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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 60578

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Ducky rushed all the way up the incline and over to reach Fang finally. "Here!" she panted from the run, but smiled, "I figured you two might be hungry and well...I figured maybe you could have these". She knew it probably wouldn't fill even Fang but...well, maybe it would spare one small other creature or something, and plus she was just doing itmfor the sharptooth's benefit anyway.

Harper frowned as she listened to the Rainbow Face's tale of having lost everything. Comparing it to the Great Earthshake did seem the best way to describe what such would feel like, she already knew. She still clearly recalled how everything had seemed to go wrong all in one quick and horrible moment. Worst of all, only most of them had been able to dart to safety and Petrie had been lost and feared dead.

Of course they had all eventually made it to the Great Valley, including Petrie and the others feared lost, and many Cold Times of, for the most part, joy had all but erased the memory; still Harper could call to mind what it might be like to lose it all...

"Gosh, that does sound bad" she agreed. Ridge nodded. Then further words on "culture" and too many "things" did confuse both of them as well, but Harper really hoped these others wouldn't do anything like force them out of the Great Valley. Littlefoot and Uncle Pterano were right, the other adults would let them stay...well in any case Littlefoot's grandparens vote would counter any objection Mr. Threehorn would probably have and then they could stay.

After having all of this laid before them, it was a bit hard focusing on normal conversation, but Harper tried her best, smiling and nodding to Pterano's asking if they all slept well as she took one of the treesweets and kicked one over to Ridge like they did before. "Yeah surprisingly. What about you three?" she glanced from Pterano to Norton and Devon with a smile, "did you eventually GET to sleep". Despite the giggle in her tone, the arm cross of half accusation was so her own mother's mannerisms slipping out once more.


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"Ugh... sharpteeth." Hyp muttered, grimacing as he set to work on his leaves. He cautiously glanced around to ensure that Redback wasn't anywhere close by and looking to threaten him again. Creepy sharpteeth... why did they all have to congregate here?

Littlefoot gratefully accepted the leaves that were being handed over to him by Cutter and Chomper. It was unusual, working together like this, as you didn't normally see sharpteeth handing greenfood over to a flattooth, but the past few days had been very strange for everyone involved.

"Oh... so because you're used to going days without eating... hmm, yeah, I guess that makes sense." Littlefoot stated. "We'll try to find you something either on the way back to the Great Valley, or before you go in. May as well get you full, after all." he commented, thinking over how he would break this to the others... because like Ruby said, it would probably be better for his friends to know.

Pterano was smiling and passing out the treesweets. "Ha... not much sleep." he grinned, looking over at his sons. "Can't say when we went to bed... though I guess it was enough."

"Who WAS that by the way? The flyer who attacked Devon... he looked... a lot like Devon." Norton commented. "I didn't ask about it last night because... we were having such a good time... but who was he?"

Pterano became straight faced, and looked over at Devon, then to Norton. "That was Devon's father... his real father. A former companion of mine... Mr. Sierra. I met him during my wanderings out in the Mysterious Beyond... and he was with another... a pink long tailed flyer named Mr. Rinkus. They both supported my goals, that is... trying to become ruler of the Great Valley." Norton shifted his own expression now, becoming more somber as his father described this.

"I see..." He said softly. "Go on."

Pterano felt a little pained by the way his son was looking at him, and he knew he was struggling with how he felt about his father. It was like ice though, chilly and sharp, and he looked his son right in the eyes as he continued. "Well... they both betrayed me... they were not very good companions from the start. Both wanted the power of the Stone of Cold Fire for themselves... and shortly afterwards, when I was banished... I ran into Devon... who naturally sought vengeance for his father... BUT... as it turned out... Sierra had been quite the abusive father anyway, and Devon, bless him, could fortunately tell which of us two adults was the better one."

Norton nodded again, softening a little as he realized Devon was a good judge of character. "Well... good thing you got him away from him, huh Devon?" he asked. "Compared to my father... your father doesn't sound very... pleasant." he said, giving him a sympathetic look.

"Ahem... yes... well." Pterano stood up, stretching his wings. "Shall we be off then? Is everyone ready?" he asked, loud enough for them all to hear.

"Sure thing, pops." Hyp said, smirking. Pterano glared in his direction.

"I'm NOT your pops." he reiterated.

