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Wii U


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^Oh, I didn't mean simple as in a easy, boring game.  I meant simple as in I don't have to constantly think about how to control the game or where I'm looking (hand-held device to TV and back again).  That's one thing I dislike about PC gaming (though admittedly I do play more PC games than console).  There are so many keyboard shortcuts in Oblivion that every time I take a week break or so from playing that game, I have to spend 20 minutes teaching myself where the controls are again.  That's not so fun.

As for the weight of the controller, I was just saying 10lbs to make a point.  It would have to be a solid brick to be that heavy.  The original XBOX controller is incredibly heavy.  I always hold it directly in my lap and not in the air.  Having the Wii U controller in your lap and constantly having to look over to the right to the TV can't be very efficient.  Not everyone plays games in their living rooms.  Heck, my family doesn't even have a TV in the living room (just each of the bedrooms).  I've never personally played the Wii U, but I did play the original Wii and didn't like it at all.  All the emphasis on moving around is like....whatever.  I don't play a game to work out (though that's not a bad idea).  

I don't know.  I guess it's because I run multiple businesses and live a stressful life, but I don't watch TV to see other people live their boring everyday lives.  I watch TV to escape and have a break from all that crap.  Likewise I don't play video games to work out or spend tons of time trying to figure out controls.  I do it to relax and have a break.  And although I enjoy challenging games, I don't enjoy having to work in order to be able to play them.


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I see games as diverse, and I see no reason for all of them to become "simple and relaxing" or "fast-paced and exciting" or anything. I would rather it remain diverse, with all sorts of different types of games, to cater to everyone. Some people prefer more relaxing games that are catchy to play, while others would rather play a game filled with difficult puzzles, or another, a horror game where you are put up against great odds to survive. There is nothing in the rule of games that says they *must* be some way, so no one can really say "games are supposed to be *insert adjectives here*, as games are diverse and come in many different 'flavors'.

I agree that games would become boring if they were all just "simple and relaxing" games. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but what if someone wanted to try something different? Being the same is part of the reason video games almost died, and it was the innovation of games like Donkey Kong and especially Super Mario Brothers, games that broke the boundaries of what other games were about, that renewed interest in games.

There is nothing wrong with sticking to the same formula if it works, but the key is making it a new experience for the player each time. Do something to make the game stand out. The Mario games are a great example. The same plot used most of the time, but each time you get a new experience, like in Super Mario World, you have a vast (well back then vast) world to explore to save Princess Peach.

Me, personally, I like a few different types of games, both old and new, both simple and more complex.


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^I agree completely.  I wasn't referring to the actual game itself, but the means you play the game (the controls and other hardware).  I don't imagine there are many people that want to have a hard time controlling the game.  I play ALL forms of games from relaxing to intense and everything in between.  I stick away from sports games and that's about it.  I enjoy a challenge IN a game, so long as the challenge isn't something external like how long I can hold the controller until my arms get tired or how many keyboard shortcuts I can memorize only to forget a week later.  I don't know about the rest of you, but that's a pain in the butt.  Just like I don't like tablets.  They're difficult to use with any accuracy.  A keyboard and mouse is 100x more efficient.  The interface is very important in anything and everything you do.  Even in driving a car.  I'd never buy a car with a shifter on the left side for example (thankfully these don't exist in America.  I'm not too sure about Europe).  Since I'm not left-handed, it would be a constant pain.


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While I do have an interest in the Wii U, I think I'll wait a bit until there are more games I would like.  So far, Super Mario Bros U and two other titles are what I'm interested in.  Other then that, nothing much else.

At the latest I'll probably wait until the other two consoles are out from Sony and Microsoft.  I've already have Wii, 360, and PS3 in the same house.  :lol  I'll most likely do the same with the next gen as well.  Depending on whether or not I can buy used games on the next Xbox and Playstation.


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Well here's a little something that went under the radar for me with how well this system has been going for me. (Thank you Moviebob for pointing it out.)

Blue Flash of Death

The problem isn't as bad as the RROD was for the XBox 360, but it's a wonder that, even with the latest technology, we have stuff that doesn't work right out of the box, while an NES console that's 25 years old only needs a little cleaning or some minor part replaced to get it working again.

(Some say that the problem stems from the machine trying to do too much, but who knows?)

I haven't had this problem yet, but at least I'm aware of it's existence and will be ready if the problem ever happens to me.

Oh, and also, try your best to not unplug it during ANY update.  Reports have shown that if you do somehow end up doing that, you'll end up with one expensive paperweight.

Well, back to compatibility testing the thing.  See ya later! :)


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Boy, Nintendo of Europe sure made a dumb move.

Are age restrictions not good enough anymore?  Do we really have to resort to this?  Sad, really. -_-


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I imagine everyone was surprised by this. I really dont see how this is going to stop anything. I was staying up past 11pm before I was 18.


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I'm usually heading off to bed around 10 or 10:30pm... Why would this help? :p That's a pretty bad move indeed... Oh well, prudity!


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I can't figure out how two thieves got away with 7,000 Wii U consoles.

Seriously, how do you pull that off?


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Would that even fit on an 18 wheeler? 0.0
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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What are they even going to do with all those Wii U consoles?


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Cigarettes and liquor you could sell anywhere, but Wii Us? These people must have access to some mighty distribution network.


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So, I'm sure a number of you are wondering how my compatibility testing has been going.  Well, so far every Wii Game I have works just as well on Wii U as it did on the Wii, (A few slightly better.) so no complaints there.

The only thing I question is, when you put in a Wii game, why do you have to go to the Wii Menu Channel to make it work?  When it came to the Wii, you didn't have to take such an extra step to make a GameCube Game work.  So what gives?  Why change it?  I'm not mad, I'm just curious. :unsure:

Now, I have tried the two new Wii U games I got for Christmas.

New Super Mario Bros. U is just a great 2D platforming game.  It's a wonderful game to play with a twist on the whole "Peach Gets Kidnapped" story we're pretty much used to by now.  Not to mention that I love the new flying squirrel suit.  The extra jump power up for it really comes in handy.  However, I did notice one little thing.  It's that the gimmick of putting platforms where you want is absent in the 1-player mode.  It seems to only work in the multi-player mode.  I guess they didn't want to make it easy for one who is playing alone, but it is unusual to not have it, to say the least.

Still, good game and I'll be enjoying it for some time.

As for the other one, that would be Arkham City: Armored Edition.  Basically speaking, it's the same game that's for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.  It's just that this one has been modified to work with the Wii U.

The big noticeable difference is that when you select your weapon, you have to push "up" on the control pad and then select it on the screen.  On top of that, Batman's hacking weapon (Sorry, can't remember name.) is solved with the touch screen.  To be honest, the new controls take some getting used to.  It's more of an issue than anything else.

One added weapon though is a powered up version of the suit called BAT mode.  Basically, you beat up enemies until your meter reaches full, which is when you can activate it.  When you do, Batman is much stronger and able to clear a room full of goons very easily.  It only lasts for a short amount of time, but it's a great weapon to have.

One big thing I did note.  Apparently, this version of the game has another part that takes place after the events of Arkham City.  I won't say what's on it, but I will say that it's worth checking out.

So yeah, same game, just with a few new features added and new controls.  To be honest, not that impressed really.

Anyways, that's all for now.  I'll be enjoying my Wii U and will be looking forward to any new games that come up.

See ya later! :)


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Continuing news on it, Wii U seems to be doing better than Wii did. (As hard as that may be for some to believe, it's true.)

Seems the main culprit in all this was the game New Super Mario Bros U.  Nice job there, Nintendo. ;)


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Called it. I knew Nintendo had another winner.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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HD Remake of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker coming to Wii U!

It was one of my favorite games on GameCube.  It saddens me that my mom gave it away without my permission. :cry

Heart in the right place and all, but she could have at least asked me first. :(

Will impatiently wait with a wad of cash for this to come out. :)


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Not just that! There looks to be quite a storm for Nintendo this year and forthcoming going by some of the announcements they've made.

A new Yoshi game taking in vein to Kirby's Epic Yarn
A new 3D Mario game from the team that gave us Mario 3D Land and Mario Galaxy
New Mario Kart
An all new Zelda
Smash Bros for 3DS
A new JRPG from the makers of Xenoblade Chronicles
Shin Migami Tensei/Fire Emblem crossed game

Apparently Iwata made a formal apology for the lack of Wii U software at this stage and is giving Ninty fans a taster of what's to come.

Gotta say I'm looking forward to some of these announcements! :D


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Well, I know Nintendo grew so much during the Wii, I was starting to wonder if most of their multitude of development studios were just sitting around twiddling their thumbs.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I'm enjoying being able to rub this is the faces of all doubters.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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I tried a Wii U today.  It sucked just about as bad as I thought it would.  I still don't understand how anyone could use such a system.  The games are great so far, but I won't be buying it with an interface like that.  Or a price like that for that matter. <_<