After Littlefoot lost a fight against Cera...
Pterano: "Oh Littlefoot, why are you looking like a three days of Sky Water when it is such a fantastic day, huh?"
Littlefoot: "Cera and I had a fight and I got my ass kicked..."
Pterano: "Oh, that is too bad but..." *devilish smirk* "I know how to get back at her... if you are interested, my friend?"
Pterano (fondling Littlefoot's head): "I know too well how mean a Threehorn can be, I know exactly how you feel, my friend."
Littlefoot: "How can I get back at her?"
Pterano: "Leave that to Uncle Pterano, I still have something to settle with that old Threehorn anyway..."
Littlefoot: :unsure: