The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 61528


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Hmmm, Longtail seems interesting. Good thing I don't know your character very well GVG, because I guess I'll be surprised. :) ))

Littlefoot heard Ruby's words, and knew she was right. In spite of his promise to Chomper... he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep lying to his friends. It turned his stomach, and he felt all the worse for it... and when Redback charged forward and let off his ear splitting yell, Littlefoot felt relieved that Redback was on their side. "Yeah... you're right Ruby... I guess I'll... face that after we deal with this."

Hyp smirked at Ridge. "Yeah... I'll fight if needs be... but yes, we should spread out to avoid overloading the adult flyers. You're right." Chomper and Cutter added their roars to Redback's and Pterano hugged Petrie close as this happened.

"It's alright. Shhhh." he said reassuringly. "I think it's well in hand." He hoped so at least... because that's how it seemed.

Norton looked at Devon, and said right before Redback roared. "Well, it's a Redback type... and a plated type. I don't know if you fight but..." and he couldn't finish, as Redback let out his mighty challenge. Norton's sharp ears picked up on the leaf eater tongue that one of the sharpteeth spoke, and his eyes widened. "Hey! They can speak our tongue!" he called down to his father, and soared downward, hovering above the fallen sharptooth.

"I know you can understand us!" the carmine flyer said. "Leave us... or you'll face all of us!" he stated firmly, narrowing his eyes as he flew just out of their reach, and rather right above Redback himself.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


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Fang shook his head with a growl as he looked out, seeing not just one larger sharptooth but two other sharpteeth as well. He stopped growling as his eyes went wide, only now looking around to see everyone. He slowly stood up and took a step back. "Please don't kill me, it's nothing personal I swear. My mother she is sick and I never knew my father" he said in an over-dramatic way.

Nat sighed at Fang and slowly walked over to his sailback friend, giving him a quick tap on the head. "Cut it out, you're just being stupid"


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Oh is that SO?" Norton asked, landing and folding his wings. "I never knew a sharptooth to plead to leaf eaters... well... we ARE backed up by sharpteeth of our own, I guess. We don't intend to hurt you... provided you mean US no harm." he stated firmly. "We're giving you the chance to go on your way... without bothering us."

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera hearing Hyp's comments and the others speaking followed their idea and spread out from the others... just in case. She wanted to be far enough away that if everyone had to turn tail and run, any flyer could carry her safely, but stay close enough to helpful if she was needed. "This had better work, I'm getting tired of having to run when we should be resting!" she said aloud.

Ruby couldn't help but agree with Littlefoot and whispered to him again. "Don't worry Littlefoot, we'll all deal with it as friends, cause thats what friends do, we help each other when each other needs help." she said with a gentle tone.


Longtail had almost immediately begun to dream after falling asleep. He was in the Mysterious Beyond again... alone. His body felt hot, and cold at the same time. At first the young glider was confused until he turned his head  One half of the land around him was bathed in light from the bright circle, but the other half was shrouded in darkness and illuminated by the night circle that dotted the sky. Longtail then looked down at himself and realized with a start why he felt the way he did, both the light and darkness split his body down the middle from head to tail. At first he was scared and confused by what this meant, but then as he stared to walk both the skies followed his movements as if they were guided by him and him alone.
It was then that the child began to hear voices talking to him, calling him... almost begging him to answer as if they were all trying to have a conversation. Longtail however continued to walk through his dream, and stayed silent... hoping the voices would go away.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon floated in the air by the power of his wings. He could only hear faint voices from up there and he wondered what was going on. So he landed next to Norton, just in case he needed any help of some sort of course. Judging from up in the air and how Norton was interracting with these sharpteeth, he figured they spoke leafeater. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked simply, but also threatening as well, but only doing so to protect those he loves.

Petrie relaxed himself a little at Pterano's words as he even made a move to escape his uncle's embrace. But then he realized he couldn't fly due to the pain, so he just placed himself back in Pterano's arms, pouting. "It sucks not being able to fly..." he muttered to himself, but loud enough for Pterano to hear.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper stepped up from behind Redback just a bit to try to reason with the two young sharpteeth. <Look, I'm a sharptooth too, so I understand that you need to find SOMETHING to eat. That still doesn't mean I'd ever let you eat any of my friends! If your really so desperate right now, I know of a very big dead spiketail nearby that me and Redback ate of off earlier today. It still has a lot of meat on it, so you could eat your fill. I'm sure I could ask one of the flyers to show your where it is if your interested.>
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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Devon's and Norton's words seemed to only make Fang growl, he wasn't too keen on being threatened especially from dinosaurs that weren't sharpteeth. Before his growling could be made any more obvious Chomper spoke up. <You're...friends? You became friends with Flatteeth? And you're helping me out?> he seemed surprised and confused by that and then looked at the others.

