The Gang of Five
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The Mystery of the Blackweeds

Allicloud · 76 · 10034


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Not for a while, I'm afraid. My folks are dragging me off on yet another week away! Starting to get a bit annoying, if you ask me.

So, stay tuned, my readers. This has not been abandoned, just delayed.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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This was a great revealing chapter. I didn't think they were just doing this for the fun of it! I was thinking maybe they were doing it for the food (meat). So now, the Blackweed Brotherhood itself is even worse than I thought they were. Though Redback still seems better in my eyes, even though he was the one that set the evil group in motion.

I'm kinda interested in the "Redwrath" that you've been using in a couple of RPs lately, and if and how that is going to play into the story. Hmm, he might even be experiencing it right now :DD.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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[Note, for added dramatic effect, read this chapter while listening to the following:

Triumph or Agony by Rhapsody of Fire



"Hurry! Get everyone away from the trees!!"

"We must head upwind of the fires! That way!"

"Three-boulder Pass has collapsed!"

"Keep away from the opening!! Sharpteeth could come through any second!"

Threehorn and Grandpa Longneck's commanding voices rang out above the cacophony overthrowing the Valley. Standing either end of the opening in the Great Wall, along with Mr. Clubtail, Thicknose and Hyp's father, they shouted out orders to the panicking dinosaurs around them.

"It's not safe here! Get your families together and move it!" Topsy shouted to a nearby herd of Spiketails. They promptly hurried about, gathering whoever they could find, and heading to higher ground.

"Topsy, we need to go, now!"

Tria galloped to Topsy's side, Tricia perched on her neck, with Cera by her side. She had regained consciousness, but was still injured, and too groggy to walk.

Topsy shook his head "You girls go ahead! I still have to stay here, the other herds need me!"

Tricia looked as if she was going to argue, but she knew there was no use. He was stubborn and unmovable on a good day! Plus, she needed to get Cera somewhere safe to recover.
Nodding, she called a quick "Hold on!" to the two threehorn girls on her back, and took off at a dogtrot in the direction all the other dinosaurs were heading, towards the higher ledges on the Great Wall.

The old threehorn watched his family go, silently begging that they would be safe. He also made a mental note to personally dismember whoever or whatever had attacked Cera.

"I think that's everyone in this area!" Grandpa Longneck called, as he approached Topsy "What now then, old friend?"

But before he could answer, there came a mighty roar from not far away. Savage and feral, it sounded like nothing either of the old dinosaurs had ever heard inside the Great Valley before.

"Sharpteeth?! But how...?"

"I know... you and I have been guarding the opening, and nothing's gotten through... You don't think there could be another opening?!"

Longneck shook his head "Couldn't be. We'd have seen it or heard it by now!"

Any further thought was cut short as the ground began to shake underfoot. A disturbance in the nearby trees caught their attention, and the source of the noise emerged.

Sprinting full pelt out of the trees there emerged a strange dinosaur, the likes of which neither dinosaur had ever seen. Not very large, it appeared to have a similar body to a belly-dragger, but its head was very different, similar in design to a regular sharptooth, with a double-line of spikes going down its back. On its back, a smaller dinosaur was perched, not much bigger than Ducky, but with a much sleeker build, and a sharper face. Definitely a fast-biter of some kind, and a female.
The pair both had a strange sort of black grass covering their bodies, tied around their necks, wrapped around their limbs. The pair skidded to a halt as they breached into the clearing, glancing around furtively. But a second fearsome roar from behind them sent them running through the clearing and back into the trees on the other side.

Littlefoot held on as best he could to Redback's neck. The sinews and muscles pulsed under the sharptooth's skin as he moved, fatigue and injury meaning nothing to him.

As they breached the trees, they found themselves by the opening in the Great Wall. A group of dinosaurs were gathered nearby the opening, apparently keeping guard, but at the speed they were moving, Littlefoot couldn't tell who they were.

Redback paused for a moment and sniffed the air. Through the dust and smoke, the odour of the Blackweeds was unmistakable. Baring his teeth in a snarl, he took off again after Celya and Rheddo.

As the pair hurried past the opening, Littlefoot looked back at the opening and his eyes widened as he spotted among the dinosaurs, his grandfather. He felt his eyes meet Grandpa's, before they passed the opening by, entering the trees again.

