The Gang of Five
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The Mystery of the Blackweeds


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Yep, just took a look at those, Allicloud. I get it now. :yes Glad you brought them in, all the same. The RP is certainly going well I think. :DD

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Quote from: Pterano,Jul 20 2011 on  05:49 PM
Yep, just took a look at those, Allicloud. I get it now. :yes Glad you brought them in, all the same. The RP is certainly going well I think. :DD
Yeah. In fact, now that I'm a scaly, Redback's pretty much become my...whatever the scaly equivalent of a fursona is. Anywho:


Where am I?

This was what instantly entered Littlefoot's mind. He found himself in a vast, green plain; with endless stretches of grass as far as the eye could see. A gentle breeze made the grass sway and dance, and caused the black grass hanging around his neck to flutter playfully around his snout.

He smiled to himself. What a peaceful place. It was as if he was the only person in this world. Just him, and the infinite plains of green grass.

As he wandered through this vast world, he spotted in the distance a faint figure. As he ran to get a closer look, the figure became clearer, and he saw that it was Redback. But he looked different; His trademark hanging blackweeds had vanished, and there were no dark circles around his eyes. He looked strangely naked without his blackweeds, Littlefoot thought to himself, but he still held his strange aura of combined adventure and security.

He smiled at Redback, and the sharptooth smiled back at him. It was a strange smile he had never seen the Redback make before; perfectly gentle and kind.
Not a word passed between the young dinosaurs. They just stood together, in this strange, peaceful world, gazing at eachother. As they stood, a sudden gust of wind blew, and sent Littlefoot's blackweeds flying off, into the sky.
Littlefoot made to chase after it, but was stopped by Redback's hand. Confused, the longneck looked up to his large friend, who shook his head, the smile never leaving his mouth.
"You won't want those anymore" The sharptooth said calmly.
He made to push past Redback's hand, but was pushed back himself, as Redback's other arm jabbed painfully into his side.
"OW! Redback, what are you doing?"

The sharptooth said nothing. Redback's face suddenly fell, his features changing from a calm serene expression, to a visage that almost seemed world-weary or mournful.

Littlefoot then watched in horror as the very flesh began to melt from Redback's face. His skin slewed from his head, revealing red muscle, glistening in the sunlight, which had turned from its sharp yellow shine to a harsh reddish glow.
His eyes grew wide with fright as Redback's face continued to melt and decay before him. His eyes dissolved from their sockets in his skull, which slowly became more and more visible, until all that remained of Redback's head was the skull itself, coloured a lightish brown by the red light that shone round.

Littlefoot tore his eyes from the gruesome sight, and found that all round him was desolation and ruin. Great shafts of rock sprouted from the ground before his eyes, and the green grass turned to a sea of flames. Balls of fire rained from the crimson sky, adding to the inferno all around him.

He felt another sharp jab to his side, as he turned to face Redback's face, or what remained of it.
The skull leered close to him, the mouth hissing with breath, carrying the rancid smell of decay. As Littlefoot's eyes moved upwards, he glimpsed behind Redback, a strange, thin shadow of some indistinguishable creature. The shade stared back at him with a pair of huge, green eyes, harsh, unblinking...


His eyes snapped open. He gazed about and saw that he was in a small clearing, surrounded by trees. The sun was just peeking out from behind the mountains. He was back in the Valley, though it was not his usual sleeping spot.
He saw a small figure approaching him from the trees. Hastily wiping away the sleep-sand, mixed with tears swimming from his eyes, he was relieved to see it was Cera.

"Hmmph! So this is where you are!" She called as she neared him.

"Oh, *Yawn* Hi Cera... What are you doing up so early?"
He made to get up, and felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking over, he saw that just by his side, there lay a tiny pointy-seed, barely bigger than one of his toes.
He sighed. That must have been what that weird poking in my side was in that dream, he thought. He shuddered for a moment as he remembered the horrific images he had just seen.

