The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 61523


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Fang could only star in bewilderment at Ducky. All he'd been getting so far was warnings and threats but then out of the blue this one leaf eater showed him kindness when given the choice of his fate. He continued to stare at her, following her every move and not even saying anything or object at first. It was only when she had told Harper to get the leaves did he slowly pull his tail away and frown at her. "Why are you helping me, flattooth?"


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Norton was beginning to lose interest in this. It was clear to him that the sharptooth was all bluster and no action, and if he had been serious, he would've done something by now. He figured he'd let the younger ones play out their game with him now, as he had other things to be taking care of.

Littlefoot too was bit uncomfortable with this whole thing, though he had to admit that Chomper's idea had worked. It had gotten the small sharpteeth to finally back down and become a bit more mellow, or at least the one of them. He looked up at Ruby as he started to walk back inside the alcove. It was time for some sleep... or at least in his mind it was. "So... even though I promised Chomper I'd keep it a secret... you really think... that telling the others is for the best? I admit I don't really like lying." he stated, shaking his head.

"But at the same time, the others might... not see it the same way I do. Chomper is Chomper, but he's still a sharptooth, and they know that. I just don't want them hating him because he's... started to eat meat." the longneck explained. "Maybe I should talk to Chomper first, about it." he suggested, wondering if that was the better course.

Norton hopped over to Pterano, Petrie, and Harper. "What a ridiculous bit of drama that was." he stated, smiling at them as he stretched his arms and yawned. "I guess we should head to bed soon, huh?" he asked, scratching his chest.

Pterano nodded, but thought of something. "You... had something you wanted to tell me... didn't you, Norton?" the older flyer asked. "You can tell me... us in fact. We're all family, and if I promise not to say a word about it, my niece and nephew are just as good on their words." he explained.

Oh Pterano... if you only knew about your statement. "We're all family..." Norton repeated, soft and low. "Heh... Pterano... Petrie... Harper... that's so very true." he said, though Pterano only raised a brow. "Pterano." he said, looking right at him. "You're... family... because... you're my..." he stuck a foot claw into the pool, twirling it around again. "Father." he said, looking down into the rippling water.

At first, Pterano didn't react, only shifting a bit as his brow furrowed in confusion. "I... beg your pardon?" he asked.

"Dad... the egg... that your mate said she'd smash... the one that she took with her and you lost track of... that was me. I was that egg. But I wasn't smashed... because your mate recovered from her illness... and I hatched." he said, a small smile spreading over his features as Pterano's face went from firm confusion to complete shock.

"I... how could you know...?" he asked, shaking his head, but somehow, he knew the answer. The coloration on this flyer... his mannerisms... his crest... his... everything. Only someone with intimate knowledge of that day could know any of these details... and thus it had to be true. He couldn't say anything at first, and Norton just stood there, shaking a little at his nervousness. His trembling became visible to the older flyer, and Pterano closed his open beak.

"I don't believe it..." He whispered, moving over to him. "I... AM a father?" he asked incredulously. Norton merely nodded shyly.

"Would make me your cousin." Norton spoke after a moment, looking at both Petrie and Harper. "Your mom was lucky she had such a big brood." he said, smiling again.

Pterano looked the young flyer up and down, taking in everything. He had his crest... his beak... the color was darker, but he could see his mate must've had something to do with that. Such an impressive flyer at that... and suddenly, Pterano's chest welled with pride, and he reached out, pulling the surprised Norton in for a hearty hug.

If the others were paying close attention, they could see Norton's body start to convulse in sobs, his body shaking as his father hugged him. He wasn't sure if his father was good, or bad, but being here with him like this... it felt right.


