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X-Men: World of Mutants

MrDrake · 70 · 7404


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Wolverine meanwhile was walking down the hallway looking for , avoiding students that came around the corner. many of these kids were young, just learning about thier powers for the first time and really controlling them.
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I don't mean to do it.. it was just.. an impluse..and i;m sorry ' rose said..' it won;t happen again, i promise..the problem with guys, is that i really can't get close to them, before they find out about my abilities..
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"I guess that makes sense" Laura sighed a little bit "But I guess you don't really have to worry about it so much" she added on with a quick little smile again before motioning for Rose to follow her "Come on, we should keep up with this tour thing I'm suppose to be taking you on"


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Rose followed her down the hallway.
 _ hello Herr Wolverine" nightcrawler said " just s  left a couple girls sparring in the gym. just a friendly little spar " nightcrawlker don't pop up on me like that, it creeps me out . so what are you teaching this year?'
 Probably invisibiliyty. we were assigned students whose powers close match outs. so you'll getting students with claws somewhat similar to yours..
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Laura had gone silent, her mind still on that kiss that had happened before as she did smirk slightly at that.  She in turn though, just walked down the hallway, not paying much attention on where she was going, but having a rough idea at the very least.  After all, she did need to show Rose where she was suppose to be staying.

She stopped at a door and looked to Rose "Well, this one here is your room" she spoke, chuckling slightly "And again, about that kiss, don't worry about it so much, besides, it was...."

She stopped herself from talking as she just looked at Rose, giving her a quick smile.  'Yeah, the kiss was nice and all, big deal, it's not like I would want to kiss her again....would I?' she shook her head 'Shut up....'

Her facial expression had changed to a more annoyed expression by that point "I should go.....before I do anything....rash...." she clenched her fists at that point and turned, starting to walk off 'Wish she didn't have to go ahead and kiss me like that....'


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Rose nodded and headed inside her room was pretty sparselt furnished. there was a medium  bed, a night stand a closet opened two show two bagd og clothes..she brushed away the memory ogf that foolish kiss and when to get to a fresh change of clothes.
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The mutant kicks up another piece of road way to take the brunt of the explosion, and sidesteps with his super speed, watching her fly past him by inches.  For someone with formidable power, she has never taken on a real opponent...


Jason flinched at another explosion, but it was further away to make any impact on the car and the patient.  While healing her, he looks up to use his powers and see the heat generating from the fighters' blood flow.  The man may have come to keep the armored woman from attacking any more people, but this is still getting very dangerous.

Underneath his coat collar, he used his free hand to tap a microphone.  "Blood Cell to X-Men!  Blood Cell to X-Men!  Come in!" he radioed...


Hisako reached the room to find someone inside.  She was anxious with new people, but kept some nerve to respond.  "Hey..." she said in a greeting.  "I take it we're roommates this year..."  She walked to a bed in the corner and dropped her duffel bag.


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Kora hessitated rather quickly as she heard a voice, quickly putting her hood back up to cover her head and glanced over to Hisako "'re that....girl that was....watching me....before...."  she managed to say, albit a bit quietly all the while.

She did give off a nervous smile to Hisako as well.  She had to say something else too "Well, this room....but if you can stay here as well...." again, it was a rather quiet talk, and a bit slow as well.  Kora still was rather nervous herself as she stepped back a bit away from Hisako as well.


Blood Cell's call was answered, and it was by Bigfoot as well "This is Bigfoot of the X-Mansion, what is the situation Blood Cell? Do you require some assistance?"


Firefly skidded to a complete hault as she turned around to face the mutant again, eyes watching him underneath the mask "You sure do like to make things more of a challenge, don't you?" she chuckled slightly "Gonna be fun taking you in.....they'll have fun with you for sure" she flexed her fists as she landed softly upon the ground.


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Alison Blair finished her meal.  She put the tray and such in their proper place then she decided to go for a walk around the mansion then maybe outside.  That way she'd not be cooped up inside all the time and it did look like the weather was nice enough for a walk outside.


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Hisako looked to Kora with a puzzled look, then pulled out some papers.  "Funny...  I thought I was sharing rooms like last...  Oh..."  Her eyes widened, then went to grab her bag off the bed.  "I am SO sorry about that," she said apologetically.  "It's that last year I shared bunks with some classmates and I thought...  I should've introduced myself.  I'm Hisako."  She stepped forward, offering her hand...


"We gotta crisis here in Manhattan!" Jason replied.  "A mutant in strange armor's on a murder spree downtown!  There's a guy taking her on, but she'll level the place if she sticks around!  Send help!"


"You'll have to kill me first," the warrior replied, stone-faced.  "And you simply don't have what it takes to do so..."  With that, he kicks up a cloud of dirt & dust at the attacker, and then spins at her with a flurry of swift kicks with his super speed...


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Kora was rather hessitated to actually shake her hand back, after all, Kora did have webbed hands, but did not want to show them to Hisako, just in case she would laugh, so decided against it for the time being.

Yet, she still answered Hisako regardless "My name's Kora....just....Kora" she paused for a moment "I was an orphan before I came here, so I uess that's why I don't really know my last name"


Bigfoot nodded to himself "Understood, I'll get a team together ASAP and send them to your location, for now, you'll have to sit tight, you think you'll be able to do that?"


Firefly chuckled "We'll see about that, although they don't want you dead, so I'll have to instead, subdue you" however, before she knew it, kicks were flying at her in super speed.

She started to block each of the kicks that were sent at her before she started to get overwhelmed, a stray kick, striking her right in the face, knocking her back some in the process.


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In the dormitories, Eric, also known as Therian due to his unique mutant power, rolled off of his bed, landing on the floor with a dull thud.
"Ow...I'm up, I'm up!"
He said to nobody in particular...


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A car stopped outside the mansion.

"So this is the place?" Sara said looking at the mansion.  

"Pretty fancy looking place." Johnny said.

"Remember to use the cellphone and the electric guitar and accessories I modified.  You can't short those out." J said.  "And as for how fancy the mansion is, the owner is very rich."

"Thanks, again, I don't know how you were able to do that." Johnny said as he and Sara started to get out.  

J shrugged, "Just a few modifications and a few components, so advanced you're world won't have the technology for.... oh maybe 500 or a thousand years." J said.

The 2 of them got out with their stuff and waved to J.  

"Remember the letters.  I've met Xavier before, nice guy.  Not sure if he's here ore elsewhere." J said.  "If you need to contact me for some reason you know how to." He said.  They waved and he drove off.  

The 2 of them looked at the mansion before going up to the door.

(ooc: since someone else is using the name Jason I thought it best to avoid confusion and just use the first letter of the name he uses, simple and not important since I only plan on his appearance being a brief cameo, the only way I can imagine how the characters would get to the mansion.))


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"I'm sorry to hear that," Hisako replied, taking her hand back, and then perked up.  "Anyway, I need to find my room to drop some stuff off, then we can talk some more.  That OK with you?"


"I'm not going anywhere!" Jason replied.  "We've already got casualties, and I'm trying to save as many as possible!  Just get here and kick this broad outta here!"  So far, he's managed to keep the woman from bleeding to death, but with broken bones and pinned under the car, he couldn't get her out and escape...


The warrior follows with a twirling kick, straight for the woman's mask with the intentions to punch through...


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Eric walked down the halls to the main hall, almost running into Allison.
"Oh, woah!  Sorry!"
He stammered...


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"Alright, alright, just calm down, I'll get the team together and be there as soon as possible, just do your best to stay put" Bigfoot answered back as he hung up and went to work in setting off an alarm that begun to blare throughout the mansion.  Across the intercom system, he spoke to all within the mansion.

"Attention all X-Men, your presence is require, we have an emergencey that needs to be attended to immediatly, meet me by the X-Plane as soon as possible, this is not a drill" Bigfoot spoke before he left the office to the meeting spot.


"Finally, some action" was all Laura could say as she lept at the chance to head off, doing just that.


Kora on the other hand, nodded to Hisako a little "I guess that'll be...." she stopped as she heard the alarm go off along with Bigfoot's voice as she went silent for a moment.  She then spoke again, but rather quietly "A mission? Already? I uh....I can't go...."

It wasn't that she couldn't go, but more that she didn't want to go.  In particular, she didn't want t ogo because of her powers, unsure on what they even were to begin with and knowing that if she went on a mission, that she would just get in the way.


Firefly saw the incoming punch and leaned back as far as she could, although the punch still did connect, but instead of her face, it was just her chin.  She grinned underneath the mask of the suit, activating one more thing upon her suit, two claw-like weapons upon the top of her wrist, using it to stab the mutant, right in his arm, followed by a simple kick to his face.

"Told you that this was no ordinary suit, it's designed to take things like you down, one way or another" Firefly chuckled as she took a few steps backwards, the claws retracting into the suit as she did so.


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Alison smiled to Eric, "It's ok.  You're not the first to run into someone in the halls.  I'm sure we've all done it now & then." She said.  She dropped her smile when she heard the alarm and what it said.  "Gotta go." She said.  She turned and ran to her room and quickly switched to her costume as fast as she could then ran to where the x-plane was.


Outside  Sara went up to knock on the front door.  Johnny adjusted his electric guitar he was wearing on a shoulder strap so it was a bit more comfortable.  

"Sounds like some sort of commotion inside." Sara said hearing the alarm.  

"You're hearing is good.  I wonder what's up." Johnny said.


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Wolverine calmly headed towards the X-plane. great, just we need. a mess to throw raw, untrained mutants into battle. This is going to be a fUn school year..' He muttewred as he changed into his X-men attire, and brought out his claws.
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The man flinched when the blades pierced his arm, and stood back to inspect it.  Luckily, it was minor.  Upon hearing what the woman said, he was more confident in defeating her.  She's dependent on the suit for her strength, maybe like a drug.  She's using it more like a toy rather than a real extension of her being.  And lastly, like toys, the suit should have some sort of battery.  This gave him options...

"And yet you still haven't been able to kill me," he replied.  "Or are you afraid to take on a real opponent?"


Jason looked back at the woman.  She had healed considerably and is even gaining consciousness.  But it will not be easy to move the car off her, for he has not the strength or the power to lift it.  He'll have to wait, when...

"Help..." a weak cry came from the smoldering pile of brick nearby, where a piece of wall had fallen into the street.  Turning to the area, Jason used his powers to find a heat signature in the rubble.  One part of him said to go immediately, but the fight on the other side of the car and the victim he's already with is making his choice hard...


Armor looked up as she too heard the alarm.  "Well this is definitely a way to start the school year," she remarked.  "You sure you're not coming?"


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Patrick had been Tracking Alexia ever since she stole the suit he had helped designed for incredible rescue and response sitiuatuions was being used against the very country he loved.

"Alert: Firefly armor located" The computer voice of his onboard A.I. System S.A.I. or Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence said. Patrick's suit allowed him to see through satalites too. He changed his flight path downward, which would bring him down over her. He was soon in range to where he could fire a rocket without having to get to close to her. "S.A.I. fire rocket's" He said as four rockets were deployed and made contact with the firefly suit. Patrick land near her. " Private Alexia Jorden, lay on ground, arms spread, ankles crossed, or I will kill you traitor." He warned his former subordinate.