"Looking for you, Littlefoot! What the heck are you doing out here? You're on the other side of the Valley from your sleeping place!"
Littlefoot looked around at the clearing he was in. It certainly wasn't his sleeping place.
"I guess...after I said goodnight to Redback, I made my way back to my usual sleeping place, and fell asleep before I got there..." He said, half to himself.
"Redback!" Cera cried in a voice that made Littlefoot jump. She'd nearly forgotten what she had meant to say to Littlefoot in the first place "Littlefoot, I need to talk to you about those Blackweed guys, it's important!..."
"Can it wait?" Littlefoot interrupted. "I need to make sure my grandparents aren't worried."
Littlefoot trotted off towards the other side of the Valley. Cera groaned and followed as best as she could. Always rushing about, she thought. Why couldn't he just wait and hear what she has to say? There wouldn't be much time soon!
"Oh Littlefoot! There you are!"
Grandma Longneck Lowered her head to embrace her grandson as he returned to their sleeping spot.
"Where have you been?!" The old longneck asked, relieved that he was alright.
Littlefoot hesitated for a second, thinking up a convincing story "I, er, think I was sleepwalking. I just woke up and I was over near the Tall Trees."
Cera caught on "Yeah, he was walking around in his sleep. I was getting a drink and I saw him, so I followed him. You know, to make sure he didn't get into trouble or anything. Then he woke up, and he had no idea what was going on."
Grandma Longneck smiled "Well, thank you Cera. Sleepwalking can be quite dangerous sometimes. You did the right thing."
Cera smiled proudly.
"So, can we go and play now?" Littlefoot asked.
The old longneck nodded with a smile, and the two young dinosaurs ran off together.

Once they were out of sight and earshot of Grandma Longneck, Cera skidded to a halt and headed towards a nearby copse of rocks, with a covering of small trees. Confused and intrigued, Littlefoot followed her in.
"Now what did you want to say?" Littlefoot asked as he joined Cera in the copse.
Cera’s face became serious “Littlefoot, we need to talk. Last night, when you went to see Redback during the night…”
“You followed us.”

Cera was surprised “H-how did you know?”

Littlefoot frowned “Redback spotted you. That’s why we ran.” There was a slight hint of contempt in his voice.

“Oh” Cera was hesitant to continue. It was obvious Littlefoot was not impressed, “Well, after you and Redback gave us the slip…”

“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d trust someone new, sometimes.” Littlefoot interrupted again.

He turned to face Cera, who wore an expression of pure shock.

“Well think about it.” Littlefoot explained “How often have we met a new person, and have you not trust them?”
“But Littlefoot, this is different…”
“Remember Mo? The moment you met him, you started interrogating him about where he was from!”


The words hit Littlefoot like a slap to the face. Right out of nowhere.


“You heard me!” Cera cried, suddenly very serious “It was their plan all along!”
Littlefoot sat down as his knees gave way. The sheer shock had taken all feeling from them.

Cera became slightly calmer, and continued “As I was saying, after you and Redback gave us the slip, I was heading back to my sleeping place, when I heard voices. Naturally I was curious, so I went to get a listen. It was those other three Blackweeds, Celya, Rheddo and Tero.”
Littlefoot could only nod. He was speechless.
“So, I listen, and they’re talking about some big plan…”

The scene was clear as water as she recounted what she had overheard:

“So, we’re gonna go through with this then?” Celya asked.
Rheddo nodded “Of course! We’ve come this far, why’d we back out now?”
“Well, Redback… Shouldn’t he be here, if we’re gonna plan this now?” Celya muttered.
“Ehh, he’s grown soft. It’s that longneck kid.” Rheddo explained “He’s grown really close to him. Dunno why though, he’s no different from the other kids he’s done in before, every time we do this. It was his big idea, anyways.”

They both looked to Tero, who stood by their scratched plan of the Valley. Mute as ever, he simply drew a claw across his throat.

“Right.” Celya nodded “If he’s not goin’ with the plan, he goes down with them. So, for starters, we burn the forest.”
“There’s a firepit pretty close to the Tall Trees. We can set some big branches on fire there, and carry them to the Trees, and let them do the work.” Rheddo added.
Tero held a wing to the air and stood still for a moment. He then nodded as something became clear to him, as he knelt by the plan and pointed to a small patch of trees, near to a dense forest.

“So if’n we set the fire there, the wind will carry it over to the other trees.” Rheddo interpreted. “Then we’ll make our getaway into a cave here” He pointed to a spot near the trees on the map. “I can remember the way round those caves from when that tiny sharptooth showed me round ëem.”
Celya nodded “Then what, Tero?”

Tero etched a line in the dirt, from the entrance of a cave on the map, towards a point across the fast-water in another large grove of trees. He tapped the point, then tapped the point in the previous trees.

“We do the same there. Right. There’s bound to be another firepit round there. If not, we’ll just carry some other burning branches from the other place.”
A toothy grin erupted on Rheddo’s face “Right. Celya, yer the fast one. You and Tero take care of the fires. I’ll deal with the grand finale...”

Tero drew their attention to a point along the Great Wall. With a single claw, he dashed a gap in the line.