Littlefoot looked down at Cutter, then over at Chomper, chuckling a bit at Hyp's line. "Um... would Cutter... like another ride?" he asked Chomper, traces of a smile playing on his features. "Or would YOU like a ride?"

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Devon frowned as Pterano told Norton about his father, but he thought Norton at least deserved the truth. But still, he couldn't help but think about that encounter with Sierra the night before and he couldn't help before speaking up. "Hey, Pterano...Dad, can I talk to you for a private?" he asked before heading toward the trees away from the kids, but not too far away as he and Pterano should be able to keep a good eye on them. "Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Can I still call you "Dad"?"
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Fang narrowed his eyes at Ducky as she came towards them, but this would-be glare turned into a look of confusion when she offered him the crawlers to eat. He looked from the creatures and back to Ducky several times as if she'd just told him to eat a leaf. "Uhh...." he started but then felt something bump into his side. Turning he say that Nat head lightly head-butted him.

"What's wrong? Your mom never fed you crawlers before?" Nat asked his friend as he stood up but only received a vicious glare. "Oh...the mother thing, right. Sorry" he said looking away as Fang turned his attention back to Ducky.

"Thanks...little swimmer" he said to her, his tone was still rather harsh but for the most part it sounded genuine.

"We never got your name" Nat told her with a smile.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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<Hey Cutter, we're about to leave.> Chomper said to Cutter.

<Leave? Why? Don't you live here?>

<, we don't actually live here, Cutter. We're just here for a day as we got chased out of our actual home. We're gonna go back there to see how things are now, and to see if we can get back in yet.>

<Ah, Okay. Hey, could I ride on the long...I mean Littlefoot again?>

<Heheh, he just asked if you wanted to, Cutter, so sure!> Chomper stopped his conversation for a bit to talk to Littlefoot. "Yeah, he'd like another ride, Littlefoot. Hey, I'd like a ride too, if you don't mind." Both Chomper and Cutter worked their way up on Littlefoot's back, and waited for the group to leave.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Um... certainly." Pterano walked after Devon, toward the bushes, and Norton merely watched them go, wondering at this.

Pterano listened to Devon, smiling a little as Devon seemed to be getting worried about Norton's arrival. "Oh... are you concerned about Norton being my son?" he asked, his smile growing. "Of course you can call me 'dad'. Just because I learned I have a son from years ago doesn't change the fact that I took you in... We may not be related by blood, but that isn't going to change anything. I don't want a rivalry to develop between you two either." he said, looking back in Norton's direction.

"I hope perhaps you can see him as a brother... as I'm still getting to know him myself... though it just fills me with such pride... knowing I DID have a son. Don't feel like you'll be replaced though. You won't be. So... everything OK then?" he asked, clapping his hand on Devon's back. "No one can replace you... and I promise you that. I can just as easily have two sons, after all." he explained.

Littlefoot could see that Pterano wasn't quite ready to leave yet, so he ran forward, beginning to run a lap around the alcove. "Woohoo! Ride 'em longneck!" he crowed, galloping over the ground and kicking up some dirt as he moved. He was going to give them a bit of an experience first before he started back with the others.

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(Saddle the dino, ridin longneck!!!! :lol )

Devon smiled at his father's words. It helped relieve him a little bit. "Thanks Dad. The reason I asked is because Sierra told me that he overheard you talking to Norton, saying that you were gonna..." Dare he say it. "Disown me...just like he did. I was just so scared of being alone again." He let a few tears fall down his cheeks as he said that.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Sierra heard nothing of the sort, because I said nothing of the sort." Pterano insisted firmly. "I'm sure he was only lying to confuse you. Or hurt you... but either way... don't listen to him. It's not true." he reached a claw out, dabbing at Devon's tears, and flicking them away with a show of force. "You're not going to be alone out here... not anymore." he said, patting Devon on the back again, giving him a very warm, sincere smile, and hugging him a little with his one arm.

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Devon smiled as he listened to his father's words as he felt Pterano's hand swipe his cheek. He nuzzled his head against his hand and then he was pulled into a hug. He wrapped his wings around Pterano's waist and leaned on his shoulder. "I love you, Dad." he grinned.