Cyrix might have felt the ground shake a little under him as Grandpa Longneck came up from behind. "Hello, Cyrix. I'm not sleeping well myself, tonight." the old longneck admitted. How has Longtail been holding up?" he asked, looking over in the sleeping flyer's direction. "At least he's asleep." he commented with a smile. "I was thinking about letting him look for our children tomorrow... with your permission of course." he politely added, making sure to not overstep the rainbow face's authority.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Petra (He/They)
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(DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! THAT WAS SOOO BEAUTIFUL, PTERANO!!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I think Imma draw that scene someday...of course, knowing me, I LOVE FATHER SON FLUFF!!!!!! :DD  :smile  :wub  :wub )

Devon was about to go on but when he heard Norton talking to Pterano, the fallowing thought went through his head: Oh my gosh! He's finally telling him!!! I wonder how Pterano will take it... :o He moved over behind a tree to watch the father son moment that went on between Norton and Pterano. He couldn't help but laugh at the enormous jawdrop that came from Petrie. Hey, if he's Pterano's biological son...then...that would make him! I have a brother! He couldn't help but swell with pride at the thought as a smile crossed his face. He has always wanted a brother, even when he was a little kid. He didn't care if his biological father treated him better, he just wanted someone to play with. And now...he finally has somebody.

As much as he wanted to go in there and say "hi" to his newfound brother, he just didn't want to interrupt the father son moment that went on between Norton and Pterano. He gave them one last smile and headed into the forest for nothing more than a little walk, unaware of who or what was lurking in the forest with him...

A good thirty or so steps later, he stopped, getting the feeling of being watched. He was sure it was his imagination, but something told him to go back home. So he turned back, taking a few steps towards the other direction. But just when he did, a deep Texan accent that seemed to come out of nowhere scared him out of his skin. A brown flyer with no crest and sharpteeth landed in front of him, blocking his way home.

"Hello, Devon...remember me?"

(Uh oh... :unsure: )
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper was kind of surprised when Ducky acted so nice to Fang, but it was probably better for it to happen this way. He stayed back, but close enough to Ducky and Fang to jump in if things turned sour.

Cutter lost interest in Fang, and decided to explore the leafeater's home for a bit. He wandered into the alcove Littlefoot and Ruby were talking in. He let out a friendly <Hello> when he walked in, knowing that neither of the dinosaurs could understand him, but that maybe they'd guess it was some sort of greeting. He saw a ground crawler close to Littlefoot, so he grabbed it and swallowed it. Then he just set out ot look around the Alcove some more.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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Turning from having asked Harper for her assistance, Ducky smiled to the sharptooth's again, "Well...don't you want me to?" she asked, "I mean I know your tail has to hurt. Oh" she turned as Harper delivered over some of the leaves she had asked for, nodding her thanks to then flyer before Harper flapped back over to her family again.

"Plus I know what it's like when most of everyone else is bigger; that's probably why you talk big, like I tried to do once" she gave another smile, "but it's ok, even if you don't want to be nice I'll still help you, because...well...". Ducky stumbled a bit on trying to explain why she would still help the sharptooth's even if he didn't be friends. Describing. The comapssion that was so much just a part of her was hard to do. She didn't understand herself why she felt so sorry for Fang or like she just had to do it. She just did.

Ducky shrugged, "I just don't think anyone should hurt or get scared if it can be helped".

With a smile to himself, Ridge glanced aside in thought. It was odd how humbled he suddenly was by Ducky's just being her and not resorting to the jests that even he had been prodded into delivering due to the little shatooth trying to rub them all the wrong way and succeeding with almost everyone.

Harper's attention had still been focused a bit on the whole issue with the sharptooth as she flapped back over, but intrigue over whatever this secret Norton had slowly took over full focus as he went on. Especially at the words she thought she caught of Norton saying Petrano was his...father?

Giving a frown of confusion and taking in the news as well, Haper just listened as Norton went on. She of course knew nothing of the story of Pterano's mate and the egg, or even that he's had one. So then...what had happened to this aunt she'd never met? Probably...nothing she wanted to ask about.

She was just coming around to realization herself of how this did make Norton their cousin as the adult flyer she'd already told herself was "pretty neat" turned to them and spoke such. She gave a small, still stunned smile. As Pterano hugged his son, their cousin, Harper glanced over to Petrie and her smile grew at his dropped beak.

" we have a cousin!" she grinned.


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Fang narrowed his eyes at Ducky, even letting out a small hiss. But in the end, rather than attacking her even saying something rude or cocky he just snorted and brought his tail back over to where Ducky could reach it. He'd never seen such kindness from a leaf eater directed at a Sharptooth, especially not one like him.