“Yeah, we break open that wall of theirs! It’ll be around midday by then, there’ll be dozens of sharpteeth wandering around outside, lookin’ for some lunch. They won’t be able to resist.”
Celya licked her lips “I might just join them, you know. Indulge myself.”
The sinister planning session continued, with points marked off all over the Valley. Through their number and speed, as well as knowledge of the Valley’s layout, it would be a cinch. A fire here, a rockslide there. Heck, maybe they’ll even get lucky and get an earthshake at the same time! All the while, the sharpteeth from outside would be wreaking havoc among the dinosaurs. The whole Great Valley would fall apart.

“If all goes to plan, the Valley will be in total chaos by the evening!” Rheddo chuckled. He looked to Tero, to see what he thought.

He leaned over the map of the Great Valley, and with one clawed hand, wiped it clean from the dirt. The blank, emotionless visage of the flyer changed, if just for a moment, to a tight smile of malicious joy. Rheddo shuddered at the sight.
“Ooh! Don’t do that Tero! It creeps me out!”

The trio stood back as they looked into eachother’s eyes. Joking aside, determination was set in the visages of all present.
“So, we meet at the firepits by the Tall Trees tomorrow. If Redback’s not there, he’s a dead sharptooth. Then it begins.”

“…And then they just headed back to the caves!”

Cera stamped on the ground in fury “I knew there was something about those Blackweeds I don’t like!”
“I…I trusted them…”
“They used you, Littlefoot!” Cera countered “They used all of us!”
“Not Redback though!” LIttlefoot cried “He’s different!”
“He’s their leader! I bet it’s what they do!” Cera shouted back, emotions running high “They get a bunch of leafeaters to trust them and take them back to their home. They get to know the area, then they turn on them!”
“No, that can’t be it…!”
“WAKE UP LITTLEFOOT!” Cera screamed. “Redback’s no different! He might be backing out on this whole plan of theirs, but it was his idea from the start! He’s no friend, he's nobody's friend!”


Littlefoot stood up, stamping towards the threehorn until they were snout to horn. “YOU LISTEN TO ME CERA! Redback is different! He and I are friends! He’d never turn on us! Can’t you see that?!...He might be a sharptooth, but he’s like a brother to me…maybe even more than that…”
Littlefoot breathed heavy as he finished his tirade. Try as he did, he could not hide his feelings, as his eyes began to swim with tears. He bowed his head as he slumped back down on the ground, a particularly large, fat tear breaking and dropping to the earth with a gentle plip.

Cera was shocked. Despite everything Littlefoot had been through in his life, he was not one to let his emotions get the better of him. He'd get emotional, just like anyone, but to break down and cry? He had not done that in a very long time. She gently reached out a paw to comfort him. “Littlefoot…”

But Littlefoot knocked her paw away. He got up and headed towards the path through the trees. As he left, he turned to face Cera one more time.
“You never change.” He said in a low voice, hitting harder than any shout. With that, he left Cera alone in the grove.

She shook her head sadly. He really does like Redback, she thought to herself. He loves him like a brother, maybe more, he had said. Even if Redback had changed, she’d heard the other Blackweeds; he’s good as dead!

She stood up. Her mind was racing, what to do?!

Tell one of the grownups? No, that would lead to too many awkward questions, they’d take too long. Plus, she admitted to herself with a grin, she’d much prefer to get rid of those Blackweeds herself. She headed in the direction of Ducky’s home. She’d have to gather the others. If they could get to the firepits and stop the Blackweeds themselves, so much would be avoided.

If not, the Valley might be doomed.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Oh, wow, high octane battle ahoy!

There was one instance where you used "d" where you should have used a "s" for a contraction.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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This just keeps getting better! So the Blackweeds were bad from the beginning. Now they're planning to destroy the Great Valley!   :o


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, this is sounding like it'll be epic! THIS is why I wanted to wait on that review. I had no idea where the story would be headed, and now I do :)!

It does make me wonder though how Tero fits in this whole mess. IT appears on the surface that he's really into it. Is he going along with the plan, or is that just his cover as well? I know you use him along with Redback in those RP, so I'm GUESSING that means that deep down Tero is good. That's just a hunch though.

Was that one sentence that ended with Can’t you see that?!...He might be a sharptooth, but he’s like a brother to me…maybe even more than that…” was that going to end with the other sharptooth, Chomper? Hmm, quite interesting that Littlefoot sees Redback in THAT good of light. That just spoke to me powerfully, because in my mind Chomper and Littlefoot ARE brothers. How much more close is Littlefoot and Redback?

Anyway, you've got me excited now! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I smell an epic battle acomin'. Woohoo! *Rubs hands together*

Frigg, this is just great, who knew this story would turn out to be this epic. Can't wait to see what happens and if the Gang can really stop them. I'm not too hopeful, but I hope they can at least make a dent in the Blackweed's plan, or at least delay them from trying to destory the Valley. On the other hand, maybe the Blackweeds'll suceed and at the last moment before everything goes down in ruins and the Great Valley is no more, they'll come riding in at the last moment and stop them. Also, I really hope Redback will backstab the Brotherhood and stop them. Eh, I could be wrong, but I'm kinda getting the the feeling that's what's going to happen. Or, maybe the Great Valley really will fall. But, considering this is the LBT universe, that probably won't happen. Also, I really like the relationship between Littlefoot and Redback. So cute. :^.^:

Cannot wait for the next chapter. I swear if you don't get it up soon I will die of suspense and then my ghost will come back to haunt you and then kill you. So, please get it up soon! :)


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[Important note: Sorry readers, but I'll be away for a week from Tuesday, so you'll have to wait a while for the next chapter. But fear not! The story hasn't been abandoned.]


Tears coursed through Littlefoot’s eyes as he ran. They blurred his vision as he sprinted through the Valley, not speaking to anyone, not even acknowledging anyone as he ran. The pure emotion coursing through his whole body kept him going.

What Cera had said to him bit deeply. He did not want to believe the Blackweeds were evil. He refused to believe her words about their plan. The mix of sadness and fury kept him running.

But his body couldn’t keep it up anymore. His limbs ached from the strain, and his breath was coming in ragged gasps. As he slowed down, he stumbled against a rock on the ground, sending him collapsing into a heap on the ground.
He laid there, spreadeagled on the grassy floor, his face drenched from tears. As the feeling returned to his limbs, he curled up on the ground, bringing his head closer to his body, coiling his tail around himself, eyes covered by his forepaws. His body twitched as the sadness overtook him and a fresh flow of tears began. A pitiful figure, tiny and alone.


He raised his head, sniffling, as he heard his name called by a voice nearby. He looked up into the eyes of his old grandfather. The old longneck lowered his head to the ground, and gazed at his son, his face an expression of surprise and pity.

“What the matter?” He asked.

Littlefoot sniffled again, rubbing his reddened eyes gently “Oh…hi Grandpa.”

“What happened Littlefoot? Why were you crying?”
“Don’t worry about it…”
“Did someone hurt you?”

Littlefoot paused for a moment. Truth be told, someone did hurt him. Possibly several people, depending on what was true.

“H-hey Grandpa? Can I ask you something?” He looked up to his old grandfather.

He smiled in reply and nodded.

“You know how you and Grandma taught me the Wisdoms?”
“What about them?” Grandpa asked.
“Well, I need some more advice. Something the Wisdoms don't really cover..."

Grandpa nodded “What would you like to know?”

“Well, I’m always being told by people about when to trust my mind and my logic, and when to trust my instincts. But right now, I’m not so sure…”

“What’s on your mind?” asked the old longneck as he sat down by his grandson.

Littlefoot gulped, his emotions calming down “Well, I have this friend… He’s, sort of…unusual. I really like him, but the others don’t really trust him.”

“Why wouldn’t they trust him?” Grandpa asked, his suspicions beginning to grow.
“Well… He’s… Not really one of us. I just dunno what to think.” Littlefoot mused, glad he had someone he could talk to “They told me that I shouldn’t be friends with him, but we get along well, and he seems really nice.”

Littlefoot looked down, surprised on his own musings “Deep down inside, I know he’s good, though… I’m just mixed up is all.”

As he finished, Grandpa Longneck raised his head, closing his eyes in thought. It had been a long time since he had had to give advice on such an issue.

“Hmm. You know, Littlefoot, I’ve heard such a story before.”

The young longneck raised his head, his curiosity aroused “Really?...What happened?”

The old longneck smiled as he remembered the story, clear as day “Well, a young longneck came to me, with the very same problem. She had a friend whom she loved greatly, but her friends didn’t like him. They thought he was a troublemaker.
But when she came to me for advice, I told her that she shouldn’t  let what other people think get in the way of friendship. If a dinosaur loves something or someone, then nobody else has the right to take that away from them. If it leads them to happiness, a person should always follow their heart.”

“Wow…” Littlefoot was greatly moved by the story. “ So, what happened to the longneck girl?”

“Well, she took my advice, and followed her heart. She and her friend grew closer and closer, falling more and more in love, until they became adults, and became husband and wife. They lived a good life together, eventually having an egg, which hatched to become you.”

It took a moment for his words to register with Littlefoot. As realisation dawned on his face, his eyes widened. “You mean…that longneck girl was…”

“Your mother…yes. When she first met your father Bron, he was a regular rebel. But she loved him just the same. After he left to find a new home for our family, she’d tell me, not a day had passed where she regretted her decision.” Grandpa related, his eyes becoming misty from rumination. He blinked back a slight tear at the memory of his fallen daughter and turned his gaze back to his grandson “Do you understand, Littlefoot?”

