they came to the Secret Caverns.
Littlefoot looked about to make sure he wasn’t being watched, before heading to enter the cave. He stopped as he heard the stomp of clawed feet from within the cave. He backed from the entrance as he saw the head of Redback emerge to greet him.

“Ah Littlefoot, excellent, you’re here.”

“Hiya Redback.” Littlefoot replied as he smiled. It was a pleasant surprise to be greeted on the door like this.

“Say…ah... Littlefoot, whadaya say to something a little different tonight?” Redback asked, looking around the Valley.

“Like what?” asked the longneck. Where could this be going?

“Well, “Redback replied “How about tonight, we forget about the Brotherhood for the and just hang out together as pals. Sound good?”

Littlefoot smiled “Sure! With the others too, or just the two of us?”

“Ehh, leave them. I might be their leader, but they can take care of themselves for a night.”

He needed no second bidding. Littlefoot enjoyed hanging around with the Blackweed Brotherhood, certainly. But it was Redback who he seemed to gravitate towards the most. There was something about him that just oozed a paradoxical mix of adventure, and yet, also security.

So Littlefoot agreed, and the pair walked away from the caves “We’ll have to be careful, but if we find the right places, we should have a great time!” Redback said, glad that Littlefoot had agreed.
The longneck smiled as he and his large friend headed around the cave entrance and off for a walk.

Not far behind, Cera and her friends followed in silent pursuit.

As they walked, Redback looked up into the sky. He gazed at the moon, as it glowed with a silvery white light, illuminating the Valley below, bathing it in a pale light.
“Beautiful” He whispered under his breath.

“You say something?”

Redback jumped slightly as he heard Littlefoot’s voice “Oh err…I was just talking g about the sky tonight. It’s so clear.”

“Don’t you get clear sky in the Beyond?” Littlefoot asked

“Not the parts I’ve been to. The Smokey Mountains make it cloudy and smokey all night. You might get a clear-ish day or night, but nothin’ like this.”
Littlefoot smiled gently as he looked up at Redback. It was strange to see such a large, potentially brutal creature, here commenting on how beautiful something was! He thought to himself, there must be so much more to him that at first appears.

“Yeah, it is pretty here at night.” Littlefoot said, for lack of anything better to say.
The pair walked together, heading to the ridge. The view was always spectacular up there and on a night like tonight, what better place to sit and watch the world pass by?

“I wonder if your friends would think so too.”

He was taken off guard by this comment. Littlefoot looked up to his friend, asking “Friends? You mean Cera and Ducky and the rest?”

“Sure” Redback responded offhandedly “Didn’t you notice? They’ve been following us since we left the caverns. Don’t look back, just pretend you don’t know.”

Littlefoot was shocked. “Why are they following us?”

“Heck if I know. Climb aboard and we’ll give them the slip.”
Redback stopped and lowered his neck. Littlefoot was unsure “What’s your idea?” he asked as he clambered up onto the sharptooth’s neck.

Redback simply grinned “Hey, I might be big, but I’m faster than I look.”
Littlefoot gulped and held on tight. Redback reared sharply and galloped into the night. He wasn’t kidding, Littlefoot thought. He really was fast! The longneck’s eyes watered as the rushing cold air bit at him. His paws felt as if they were glued to Redback’s skin. The pair sprinted along the base of the ridge, until a slope appeared.

“Up we go!” Redback called to Littlefoot as he veered up the pathway that led to the ridge. He skidded to a halt as they reached a ridge.

“Alright, you can let go now.”

Littlefoot slid off of Redback’s neck, stunned by the sudden adrenaline rush. Once you get over the initial shock, he thought, that was kinda fun!
The pair sat down upon the ridge, Redback’s legs and Littlefoot’s forepaws hanging over the ledge. Not a word passed between them as they gazed out at the peerless vista that lay before them.

“Hey Redback?” Littlefoot suddenly spoke up “Would you like to live here? In the Valley?”

Redback lifted his head, the blackweeds rustling as he moved “….You mean…forever?”

Littlefoot nodded “Well, maybe not that long, but I mean, for life.”

Redback mulled over this in silence for a moment. Littlefoot rested his head on the ground, as suddenly, the muse took him over and he began to sing:

“These days have been like a journey on a road that's within
My head said to be careful, but my heart threw me in
So I go
And now here we sit, you know.”

