The Gang of Five
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X-Men: World of Mutants

MrDrake · 70 · 7336


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The rockets struck her as she skidded along the ground again, yet, used the thrusters of the suit to spin herself around to face who had spoken to her this tim.  Her gaze did shift back to the mutant and simply scoffed at him before turning to her new attacker.

Private? She hadn't heard that in a few days now and only snickered at it "Kill me? You think that you have what it takes to kill me? Please....." she activated her thrusted and moved off the ground "Sorry, but you have no authority over me to order me around like that anymore"

She continued to rise up still, arms folded as she looked at this other armored person "But might I ask you something? Do you actually have the guts to kill me? I mean okay, perhaps at some date you might, but today? Sorry, but that's not going to happen, trust me on this"

She glanced back to the mutant "Just consider yourself lucky right now....I have....other things that I need to attend to now" her gazed shifted back to Patrick again, yet, said nothing else as she turned and simply rushed off, leaving the area for the time being.


Kora just simply nodded to Armor "Yeah, I'm sure....I'll only get in the way anyway...."


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Alison arrived at where the x-plane was.  "I wonder what's up." She said, seeing Wolverine was there, she waited for the others.


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"Not this time Jordan." Patrick said as he followed her. " S.A.I. launch tazer whips." He ordered as the Taser whips were deployed and ensnared Firefly. "charge the curent." He ordered his A.I Co-pilot as the electricy surged though the whips and into the Firefly costume. Patrick then flung Firefly into a back allyway hitting a dumpster. "After all the times I tried to watch your butt in the army and you went and stole the firefly. It was meant for rescue and response situations. The President, The Vice President, everyone who was anyone had flown in to see the suits that would not only protect America, but her service men and women too. I might of even had you recomended for the firefly pilot, but you stole it. Our Base and unit had never been so embaressed in our lives!" He shouted at Alexia. "And to answer you before, yes I can and I will." He said, drawing the right fist back for a finishing blow. "all this time everyone right, you were never good enough to be a solider." He said in a cold voice.


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Eric ran out of the mansion to the X-Plane, wearing his unique helmet on top of the rest of the outfit he normally wore.
"What's the situation?"
He asked, ready to go...


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly came to a hault and smirked.  He was still following her?  That wouldn't matter, especially hearing what he had to say to her "And you think that by killing myself, you'll be any better than the other terrorists around here? Please...." she smirked as she watched him pull his fist back and decided to mimic him.

She too pulled her fist back "If I was never good enough to be a soldier, then hey, at least we both agree on something in the end" and with that, she too launched her fist at Patrick, the two fists connecting as she grinned underneath her helmet.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that to stop me" Firefly chuckled as she held her fist there, pushing Patrick backwards some.  Her other fist was ready as she swung at him in order to knock him backwards.

In turn, it was Firefly's turn to fight back as she charged at him, grabbing onto him as she pulled him up into the air, punching him a few times in the face as she did so before launching him off and down into the very busy Times Square, already causing panic.  She tapped the side of her suit and pulled out some bombs again and launched them straight away at Patrick.


Bigfoot addressed the group that had arrived at the plane ready for action "We've been called away to Manhattan, to which some girl in a power suit of sorts is, well, terrorizing everything and everyone in sight.  All we're going to dois stop her without killing her and afterwards, help out the people in any way possible"

"This should be fun" Laura snickered to herself some.


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"Hopefully we can contain the damage to as small an area as possible with as few injured as possible." Alison said.  "Has there been any response to her actions from any others?" She asked bigfoot.


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Patrick groaned as he was knocked backward by Firefly's punch. "Lucky shot." He said

"S.A.I. Disarm the bombs!" he yelled as  S.A.I. went to work as did Patrick, the Solider went to work catching them. "Bombs disabled." The A.I. said  as Patrick crushed them. "If that's your best shot, you'd best give up!" He yelled as he flew into firefly in an attempt to get her out of the City. " I hope you know how to swim Jordan." He said as the two splashed down into the hudson river. The two armor's sank. with the Patriot armor having a seemingly unbreakible hold on the firefly. "You choice alexia. eject from armor and swim, or stay in the armor or sink. Either way, I'm not leaving without bout my suits!" Her Former CO said.


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"Yours suits?" Firefly just gave off a laugh "Sorry, I only see one suit that's yours, and I'm looking at it right now, this suit on the other hand, is mine, after all, you shouldn't of put myself in charge of watching over the suit to begin with"

She grinned to herself "But I do wonder, if I stay here in the water, what's to say you can't escape? Or what's to say that your suit stays underwater while I'm able to fly out with ease, hmm? Leaving things to chance I take it?"

Again, she activated her thrusters and pushed him forward in order to slam him against the stone wall of the cannel, breaking his grip from her ever so slightly before her claws popped out as she swung, albit slowly within the water itself, but enough to come in contact with Patrick before she pushed off him with her legs.

She again, activated her thrusters and started to make her way towards the surface of the river, leaving Partick where he was.  She had tothink rather quickly too.  Seemed like he was able to find her easily, but how? Then it came to her.  She flipped open the arm pannel of the suit and started to type something upon it, yet, had no luck with it as she scoffed "Sorry Patrick, time to take the main computer offline" she sneered to herself as she instead, stabbed the arm-piece, the computer fritzing and in turn, going offline.

She knew for a fact that that would help her get an advantage in escaping Partick without him following her, after all, it's something she had seen before in regards to the suit's creation.

Lexi threw a few more bombs into the Hudson River before she just simply took off from the scene of the crime, having managed to escape for the time being.

(OOC: Relax, she'll be back at another date again :p)


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It all happened so fast, first S.A.I. whent down, then an underwater explostion took him out. As he sank to the Bottem it seemed hopeless, until S.A.I. Managed to reboot. " Wearer: Patrick Anderson. Status: Non responsive. initiating auto intervention system." S.AI. said as he took control of the large armor. " Returning to nearest Military Facility."  S.A.I. said as he ploted a course to the nearst base. However halfway to the base a problem arose. "Error, power loss detected. Threat level: Critical, solution: engaging emergancy landing and power down all non life support systems till solo recharge is complete." S.A.I. Said as the armor powered down, unaware it was hidden within the  grounds of the Xavier Instatute for gifted Youngsters.


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Jason barely had time to notice the newcomer as he noticed a third heat signature charge at the woman in armor, and chased her out of the area.  This meant there was no more danger keeping him from running from behind the car to the rubble where he heard the victim crying from underneath.  He makes his way to the pile and starts digging when a voice behind him caught his attention.

"What can I do to help?" the voice came from the Chinese man who fought the female attacker.  His arm was covered in blood, but he didn't seem to mind.

"If you got some strength," Jason replied, "Could you get that car over there off of someone?  She's stabilized, but I can't get the car off of her."

The man nodded.  "I'll be very careful with her..."  He turned to do the deed, and Jason got back to digging.

Some officers and civilians came out of hiding to help out.

"Blood Cell to X-Men!  This is Blood Cell!  The fight has moved out of the area.  Last seen towards Hudson River!"  Jason radioed.


Hisako paused, but at the moment, she couldn't stay if she could help out the team.  "Well I need to see if I can help out.  I'll talk to you later then."  She then ran out and down the hall to join the assembled team by the plane.  "Sorry I'm late..."