The young longneck mulled over what he had learnt in his mind. He smiled as he pictured his father as a rebellious youth, getting into trouble with the elders, not unlike himself. But he took his grandfather’s words to heart.  Whatever his friends said about Redback, he knew that he was a good creature. Maybe the other Blackweeds were malicious and cruel, and what Cera said was partially true, but he knew Redback was different. He saw it every time he looked into those big, crimson eyes. They betrayed a desire for home, for friendship. For love.

“Yeah, thanks Grandpa.” Littlefoot said, standing up. He wiped any trace of tears from his eyes and took a deep breath. He nodded to his grandfather as he made to leave. But his voice rang out with one more question.

“One moment Littlefoot? Before you go, I must ask you. This friend of yours; when you say that he’s ënot really one of us’, what do you mean by that? Just what, exactly, is he like?”

He gulped as he heard this question. He turned around to face his grandfather, who wore a mixed expression of curiosity and stern paternal command. He faltered under his gaze, scuffing the dirt guiltily. No way out of it, he thought. I might as well tell him.

“Well…erm… He’s…Well, he’s a…”

He was suddenly cut off by an ear-piercing scream, somewhere off near the Tall Trees. Littlefoot’s face grew pale with realisation. Cera had mentioned the Tall Trees in the Blackweed’s plan…
“What on earth was…” Grandpa made to ask, before an odour on the air caught his attention.

He sniffed the breeze, and his eyes grew wide in horror “Oh no…I can smell something burning. Littlefoot, hurry back to our sleeping spot, tell Grandma! I’m going to take a look into this.”

The old longneck got up and hurried in the direction of the scream, his footsteps shaking the earth.
Littlefoot got up and hurried back towards the grove where he stayed, when a thought took him. What if the Blackweeds were really behind this?! He had to know!

Turning around, he sprinted as fast as he could, through the dense grasses and bushes. He knew another route to the Tall trees that would get him there without Grandpa seeing him. It was also faster for someone of his size.
He ran with all his might, the smell of burning wood growing stronger with every bound. As he cleared the bushes nearing the Trees, he saw a sight that made his stomach turn upside down.

There, lying before him, were the still forms of Cera, Ducky and Chomper. The threehorn girl lay on her side, her horns tipped with dried blood, her side bleeding from a massive gash. Ducky lay by her side, equally scratched and battered. Chomper lay spread-eagled a few feet away, his claws and teeth covered in blood, his left eye blackened, and patches of skin torn from his tail.
Tears welling in his eyes, Littlefoot approached the still forms of his dear friends. Resting his head on Cera’s chest, the tears fell as he envisioned the scene in his mind. Cera must have attempted to stop the Brotherhood herself, perhaps with some help from the others. They might have put up a good fight, but they were up against a fast runner, a belly dragger, and a flyer, all half-grown, and no doubt with more fighting experience than all his friends combined. The others must have either followed them, or fled.

He opened his eyes as he felt his head move up. Just a tiny movement, but big enough to notice. He felt it again, and his heart leapt. They were alive!
He withdrew his head and watched as he saw Cera’s body expand slightly, as her lungs worked feebly. She wasn’t dead after all, but she was certainly unconscious. He gazed with relief as he saw signs of life in the others.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow move through the smoke, now emanating from the trees in great billows. He looked around, and saw a large group of the elders hurrying towards the forest, Grandpa and Grandma leading, side by side with the Threehorns and Mama Flyer.
He left his friends’ side, knowing that the grownups would find them quickly, and ran in the direction he saw the shadowed figure go. He followed along the outskirts of the Trees, when he saw the figure again, clearer now, apparently carrying something in their arms. Something glowing.

He skidded to a halt as he watched Celya and Tero emerging from the trees, each carrying a burning branch in their claws. Littlefoot watched from behind a bush, terrified, as he saw them touching the flames to the nearby bushes and the low foliage of the trees, which instantly caught alight. Littlefoot noted that both seemed to have their fair share of injuries and wounds, including scratches across the eyes and body, even a few puncture marks, no doubt from Cera’s horns. Tero also had a slight hint of bite marks around his chest. Chomper’s teeth in action.
“Alright, Tero. I got things here. You go get started on the other spot.” Celya said, giggling to herself as she tossed the burning branch into the Trees, setting the grass and brush alight, sending pillars of smoke into the air.