(Just a head's up, I won't be here again til sometime tomorrow...I'll be staying at a friends.)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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Harper just nodded with a smile as Pterano admitted they probably didn't get much sleep. Well, they were grown-ups and could do what they wanted. The smile faded a bit as Norton went on asking about Sierra. Harper knew it wasn't a pleasant story, she'd just been thankful before that she'd never had to actually run into the flyer herself after Petrie had told her about all that had happened. Running into him last night had also been enough for her.

She just silently listened as Pterano explained his own actions. It was...disappointing hearing him go through his less than pure motives of before, as she noticed Norton's look fall. Yet still, somehow, the way it was explained, Hatper felt a bit proud of her uncle again in that he wasn't making excuses anymore.

As Hyp went on, apparently trying to annoy Pterano with the 'pops' thing, she and Ridge both gave a small smile and laugh. "Well, while they do that" Ridge said, watching as Devon walked off with Pterano to speak with him, "I'll go make sure Ducky knows we probably aren't bringing other two sharpteeth with us..." the spiketail glanced to where the swimmer was talking to the sharpteeth and slowly walked over to try and get justbclose enough to call Ducky over and not near enough to put the two sharpteeth on edge.

This sort of left Harper alone with Norton except for Petrie. She smiled to her new found cousin. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing...major" she tried to reassure, knowing things must still be all unsure between Devon and Norton with all the surprises of the past day.


Ducky smiled as Fang sort of took the offer. "Oh!" she realized they were right and didn't have her name, "That is right, I never told you! Sorry" she giggled, "I'm Ducky".


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Oh... I know what he's feeling." Norton said, looking over in his father's direction as Harper tried to reassure him. "He's uneasy being around me... he's known Pterano longer than I have... yet I'm your uncle's actual son. It's... putting him in a difficult situation. He isn't sure how to see me... am I threat that will replace him someday? Can I become a good 'brother' to him? Those things are racing through him right now... and my father will be trying to reassure him that that's not going to happen. Heh... it's funny, isn't it? I barely even know my father or Devon... yet I know exactly what's being said between the two of them." He smiled now, inhaling a little as he watched.

"I've always been good at reading others' emotions and feelings. It's just... something I can do." he said, looking down at his cousin now. "I wish there was a way to let him know that I don't intend to replace him... yet at the same time... I still want to bond with my father too. I've been seeking him most of my youth and adult life, and I... want to get to know him better. I've always idolized him as if he were some hero... and he was... in my mind at least. Just the things my mother told me about him... he seemed like the perfect flyer from her words... I came to almost worship her stories." he said, smiling in a smaller way now.

"I just wanted to meet my father... to see how great of a flyer he truly was. It seems though... through no fault of her own, that he's not quite the flyer she remembered. But... even so, I want to get to know him, and form a bond. I just don't want to make Devon feel threatened at the same juncture." He shook his head, realizing how ridiculous he must've sounded. "Heh... I just hope... we don't get in each others' way."

He could see Pterano and Devon returning now, as Pterano had hugged Devon back when Devon had practically sunk into him. "Ahhh there, there." he was saying. "It's not something you should concern yourself with. I personally haven't spoken to your father, after all, so there's no way Sierra could've heard that, most especially because I never said it." he clapped Devon on the back again and began to walk out of the bushes, heading back for the alcove proper.

"Alright, everyone!" he spoke up now to be heard. "Those going to the Great Valley, we're about to depart! Make sure to stay together, and we'll be there before day's end! Probably even before the Bright Circle is at its highest!" he proclaimed enthusiastically.

"Alright! We're going back home!" Littlefoot happily exclaimed, and began trotting out of the alcove with Chomper and Cutter on his back. "Here we go! Oh yeah... what are we gonna do about Cutter, Chomper? I mean I can't imagine the adults would let him stay with us, so I guess I was just wondering what your plans were." As Littlefoot was older now, he could easily carry the two sharpteeth on his back, and it helped that Chomper was several years younger than him.

"It's this way." the female Rainbow Face was saying, and she and her companion took point, leading the way out into the Mysterious Beyond. Royce chose to bring up the rear for the moment.

Hyp eyed Ducky and the two newcomer sharpteeth, looking between the two of them. "So what are we gonna do with them? Shouldn't they be on their way?" he asked, folding his arms.

Pterano allowed Petrie to ride on his back for now until he could fly again, and looking down at his niece and his son, he spread his wings with dramatic flair, and took to the skies.

"Heh... well... shall we?" Norton asked Harper, motioning with a hand in a "you may go first" gesture.