The group of older dinosaurs stood rooted to the spot, shocked by what they had just seen. First those two young sharpteeth who had somehow gotten into the Valley, and then that... that monster!

"...The heck was that?!"

"How did those sharpteeth get in here?! You said yourself, we've been guarding the opening!"

"What if there's more of them?!"

Grandpa Longneck, however, took off after them without a word.

"What are you doing, Longneck!" Topsy called after him.

The old longneck looked back as he trotted as fast as he could "Didn't you see? My Littlefoot was on the back of that sharptooth! Something's up with those ones!"

Topsy hurried after his old friend. A sudden thought set him in motion: What if these sharpteeth had something to do with Cera?!

"You three stay here and guard the opening!" He called back to the remaining dinosaurs by the entrance, running faster to catch up to Longneck.

The three remaining dinosaurs watched in puzzlement as Threehorn and Longneck trotted off after the sharptooth. Not one of them noticed the cloud of dust, rising in the distance behind them...

Rheddo skidded to a halt as they exited the grove of trees.

"We gotta lose 'em." Celya shouted at him "That crazy sharptooth looked like he'd lost it!"

"Ya mean more than usual?" Rheddo replied. He lowered his voice as he asked "Ya don't think it's the Redwrath again?"

"Looked like it. You couldn't have seen, but I got a good look at his face... Definitely Redwrath."

Rheddo scurried to the other side of the grove, to gain a little more distance "Huh, haven't heard of that for a while. No chance we'll lose him if he's under the Wrath."

"We gotta finish him for good. Then we can meet up with Tero and enjoy the show from his spot."

"Right, I can see it from here; it should be quick enough to get there" He pointed to a ledge on the Great Wall just on the other side of the trees. "You got a plan then?" Rheddo lowered his head, letting the fast-biter slide off his back.

"How about this," Celya began "You stay here and keep him busy, meanwhile I'll..."

But her words were cut short as a boulder the size of a threehorn's head came sailing through the air, slamming into Celya like a cannonball. She was sent reeling a few feet, until she became sandwiched between the rock and a nearby tree trunk. She slid down the trunk like a broken doll and lay still.

Rheddo turned in horror as he saw Redback stampeding into the grove, a second boulder in hand.

"YOU'RE NEXT!!" Roared the sharptooth as he hurled the rock at Rheddo.

The belly dragger dodged out of the way, catching the rock on the tip of his tail. He shrieked in pain, but fell silent as he saw the expression on Redback's face.

His eyes, once shining and a delicate shade of red, almost pink, had glazed over in a dull, solid crimson. No emotion showed in his eyes save raw, uninhibited rage. His teeth were bared in a permanent snarl, dripping saliva, hungry for battle.

No question about it. The Redwrath has overcome him, Rheddo thought as he prepared to charge.


Littlefoot staggered into the grove, slightly bruised and battered. Redback's bucking body had become increasingly difficult to hold onto, until finally Littlefoot lost any grip and dropped off. He tumbled along on the ground a few feet and stopped.
But the sharptooth had just kept running. He had not stopped for his friend, he didn't even seem to notice! He just kept following Rheddo and Celya.
As Littlefoot entered the grove, he saw in shock the limp body of Celya, her body broken by the boulder. He was astounded by the size of the rock itself; even for a sharptooth of Redback's size, it would be nearly impossible to throw it that far!

"STAY BACK, LITTLEFOOT!" Growled Redback as he heard the longneck's voice.

"But Redback, we have to keep going... The longer we..."


Redback turned his head to face Littlefoot. The expression on his face froze the young dinosaur on the spot. What had come over him? What had happened to his eyes?

Redback squinted through the red mist that clouded his mind and vision. He saw Rheddo, pacing like a cornered animal, poised to strike. Why was he holding his ground here? What was he defending?
He looked beyond the belly-dragger and above the treeline. There he saw him.

Just visible through his clouded vision, the unmistakably skinny, gaunt form of Tero was standing on that ledge, viewing the carnage from the perfect vantage point.

Redback had little time to muse on such a matter though, as Rheddo charged headlong into his stomach, knocking the wind clean out of him.
The pair fell to the ground, claws slashing, teeth gnashing. Rheddo wrapped his thin body around Redback, biting his arm clean through to the bone.
Redback roared in pain and anger, pummeling Rheddo in the head with his free arm.
The fighters broke apart, Rheddo reeling from the barrage of punches. Getting to his feet, he bared a clawed hand, lunging forth at Redback once! Twice!

