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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP?


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Alrighty, I guess I should probably post my OC's first, then...

Name:  Haru

Type of Pony: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Cutie Mark: A moon and dagger in a shield

Appearance: Haru is a Deep Blue unicorn pony with a distinctive black horn and deep sea-blue eyes.  His mane is a fiery orange, standing in sharp contrast to the rest of his body, and is kept in a short fringe in front, with the back kept free and of middle length.  He usually wears a small gold collar with red accents around his neck, and wears a well-decorated silver saddle on his back.  Remarkably, he carries a carved wooden sword on his back, which he can use with exceptional talent.

Personality: Kind, good-natured, and strong-willed, Haru has all the potential to be a great young stallion, but lacks the self-confidence and focus to reach that potential.  Being the younger brother of one of the youngest colts to ever become part of Princess Celestia's guards, Haru often tries to break free of his brother's shadow, yet is afraid of having to stand on his own.  Quiet, shy, and often very submissive to the wills of others around him, Haru often wonders how he'll ever be able to stand on his own.  Even though he's a naturally talented magician, and has formidable training in self-defense from his brother, his own self-doubt often blinds him even to these gifts unless he sees one of his friends being threatened.  When he has to protect them, he can call upon massive amounts of courage and resolve to protect them.  


Fluttershy-- Of all the ponies that hold the elements of Harmony, Fluttershy is the one he feels closest to.  The two of them are frequently seen in each other's company, often sleeping next to each other contentedly.  Fluttershy often is the one to encourage Haru whenever he falls into one of his frequent bouts of depression or despair, often gently managing to assure him that he can keep moving forward.  Haru, on the other hand, will often gently coax Fluttershy to stand up for herself more.  Most everypony besides them can see that the two of them have deeper feelings then either of them are able to admit.

Rainbow Dash--Haru and Dash have an easygoing friendship and share an occasional competitive spark.  Often, Dash is the one to convince him that he needs to lighten up and smile more, also frequently pushing him to be more assertive and confident in himself, occasionally going so far as to deliberately throw races and other competitions simply to boost Haru's shaky confidence.  Dash has admitted that, if not for her attraction to other girls, she'd "totally date him".

Twilight Sparkle--Haru and Twilight Sparkle are often found reading or talking about recently-read books with each other, and seem to get along extremely well.

Rarity-- Haru is frequently the victim of Rarity's makeover attempts, and, while he enjoys her friendship, he is admittedly a touch frightened of her.

Applejack--Applejack oftentimes calls on Haru for help around the farm when her brother is either away or injured, leading some ponies to speculate that they are an "Item", much to both of their chagrins.  They are close friends, with AJ often making Haru food when he's out on the nearby fields training, and he returns the favor by helping with the harvests.


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I'll take Rainbow dash as an fc. I'm not sure about the fan characters.
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Name: Thunderclap

Type of Pony: Earth

Gender: Male

Cutie Mark: Grey storm clouds

Appearance: A pure black stallion with a steel grey mane and tail. His eyes however are considered by many to be unnatural as his irises' are fire red, in stark contrast to the rest of his body. It is also noted by everypony that when he runs, he appears to be a living storm cloud. It is also said that if he stomps his hooves to the ground it sounds like a clap of thunder, and on occasion has been known to split the ground open, hence his name.

Personality: He is bold, confident and excessively aggressive almost to the point of being called crazy. While not always looking for a fight, he is almost always on edge waiting or wanting a reason to start a fight. And when there is something he wants, he is never above using fear and intimidation to get his way, although this has led to him losing most (if not all) of his friends, he still sees himself as someone worthy of being around Ponyville.

Relationships with Others:

Twilight Sparkle - Despite her initial fear of him, Twilight has after several accidental encounters with Thunderclap, finds him not to be scary, but more like a puzzle as his temperament can swing back and forth.

Fluttershy - Is above all else absolutly afraid of Thunderclap, not because of his looks or his personality but just because whenever he's near, it usually brings clouds and unusual weather along and scares off her animal friends.

Rarity - These two haven't had any extended interactions with each other, so they both have a neutral opinion about the other.

Rainbow Dash - She dislikes him, and sees him more as a friendly nemesis rather than anything else. She does love to annoy Thunderclap on occasion though, but also knows not to push him too far.

Pinkie Pie - Her personality utterly annoys Thunderclap which in turn would explain why he's so hostile towards her, but even then, she doesn't seem to notice and continues being Pinkie-pie.

Applejack - Despite his aggressive and mostly hostile demeanor Thunderclap and Applejack tend to see eye to eye on most things, including harvesting apples when the time comes. When Thunderclap is seen with a fellow pony, it's usually with Applejack simply to pass the time.


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Name: Rainbow Dash
Type of Pony: Pegasus
Gender; Female
 MarK; Rainbow-colored lightning bolt
 Appearance: light blue in color save the rainbow mane and tail and has pink eyes. keeps the Sky clear in Ponyville
Persionality:Loves to brag about her abilities, but is deeply loyal to her friends
 Applejack: is closest to Applejack of all the main ponies, the only one who Dash loves more than Applejack is Scootaloo, who in turn idolizes Dash
Sparkle: Doesn't care much for Sparkles intelligence, as she prefers speed and brawn.
Fluttershy: despite her meekness, dash and Fluttershy are close.
 Pinkie PIe- has perhaps the least in common with Pinkie than any other main character.
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Name: Daliya (Dal-EE-uh)

Type of Pony: Pegasus

Gender: Girl

Cutie Mark: Red Heart

Appearance: She is a black Pegasus with bright red eyes and a black mane and tail, but has a mixture of red and black for her wing feathers. The mane and tail are rather long for a Pegasus, the tail stretching down to the floor and flowing out a little on the ground when she walks and the mane reaches about a quarter of the way down her front legs. Daliya’s mane covers her left eye so that hardly anyone has ever seen it, except when she’s flying. She is rather average in weight and height.