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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(OOC: Kinda long and dialogue heavy, hope you don't mind :))

"Oh yeah, about Cutter. Hmm... I guess I'll try talking with him and see." <Hey Cutter, are you going to be staying with us?>

<Go with you?>

<Yeah. I mean, I know you were looking for you're family. Uh, your brothers, right?>

<Oh yeah...those two.> Cutter looked down.

<What's wrong Cutter? Do you miss them?>

<Well...actually, I DON'T miss them. I mean, they are my brothers and all, and they would always find food for me, but they're...really mean.>

<What do they do?>

<Well, they order me around. They...hurt me if I don't follow their lead. They're both...kinda rivaled against each other. They argue with each other a lot and get in fights. Sometimes they'll stop...after they blame it on me.>

<That's awful!>

<How about these dinosaurs here? They seem pretty nice to me. Well...most of them> Cutter looked over at Hyp with a frown.

Chomper looked back at his little friend, then back to Littlefoot, not really sure what to do. <Well, my friends here are really nice. They would never treat you like that. A couple of them, like Hyp and maybe Cera, might be mean sometimes, but that's just the way they are. If you want, you could stay with us!>

<Really? You mean it?>

<The only thing is, I don't know if you'd be allowed to stay with us or not.>

<Why not? If you're friends are so nice, why wouldn't they not want to bring someone in?>

<'s complicated. I'll need to talk to Littlefoot here for a bit, and see what he thinks.> Chomper looked back up to his longneck friend. "Well Littlefoot, after a long talk with Cutter, I kind of needs us. His family is...well...let's just say they're a bad family. He likes all of you much more than his brothers, and he'd rather come live with us than have to go back to them. I don't want to just leave him out here, but I don't know what the grownups will think. What do you think?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Weird name" Fang said but then got a quick bump from Nat, who he growled at.

"It's a nice name, don't mind him" Nat said with a small nod. Fang just growled some things to himself that were rather inappropriate for a young one to say and began to eat the crawlers, leaving just a few left for Nat.

"Looks like your friends are getting ready to leave or something, little swimmer" Fang said to her as he stood up and stretched, wincing and snarling a little as he stretched it tail.

Mama's Girl

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"Yeah Ducky..." Ridge walked up, adding to what Hyp said, "I don't think we can take them with us".

"Oh..." the swimmer glanced back to Nat and Fang, "well...I guess that is true, but you can use this place now I suppose and if you need anything you can just come to the wall and somehow get a message to us I suppose. We arengoing to try andnget Cutter in so maybe he could tell me, or Chomper, since I promise he is nice and I will tell him to be nice".

"Ok, tell your new friends good bye Ducky" Ridge could see the swimmer would stand here all day promising the sharpteeth things and that could get out of hand so he scooped her up onto his own head and neck to walk her over to the others.

"Ducky's promising things I don't know if we can deliver" he sighed as he reached Littlefoot and the others again.

"I just said I would help the other two sharpteeth if they needed it" Ducky defended, putting her hands on her hips a bit, "I can bring them buzzers too".

As she listened to Norton go on describing quite well all of what probably was going through Devon's head, Harper smiled, "Wow, yeah, that kind of sounds like it all probably sums it up real good" she said, agreeing with his being a good judge of character since he seemed able to back it up, as far as she could tell.

"Well, I'm sure you two will get along. Truth be told I didn't know exactly how Devon fit into everything when they first arrived back, but I figured it out on my own" she smiled. She was finding it so easy just talking to Norton. It seemed they were about to head out though. Harper could hardly hold back her smile at the thought.

Not that Uncle Pterano hadn't been great at watching them but she was ready to see her mother and home again along with the others. "So..." Harper turned back towards Norton as she flapped off, still keeping an eye on where she was going though, "you knew before that there were more than just me and Petrie, have you been to the Great Valley before?" she asked. "I only asked because if you haven't I'm going to tell you all about how great it is, because it is!" she grinned.


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The group was starting to head out, walking or flying as they made their way back to the Great Valley. Littlefoot could feel his heart racing in anticipation, and knew that his grandparents were probably safe inside, or else gathered with the other adults outside the wall waiting for him.