Redback grabbed the belly-dragger by the neck, kicking out with a clawed foot, scoring three deep gashes into his opponent's leg.

Rheddo screeched again in pain, biting down as hard as he could on Redback's arm again. But no matter what kind of wound he inflicted, it was as if nothing was sinking in! He was shaking off the worst of wounds as if they were nothing!

But his musings were cut short as Redback's massive jaws closed around his head. A sickening crunch was the last thing the belly-dragger heard before darkness fell.

Throwing away the headless body of Rheddo, Redback spat out the severed head and turned, panting, to look at Littlefoot.

The longneck had never seen such a terrifying sight. He had watched fights between dinosaurs before, but nothing as brutal and bloody as this! Most times, the victor would be content with a retreat, or fending off their enemy, but this was a no-holes-barred fight to the death!


The sharptooth turned on the terrified young longneck, teeth bared, blood dripping from his chops.

"Redback! It's me!! It's Littlefoot!!" He cried, backing away.

Redback stopped. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes as if awakening from a long sleep. The red tinge of his eyes retreated back, clearing his vision.

"Uhhh...Oh, Littlefoot...erm..."

"What was that, Redback?!" Littlefoot asked, shocked over the sudden change in his friend "Your eyes went all cloudy and red, you went all crazy..."

"I'm, uh, sorry you had to see that..." Redback said, wringing his hands bashfully "Y'see, whenever I get particularly angry, or get into a fight or somethin'... Well, I kinda change, like you saw. I can barely control what I do, and my vision all goes red... Me and the Brotherhood called it my RedWrath... But it hasn't happened for a long time..."

Littlefoot nodded, becoming very nervous.

"Littlefoot, I have to warn ya. If you ever see me go like that again... do yourself a favour: get behind me and fast."

He nodded again "A-are you okay now, then?"

Redback smiled "Yeah, I'm fine now... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something I gotta do..."

He breathed deeply and headed in the direction of the Great Wall and the ledge. Littlefoot watched as he went.

"Erm, Redback... What about my friends?"

"Look, Littlefoot..." Redback called back in a serious tone "I know that for you, finding your friends will be top priority. But right now, all I want to do is find Tero and make him suffer."

Littlefoot gulped "But how will I find my friends in all this chaos? They could be anywhere in the Valley!"

"The little sharptooth, the threehorn and the swimmer are all with their families. When I was on that ledge, I saw their parents find them and take them upwind of the fires. They're probably fine.
As for the others, I'll bet Tero's got them up on that ledge with him. Hostages or somethin', you know."

"Well...then I'm going with you!" Littlefoot said, stamping a foot down.

"It'll be dangerous, Littlefoot. You dunno what Tero's like in a pinch..."

But the longneck was adamant "I don't care! If that's where my friends are, I'm going up there to get them!"

A dangerous grin grew on Redback's face "Alright then. Hop on and we'll go up there together."

Littlefoot clambered onto Redback's neck once again, and the pair took off in the direction of the ledge.

Littlefoot looked back and saw that just as they had passed out of the grove, the pursuing adults had entered.
The old pair skidded to a halt as Grandpa Longneck saw the carnage that had occurred.

"Good heavens!" was all he could say, so shocked was he. Mr Threehorn stood by his side, his face visibly pale.

"What d'you suppose happened here?" the threehorn asked.


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It's getting better and better! I listened to the song while reading the story and it definitely fit the chapter's atmosphere.
Redwrath sounds fierce. That fight with Rheddo was intense. Very good chapter. I can't wait to read the confrontation with Tero. I wonder how that will go.
Where are Spike, Petrie, and Ruby?  :unsure:


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Another great chapter Allicloud :) Good to see the Redwrath you've been hinting at in the RP's. Since you just have Redback and Tero in the RP, I'm guessing that somehow they'll come out of this together. No idea how it's gonna happen, though!

Will the next chapter be coming sooner than the last couple have?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Aug 22 2011 on  11:29 PM
Another great chapter Allicloud :) Good to see the Redwrath you've been hinting at in the RP's. Since you just have Redback and Tero in the RP, I'm guessing that somehow they'll come out of this together. No idea how it's gonna happen, though!