Personality: Despite her dark appearance, she is a friendly pony that likes to enjoy life and think things out before acting. She is also very competitive when it comes to flying races. When she was a filly, her parents left her in the care of her aunt, who later had died, and once her aunt passed on, she decided to go make a life for herself. Daliya’s experience being alone, sometimes in the Everfree forest outside of Ponyville, has made it able for her get to know animal behavior and sometimes is even able to predict their next move based on body language alone and most of the time, she is right. She was also one of Princess Celestia’s advisors for animal behavior and wildlife in the castle. Usually likes to be alone most of the time, based on her solitary lifestyle, and usually stays quiet in a large group of people.

Relationships with the other ponies:

Twilight Sparkle: Usually, these two get along very well, often found both reading in Twilight’s library. Sometimes though, these two will clash together to try and prove that their own respective viewpoint is right. These two met at the castle and were soon friends after a few days of getting to know each other. Twilight’s her closet friend.

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash and Daliya get along quite well and sometimes challenge each other to flying races and are evenly matched in speed, but Dash usually wind by a hair.

Fluttershy: Daliya’s almost as close as she is with Twilight because of Fluttershy’s quiet and gentle nature. She sometimes helps her with an animal if Fluttershy is out of ideas.

Rarity: She doesn’t often talk with Rarity as much as the other ponies, but they get along just fine when they do.

Applejack: Daliya’s always ready to help AJ with farm work when needed, and will help shoo unwanted critters away from the fields. They get along well and seem to be close friends.

Pinkie Pie: Gets annoyed by Pinkie’s personality easily, but they are still friends.


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could I make a character that is both a Unicorn and Pegasus?


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it has to be one or the other, it can't be both Rocky..
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Lots of info you folks have on your oc's.  I've been working on mine but I've no idea for a name and dont' have anywhere near the info you folks do.  Very creative indeed you folks are.   :yes


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Quote from: Nick22,May 27 2011 on  06:59 PM
it has to be one or the other, it can't be both Rocky..
why not, Celestra and Luna are winged unicorns?


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Yes, but Celestia and Luna are implied to be some form of deity-class being.  Likely they're the only two in existence.


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They'd have to be since they are well over 1,000 years old.  And they don't look like ponies to me, though I'm no expert in that area of pony and horses.  

We've seen some species besides ponies.  

Earth pony, Pegasus pony, Unicorn pony.  Dragons (Spike being a baby dragon), griffons, a Mule (in 1 brief scene, obviously meant to be a joke with Twilight Sparkle mentioning someone (forgot who) is as stubborn as a mule, then saying to someone off screen no offense, to which a mule said none taken), quite a few options.  

I need to work on my character later today when I get back.


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Alrighty, guys.
Also...Anyways, I'm planning on adding another Unicorn/Pegasus pony to the mix.  It's the same force that was responsible for corrupting Luna into Nightmare Moon.   Not sure what to name it, though...


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so roughly hoe old should the characters be.. teenagers? so I can have some ideas..
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I've no idea for my character. Guess I could give him a human type name like Joe, but i've no idea for names that would fit into the theme.


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I'd say most are in their teens, probably around 15-16 or so, Nick.
And Kor, maybe a name like...Hmm...Something magicky-sounding...


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Not sure of any names, unless I go mytical and use some versions of merlin, myrdinn, or some version of odin's name.


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Ok, I'll make it that then.  Thanks.  

 Name : Myrdinn
 Type of Pony : Unicorn
 Gender : Male
 Cutie Mark : magic wand
 Appearance : Doesn't have much on him.  He uses magic a lot to keep clean, dry, ect and to keep himself as much as possible like that, though he's not fussy.  He is a bit thin looking overall.  

 Personality : A bit quiet, not easily frightened,

 Relationships with Others : none as of yet since he's new in town, having just arrived.

Most of the magic he knows is self taught.  Some was taught by his parents.  Some by his reading books and trying stuff out mentioned in the books.  Some by experamenting based on stuff he's read or based on stuff he already knows.  He may have a book or 2 in sattlebags.  Maybe a grimoire or book of shadows sort of thing.  Maybe copied from his parent's book with notes he added himself maybe.

He decided to travel around a bit to see more of things.

His family was very poor. They are use to using magic for all sorts of stuff to suppliment & make up for that fact.

(( some of the spells I may get ideas from d & d and gurps spells.  Gurps has some unusual spells like cloud vaulting.  That is using clouds like a trampoline to travel long distances.))  


As for their ages, I assumed they were somewhere around 14-16 in human terms, and equistria has no highschool.  Just elementary and maybe jr high mixed in.  With some like Twilight sparkle going through more specialized training.  Some like Pinkie learning a trade or something.  and some like Rarity having already learned it either finishing her training before the show started or it was all self taught, or a mix of the 2.