Redback turned to his friend and smiled, and sang a verse in response;

“The life I had beforehand
Wasn’t really filled with ease
But I’ve found my paradise in these grasses and the trees
So I stay
Livin’ peaceful is my new way”

Time stands still in the Valley at night
Time stands still in the darkness
There's no point in a fuss and a fight
As we look over the land
And I'd be satisfied just to be not denied
To reside with some pride
By your side
In the Valley, the Valley tonight

As they sat together, Redback sang in his head, words he longed to say. But his nerve failed him
You shone like a star as you entered my life
In the shine of that star, I saw the end of my strife
Now I know,
The Plan will have to go.

“If I can find a way to show
 that he’s not like the rest
Explain things to the others
And this friendship will be bless’d”
Sang Littlefoot

“From this night,
All the Wrongs will become Right.”

Time stands still in the Valley tonight
Time stands still in the Moonlight
There's no time for a fuss or a fight
As we survey the land
And we'd be satisfied just to be not denied
To reside with some pride
Side by side
In the Valley, the Valley tonight.”

Cera stomped back towards her sleeping stop, in a spectacularly foul mood. Just when they were about to get in hearing range of Littlefoot and Redback, they zoom off for some reason! She had tried her best, but there was no keeping up with them! That Redback could give Ruby a run for her treestars!
The others had all headed home, demoralized and disappointed, but none moreso than Cera. She was still no closer in figuring out this Blackweed Brotherhood.
She froze as she heard a voice not too far away. Standing perfectly still, her ears pricked up to listen. Rheddo’s rough voice and Celya’s thin, reedy voice floated upon the night air to her.

Sneaking towards the voices, she spotted the pair sitting in a rocky copse, along with Tero, who paced back and forth.

“Ah forget it, Tero.” Celya said, “Looks like Red’s not gonna show. He’s probably still off with that longneck kid.”

“Sheesh, he’s really taken a shine to that squirt.” Rheddo scoffed, before his voice became serious “You think we can rely on him for the plan?”
Tero shook his head, his pacing stopping.

“Well, it don’t matter anyways. If they don’t go along with us, they’ll get what’s comin’ to them, like everyone else.” Rheddo said, with a malicious grin.

Celya stood up “Speaking of which, we’d better make sure we know just how we’re gonna do this.”
Tero cleared a patch of dirt, patting it flat, and then with a claw he scratched a loose depiction of the Valley from a flyer’s-eye view. Celya and Rheddo gathered around the image and began their discussion.

Cera could only listen in horror as their plan unfolded.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Oh, it's getting more exciting now! Looks like now we're gonna have some lies, deciet and backstabbing! Can't wait!

Good to see that at least one of the Blackweeds is still good.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ha! I KNEW they were up to no good! Like, vonboy, I can't wait for some lying, cheating, and backstabbbing! Woohoo! I'm also liking Redback more and more as this goes on, he seems honest, or maybe that's just his coverup...hmm...

Can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder what their plan is...


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Wow, great start there. XD :DD

NOW I understand why you chose Redback over the other two to RP. XD Redback is the good one of the group, it seems. :) I was like... there's gotta be a reason he's leaving the other two out for now... but yes, it's becoming a bit more clear. XD

Well this was a good chapter, and I like the length of your chapters as well. They have enough to keep it interesting and not seem too short, yet don't drag on forever either with multiple events and happenings. :)

(runner up)
(runner up)

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Whoa! Nice twist!

Somehow, I knew that Blackweed Brotherhood wasn't good news,

Now the question remains: did the the entire fraternity plan this out from the start? Or Celya and Rheddo strike off from their leader?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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LOL, I'm surprised Justin! You of all people should recognise a description of a gigantic, black-skinned monster that breathes blue fire!
Let me take the moment to facepalm  :slap  It hit me when I read the description again.
On to the review. I figured Redback was nice, although the others did raise my suspicions. I'm eager to hear their plan.


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Quote from: Pterano,Jul 18 2011 on  09:17 PM
NOW I understand why you chose Redback over the other two to RP. XD Redback is the good one of the group, it seems. :) I was like... there's gotta be a reason he's leaving the other two out for now... but yes, it's becoming a bit more clear. XD

Well, yes, that is one reason, but also because Redback and Tero are most like myself. I explain it a bit better in my post in the "dinosonas" thread.