Tero nodded and dropped his branch for a moment, then clamping onto it with his footclaws. He made to take off, when he heard a coughing noise from the undergrowth. He turned his emerald gaze on the bush and parted the leaves, revealing Littlefoot.

“Oh, hey kid!” Celya called, waving chirpily “Glad to see you’re still around. We could do with a snack after we’re done here.”

With that, she returned into the foliage of the Tall Trees, while Tero took one more look at Littlefoot, before taking to the sky, his burning branch in his claws.

Littlefoot could not believe what he had seen. Cera had been right. Everything she had said was true. The Blackweeds really did intend to destroy the Great Valley.
His shock turned to shame as he remembered his outburst at Cera. He had let his emotions get in the way, and now he was paying the price.

Littlefoot then heard the shocked cries of the grownups nearby. Certainly a combination of seeing the Tall Trees in flame, and seeing their children injured and unconscious. He hurried away from the forest, desperate to do something. But Celya was back inside the forest, and Tero was on his way to the other trees already. He’d never be able to catch them.

A sudden rumble came from nearby, as the ground shook underfoot. Too small to be an earthshake, it must be a landslide, Littlefoot thought.

He hurried in the direction of the rumble and before long, he was at the base of a great heap of stone and rubble. His stomach churned again as he saw the tiny, twitching form of an arm, broken and bleeding, poking out from beneath the rubble.

Another strange noise flowed to Littlefoot’s ears. Above the screams of shock and terror now coming form al over the Valley, he heard a muffled sound nearby. A voice, not quite broken, gentle and sad.

He followed the sound, away from the grisly landslide, to a rocky copse, halfway up the Great Wall. As it came into view, he saw the hunched figure of Redback, sitting on the ground. Weeping.

Littlefoot approached, not sure what may be going on “Erm…R-Redback?”

The sailbacked sharptooth raised his head to look at Littlefoot.  The once majestic and fierce-looking leader of the Brotherhood now looked pitiful. The tears streaming from his eyes mingled with the inky black paint around his eyes, staining his cheeks with black streaks. His eyes were reddened from crying, and his snout and cheeks bore scratch marks.

“Oh, Littlefoot…” Redback said, his voice cracked with grief “I’m so sorry…Really…So, so sorry…”

A fresh deluge of tears  overcame Redback, who buried his head in his arms. Set against the backdrop of the Great Valley, now with fires springing up all over the place, smoke billowing into the air, it was one of the most moving, and most pathetic things Littlefoot had ever seen.

He moved to stand by Redback, and put a reassuring paw on his shoulder. He could feel his body quivering, twitching with each sob.
“Why this? Redback, Why are they destroying the Valley?...Why?”

The sharptooth returned his teary-eyed gaze to Littlefoot. He paused, before suddenly crying  “Because it was my idea, Littlefoot! I’m responsible for this!”

Littlefoot was stunned. His eyes grew wide as he looked at his large friend. “What…do you mean?”


  • Cera
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Wow what a very dark and good chapter here. I really enjoyed this chapter a lot. It's great and you did a great job with it. I liked how you added a flash back to the chapter. It was a very good and a nice addition to the chapter. I shall look forward to your next chapter in a week or so.


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Ah yes, I'm REALLY liking the direction this story is going in. If I didn't know better, I'd say you peeked at my RP notes that I have, but I know you didn't. XD I have something sort of similar to this planned, but you'll see. :) Nice, dark chapter, and Redback seems terribly distraught by what's occurred. Heh... that Celya line... pretty brutal. :p But I liked it too. She makes a good villain. :DD Well done on this so far. :)

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  • Cera
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I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I hope you can find WiFi in your place you're going. So you can update your next chapter.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I think even if he finds internet, he won't update it, as I'm guessing it takes a good several hours to write a chapter, and he'll probably be too busy on his trip.

Anyway, LOVED this chapter! This whole thing is going downhill, but in a good way. I guessed the Gang would try to stop them, but I didn't guess taht they'd be almost killed. Nice touch there, as that was something I wasn't expecting. This chapter is a lot more violent and dark than previous chapters, kind of like the climax to Pterano's story.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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This story has been playing like a movie in my head since the beginning, and it's getting so good! This chapter by far has to be the most shocking! I'm so worried about Cera, Ducky, and Chomper! And what's happening to the Valley? I'm sitting on the edge of my seat! I will wait as patiently as I can for the next chapter.


  • Cera
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I know but it would nice if he did. And yeah this was a epic chapter. I can't wait till he makes the next one.


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LOL, glad to see everyone's liking things so far. I managed to find the local library, which has free internet access. But Vonboy's right. On a very good day, it takes me a whole day to finish a chapter.... I'm very easily distracted, heh.
But yeah, glad to see so many favourable reviews. It helps makes this trip to the most remote part of the British Isles a little more bearable.