He thought about what Chomper said though, and put his tongue in between his teeth, biting it a little in thought as it stuck out the side of his mouth. "Hmmmm... well... I must admit... you got me on that one. I'm not really sure WHAT the other adults will think. But if he has a bad family... hmm... maybe I could try and talk them into letting you take him in, and helping him out. I wouldn't want to say no after all... as I'm always up for helping others... even sharpteeth, but we've got to tread carefully of course. Mr. Threehorn in particular..." Here he spoke lower, so as not to let Cera overhear him. "Wouldn't be keen on the idea. You could try and explain it to my folks too, though. I'm sure they'd listen to you, at least. Plus, you could probably explain it better than I could, since you know... you know him and all."

As it was, Norton was flying behind his father, and next to Harper. He listened to her ask him if he'd been to the Great Valley. "Ahhh well you see... I have, because I came in with the Farwalkers... and completely missed the fact that I was traveling with my father." he said, chuckling at the thought. "However, I haven't really explored much of it. I spoke to my aunt... your mother... briefly, before I was left to think on how best to approach my father. Imagine my surprise then, when I had to evacuate the Great Valley with the rest of you, only to run directly into him out in what you call the Mysterious Beyond." he of course had another name for it, but figured it best to just use their term for now.

If you'd like to show me around, I'd be happy to learn about it!" he exclaimed happily, nodding.

The Great Valley walls were visible in the distance, the mountain range that it lay in being a constant on their horizon as they made for it. The Rainbow Faces had not been wrong. Littlefoot quickened his pace as he could see several adults off in the distance, after some time had passed. "That's them! It's Grandma and Grandpa!" he exclaimed, and started huffing as he charged forward, mindful not to knock Chomper and Cutter off his back.

Pterano felt immense relief at seeing the adults, though he wondered why they were not yet inside the Great Valley. He didn't dwell on this though, as all his emotions were released at once, and he sighed happily at seeing them all safe. He knew his niece would probably be taking off like a flying rock for her mother, though he kept his own pace, knowing that Petrie was still on his back, and planning on depositing him once they reached his sister.

"Is that...?" Grandpa Longneck asked, squinting as he saw a few flyers and what looked to be young dinosaurs walking on the ground. "Why I... I think it is!" he said, getting over his initial hope. It was well founded, as not only could he see Pterano, but his grandson as well. "He did it! He really did it!" the exclamation was for everyone to hear, as their children were returning to them, and it needed to be spread around.

"Grandpa! Grandma!" Littlefoot was shouting, and soon met his grandparents halfway, skidding to a halt and making sure not to throw Chomper and Cutter off. He was soon nuzzling them, though they quickly noticed Cutter, and looked at each other before looking down at him. "Oh... yeah... um, Chomper..." Littlefoot nodded at Chomper to explain, as he knew better than Littlefoot Cutter's situation.

Pterano landed close to where he saw his sister, and let Petrie get down. "Last stop!" he announced, and stepped back a little, not wanting to hog the scene as he knew the reunion would probably get a tad crowded at first. Norton landed next to him, and gave his aunt a small smile and a wave.

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Devon landed beside Pterano and Norton. "Awesome!" he exclaimed. "Eggselent work, Pterano!" he laughed at that joke, memories coming back to him. He remembered when Pterano used to use that joke on him all the time.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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<Here we are! We're coming up to our real home!> Chomper let out to Cutter to let him know what was going on.

As the group neared the adults, Cutter looked on at them. He started to get a queasy feeling in his stomach, remembering what his parents had told him about staying away from big leafeaters.

As the two old Longnecks stuck their heads down low to the ground to inspect the new sharptooth, Cutter rolled back and fell off of Littlefoot, scooting a small ways back in fear. He sat there on the ground, shaking. <Don't hurt me! Please...please don't hurt me!>

<Cutter, you don't have to be afraid. This is Littlefoot's family. They'll understand!> Chomper tried to reassure his friend. He turned back to Littlefoot's grandparents at Littlefoot's request to try to explain the situation. "Uh yes. This little fast biter here is named Cutter." <Hey, Cutter, come over here!>

Cutter, still scared, walked up to just behind Chomper. <No, Cutter! Just come right up here, and introduce yourself to Grandpa and Grandma Longneck! You don't have to be scared.>

Cutter inched closer a little more, and let out a low and meek <...Hi.>.