<Come one Fang, lets just go before they get hostile> Nat said as he took another step back. Fang though had other plans.

"Who am I?" he said to them in leaf eater tongue. "I am Fang, the meanest little sharptooth you'll ever meet, and when I grow up I'll be the biggest and baddest sharptooth of all time" he said in a cocky way, smirking to show off his teeth.

Mama's Girl

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((Ok, I think I read all of the descriptions on Fang correctly. He's a bit bigger than Chomper?))

Ridge wanted very much to point out how Hyp's plan of fighting off the sharpteeth wasn't likely to get him far, but who was he to shoot down an insane last option, and plus how did he really know the runner type didn't have amazing reserves of energy maybe...yeah, probably not.

Still keeping very much so behind Pterano, just in case, Harper nonetheless glanced out to watch and listen to what she could catch of the conversation, mainly the parts spoken in flattooth. By the end of it, she wasn't sure if they were facing friendly sharpteeth or not since she couldn't tell if the little one who spoke was just building himself up like she understood kids and hatchlings of the smaller kind having to do, or if he meant his threat. Eitherway, she was of no size herself to confront him on the facts. Ducky wasn't either, and so just watched nervously.

Ridge was of enough size to smirk a bit in amusement, though. "Hate to burst your...Uh, sweet bubble" he realized the sharptooth might not really get the full benefit of the reference, "but you're not exactly grown yet and I think we have a few sharp teeth in our company a bit bigger than you". Ridge found that, provided this sharptooth meant no harm to them, he could actually sort of like him, as he got the same impression as Harper from the young sharptooth's boasting.


  • Spike
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(Yup, and I forgot a small detail about him but I'll describe it in the post)

Fang's head quickly snapped in Ridge's direction, giving him an odd look. It must have been due to the sweet bubble reference but whatever the reason he slowly turned his head back to look at the sharpteeth before him, mainly Redback. The smirk melted away as he closed his jaws, the only teeth showing where his two usually long upper front teeth that gave the look of small saber teeth.

"I think this is our cue to leave." Nat said to Fang but the cocky little sailback wasn't done yet.

"I'm not scared of any of you guys, when I grow up I'll be bigger and badder than all of you. Not scarred at all." Fang said narrowing his eyes at Redback.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Deepest apologies if I lose power over the next few days from the hurricane, but I'll just have to get back into the RP when I can. This is just a heads up in case it DOES  happen and I vanish without leaving a word of my absence. You'll know why if that's the case. :p))

Norton was easily the biggest flyer in the group, and he knew it. He towered over these sharpteeth, and he scowled at the bravado of the one. "Yes, yes." he said, rolling his eyes. "You and every other sharptooth your age who thinks he's the baddest around. Bravado gets you nowhere boy, aside from maybe inside some bigger sharptooth's stomach. You have to know when to use it, and when to know that your bluff has been called." he stated, still smirking.

"If one is good, one knows it, and doesn't need to brag about it. So what is the point of all this?" he asked, growing exasperated. "Either get to the point or leave us. We're trying to live our lives, just like you. I like you in fact... you remind me a lot of myself at your age." the smirk was still there, but it was one more of almost respect at this point, though there was still amusement there too. "You can't possibly take all of us on, so you either hurry this up, so we can all get to sleep, or be on your way." Norton grew tired of all these distractions, and was looking to spend some quality time with this father... plus reveal his secret to him when he could... if he could. "I'd listen to your friend if I were you... he does seem rather smart."

Littlefoot smiled at Norton's words. Wasn't that true! He was feeling tired himself... tired of all these run ins with sharpteeth, and being stuck out here in the Mysterious Beyond. "Thank you... Ruby. I would need some help with that... I promised Chomper but... it seems I didn't realize what I was getting myself into as well when I made that promise." he shook his head, and sighed. "I don't think I can keep up not... being truthful."

Pterano was listening to the whole exchange with some confusion. What did these pint sized sharpteeth want? One wanted to leave, the other wanted to stay and run his mouth. But why? He looked down at Harper and Petrie, then off in their direction again. How best to handle this...? Of course... he smiled a little. They were so small... he could easily pick one up and then drop it from a great height... just to give him a good scare... though that of course would be borderline cruel, even if it would probably scare the living daylights out of the small guy.

He'd catch him of course, as he despised violence of any kind, but he'd have to be careful as well. "Ohhhh this is starting to get a bit too strange." he commented to Harper and Petrie. "I've never seen sharpteeth kids like this. None of them spoke leaf eater, from what I encountered. This is just getting more and more bizarre of a night as it goes on." he said, wondering how this would turn out.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Well, if you aren't even going to accept my help when I'm trying to give it, then your even more hot-headed than you look!" Chomper yelled out in anger, not really realizing he was saying that in flattooth, or what others would think of it.

Chomper then went up to Redback, and whispered in his ear. "Hey, um, I kind of have an idea. You think you could go that other sailback on the ground? I mean, don't hurt him, but I really feel like having some fun with him right now."

Cutter could only hear everything that was being spoke out in sharptooth. All of Fang's boastings in flattooth went completely over his head, so he was kind of confused as to why he was still here.  He wasn't really scared of the two other small sharpteeth, even though they were both kind of a bit bigger than him.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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Fang stared at Norton as he spoke, his jaw slowly opening as if in bewilderment. Deep in his mind all these words where making sense to him, acting like this really was something of a death wish and his boasting was anything but sensible. However, this was going on in the back on his mind, up front his hot headed personality still kept him going. Before he could respond though he heard Chomper, shouting at him, Fang didn't like being shouted at. His eyes slowly locked onto Chomper as he growled at the friendly sharptooth.

"Anger management Fang, please anger management." Nat said, still not willing to take a step forwards.


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Redback grinned maliciously as Chomper whispered in his ear. Snickering slightly to himself, he nodded and put a plan into action:

"Hey, Fang! Lookout behind you! Fast biters!"

He pointed behind the little sailback in fear, as if he had spotted something sneaking up on him. As Fang jump and looked behind him, Redback made his move, and planted a foot on his tail.

Mama's Girl

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((Alright, if you just disappear, we'll know why :smile))

Harper could only nod in agreement. All of this was rather odd. "Just glad Ridge didn't get himself bit there" she sighed, commenting partly to herself and partly to Pterano and Petrie, "he's gotta learn not to say things like that and cause trouble" she shook her head. The way she saw it, it was fine for Norton and such to call the little sharptooth out, they were at least adults, but Ridge wasn't as big as he sometimes thought he was either, not even being full adolescence yet.

Ridge's slight amused boldness wasn't helped by Fang backing down though, but he wasn't gloating or anything and so didn't comment anymore on the issue. Just waited so see how this "plan" Chomper seemed to be setting up between him and Redback would go. Ducky gasped a bit as Eedback stepped on smaller sharptooth's tail, unsure what exactly he had planned but hoping no one would get hurt.


  • Spike
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When he was warned of the so called Fast Bitters Fang reacted just how you'd expect him to, but when his tail was stepped on he seemed to freeze with his eyes wide. There was a pause before he eventually let out a pained, and high pitched roar as he crouched low. Being bitten on the tail by a similarly sized sharptooth was one thing, having your tail stepped on by a larger one was an entirely different story and it left him in too much pain to retaliate. "Ah..ahh...ow..." was all he could say.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper laughed at Fang when he got his tail stepped on. "You just don't know when to stop boasting, do you? Your jsut a big joke, really. It's sharpteeth like you that don't end up living for very long!"

Chomper ducked back, running back to the group of Flatteeth. He ran up to Ducky, winked at her, picked her up, and rushed her to the front lines. He jumped up on Redback's back, Ducky in his lap, before he put his joke in action. "Oh, and you don't like being told by flatteeth either, don't you? Well, let's put all of this on little Duky here. As you can see, she's a very little swimmer, about the smallest flattooth we got here with us. Now, Ducky, what do you want to happen? Do you want Redback to eat this little sharptooth, or will you let him go?" He winked at her again, hoping she'd play along.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon watched the whole scene and he was slightly amused by it. He walked up to Fang and Redback, smirking as Redback was stepping on his tail. "Consider this as a warning, kid. I could have my dad drop you from up there, if you know what I mean." He pointed up to the sky as he said that. Of course, he knew Pterano would never actually drop him and let him fall to his death. Of course not! Fang was only a kid after all and it would only be to get him to behave. "Or...I could do it if he wishes. But then again, my dad's a lot stronger than me so he'd be taking you to a greater height than me. So yeah, if I were you, I'd stop yapping and start behaving. Cool?"
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Spike
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Fang hissed and cringed, not even mustering enough energy to try and pull his tail free. <Please say let him go...> he hissed to himself as he clawed at the ground with his hands and feet. As Devon spoke he at least had enough energy to glare at the flyer with his red eye as fiery and hot as his temper.

Nat just shook his head and cringed a little just seeing how much pain his friend was in. Even so, he didn't make a move, it seemed he wasn't willing to interfere.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby patted Littlefoot on the back and continued to try and comfort him, unfortunately she couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the scene unfold with the sharpteeth. "This is amusing, and whatever is amusing must be safe." she said as she continued to watch.

Cera gave a devious grin as she saw what was going on. She stepped forward and spoke up. "So not so tough now are you?! You would be wise not to mess with us again! Unless of course you're tired of living!"


Cyrix eyes popped open, and he realized that with a frown he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight... there was just too much to worry about. The rainbow face sighed as he looked around. perhaps a nice walk will help clear my head? he thought to himself as he stood up carefully not to wake Longtail and stepped away from the tree.

Longtail's sleep story on the other paw was getting stranger. The child continued to walk through the Mysterious Beyond with the world still split between day and night, but the voices had only gotten louder, and louder the longer he ignored them. He knew he had to answer their questions or he'd likely go crazy, but as he prepared to answer, he took note of the two voices. One was soft, peaceful almost like a mother trying to sooth her child and echoed with love. The other voice however was dark, sarcastic, and seemed to echo with a horrid and ice cold tone.

"What do you two want?" asked Longtail keeping sure to keep his voice as neutral as possible so as not to offend either voice.

The first voice to answer was on the side with the light. "We little one are the sounds of your conscious. We help you decide between right and wrong."

It was then that the other voice spoke. "But we are trapped in an endless struggle. Trapped by YOU CHILD!"

Longtail cringed in a moment of fear. "But what do mean?" he asked gently.

"You see young one, we aren't just part of your conscious, we also hold all of your emotions. I am the feelings of joy, happiness, and everything that makes you happy." said with caring voice.

"You can guess what I represent you little brat!" shouted the voice in the darkness. "So, are you going to follow your emotions and let us find your friends? Or are you going to listen to the elders and possibly let your friends die because you were too weak to listen to your heart?!" cried the darker voice.

Longtail stopped walking for a moment and looked at the ground that was split between the dark and light, not sure how to answer.

Mama's Girl

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Ducky was beyond startled when Chomper rushed back to grab her. "Chomper, wait, what are you...", but the little swimmer didn't get much time for questions before they were up front. She just glanced from Chomper to Fang and then Redback and back to face Chomper as he spoke. Her? Decide what should happen to the little sharptooth? She caught the wink, and that this was all playing but...oh she didn't know if she could.

"Well, I Uh, I..." the swimmer glanced from Chomper to Fang again. If she have him...eaten. How far was Redback going to push the jest himself?

Ridge sighed. His emotions were all mixed about using Ducky for a stunt like this. He didn't know if the little swimmer could take it

Ducky could take it, but she wasn't sure she was the best sport. Devon flapped over to continue what everyone else had been saying, then Cera added her taunt, and Ducky finally felt this had all maybe been pushed too far. "No" she shook her head, leaping over ((considering she can :))) and rushing to Fang, "I don't want him eaten or dropped or anything!" she sighed, then turned to Fang. "Do not worry, they just get carried away sometimes, but I am sure you will be nice now" she backed this up with one of her bright, faithful smiles.

She then glanced down to the young sharptooth's stepped on tail. Making sure to nudge Redback's foot fully off, she gently took it up to look at it. "Ooh, that must hurt" she frowned. "Harper" she turned, catching the young flyer's attention, "there are some of those leaves that look like helping kind over there, will you bring me some and I will help his tail".

"Oh, sure" Harper darted over to get some.