Also, I'm not sure what place I've come at this time, but I'm proud to announce that this fic has won a GoF Fanfiction Award! Thanks to everyone who reviewed it!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I don't think we're having places in the fanfiction awards, as it's being run differently than the member awards. We aren't competing with each other, but instead critiquing each other's work. Everyone who entered the contest will get a personalized award image with the name of their fanfiction on it.

And about the violence, ooh, I completely forgot about Littlefoot's messed up dream from the chapter before this one.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Cera
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Redback lowered his head in shame. Nowhere to hide now. His voice quavered as he fought back the tears.

"I mean exactly what I said. This whole th-thing... The Blackweed B-Brotherhood, the fires, the rockslides... I devised it all..."

Littlefoot was once again frozen with shock.

"You see, Littlefoot... I haven't exactly been honest with y-you about the Brotherhood..."

He sniffed and turned to face the Valley, hanging his legs over the side of the cliff, watching the harsh glow of the fires springing up everywhere.

"Truth is, we're all just a big fraud. Sharpteeth don't fear our name...they don't even know it..."

Littlefoot ventured closer "B-but...All those stories you told... The fast biter pack... The Black Mountain Monster..."

"All lies!" Redback cried "We made them all up. We never fought off a herd of fast-biters, no-one could! The Blackweeds aren’t some sort of warrior clan, or a secret society or anything… We’re nothin’ but a gang of bored teenagers."

"…But why?" Littlefoot asked "Why'd you tell us all these stories? Were you just trying to impress us?"

The sharptooth nodded "Pretty much... We…We wanted to impress you guys so you'd trust us... It was all part of our plan..."

He buried his head in his claws once more. Littlefoot was unsure how to react. Had Redback ever been honest with him? Was he even being honest right now? He sat down at his side, the heat from the blaze below warming his face.

"What plan?"

Redback raised his head again, took a deep intake of breath and turned to face Littlefoot. The longneck gulped at the expression in his eyes.

"Our plan, the Blackweed's plan, right from the start. We wanted to get inside the Great Valley, get close to the inhabitants... It's the same every time.
We find someone in the area willing to trust us, to take us in. We use them to get to know the area better, and then..."

He gulped, tears welling in his eyes, before continuing.

"...And then, we destroy the place!"

The tears overflowed in the sharptooth's eyes, as Littlefoot looked on in horror. Had he been used this whole time?

"D-destroy the place?... But why?" Littlefoot asked fearfully "What do you get out of destroying these places?"


The longneck's stomach overturned, as he blanched in horror. "...Fun?"

Redback nodded "Yep... It's just a pastime for us..." He turned his head in shame. He could never face Littlefoot again "Pretty sickening, huh?"

A brief moment of silence passed between the pair, save for the screams and roars from below them, and the crackling of burning trees and the rumble of rockslides.

"How can you...?" Littlefoot ventured, but was cut off by Redback.

"Well, I don’t!…A-at least, not anymore... I-I guess I let the other pressure me into going through with it.”

"They pressure you?!" Littlefoot was forced to grin slightly at the thought of this. Redback was the biggest of the Blackweed Brotherhood! He’s the leader! How could the others pressure him?!

But Redback was serious "Yep...Especially Tero. He scares me... He's the only one of them who doesn't seem to enjoy...this." He waved a clawed hand over the view of the Valley.

"But he still does it. It's not like he's pressured to or anything, he doesn’t find it fun, he doesn’t even show any emotion. He just sort of… does it, for the sake of doing it... Of all the creatures in all the places I’ve been, nobody scared me more than him. He’s just never been the same since his accident with the fast-biter.”

"But I thought you said..."

"No" Redback replied "No, that part was true. He really did lose his leg and his voice to a fast biter. But we never finished it off, we never even fought it! We just picked him up and ran... Like we always do.
Hrrmmm... I've seen terrible things done by this plan... And done them myself, too..."

He shuddered as his memory cast back to the last few times he had initiated this plan. Smiling as he and his Brotherhood burned down forests and plains. Cheering as he watched rockslides consume homes, and their inhabitants.

Laughing as he squeezed the life out of a young longneck, not much older than Littlefoot, before throwing her limp, lifeless body into a firepit. Lifeless, or so he had thought. The scream, and the stench of her burning flesh were fresh in his senses, as if happening right before him.

As Redback shrunk back in fear as his crimes and atrocities flashed before his eyes, Littlefoot was becoming more and more afraid of being around Redback. It was like he was a completely different person.

But before he had a chance to move away, Redback a firm hand on Littlefoot's back, pinning him in place. The longneck tried to wriggle out of it, but He froze in fear as Redback lowered his face to his, so that they were almost snout to snout.

"But Littlefoot, trust me when I say this... And this is the honest to the Bright Circle truth... I never wanted this to happen here. And you know why?"

Littlefoot shook his head, too afraid to speak.

"Because you were here."

The words took a moment to sink in for Littlefoot, but when they did, he still did not understand.

"What do you mean? What do I have to do with this all?"

Redback's teary-eyed gaze suddenly broke into a gentle, serene smile "It was you who showed me what it was really like to live here. You showed me these other dinosaurs, living together, sleeping together... A place where different species can live together in peace. After that night when you showed me the Valley, I could never destroy such a place. Before, I’ve never had much of a chance to see how the dinosaurs live in their homes before we destroy it.

"But that's not all... You showed me kindness. You took me in, treated me like a guest in your Valley, treated me well. Truth is, you're the first real friend I've ever had."

Littlefoot was not prepared for what happened next. The hand holding him in his place suddenly pushed him towards Redback, who wrapped his arms around him in a gentle embrace.

"I couldn't stand a world without you, Littlefoot. I couldn't go on with the plan if it meant putting you in harm's way! You mean...too much to me..."


Littlefoot could feel the warmth of Redback's body wrapping him in a caring hug. He could also feel the gigantic sharptooth quivering. This massive monster, shaking like a leaf. He was upset. He was afraid. It was too much to bear.

Tears welling up in his eyes as well, Littlefoot placed a comforting paw on Redback's arm, hugging back as best a quadruped could. Littlefoot had grown equally close to Redback in the time they spent together, regarding him as a friend, a brother... but it was a surprise to find the feeling was mutual.

"But you're their leader. Can't you just...tell them to stop?" Littlefoot asked gently.

Redback shook his head "Not a chance. Once they get started, they'll never stop until they finish the job.
I'm sorry, Littlefoot. So, so sorry. But there's nothing we can do..."

His voice broke into gentle sobbing. Littlefoot felt like crying now as well, but he was all cried out already. He was all out of tears, so he settled for a dry sobbing.

The pair sat there on the ledge, weeping together in eachother's arms, as the Valley burned below them. The fires had spread through much of the Tall Trees, the groves around the fast water, the pools. The only area untouched was the patch of trees near the Thundering Falls, which remained damp and unburnt from the spray.

"Yes there is."

Redback opened his eyes "Pardon?"

"I said there is something we can do." Littlefoot replied, standing up. Determination burned in his eyes as his face became grim and certain. "My friends are still down there.  My family too. I'm not going to abandon them like this. Not while I have strength left."

Littlefoot grasped his blackweeds in his teeth. With a sudden stretch, he tore the grass from his neck in one go. Spitting them to the ground, he headed towards the stone walkway that led from the ridge, back down to the ground. He turned back to Redback.

“C’mon Redback. I’ll need your help if I’m gonna stop this. You know how these guys work. You said yourself, it was your idea. Lead the way… Brother.”

Redback stood up. Even after all this, even after confessing that destroying the Valley was his idea, Littlefoot was still willing to give him a chance! He nodded, a grim smile forming on his face.

“Alright” He said, with a hint of a growl “Climb aboard. It’s time to end this.”
Littlefoot clambered to his usual spot, clinging to Redback’s neck and sitting just before his sail. He held on tight as Redback started walking.

His walking sped up into a trot.

His trot turned into a gallop.

His gallop turned into a sprint.

Suddenly, Redback raised his head, letting forth a massive, fearful roar!


He sped down the ridge, past rockslides, past fires, towards the gap in the Great Wall. Determination in his heart and fury in his veins.

The battle to save the Valley had begun.


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  • Ducky
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Such a short, yet moving chapter  :)
I wonder what Littlefoot's plan is to stop the Brotherhood. And I'm anxious to know what's happening to the dinosaurs of the Great Valley. Sitting in a pool of suspense.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Yeah, this was a really good chapter. It's time for some determination and valley saving, I'd say. :yes Turns out the rest of the brotherhood is pretty horrific, but Redback's changed since his time here. I liked the description of Tero too... how he does this stuff but has no solid reason to do so. Pretty creepy if you ask me.

There were a couple of misspellings and words that were left out, but overall, I didn't see any major issues with this chapter. I rather liked it, and the emotion was good. Loved the ending there where Redback calls him brother. :) Also the symbolic wiping away of the black markings and tearing off of the weeds. The middle was good, as you could really sense the remorse that was raging within Redback, and this story seems to be drawing to a climax of sorts now.

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