Will the next chapter be coming sooner than the last couple have?
Absolutely. I'm gona try to finish this story before I start school again in September.


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Far above the Valley, on a ridge sticking out from the Great Wall, four figures watched as the Great Valley fell into chaos and destruction.

Tero stood back from the edge, overseeing the fruit of his work. Wherever Rheddo and Celya were, they had done an excellent job. Over in the southern end of the Valley, the fires had nearly consumed the entire forest, while a rockslide near the Thundering Falls had blocked the flow of any water into the Valey, aiding the spread of the inferno. But where could they be, the mute flyer thought to himself. Ah well, it doesn't matter. They've done their job now, he didn't need them anymore.

But on the end of the ledge, three sets of young eyes watched in horror and despair as their home was destroyed. Ruby, Petrie and Spike lay on their fronts, each with a small boulder placed on their backs; too small to crush them, but heavy enough to keep them down and stop them moving. Ruby and Petrie struggled desperately against the weight, but to no avail. Spike had aready passed out from sheer exhaustion of trying to free himself.
Her voice cracking from exhaustion and grief, Ruby once again turned to Tero and did her best to appeal to him:

"Please...Tero...Whatever you're doing this for, you don't have to do it! Just let us go, please!" she begged. All Tero did in response was to press down on her boulder, crushing her more. Ruby pounded the ground with a clenched fist, squealing in agony.

But the torture was brief, as a movement nearby caught Tero's attention. A shadowed form was approaching from the other end of the ledg. Squinting in thedim light of te flames, Tero could just about make out the shape of the approaching crature.

His faced grew pale in the light as he recognised Redback's unmistakeable form sprinting in his direction. He jumped back and staggered back as he heard the sharptooth's roar calling his name:


Reback leapt up onto the ledge, panting with exertion and rage. Blood dripped gently from the myriad of wounds that covered his body, mingling with his sweat and tears. Bloodlust shone in his eyes, even though the RedWrath had subsided, and saliva dripped from his mouth, which hung open panting and snarling.

Tero backed away from the fearsome sight, his blank visage betrayed by his quivering legs.

"It ends now, Tero. Yer finished!" Redback growled.

The flyer's mind was racing. He had not anticipated Redback returning. Looking about frantically, he turned to face Redback as the sailbacked sharptooth chuckled.

"Ferget it, winghead. Rheddo and Celya won't be rushing to yer aid anytime soon."

Tero's eyes widened slightly as the truth dawned on him.

"Yeah, you got it," Redback said "I took care of those traitors before I got here. The Blackweed Brotherhood is finished, Tero."

He slowly moved towards he flyer, his face grim and stern. Tero moved swiftly, aking to the air, hovering just above the boulder that lay atop the weeping Ruby.

"Tero, what're you doing?" Redback asked "What do you want these kids for?"

As Redback made to approach further, Tero touched down ontop of the boulder, just above Ruby's head. The extra weight shfited the pressure of the boulder, which began to press down on the young fast-runner's skull.

Ruby's muffled screams rang out as her face was pressed into the ground, mingling with Petrie's shrill voice.

"Stop it! You leave me friend alone! No press on boulder anymore! STOP!!"

Tero bent over, bringing his head closer to Petrie, and gave him a thin, raspy "shh!"

Redback was about to make his move, when one was made right under his snout.


Littlefoot sprinted forwards from between Redback's legs, head held forwards like a battering ram. As he aproached the flyer, he leapt into the air, cannoning into Tero and knocking him clear off the rock!

Redback took the opportunity and leapt opver the boulders as well, "Littlefoot! You get your friends!"

The longneck got up from where he landed, a few feet from the stunned Tero and hurried over to the boulders imprisoning the three young dinosaurs.

"Littlefoot! Oh, Petrie never been so glad to see you!!" Petrie cried with relief as the longneck shoved the rock off of his back. Together, they assisted Ruby and Spike and got rid of the offending boulders.

Redback stood inbetween Littlefoot and Tero, who was just getting up "Now you young 'uns get outta here! Go help yer families or something!"

Spike, Petrie and Ruby obediently hurried towards the way down, but Littlefoot hung back.

"You sure you'll be okay? I could help if..."

"No Littlefoot!" Redback shouted back, turning to face his young friend "Sorry, but ths is something I gotta do myself."

The longneck was about to say something, when he saw the familiar red tinge beginning to clud the sharptooth's eyes. Littlefoot then silently nodded and hurried off.

As he hopped down from the ledge, Littlefoot looked back as his friend. A small tear formed in the corner of his eye, and the longneck shook it off.

"Stay safe, please.", he prayed as he hurried to catch up with his friends.

Redback snorted like a bull as he watched Tero shake his head clear. Charging forwards, he grabbed Tero around his twisted leg, just as the flyer attempted to fly away.

"Oh no ya don't!!"

Tero grimaced as pain shot from the scars in his leg up his body. Redback swung at him with his free hand and scored a deep scratch in Tero's shoulder. he retaliated with a swift barrage of punches from each fist, and a clawed kick with his free leg. This kick caught Redback in the snout, which sent the sharptooth reeling slightly, making him let go of the flyer.

Shaking the blood from his nostrils, Redback roared as he saw Tero taking to the sky.

"COME BACK HERE, YOU COWARD!" he roared as he ran after he flyer, jumping from the top of the ledge.

Tero looked down at his opponent running below him. There was no way he could get rid of him in open combat, he was just too strong!
But as he flew over a patch of trees on the fringe of the blaze, an idea struck him. His thin mouth curved ever so lightly into a tight grin as he formulated a plan.

Flapping down to the trees, he dove through the dense foliage, gritting his beak as branches and twigs scratched and prodded at him.
He then arched his back in pain as, just as he was clearing the branches and nearing the ground, a rogue sliver of broken branch stabbed straight through his right wing. As he fell, his weight pulled his wing downwards on the sliver, tearing the delicate membrane  of his wings right from its base below his arm, to its edge.

He landed on the ground in an undignified heap, in a small clearing, near to where the fires were eating away at the woods. Gritting through the intense pain that wracked his his whole body, he got to his feet and limped towards the glow of the fire.
He nodded with satisfaction as he found just what he needed. A fallen branch, partially ablaze at its knobbly tip. The flyer picked up the branch from the other end, gripping it in both claws.

He froze as he heard movement behind him. Squinting through the darkness of the trees, he saw the giant sillouhette of Redback entering the trees. Tero silently padded towards a nearby tree with an enormous trunk. Standing with his back to the trunk, he held his breath, gripping his improvised mace to his chest, ready to strike when the sharptooth followed his scent over here.

His heavy footfalls betrayed Redback's every move.

Stomp stomp stomp. He had just entered the clearing.

Stomp stomp stomp. He was just on the other side of the tree.

Tero shuddered with excitement, closing his eyes. Just one chance, that's all he'd need. Just one opening, and he'd snuff the sharptooth's life out with a well-aimed swing of his fiery club.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. He had just walked past the trunk. It was now or never!

Tero rushed out, club held high, wound up and ready to strike!

He swung!

But the strike never made contact. Opening his eyes, Tero saw nothing but trees.

"Behind you, idiot."

Tero froze in fear, his green eyes growing wide with fright. He felt the rough clawed hand of Redback reach from behind and close around his neck. He dropped his club as his arms went limp with fear.

The sharptooth lifted Tero close, almost snout to beak, as he looked his old friend in the eye. His fearsome, red eyes gazed deep into Tero's, as if looking straight into his very soul.
The flyer gulped slightly, as he opened his beak, speaking in the raspy, hoarse voice that no creature had heard for years:


His eyes had been so focused on Redback's that he never saw the other hand reach out and grab his head. A shuder went through the flyer's body as Redback snarled at him. The flyer had never really noticed how big Redback's teeth were before.

"You really think you deserve mercy? After everything you've put me and my friends through? After you betrayed me?!"

Redback held Tero up high, one hand around his neck, the other gripping his head.

"Forget it."

Then, there was a sickening "CRACK!", and Redback felt the flyer's body go limp. He let go, and Tero's lifeless body slumped to the floor, like a ragdoll.

His leg was twisted, his wings were shredded.

His neck was snapped.

Redback took a deep intake of breath, and felt the rage and fury searing through his body subside as he breathed out.

His scratched snout twitched as he felt a droplet of water bounce off it. Looking up, he saw clouds moving across the sky, bringing with them a gentle shower of skywater.

He suddenly felt an involuntary smile break out across his face. Opening his arm wide, he shivered as the cold water covered him, dripping off his limbs and sail, clearing the mud, grime and blood that caked his body.

It was over. It was finally over.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Holy crap!!!  :blink:

I wasn't expecting that!

I honestly thought Redback and Tero would come out of this together, but they didn't. Wow.

So, it's over now? Is there going to be any kind of epilogue or anything, or is that it?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Cera
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Nice epic ending right there. Hope you continue.


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Once again, for added effect, listen to this while you read


Tears of relief burst from the old longneck's eyes as he saw his grandson running full gallop towards him.

"Grandpa!!" Littlefoot cried as he came to a halt by his grandather's lowered head. The pair embraced with joy, each glad that the other was still alive.

"Oh Littlefoot! Your grandma and I were so worried!" He said.

Littlefoot stepped back "Sorry Grandpa...."

He paused for a moment, but found that he had nothing more to say. He hugged Grandpa Longneck again as Topsy joined his side. Not far behind were Mamas Flyer and Swimmer, who wept with relief as they saw their children safe and sound. Petrie flew into his mother's arms, hugging her tightly as Spike affectionately rubbed himself against Mama swimmer, who hugged him back. Even Ruby was't left out, hugged by both mothers. Her back still ached from the boulder that had almost crushed her, but she didn't care. She was just relieved to be among friendly dinosaurs again.

The reunited parents and children could have embraced there in the gentle rain for hours upon end, but the moment was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Mr Clubtail.

"Longneck! Threehorn! We need some help back at the Opening!"

Grandpa opened his eyes "Really? Lead the way!"

Hyp's father persed his lips in anxiety as he watched the approaching cloud of dust, clearly visible through the opening in the Great Wall. he heard the soud of footsteps behind him and was relieved to see the group returning.

"Not a moment too soon! We got incoming out in the Beyond!" he called, pointng out the opening.

Topsy squinted through the rain, watching the faraway stampede growing closer and closer.

"Looks like Fast-biters, and alot of them!" He grunted. "They must have seen the opening when the Wall collapsed!"

He beckoned the other dinosaurs to follow him, and the group hurried to the top of the ridge, just above the opening. Looking over the damage, he thought for a moment.

"Find as much rubble and rocks as you can and pile it all up here, and on the other end of the opening!"

"What's your plan?" Longneck asked, with Littlefoot now perched on his head.

"We're gonna seal up the opening again. If we hurry we can get it closed up before those fast-biters get here!"

And so the dinosaurs went dilliently to work. Thanks to the recent chaos and carnage, rubble was in no short supply. Soon a massive heap of rock, dirt, branches and rubble was piled at either end of the opening.

"Good, now you lot get down to the opening. If this doesn't work, we'll need someone down there to hold them off! Clubtail, you go to the other pile and get ready to push!"

Clubtail nodded and ent as fast as he could to the pile opposite Topsy's. meanwhile, the other dinosaurs formed a row from one end of the opening to the other, down on the ground. Standing their ground, they watched as the forms of running creatures became apparent in the dust cloud, ever approaching.

Grandpa Longneck and Littlefoot waved to Topsyand Clubtail, signalling to begin the induced landslides.

"Okay, now PUSSSSHHHHH!" Topsy roared, as he charged headlong into the heap of rubble before him, heaving with all his might, as Clubtail did the same with his heap, shoving at it with his head and batting any stray fragments with his weighted tail.

Those assembled below retreated as the landslides tore down the mountainsides, a mess of boulders, tree branches, mud and dirt. With a mighty crash, the rubble plummeted to the ground and filled the opening, sealing it for good.

A cheer arose from the dinosaurs as the massive hole in the opening was filled, repelling the stampeding fast-biters and averting further disaster.

But this cheer soon turned into roars and screams of shock as they spotted a creature emerging from the trees.

Redback dragged himself hrough the fringe of the trees, his limbs heavy from exhaustion, and bleeding profusely. He had won the battle, but not without taking a severe beating himself. Scratched and gashed all over his body, as well as a black eye and a tear in his once magnificent sail, he stumbled into the clearings near the Great Wall. He was on the verge of collapse from sheer fatigue when one voice rang out clear among the roars coming from nearby.


If Topsy had been shocked when he saw this gargantuan monster emerge from the trees, it was nothing compared to his surprise when Littlefoot leapt from his Grandfather's head and galloped towards the sharptooth!

"Littlefoot! NO!" Grandpa Longneck cried, making to follow his grandson. But he stopped in his tracks as Littlefoot reached the sharptooth and embraced him.
Redback hugged him back, not caring about the pain wracking his body. He was just relieved to see his friend alive and safe. Tears squeezed from his eyes as he hugged his friend.

"Redback, are you oay? You look pretty badly hurt."" Littlefoot said, breaking away.  He hurried to a mud puddle forming nearby, scooping up a glob of mud with his tail. Returning, he took pawfuls of the mud, gently slapping it onto some of the more prominent wounds.

Redback groaned as the cold mud at least sothed the pain, as well as staunching the bleeding a bit. "Aahhh, that's the trick... I'll be fine, Littlefoot. I just need to sit down a moment, I..."

He stopped as he saw the massive forms of the adult dinosaurs approaching. Looking up at them, he gulped nervously.

"Littlefoot...?" Gandpa Longneck said.

Littlefoot left helping Redback and turned to face his grandfather and the other elders.

"... I think an explanation is in order, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot nodded and took a deep breath. But beore he could bgin, Redback spoke up:

"Alright, but you may want to get comfortable, sirs. This could take a while."

Topsy stepped back in suprise "What the...? He...He just..."

"Spoke leafeater?" Redback finished, with a small grin "Heh, yeah, I can do that."

Dumbstuck, the Elders obediently sat down, as Littlefoot and Redback began to relate their tale. As they spoke, more dinosaurs began to gather and sit down to listen. Among them were all of the Council Elders, Tria and Tricia, The Swimmer and Flyer families, and all of Littlefoot's friends.
Cera, Ducky and Chomper had all regained consciousness and were on the path to recovery. They sat in the front row, close to their parents, with Spike, Petrie and Ruby, listening as Littlefoot and Redback related the tale of their meeting, all he way from that fateful day wen they ran after their ball into the Mysterious Beyond.

The listeners sat, listening with rapt attention, collectively gasping as Redback related the plan of the Blackweed Brotherhood, and his involvement. He told them of he and Littlefoot's struggles against the other members of the Brotherhood, and his eventual triumph when he slew Tero.

"... And I just wanna finish by saying this," Redback ended " From the bottom of my heart, honest to the Bright Circle... I'm sorry. For all the trouble I caused. I never wanted this to happen here. But, it was beyond my control, and I apologise."

The small crowd sat in silence as the story came to an end. Plumes of smoke and steam arose from all about the Valley, as the steady rain slowly put out the raging fires.

Grandpa Longneck finally broke the silence as he stood up "I propose that the Elders and I retire to the Rock Circle to discuss what to do about this. In the meantime, the rest of you should probably tend to your herds and get started on cleaning things up."

A murmer of agreement arose from the assembled dinosaurs as the crowd dispersed, each herd going their own way. The Elders, consisting of Topsy, Littlefoot's Grandparents, Mama Flyer, Mr Clubtail and a handful of other dinosaurs gathered and headed together to the Rock Cicle in the center of the Valley for a meeting.

"You and...uh, Redback, had better come along too, Littlefoot." Grandma Longneck called back.

Littlefoo and Redback sat, listening nervously to the debate from outside the Rock Circle. The longneck waved his tail back and forth distractedly, while Redback twiddled his claws. To him the verdict didn't matter. he already knew what his own decision was. He just wasn't sure how to break it to Littlefoot.
Their discussion lasted for several hours before Grandpa Longneck and Mr Threehorn emerged to give their verdict. Littlefoot and Redback stood up.

"Well Redback, we have reached a verdict." the old longneck began "After hearing your story from you and Littlefoot, we have decided this..."

Littlefoot held his breath, anticipating the worst.

"...Despite the reprehensible actions of you and your, Blackweed Brothers, most of us have seen that you are indeed remorseful about such actions. Since you are apparently capable of surviving without feeding on others, you would pose little danger to us.
And furthermore, we have decided that in light of recent events, due to your aid in..well, saving us, and ridding us of those guilty of these..unforgivable actions, we will be willing to grant you sanctuary and permission to live here, in the Great Valley."

Littlefoot could not believe what he was hearing! Positively jumping for joy, he hugged his grandfather in thanks and then turned to Redback.

"Well, I appreciate yor kindness, sirs..." Redback muttered.

"Me too, Grandpa! Thank you, thank you so much!" Littlefoot chirped in, moving to stand by Redback, smiling up at the sharptooth.

"But I'll have to turn ya down."

Littlefoot's face fell "...What?"

Redback knelt down beside the young longneck "I'm sorry, Littlefoot. I can't stay here."

"But why not? Littlefoot asked, the first hints of tears appearing in his eyes.

"Think about it. I might be able to live off greenfood for now, but things'll change when I'm older. I'm almost a grown-up meself... I can't live off greenfood all the time. Us sharpteeth need somethin' more... well, filling.
Plus, I got a feeling not everyone would be glad to see somethin' like me living in their home."

Littlefoot bowed his head, tears now welling up in his eyes. "P-please" He muttered sadly "I don't want you to go..."

Redback gently raised the longneck's head with a hand, to look eye to eye with his friend "And I don't wanna go either. But it's what's best for both of us. You saw what happened when I came under the RedWrath, I couldn't control myself! And I can't control when it happens either...I'd never be able to forgive myself if I hurt you or one of your friends."

He wiped a stray tear from his friend's cheek "C'mon buddy... You and me will always be friends... I promise I'll never forget you."

He and Littlefoot shared a gentle hug, as Littlefoot spoke through his tears "Me neither... I'll never f-forget you either..."

Redback tore one of the final stray strands of Blackweed from his head and gently wrapped it around Littlefoot's shoulders "...To remember me by."

He then let go and walked away from the Rock Circle, towards the Great Wall of the Valley. Turning back, he smiled and waved goodbye to Littlefoot, tears streaming openly down his cheeks.

Littlefoot followed behind him at a distance, as he watched Redback stride through the Valley, aching the eyes of every dinoaur he passed, until he reached the Great Wall.

Breathing deeply, the sharptooth began the climb to the top of the Wall, stopping for a moment to gaze over the Great Valley one more time, before he began the climb down the other side.

Littlefoot clambered up the Wall after him, watching from the top as Redback reached the bottom.

Then, with one final glance back at Littlefoot, Redback sighed and headed out, as the rain let up and the clouds parted sowly, revealing a stunning, golden sunset.

Littlefoot watched as the strangest and most amazing sharptooth he had ever met walked off into the wide world. Choking for a moment, he curled up at the top of the Valley Wall, holding the strand of black grass to his heart, and quietly wept to himself, on after the final rays of sunlight finished shining, and the little longneck fell asleep there on the ridge.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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I got some free-time right now, so yay! Gotta read your chapter :)

This was a real tear-jerker for me. In my eyes (Like I said before) you built a relationship between Littlefoot and Redback that I kinda imagine Littlefoot having with Chomper.

I was surprised that the Great Valley Council was actually going to let Redback stay. I was kinda disappointed that we didn't get any rage dumps from Mr. Threehorn. You kinda expect that in this case lol.

Yeah, call me a Chomper fan for not not thinking of this, whatever, but this really shows off how sad it's going to be when Chomper has to leave too.

And thanks for pointing something out about Redback that was really bothering me. It seems he still needs meat to survive, just like any sharptooth. I was kinda wondering where he was getting his protean. hmm, was he maybe sneaking off into the Beyond and eating meat behind Littlefoot's back or something? Yeah, if you noticed in the RP, I had a thing going where Chomper was pissed off and jealous of Redback because the sail back could eat green food and he couldn't.

I'm guessing again that this is the end, so I'll just say that this has been a great story.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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  • Ducky
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It's over?  :(
Such an epic end to an epic battle. I honestly thought Tero was going to crush Ruby's skull :o . And when Redback left  :cry . It reminded of the 2nd movie when Chomper left. This was a really good read and I look forward to any future fanfics you might write.


  • Cera
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I totally agree right there. I hope you make a new story soon.


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  • Petrie
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Thank you to all my readers. It was you who kept me going with this story, whenever I got writer's-block, whenever my access to computers was inconvenient at best.

Now that I finally got a scanner, it seems right to finally upload som of the fanart I've been putting together for this story:

Redback against Tero

Lying in wait in the Tall Trees

More, no doubt, to come


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  • Cera
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