He continued to give her something of an angry look but this was just how he was used to having his face, even when calm. Looking mean was something of a natural response for Sharpteeth, why end up fighting another of your kind when you can just look meaner? Plus a smile was anything but scary, and sometimes scared prey can't fight back.

"Um...guess I should say, thanks" he said to Ducky, hissing out the 'thanks' as if it was a forbidden word.

"Well, good to see that's all over with minimal damage" Nat said and then walked over to Redback. "Uh, excuse Fang. He hasn't really had anyone to teach him the basics of life, like when to shut up" he said trying to apologize to all those that Fang seemed to upset.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby smiled gently as she heard Littlefoot talking about how conflicted he was about lying to the others. She then thought carefully about what she said next. "Well Littlefoot as you said, Chomper is Chomper. We can't change him no more than we can change ourselves... and yes, while it may be hard for them to get used to it... like Cera for instance... even she'll come around. After all they know he's a sharptooth, and they know soon he will do what he has to in order to live. It will be a bit sad to see him change from the little baby sharptooth we've known him for and see him as a rough and tough older sharptooth, but I have faith... that Chomper no matter what changes may come, will always be our friend."

Cera stepped over to Nat and spoke. "Yeah well he ought to learn fast, cause not all of us would have been so kind as our swimmer friend here." She then turned to face Ducky and sighed. "You know Ducky.... only you could talk to another sharptooth and make him smile." She then rolled her eyes. "I kinda wish I could have that gift with my dad sometimes."


Cyrix turned to face Grandpa Longneck and gave a sad, almost wishful smile as he stepped forward trying hard to find the words to explain what he was going to say. After a few more moments he opened his mouth. "Nothing would make me happier than to see Longtail help find and reunite him with his friends. But... there is... something you should know. This is a secret Longtail and I have held since he came to this valley... and to even speak of it... I feel as if I'm betraying his trust... but I simply cannot carry this burden alone." He sighed deeply and walked in a circle clearly distressed about what he was about to say... but deep down, he knew that he had to tell... for himself AND his nephew. He drew in a deep breath as he continued speaking.
"You must promise me that no one in this valley aside from you, knows what I'm about to tell you... ESPECIALLY not Threehorn... if he found out. I... I shudder to think what he'd do." Then the next words from his mouth did not sound like his own as he blurted out, "Longtail is a half sharptooth!!!" After speaking those words, whatever composure Cyrix had seemed to disappear as his scales paled in color and he began to shiver as if he were cold, and his eyes darted around frantically as if expecting someone else to be listening.

Inside Longtail's dream, he'd finally made a choice.
"I... I will do as you both ask. If I'm allowed to search tomorrow, I'll follow my heart." his voice was still cautiously neutral but he for some reason he couldn't explain, his voice held a hint of fear and excitement at the same time. It was then that his dream began to fade into total darkness and he felt a calming, tired feeling wash over him and he once more drifted into a dreamless sleep.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Littlefoot nodded with eyes closed as he thought about it. "Mmm... yeah. I don't doubt that he'd ever stop being our friend... I just hope that the others won't get cross with me for keeping it from them. Cera... well she can get a little touchy sometimes." he commented.

Noticing Cutter walking over to them now and giving out what sounded like a grunt and a growl, Littlefoot gave him an uneasy smile and a wave with his foot. "Um... hi there." he froze when Cutter gulped down a ground crawler. Better that than one of them...

He briefly wondered how it was going outside, but figured there'd be plenty of time for that later. Kid sharpteeth... there was just something about them. They reminded him of Hyp, in all honesty, who was at the entrance of the alcove, watching with a smirk on his features. He looked over at the rainbow faces, and all of them still seemed to be conversing... or debating, or something. It seemed heated, though they were keeping their voices down.

He also wondered about the talking flyers, as Norton was getting embraced by Pterano... but why? The words "father" drifted over to him, and he raised his brows a bit. Was Norton... Pterano's son? Pterano was a dad? Looking up at Ruby, Littlefoot blinked in a weary fashion. "I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep. We need to try and get back to our folks tomorrow... and hope that the Great Valley is OK." He said, trailing off as he still remembered those odd smoking rocks.

Pterano could sense the shaking in his son, and he held him a bit tighter, keeping his eyes closed and patting him on the back. "Oh it's alright. No need for nervousness or fear." he said reassuringly.

"It's just... such a relief." Norton was saying, struggling to hold his tears back. "I've been searching for you for... almost ten years. I always wanted to know what my father was like... who he was... and if he measured up to what my mom said."

"Your mother..." Pterano trailed off, pulling back a bit and holding him at arm's length. "What happened to her?"

Norton smiled, but in a sad manner. "She died... ten years ago. She didn't make it dad... I think... she was devasted by what she had done to you... and heart broken too. She was always weak after that... and just... I guess lost the will to go on." he sniffed a little, and wiped the nostrils on his beak.

Pterano seemed concerned, and hugged Norton back against him. "I see... so she's gone." he whispered. "She was a fine mate... and I know she would've raised you well. I'm sorry that she's passed on." he appeared to be trying to hold back tears as well, but the pride, joy, and surprise he was feeling was mingling with his emotions of sadness over the death of his long lost mate and creating a surge inside of him. "Let's... let's tell Devon... shall we?"

"Oh... he already knows, dad. I confessed to him before I did to you... sorry." Norton said with a bit of a flush.

"Ah... I see. How did he take it? You know how he sees me... of course."

"Yeah... I do. He took it fine enough. In fact... he even encouraged me to tell you." Norton explained.

"I see... so you've been... looking for me for ten years, have you?" placing his hand on Norton's back, he guided the flyer over to the small pool. "You must tell me all about your travels, and the things you have seen!" he exclaimed, as he was quite the traveler himself. "We'll try and keep it down though, as I'm sure the others will be heading to sleep."

Norton smiled. For the first time in ten years... in spite of all that he'd seen and accomplished and done... he felt home. He could see his father was genuinely interested in him, and even if he was arrogant, tended to snap when angry, and had kidnapped Ducky... he was his father after all, and being with him right now... it started to give him a confidence he hadn't felt in a very long time. "Alright... well let's see... I guess I'll just start from the begining." he said softly, and sat down next to his father at the pool side, soaking his feet once again into the cool, clear water. Neither of them yet knew the danger Devon was in... but that would probably soon change...


Grandpa Longneck couldn't conceal his surprise at this, and his head rocked back a little as he opened his mouth. "He... is?" the elder blinked a few times, wondering how he could've missed that. He looked behind him to make sure Mr. Threehorn wasn't around, as he knew the triceratops would throw a fit if he found out.

"I... I see. But..." Grandpa had heard of such things. Half-breeds and the like. He too looked about him, trying to make sure that they were alone. "How has Longtail been handling that?" he asked. "I always suspected there was some secret between you and him, but I never imagined it was something like that!" he stated, though in a low voice. "I thought perhaps that he had some sort of tragic past that constantly haunted him... but to confess that he's part sharptooth is well... a bit surprising I must say."

"You have my word that I'll keep tight lipped about it for now. You're right about Mr. Threehorn... he doesn't need to know what's going on. What I want to know from you though is if Longtail is alright with this. He seemed... very troubled earlier, and I know he's worried about his friends... but I did catch the part he said about... oh, dark deeds was it?" he asked, struggling to recall.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Petra (He/They)
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Petrie was still dropping his jaw, until he snapped out of it and smiled up at his newfound cousin. " my cousin, huh?"


"You..." Devon muttered angrily, getting into a stance. "What do you want?"

"Whoa there, Devon! Talk about a temper!" Sierra chuckled darkly, stepping towards the blue cearadactylus. "Now, why don't you come and gimme a big hug?" He said that sarcastically, Devon could tell and the blue flyer just scowled at him, taking out his claws.

"Don't come near me! I'm warning you! Don't do anything stupid or...or..." Devon was loss for words. If only this wasn't his dad he was talking to. Because his father was his worst nightmare. It's no telling what Sierra might do to him. His heart pounded as he began to tense up.

"Or what? You'll slap me?" Sierra chuckled again, stepping closer. "Oh Devon, you are the most gullible son ever. You know you can't beat're just as useless as a rock. It's no wonder Pterano replaced you."

"You're-you're lying!" Devon couldn't think of any better comeback than that.

"Oh no? Then WHY is Pterano hanging out with Norton more than you? Why is he interested in him more than you? But most importantly, why did he disown you?"

"He didn't disown me!" Devon yelled, trying to hold in incoming tears.

"He's gonna. I overheard him telling Norton that he was gonna disown ya tomorrow." the brown flyer lied, leaning against a tree and picking out a grapefruit. Devon softened up as he couldn't help but believe what Sierra was saying. Pterano...the only friend he had left, better yet his own adopted father...was going to abandon him like he was nothing. His look saddened as tears began to fall down his cheeks.

" can't be happening!"

"Oh it is. It's too bad. Pterano was a good father, but looks like he's moved on. So I'd suggest ya do the same. How about you join me, and we'll take down that son of a tarpit down together." Sierra offered, taking out his hand.

Devon thought hard. His first intention was to go with Sierra and shake his hand, but then his thoughts transferred to Pterano...and how he's been the perfect father for him. He remembered how Pterano taught him how to be "gentle", how he taught him how to use vines, how to do tricks while flying. Those were the happiest of days he's ever had. Was he really gonna throw those away? Especially after Sierra had lied to him, abused him, and even disowned him over the years. His look hardened, and he wiped away his tears. "I'll never join you!"

"Oh you wont huh? Well that's too bad. We could have made a great team. And I thought you could make yourself useful for once. What a shame." With that, the brown flyer slapped the blue cearadactylus, sending him into a tree.

Devon crashed onto the ground in deep pain. He winced, trying to breathe properly. "Dad? Please don't-" he was interrupted when Sierra grabbed him by the arm, twisting it behind his back. You'd have to be deaf to not hear his scream.

(Finally! It's finished! I thought I'd never get done! But I am now! Poor Devon...let's hope Pterano can get to him in time. But as planned by me and Pterano, it's gonna be epic.)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

The Great Valley Guardian

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(For those who don't know... this post will explain ALOT about Longtail's past... so enjoy!)

Ruby sighed lightly as Littlefoot mentioned Cera. "I know that Cera tends to have a temper, but she is the daughter of Mr.Threehorn... so it is to be expected. But she is the one I would expect to make the biggest fuss over all of this, so perhaps when the time comes, she will be the last one we tell. Does that sound fair to you?" she asked gently hoping the longneck would at least think about her idea. While she didn't want to keep a secret from Cera of all her friends, but it was true that Cera might not hear everything that was important when Littlefoot spoke. She could only hope that Cera after her outburst at Pterano would be able to summon up that outlook again.


Cyrix placed his hands together and shuddered again. His nerves were shot and despite feeling a bit better in knowing someone else knew this secret it still put him more on edge than before. He gave a slight smile as he heard Grandpa Longneck say he'd promise, but then he mentioned how Longtail had been dealing with it, and even asked about his supposed dark deeds... and Cyrix was forced to cover his face with his hands as he slowly began to weep. After a few deep breaths and the chance to regain his voice, Cyrix took a trembling hand off his face and stared up at Grandpa Longneck before finally speaking.
"My friend... I suppose if you are going to know what all this means... then you will have to know the full story." Cyrix then took a moment and sat on the ground with a frown.

"The day Longtail was born, I was there to see him hatch. I got to meet his mother whose name was Soul from whom my nephew gets his good looks, and his father, whose name escapes me at the moment. But still it was beautiful, and in honor of being the first rainbow face to visit the island his family lived on, I was named his guardian in case anything happened to his parents. Which of course it did eventually, his home island was hit by a flying rock the size of this entire valley, and as his mother tried to save him she too was struck with a flying rock in her back. I was away from the island the day this happened which is why I was spared from death."

Cyrix took a moment to breath once more, still finding tears running down his face and finding it hard to focus.
"But after he woke up, he spent seven cold times by himself in the Mysterious Beyond. Those times... were unpleasant. Now that isn't to say he was alone all that time, he'd joined several herds that said they would protect him... up until they found out his secret. most of the herds exiled him away from them, but only two have openly tried to kill him, or so Longtail has told me."

He then paused for a moment. He wasn't sure how well this was going to sit with the elderly Longneck, but he knew it had to be said. "After losing his family. and being threatened by other herds, my nephew says he began hearing voices in his head that weren't his. Soon after he arrived here in the valley and the two of us met, his right eye changed colors to mimc the bright circle during the day. It was the single creepiest thing I've ever seen. But now, after all this time, i've been trying to hide his changes, but... now on top of his eye changing color there are times where his voice will sound... different... scary even, and his feathers begin to look darker as well... it's all just so much... there are things I know he hasn't told me about... things he is keeping from me, but honestly as much as I would like to know, so I can help him... he won't tell me, and I don't have the heart to force it out of him... he is after all just a child. I care too much to make him tell those stories." Cyrix then fell silent for several minutes listening to the night sounds around them.

He then looked up to the elderly longneck and said the one thing that he honestly didn't want to speak of, but he felt he'd gone this far... he might as well tell it all. "There have been several days, where Longtail has confronted me... and said he feels like a monster.... and there are some days... I... believe him." he said with a grief stricken look on his face as he quietly began to sob feeling the tears slid down his face as he added in  a hushed tone, "You must think me a fool..."

Mama's Girl

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((Woah, sounds like we have quite a few epic stories going! :smile))

Ducky just smiled as Fang gave his thanks, even if it was grumpily given and the sharptooth still scowled. "Well, you are very welcome, you are!" she anwered back cheerily. From where he was watching the goings on outside as well, but still caught this, Ridge laughed a bit at how unhampered Ducky's whole spirit just stayed. Seeing Norton and Pterano move off just a bit to the edge of the pool, he still felt like it was enough space that he wouldn't be intruding if he walked over to where Petrie and Harper were, so he did.

"So..." he began, walking up. He paused, not sure how to ask 'what was that all about', but he didn't have to try to finish the sentence, as Harper took it from there.

"Ridge! Guess what?!" she turned a beaming smile over to him, "Norton's my cousin. Isn't that just...a shock and great at the same time?!" she laughed.

"Yeah!" Ridge looked stunned, "I thought I heard the word 'dad', so...he's...your uncle's son?".

Harper nodded, "Yeah, that even he didn't know about" she explained. "Wow, I should tell mom tomorrow when we meet back up with our parents, she'll probabaly want to know too!", Harper's thoughts of course immedietly went to considering her mother, like she most times did. After saying this, though, she let out a yawn as the day had been dragging on and eventful.

"Yeah" Ridge chuckled, "we should probably all get to sleep" he suggested, "they'll probably be up talking for a while yet anyway" he nodded towards Pterano and Norton.

"Yeah, probably so" Harper smiled in a way that was happy for both her family members as she flapped up to land on Ridge's plates like he let her do, "Come on Petrie" she turned to her brother, "let's...". Just then a cry sounded out, interrupting Harper and causing her to flinch in. "Wh-what was that...".


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Fang's facial expressions slowly began to fade into an apathetic look as he calmed, though he was still looking directly at Ducky and still trying to figure her out. He still didn't understand how someone could be so kind, kindness to this degree was simply way beyond anything he could have thought of. Nat was relatively kind to him, being his best friend and all but they were still sharpteeth out in the Mysterious Beyond so they'd get into fights and sometimes just be mean to each other out of habit.

Both him and Nat seemed to gain immediate interest as they picked up the sound of Devon's scream. Without even thinking of his tail Fang turned in the direction of the scream and hissed as he even began to drool. "Someone's been hurt, heheh" he smirked.

This time Nat also smirked along with him, letting out a low and quiet growl. "Injured animal, now that I agree we should go after" he said to Fang. Figuring the group wouldn't mind them leaving, in fact they might even be thankful that the little bitters left, Nat and Fang began to advance towards the source of the scream, making their way silently through the forest.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Sorry for the shorter post guys, but I might not be around a good chunk of today, so it's the best I could do. Hopefully can catch up tonight, and apologies again.))

"Your mother was beautiful, you know." Pterano said, smiling at Norton.

"Heh... she said you told her as much many times." Norton responded.

They both froze as that bloodcurdling scream split the air. "That's Devon!" Pterano cried, standing up. "He must be off in the woods! Norton, come with me. Children, stay with the Rainbow Faces!" he ordered, and flapped off into the air, his son following close behind.

Littlefoot was roused from his half sleep, and looked around him. "What's going on? Devon's in trouble?" he asked, getting to his feet.

It took very little time for Pterano to locate Devon, being less than a minute's flight away, and much to his horrow, he could see Sierra with him as well. "Sierra!" Pterano shouted from up above as he swooped down for a landing. "Leave him alone!" he commanded, landing heavily a few feet away; Norton touching down at his side.

"I don't know who you are... but back off!" Norton shouted, narrowing his eyes.


Grandpa Longneck listened with silent interest, almost enraptured by Cyrix's story. "You've never confronted him about this... I see." he said, voice trailing off softly. "How... mysterious. It's almost like... he's two different flyers... I know that sounds crazy, but that's how I'm seeing it." the old longneck stated.

"I wonder though... I wonder how he's able to deal with this. I know him as a good lad of course, but it seems he has a darker side to him as well. He's never... actually hurt anyone that you know of, has he?" it wasn't accusatory, but simple curiosity on his part, and it showed through in his tone of voice. He was loathe to suspect Longtail of anything, but he wanted to make sure all the same.

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By the time Pterano and Norton, Sierra had pinned poor Devon to the tree, sticking a sharp rock to his throat. The brown flyer was annoyed by the sound of Pterano's voice, and just threw the rock at the old flyer. "Ah shut up!" The rock plunged into Pterano's belly, right below the chest. It wasn't that deep, but still.

Devon saw what Sierra did to the red flyer and rage filled his features. He brought his legs up and kicked the brown flyer in the stomach, sending him to the ground and thus, releasing him from the death grip. He didn't hesitate one moment, not even to breathe before he rushed to his adopted father's side, shouting. "DAD!!!"

It almost seemed as if Pterano wasn't breathing to Devon, being as worried as he is. He had absolutely no idea that Pterano was alive. "You killed him...YOU KILLED HIM!!!!!!" He shouted, lunging at Sierra, punching him in the face.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Spike
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As the fight commenced Fang and Nat just stood at the edge of the bushes, watching. Since they had just run into the group some minutes ago neither of them really had a side to take and so just waited to see which of the two flyers would be left helpless and beaten on the ground. that's the one they'd go after. Even so, as they watched Nat began to think. He noticed all the flyers except for one, Sierra. He knew not of any of their names but he did take note that all the flyers here except him where back in the group when they'd first arrived, and now he was fighting one of said flyers.

<Hey Fang, I don't think the big brown one's with them. Seems like he's attacking them, maybe we should help ourselves and them by going after him> he said to Fang, his voice just about a whisper.

Fang drooled a little and smirked. <I agree to helping ourselves, if it helps them out then that's just a coincidence> he replied as his eyes now locked onto Sierra, just waiting from the flyer to make a wrong move and also for Devon to be in a position that wouldn't get him bit as well.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby was startled by Devon's bloodcurdling scream and she took a step forward as the other fliers left the cave. "Oh my, it sounds like someone is in trouble... and if they are in trouble, then perhaps we should get them out of trouble." he muttered aloud.

It was at that moment, that a rather large, orange blur charged past Ruby and kept pace with the flyers as they left. I don't know why I'm doing this... or even if it's safe... but I have to help. Not for Pterano, but because my daddy would want me to do what's right! thought the young threehorn to herself as she ran along and caught up to the group. She was rather shocked to see Sierra fighting Devon, and more importantly that Devon was fighting back!
She chose to stay hidden so as not to distract the others nearby, but it looked kinda even with Devon and Sierra fighting.


Cyrix heard what the older longneck said and sighed with the utmost regret. "You... would be absolutely right though my friend. Longtail IS two different fliers in one body. There is the child we all know and care for known as Longtail, then... there is the other side to him. Its a dark, almost evil part of Longtail... and... it seems to have a personality all its own. It... it calls itself Fury. If you can believe it."
Cyrix then bowed his head in shame as he stepped forward and pointed at his own chest.

"You see this wound... Fury gave it to me. I asked Longtail once to tell me something that he felt would be betraying his friends... and he refused. When I confronted him about again two days later... his emotions changed almost like a leaf blowing through the wind and before I knew what was happening, I was being attacked, but not by Longtail... that was Fury. The yellow eye, the darker feathers.... the voice... he gave me the wound here, and told me, that if I wanted another scar to match, I'd keep my mouth shut and my eyes open." He took another deep breath. All of this was something he'd hoped to avoid, but the more he told, the better he felt, and he knew talking to Grandpa Longneck was an added bonus.

"Since then however... I've never told Longtail about it. It seems that when Fury takes over Longtail's body, Longtail will have no memory of what happened. And I don't have the heart to tell him all the wrongful things he's done. Attacking me was just the first... there... are other things Fury has done..." he said as his voice tapered off as if saying anymore would physically hurt him.

(So yeah, for those who don't know, Longtail is technically has multiple personalities.)


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Littlefoot nodded as he stood up, but wasn't sure where exactly to head. He could see a blur move by him, and thought it was Cera, but he couldn't be certain. "Come on then... let's go and see!" he called, and moved forward, though from the sounds of it, the noise was coming up from the ridge, meaning they'd have some climbing to do.

Not too far off though, the combat was raging. Pterano's eyes widened as the rock was thrown in his direction, but fortunately, it was heavier on one side then the other, and spun around before it struck him, knocking into him and causing him to give off an "Oooof!" as he felt the air leave his lungs.

"Dad!" Norton called, seeing his father double over. Devon was attacking Sierra now, and Norton reached down, picking up the rock in his hand, loving the feel of stone in his claws.

"Just go..." Pterano was saying, his voice strained from being short of breath. "I'll join you in a moment." he waved his hand, the other one rubbing his stomach as Norton turned to face the flyer.

Crying out, Norton launched himself forward, flying a short distance and headbutting Sierra on his chest. "Back off!" he yelled, landing with the rock at the ready, narrowing his eyes as he stood by Devon's side.

Pterano was slowly coming to his feet as Littlefoot reached him. "Hey! Pterano! You OK?"

"Getting there." He muttered. "Sierra... leave us be. There's no need for this..." he said, his voice hoarse from his aching lungs. "I don't want anyone getting hurt... I'm giving you the chance to leave now... please take it." he implored, still rubbing his stomach as he got to his feet in a wobbly fashion.


Grandpa Longneck looked directly at Cyrix with concern. "That scar... came from Longtail?" he asked. Two different flyers? In all his years, the old longneck had encountered only a very few examples of things like that, but never in the Great Valley.

"Cyrix." he said, growing very serious. "I know it may be painful... but I need to know about the other things Longtail... or Fury, as he calls himself, has done. It's for our own good after all... and perhaps he should be made aware that there's another flyer who does these things... provided what you say is true, and he really can't remember doing any of them. I know Longtail to be helpful, kind, and proactive. If there's something wrong with him however, we need to talk about it. I want his help in looking for our children tomorrow... but I need to make sure he'll be OK doing so, or if he'll need someone else with him to... I hate to say it but... monitor him." there was regret in the longneck's voice, as he hated imposing a watch on anyone, but he knew if it had to be done... it had to be done.

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Tero and Redback heard the commotion nearby. The flyer took to the air without a second's hesitation, with Redback in tow.

As they arrived on the scene, Tero landed and hurried ahead to place himself inbetween Pterano and Sierra. Spreading his wings wide, he faced Sierra with an unwavering glare

Mama's Girl

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Ducky had just been glancing over Fang's tail one last time when she too caught the sound and then Fang rushed off. She was just about to suggest that maybe he shouldn't, when he was already gone. She turned to Littlefoot as he sat up. "I...I think so" she answered with a frown.

"Yeah. Pterano and Norton went after them" Ridge told them as hd walked up. He watched as the blur that was most likely Cera shot past and them and then turned a well as Littlefoot made his way off. Ducky rushed over as well.

Harper frowned, "But...we're suppose to stay and..." she sighed a bit before following. As they reached the top, she gasped at the sight of Pterano hunched over and watched worriedly, hoping Sierra just might take the suggestion and leave, even if she knew that as unlikely. Ridge watched the brown flyer warily, looking a bit more releved as Redback and Tero added their support to the fight.


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Fang snarled now, seeing all of them arriving. <I hate waiting, I'm going for him!> he said and before Nat could tell him anything he leaped out of the bush, landing not too far from them all but his eyes still glue to Sierra and saliva dripping from his mouth as he roared at the brown flyer.