"He's a friend of mine from years ago, who I haven't seen in a long time. He' some problems right now. He doesn't want to live with his family anymore since they're just really bad dinosaurs. He's got nowhere else to stay right now, so we we're wondering if he could live with us. He's a nice sharptooth like me and Redback, and he's really small, so he can just live off of insects and bugs like me."

He paused for a minute after saying that, knowing he was lying through his teeth. He quickly glanced at Littlefoot, wondering what Littlefoot was thinking, and started back up again. <...uh, yeah. So, would you want to let my friend stay with us?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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"Wow, yeah, that is kinda just lucky I guess, first traveling with the right far walkers, then running into my mom and even us out there" Harper agreed, smiling as Norton mentioned her possibly showing him around. "Sure! Yeah, I'd love to show you around. I know a lot about the Great Valley too, since I don't usually go leaving it" she smiled.

Littlefoot's cry as they got closer drew her attention and soon she could see the adults for herself as well. She grinned and then, not even saying anything, proved her uncle's guess right and shot over towards where she could spot her mother. "Mom!".

Ridge and Ducky were quickly making their way over to their own families.

Mrs, Flyer had just got up a plan for how she and Longtail should best search when at Grandpa Longneck's cry she jerked her head over to look as well. A soft smile came to her features as she saw all the kids safe with Pterano. "Yes...he certainly did" she answered the elder longneck, though too low for him to hear.

Her daughter all but barreling into her next distracted her and she laughed happily, encircling her girl with her wings. "Harper, oh I was so worried" she sighed. As soon as Pterano landed she of course wasted no time scooping Petrie up as well, though she also instantly noted his injuries.

"Petrie!" she sighed in shock, holding him out a bit to investigate, "what happened?".

From closer up near her mom's shoulder, and after returning the greeting her other siblings darted over to give, Harper frowned, trying to answer and maybe spare Petrie and Pterano trouble. "He just um...well..." no matter how she thought of how to say it, it sounded bad.

Mrs. Flyer just sighed, now also noticing her brother and his son, whom she chastised herself for forgetting about in the chaos. "Norton!" she gasped, "oh I should have told you about the exits!" she shook her head, "well, thankfully you found them on your own; as well as did find your father I see" she smiled to her brother, both at being ahead of him on knowing about Norton already and also in her pride at his job well done.


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"I most certainly did!" Norton exclaimed, and Pterano smiled as he heard Devon's crack, though he did not initially move to respond to it just yet. He just gave off a soft chuckle, and winked at Devon knowingly as he nudged him. His sister was of course busy with her children, hugging them tightly and doting over them and their return. "I've also told him about myself." Norton was saying. "And though we're still getting over the initial shock of it all... well more him than me, as I've always known he was my father, I think he's more happy than anything."

Further away, the longnecks were thinking things over. "I see..." Grandpa Longneck was saying. "I am sorry to hear about his family... but I'm afraid we have some pressing issues to attend to first." the elder stated, giving his grandson and Chomper a grave look. "As a matter of fact... it needs to be addressed right away." he moved away from Littlefoot now, heading toward the general center of the group. "IF we can return to the Great Valley... we'll talk about it then." he promised.

Pterano was finally speaking up, looking into his sister's eyes and asking, "Why is everyone out here? Surely it couldn't have been for us! Is something wrong with..." before he could finish, he felt the ground shaking a little under him, and looked to see Grandpa Longneck stomping to get everyone's attention.

"Ahem.. attention... attention, please!" he called. "We are facing a most unusual set of circumstances. Our valley has been covered in a black fog." Littlefoot shifted as he heard this, his features suddenly growing very serious. The male and female Rainbow Faces looked at each other, solemn expressions upon both their features. Pterano, too, suddenly experienced a sense of dread at the longneck's words. "It obscures all vision, and we aren't sure if it is dangerous or not. Naturally, this causes some problems, as we are unable to enter and get food."

As Pterano listened, his eyes suddenly darted to the left, and came to rest upon the most graceful form of the female flyer he had been talking to just yesterday. She had vanished in the confusion, but there she was now, her wings folded about her like a cape, and a look of indifference upon her features as she watched the speaking longneck. Pterano smiled a little as he watched her, temporarily missing what Grandpa Longneck was saying, though caught bits of it here and there.

"I was thinking we divide up into several groups, and each head off in a different direction to look for food. Each group should have at least one flyer, in order to inform the others if green spots have been found. The groups should also be large enough to deter sharptooth attack. I... am also thinking about retiring from the Great Valley Council soon. My mate will probably be doing the same because of age. I am hoping to contact my son, and try and get him to come here at some point in the future. I'd like to appoint Cyrix and another to fill my place, the second as temporary for now. Because of the act of protecting our children out in the Mysterious Beyond has somewhat redeemed him in my eyes, I was thinking of asking Pterano to take my place."

Pterano's head jerked away from the female, and suddenly widened as he looked directly at Grandpa Longneck. "Er... what?" he asked, confused.

"Pterano, I would like to ask you to take my place on the Great Valley Council until my son can arrive... IF he can arrive." he quickly added. "Cyrix can instruct you on our ways..." Pterano opened his beak and lifted a finger to speak, but the longneck kept going. "You will have much responsibility, but also will be monitored as well." Pterano tried to speak again, but the longneck continued. "Furthermore, I'd like you to lead one of the search groups. I... have my reservations about this... but I feel it will be a good test for you, as you have to be given a chance after all."

Pterano's mind was whirling. All of these major decisions! First he'd be replacing Grandpa Longneck, and then he'd be leading one of the searches? Shaking his head, he tried clearing it, feeling suddenly weak at the knees. "Ah... yes... of... of course!" he said, trying his best to puff out his chest. "I... I just feel as if I need some time to..."

"Good." Grandpa said, nodding, and not letting him finish. "Now then... I'd like for us to start dividing up into groups. You may go where you please, but I'd like the children to be paired with at least one adult." Littlefoot looked directly at his grandparents... the longnecks he loved unconditionally, and who filled his heart with such joy, happiness, and fulfillment. He then looked over at Pterano, who seemed ashen from the recent decision. He looked at Petrie too, and tried to read his friend's emotions on this.

"Hey Chomper... I... I think I'm gonna go with Pterano." he said, and started walking over toward the flyer, much to his grandparents' surprise.

"Littlefoot! Where are you going?" he heard his grandfather ask.

"I... I want to give Pterano a chance. You said he needs to prove himself... and he looks overwhelmed with things. I'll volunteer to go with him, and help him out. I'm not sure of many others who would offer to follow him, after all." he explained, and looked up at the shocked flyer.

"Absolutely not! You're not going with him!" the sudden irascible tone in his grandfather's voice surprised the young longneck, and he looked at him with uncertainly. Grandpa Longneck swatted his tail out in frustration, but suddenly stopped as he heard Littlefoot speak.

"Why? You said that he... deserved a chance." His grandfather seemed to realized how he'd come across, and he softened considerably upon hearing Littlefoot's voice, his dark features starting to melt.

"Er... well yes... I DID say that but... I didn't think that you would... choose that. You..."

"I'm old enough now where I have to start thinking for myself. I'm gonna be all grown up in a few more years!" the longneck insisted. "I should start making decisions on my own... and this is my choice. I love you guys... I love you so much... but I also believe in doing what's right. Pterano's had a really rough time... leaving our herd for many years... and then being exiled again upon returning... and yeah, he's made a lot of mistakes and deserved it... but his mistakes shouldn't prejudice others against him either, and I feel that he has to start somewhere, and since you took this step in nominating him as your replacement, I'll take a step of my own."

Grandpa Longneck studied his grandson for a moment, but saw the determination and purity in his eyes. "You said I should pay attention to my instincts, and that was back when I didn't trust Pterano at all!" he said, reminding them of that. "Well... this time... they're saying to give him a chance... and also help you determine if he really is a good choice to sit on the Council." this caused his grandfather to break out into a smile, and he nodded in understanding.

"Alright then... the rest of us will keep dividing up into what will hopefully be larger groups. But I'll let you do this, Littlefoot. You have made a good point."

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Petrie climbed off of his uncle's wing, just watching as everyone was reunited. Petrie himself hugged his mother and told her. "Me fine, mum. Just a...bruise." he lied. It was more than that, but he knew how protective she was of him and he had a feeling she'd blame Pterano for his injury and have him kicked out of the Great Valley again. He surely didn't want that to happen. Not again.

But then Grandpa Longneck's voice caught his attention. He and Devon let out a jawdrop and a "What the fudge" face. They couldn't help but share that "what the fudge" face and fall onto the ground next to eachother due to the shock.

Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol