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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349795


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In a forested area just outside the city limits, a girl stared in horror at a man who had just come walking out of the woods.
The little girl looked terrified, but Defago had worked with this situation before. In many a day he’d lost his disguise and needed a quick replacement, and adults would never do. Even in his fully human form he looked like he was seconds away from death, and the ones that didn’t run away were too spooked to ever sell him anything. Buch children were differentóall you needed to do was tell them that you were fine and give them a smile, and they believed you.
Defago had found this young girl just outside the city, scrounging for food. He made sure to approach from a direction she could see him so as not to scare her too badly.
She was still pretty scared, though.”
“Ah! A friendly face!” the Quebecer said with a warm smile. “Sorry to bother you, but can I have a minute? My name’s Defago! What’s your name?”
The girl didn’t answer. “Y… Your face…”
Defago gave a sad, self-concious look. “Oh, this…” he laughed. “Sorry about that! I’m rehearsin’ for a play in a couple o’ days.”
“A play?” the girl asked.
“C'est vrai! I’m an actor!” he said with a grin. “A method actor, ter be exact! You know what that is?”
The girl shook her head. She was walking backwards a bit. Defago sat on the ground so he wouldn’t seem so tall.
“It’s when you go out and you try to play the role in real life. You know, fer practice! Kinda like the reverse of studyin’ in schoolóinstead a sittin’ indoors and learnin’ how to do somethin in the real world, you do somethin’ in the real world to learn how ta do somethin’ indoors. Neat, eh?”
He took out a canteen and drank it, turning away from the girl a little. That seemed to work. She seemed less scared of him when he was in an inconvenient position to attack her.
“So… is that make up your wearing, then?”  Defago nodded as he wiped his lips.
“Yep! Pretty good, eh?" the quebecer said as he opened his arms proudly. "I’m playin’ a zombie for my big performance. Never thought you’d see a zombie at stage play, huh? Only boring cos-toomes with big frills and fancy wigs.”
He did a sitting impression of a dandy walking about with his rear stuck out and his lips curled in like a turtle. The girl laughed. “Yeah.”
“Yeah,” Defago agreed.  The pain in his feet was excrutiatingówithout any ice water to cool their burning need to travel, he had to settle with wrapping them in scraps.“But I have a problem.”
“A problem?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Ya’see, I thought it would be a good idea to go out here n’ make up to better get into the role.” He lifted his hands. “Then I realizedóthis make up takes a long time to put on! A plumb long time! You wanna guess how long?”
The little girl put a thumb to her chin. “… Fifteen minutes?”
“Four hours.”
“No way!” the girl said in amazement. “Oh, it’s true,” Defago said gravely. “And I don’t want to have to wait another four hours to put it on again.” He looked to the town. “But at the same time, I know all the folks in the city’ll be ascared of me if they see me like this. If I cause a big panic, my career’ll be ruined!”
“Oh… I’m sorry,” the little girl said as she took a few steps closer. “You don’t look THAT scary. I’ve seen people on TV that looked scarier.”
“TV, you say?” Defago asked, sensing he only needed to press a little harder. “I used to act on TV… It was awful. An’ if I blow this next part, I’ll probably have to go back to doin’ commercials again.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” the little girl said. Defago laughed a little. Despite the clear state of poverty the little one was in, that hadn’t taken her lively childhood innocence.
“Oh, it was,” Defago insisted, turning around in his sit to face the girl. “You know… jus’ a few days ago I has this guy come runnin’ up to me, an he says to me “Haven't I seen you on TV?, and well I says to himóI’m flattered and allóand I says “Well, I do appear, on and off, you know. How do you like me?” An you know what the fella says?”
The girl shook her head.
“Off.” That got a churlish giggle out of her and Defago groaned. “It’s not funny!”
“It is a little,” the girl teased, to which Defago gave a conceding nod. “Well… maybe a little, but I’d rather not have to face all that again. I need to find a way to go into town without people seein’ my face or washin’ off my makeup.”
He tried not to look a the particularly well suited cloth rag she was holding, as he felt that would be too obvious. Thankfully, he didn’t need to. She jumped to the conclusion for him.
“Maybe you could wrap your face in this cloth? That’d work, right?”
“Oh, no no no,” Defago said. “I don’t accept hand outs from strangers. I’d have to pay you for it.”
“Pay?” the girl said, her eyes shining a little. She began to walk over to him, her hand outstretched with the rag she had been holding.
ëBITE HER,’ a deep, dark part of his mind commanded him. And for a moment he really did want to bite herósomething in him told him that if he did, all the horrible, never ending hunger would be satiated for a moment. But Defago was used to these moments.
ëOh, va te faire foutre, ya devil,’ he thought as he suppressed the urged, concentrating to keep his composure. He gladly took the cloth a smile. “Ah, well… since you’re bein’ so kind to me,” Defago said with a beaming smile.
“I should tell you somethin’. I’m not really a broke theater actoróI’mma rich theater actor. An’ you passed my test.”
The girl blinked. “What?”
Defago stood up, and produced a thick wad of cash from his pocket. The little girl’s jaw dropped. She had never seen so much money in her life.
“I don’t have much in my life to spend on,” Defago said, for once telling the truth. “For all the money I have, it don’t do much for me. That’s why I like to give it to people who I think deserve it. People need to be nicer to each other in the worldóI sure wish people were nicer to me when I was your age.” He took the rag from her and put the entirety of the money he got from smuggling the zombie-making formula into the little girl’s hand. The girl was speechless for a moment, and then her face came to life.
“Oh my god! Thanks mister Defago! I-… I don’t even know what to say!” Light dazzled from the girl’s eyes. It was a kind of face you couldn’t fakeóno movie actress had ever captured a look of joy so utterly complete as was on her face. That eased Defago’s guilt more than he felt he deserved.
“Ah, how about you surprise your momma with something nice when you get home, eh?” Defago said with a smile.
“Thank you so so much!” the girl said as she gave him a hug. He tried to control his body temperature so she wouldn’t notice how cold his skin felt. She didn’t seem to notice. “I-I can’t believe this is happening!”
“Hehe, neither can I,” he said cryptically. “Thank you so much for the cloth: I’ll be happy to wear it,” he said with a smile, and drapped the long cloth over his head, covering it. It wasn’t as much cover as the helmet, but it would do nicely. "Alright, alright," he said, as he tapped the girl to stop hugging him. "Now go on home. It's gonna be late soon and you're mamma and papa are gonna wanna be awake for what you have to tell them, yeah?"
"Yeah!" the girl cried, practically jumping up and down in happiness. She started to turn and run back to the city. "Thank you so much for this! You're like a dream come true!"
“Hey!” Defago called out as she was almost out of sight. “I never caught your name!”
“My name is Lucy! Lucy Jones!” the girl said as she turned around, still walking backwards from all the energy she got from knowing her family wouldn’t go hungry again for quite some time.
“If you’re ever in the city, my address is 4634 Sandlewood lane! I’ll never forget you for this, Defago!”
Defago smiled as he waved her away. He counted it as the easy high point in this whole dreadful affair .  Sighing, he headed into the city, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

This was the last timeóthe last timeóhe would ever take a job from that le salaud ever again. “If I ever get my hands on him, I’m gonna kill him,” Defago said through gritted teeth as he walked into the city, and as he said so la b’te maudite took some control and made his eyes glow yellow. He quickly batted it back, and pulled his coat tighter around him. He was getting some weird looks in the street, but no screams or sudden movements. That was good.

In all honesty, he only used the money he got for trinket nicetiesóbeer, vodka, wine, whiskey. None of it filled him, but thankfully it could still get him drunk. And it bought him new clothes, and occasionally a more leisurely, comfortable form of travel than the sheering howl of chasing the icy winds. But travel he mustóalways. Staying in any one place for too long made him burnóboth of him. Himself, Defago, and la b’te maudite. Smuggling was a natural way of getting some money and satiating his need to travelóbeing what he was, he could go to the most dangerous and secluded places without fear of death.
ëI shouldn’ta given ëim so much control back there,’ Defago cursed himself in his thoughts. ëI shouldn’ta. Those two boys er probably dead now… and that formula they were after…’
He honestly had only some memory of the fight with the two AMS agents. When he let la b’te maudite have considerable control, it was like being half unconscious, like a car crash victim who saw the world as a disconnected blur with brief flashes of terrible lucidity.
And yet he felt that he had toóthe steel in their eyes was no joke. They had seen things more terrible than the likes of him, he had no doubt about that. That line about that little Maine town spooked him badly. He had, in fact, not only personally seen that ol’ Micmac cemetery, but he knew exactly who cursed it, too. One of the worst of the worst among his kind…
The idea that he was even moderately tied to that dreadful place pushed him to make a bad decision. He gave la b’te maudite too much freedom in exchange for power, and that got both of those men killed.
He still had one of their bullets in his pocket. He had no idea why they interfered with his regeneration like they did, but they still weren’t enough to kill him. That burned man had bullets that did something similar, but they felt different. He didn't know if that third man was an AMS agent as well, but somehow he doubted it. There was an aura to that fellow that had made Defago uneasy even as he was sitting peacefully in the stadium stands. One full of fire and wrath.
But wether he was or wasn't, he did definetly kill two of their agents, and he truly believed what Rogan had said to him: that zombie-hunting organization won't let him slip away after this, particularly if they knew about Ludlow. He lived to see both World Wars, the cold wars, and even the spread of electricity, but he remembered the headlines of terrible creatures turning ol' Venice Italy to ruin on two separate occasions. Not just zombies-- other things. Things that looked they walked straight out of someone's nightmares.
“Formula Type-0, ëThe Magician’…” Strange name for a zombie making formula, but then again, what did he know about making zombies? It was the one thing he knew he could do that he never attempted. He had a monster inside himóthat didn’t make him a monster. He wasn’t gonna go stir up souls from their sleep.
Then, as he walked, he thought back to the man he had handed the suitcase full of vials off to. Like him, he had been heavily clothed. He honestly didn't know his name-- he just wordlessly gave him the money, took the suitcase, and ran off. It wasn't uncommon in his line of work.
But although he didn't get a look at him, he sure got a smell of him.
“I’m gonna find that man,” he said calmly as he walked down the busy streets. “And I’m gonna make him tell me what the hell he plans to do with that stuff.”
It wouldn’t bring those two men back to life… but it would maybe give him a smidgen of personal redemption to make sure that their fears never came true. Probably lose a lot of credit to his name as a smuggler to harass a client like that, but that was okay. There were other ways of making beer money at the end of the day.

But before anything else, he needed to get some ice water. Some ice water and some new metal boots.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I was originally from Earth," Eric explained to his comrades. "Grew up in a sleepy northwestern town. I was a pretty bad kid, but I matured with age and now I'm trying to live the life of a good honest citizen to make up for my earlier years."


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laval and I are from Chima. We are royalty, him of the lions, me of the eagles' Eris said ' hes a prince i'm a princess' Eris said 'we have races, adventure together and keep the balance of things there.
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All four of the planes fanned out from the starship and began scanning with a combination of infrared, magic and radar.

Captain Fairchild scowled as his magic scan picked up an intense spot just outside of Sumoville. He switched to infrared and found that was extremely hot. Zooming in, he found that hot spot to be a mere magic bonfire that had been lit in honor of the sumo tournament.

Sighing, he wheeled around and continued his search pattern.


Lt. Martin was flying over the city when she noticed an enormous spike in magic energy...and this was one unusual; a different frequency than the magic on Mawashi. She switched to infrared and noticed a large cold spot walking along the city streets.

"Stripetail," she radioed. "Look at this." She began transmitting live footage of what she was seeing.


Deimos finished loading the crates containing the powered exoskeletons onto the shielded repulsorsled that would take them to the volcanic area.

"Stripetail, all the supplies have been loaded. We await you to join us on the trip," he said as he got into the driver's seat.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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try and zoom in on the source' Stripetail said. " turn to normal scan and see if you can get a picture of  that creature so we can identify him. do NOT engage in a fight, this is a powerful demon that could do great damage, not just to you, but to others in the area. it has already seriously hurt 2 men at one of the  sumo arenas.just observe as much as you can.Understand?
 a series of flashes saw his team be teleported in one by one. flash eagrly rushed forward and climbed into a seat at the nearby table.' scooby, kopa kovu and the others took their seats. "I trust you all found your attire fitting. I admit, many of you are- ahem-larger than you normally would be, but that cannot be helped. the portions here are so big you cant help but add pounds in loads. Congrats all of you on qualifying. now the hard part begins. you need to win 4 matches to advance, and my wager with - well part of it- was that at least 10 of you would reach the semifinals. that means at least 10 of you must win at least 12 matches , as 4 wins advances you to the next round each time."
 well, we're getting used to it Spyro-W said in rely ' cant scratch them unfortunately, as that how i'm used to fighting.' no magic use either'  Cynder-W said  with a sigh and she stretched back in the chair. both stitch and Angel were only half paying attention, they were still recovering from their exertions in the race."you said the sumo is only part of your wager" Agumon said " whats the other part?' The races' stripetail said 'In order to get ANYTHING from Ozai, I have to win both wagers. so if you win the races but only 9 members reach the semis, we get nothing. Not Fair, but thats the nature of a ' double or nothing' wager. both parts must turn out favorably for us..
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"Go to 'winterville' he says," Junior grumbled as he, Diddy and Usso navigated the complex halls of the Spire of Winter.
"We've got this under control, he says."
"He's probably not wrong," Diddy mused, doing a few acrobatic stunts on the handles and wiring that surrounded the halls as they went. "Hi mean, the dude makes portals."
"True. The dude does make portals," Junior nodded confirmingly. "But if I wanted to go to a resort, guess what? I would have gone to a resort! Or one of my Dad's villas!"
"Will you relax, Lizard Lips?" Diddy sighed as he stopped his swinging and jumped down near the koopa. "If YOU saw two people like us trying to join  your crew on a super important mission and says your reason was 'for kicks', wouldn't you be the tiniest bit suspicious? Suspicious enough that maybe you wouldn't want to be putting them on a big dangerous assignment right away?"
Junior rolled his eyes to signify that yes: he had in fact thought of that. But he was choosing to make a fuss about it anyway.
"Then why isn't Mr. 'Million a Month' off helping them?" Junior said as he threw a look at Usso, who had mostly just kept back and watched the two tease and bicker with each other like they knew everything that went on in each other's minds. Usso gave a sheepish smile.
"I'm not cut out for fighting in populated areas," Usso admitted, which caused Junior to throw up his hands in annoyance. "Wonderful. I love being the fifth wheel. It's great. Fantastic."
"I'm not sure he's complained enough yet, don't you think?" Diddy said sarcastically to Usso who merely shrugged a little as if to say he'd rather not get involved. The two were fast approaching a sealed segment of the ship that had 'Winterville' written at the top.
"Look here, Knuckle Dragger-- we took a big risk coming on this ship and I don't want all that risk to go towards just sitting around in some tiny cooped up little--"
They opened the door. All there stared in stunned silence as they looked out over what appeared to be a massive area that contained a town-- a real, sizeable town-- and a beach.
As soon as Diddy got a hold of himself he sneered at the koopa.
"A tiny little what now?" That broke him-- it took awhile, but no one knew how to press Bowser Junior's buttons better than Diddy.
The koopa prince giggled so hard that even Usso and Diddy had to join in.

Lucy Jones answered the knock on her front door and gasped.
"Mr. Defago!" she cried joyfully. "Mom! Dad! It's him! It's him! Come quick!"
The meeting with the family was a bit awkward, as Defago had expected it to be. He never liked being the object of praise, especially when he felt it was over something he had done in penance to begin with.
"You have no idea what this means to us," Mrs. Jones said, looking as if she was trying not to tear up. Defago did never like seeing a woman cry, so he gave a big ol' smile.
"Ah, it's no problem. Anyway, sorry I'm not showin' off my pretty face. Gotta keep the makeup on until the show!" Defago said. He'd tell them his life before he left-- considering the good fortune he was giving to this family, he only felt slightly guilty about it.
"Anyway, since I don't have change for a phone and no one on the streets seems to eager to approach a man with this on his head--" he pointed to the rag he was still wearing, "-- I figured I'd ask if you kind folk had a phone I could borrow."
The three looked crestfallen. "I'm so sorry, but we don't," Mr. Jones said regretfully, but Defago waved it off with a grin. "Oh, it's no big deal! Believe you me-- this is far from the first time ol' Defago's gotten into this situation! I consider it a good chance to method act. See the world from the eyes of someone who don't have much in the world. It's a view that matters a lot in the grand scheme of things, oui?"
"Indeed, it is," Mrs. Jones said as Lucy Jones nodded. "But do you mean to say you don't have a cent on you at all?"
"Not ON me, nope! I've got plenty in my bank account, but the banks er all closed at this time of night. I'll just find a comfy spot to wait out till the mornin', and then I'll--"
"Oh no, no, no! I can't let a man who's done such a momentous deed for us sleep on the streets! I insist you let us take you as our guest, monsieur!" Mr. Jones said with an urgency that couldn't help but tickle the old woodsman's heart. He was definitely Defago's kind of guy.
"Oh, I don't want to be a burden on ye folks," Defago said humbly, but he was quickly bregailed with assurances by all three of the Jones family that it would be their honor to have him.
"And you can show me some of those acting thingies you told me about!" Lucy said joyfully. Defago looked around at them in all their joyous, greatful, emotional expressions and couldn't have found it in his heart to refuse even if he wanted to. He supposed he could stay, and then he could get some money doing an odd job in the morning and find a cheap hotel he could use as a base to start searching for the man he had handed the suitcase too. Once he found him, he'd ask him a few questions. And if he didn't like the answers, la b’te maudite would ask him a few. Only then did he feel like he had any right to leave Mawashi after all that he did today.
"Well, how can I possibly say no to an offer like that?" Defago said with a grin that was visible through the mouthhole he had cut through his cloth. "Thank you all so kindly!" he said as he walked in, closing the door behind him as he took off his shoes. Before the door closed there was just enough time to make out:
"Would you like me to make you some tea, monsieur?"
"Ah, yes please! If you could triple strain it, that'd be great-- tea or coffee or whatever, I like the flavor of the little things in life to bowl me over, eh? Hahahahaha!"

Usso watched with a smile on the beach as the two boys played in the water. They were a lot more kid-like than he was at their age. He was kind of jealous of them, actually-- he never really got the oppertunity to goof off and just be kid for most of his life. Work on the farm and the war always kept him busy and productive, for better or worse. He went and bought the bunch some kebabs from the nearby town and brought them back just in time to find the two talking to each other over by a towel. They greeted him eagerly once they say he had brought them food. The two continued to talk-- something about a Kong Island and a Isle Delfino were brought up at some point-- with Usso mostly just hanging back and observing the two. Then, abruptly, he became apart of the conversation.
"What about you, Usso? Are there any beaches around where you live?" Junior asked, too aglow to put his usual grouchy prince schtick. Usso shook his head.
"No, but I've been to plenty of beaches before. I remember a beach a lot like this near old Barcelona," Usso said wistfully as he stared off in the hologramed distanced. Diddy tilted his head. "Barce-who now?"
"Sorry, Diddy's a bit of a rube," Junior said brashly. Diddy didn't look angry at this comment and actually nodded in agreement. "So you've been to Spain? Dad says that's a nice place to go to get away from things."
"Yep," Usso said as he remembered watching a man he had tremendous respect for get beheaded on live broadcast in a square in Barcelona. "Beautiful city... But I think I've seen my fair share of the world, to be honest. If I died never seeing anything beyond Kassarelia for the rest of my days with Shakti and Karlmann, I'd be okay with that."
"You mentioned Shakti's your girlfriend, right? Who's Karlmann? Family?" Junior asked, looking as though he had asked for the sake of small talk with no real interest in the actual answer. That changed pretty quick when he actually heard it.
"He's my son," Usso said. Both Diddy and Junior blinked at him.
"Oh. Uh... can I ask how old you are?" Diddy asked.
"And how old is he?" Junior added.
Usso scratched his head. "I'm 15-- Karlmann we can't tell for certain, but we're pretty sure he's 4 now... Oh, he's not my biological son," Usso was forced to add as he saw the uncomfortable looks on the twos faces. "Me and Shakti adopted him after his family died in the war."
"At your age?" Junior queried as he finished his kebab in one bite. "Shouldn't you, you know, let someone older raise a kid like that?"
"Junior!" Diddy reprimanded, but Usso actually laughed.
"Oh yeah, we thought about that. But there aren't really any families around where we live that aren't struggling to get by as it is. And while I'm pretty immature, Shakti's a natural born mother, so it works out well." He looked out at the artificial sunset again. "But you know... With all this money I'm getting, I can give him a good life, you know? And maybe I can help some of the other families in the area that are struggling." The boys eyes were distant and far away as he said this. Junior looked uncharacteristically sympathetic.
"Maybe I can even make enough to start rebuilding Uwig."
"Uwig?" Diddy asked.
"Sorry-- that's the new name for it. It used to be called Prague. Kassarellia's only a few miles away from it."
"Wait, Prague? Why does Prague need rebuilding? What happened to it?" Junior asked, startled a little. A wave washed onto the artificial beach with a loud splash that sent a light spray over the three of them. A little rainbow appeared as the spray glistened in the light of the artificial sunlight.
"The same thing that happened to most of the great old cities. War happened. Mobile suits happened."

A phone rang, and a when it was picked up a woman spoke on the other line.
"This is agent Kate Green speaking."
"I hope they're not rearin' to send in the cavalry just yet," Rogan said with a grin in the hospital room. Bandages coverd a considerable part of his body.
"Hi Kate. How's the leg?" She dodged this and went straight to buisness, as she usually did. Kate still had the personality she had when she was a rookie in 2003, but her attitude towards her work had gotten a bit to G-like for his liking.
"Rogan, the brass is going nuts-- what's happening over there? We got reports you two had died!"
"We did, but then we got better," Rogan said as Kate groaned at the other end of the line. "This isn't funny! Come on, start telling me what the hell is going on over there. Please."
"Well, alright. But it's a bit of a long story..."


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Dixie took a seat next to Tigeress and let forth a big sigh.. ' i feel like a ball of dought' she sighed ' i'm gonna be glad  to get off this planet and return to a normal weight. ' ditto' agumina tigress and cynder agreed 'what about a movie- here in wnterville? gt us away from all things oozai?cynder asked' speaking to tigress.' dixue and i have a primised date.' agumina said ' and my next race is in 3 days'' why not a double date/ dixie said ' you/'d better bring us girls. you'll have enough time to talk girl shop in the heyas ' tiger said.' of course' scooby said ' can we pick the movie..or well we'll do a double feature. we'll cover the second film..'wesa need food ' angel said ' firs race took lots out of us..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"That's awesome!" smiled Eric. "I never thought I'd be friends with royalty! How do you defend the peace? Do you know...magic?"


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"We're gonna have to do our best them to be sure we win this bet," Kiara said to Kovu, walking over to him and giving him a nuzzle and kiss.

"Hopefully we've put on enough weight...." Tiger noted.


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Lt. Martin had been following Defago using the clouds and high altitude to hide herself.  She zoomed in on the figure and eventually tracked him down to an isolated house somewhere in the woods of Mawashi. After switching to magic view and confirming that this is where the aberration she had been tracking was located, she sent the coordinates and pictures to Stripetail.


Mr. Bigmouth had finished downloading the route to the mining colony on Mawashi's volcanic land. He turned to Stripetail. "Stripetail, we'll be heading off to the mining colony now. Unless you require our assistance with the demon."

The repulsorsled hummed as it lifted off the ground.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Okay, enough already," Junior huffed. "You gonna tell us what a 'mobile suit' is already?" Usso touched his fingers together. "Uh... maybe later."
"Why the secrecy?" Diddy asked. Usso shrugged. "I just don't want to talk about it."
Junior rolled his eyes. "You're a worse tease than Diddy," he sulked, crossing his arms.

Defago delighted the Jones with his knowledge of the old voyageur songs. Even as he sang, though, he felt a bit uneasy. Intuition told him he wasn't as hidden right now as he thought he was.

"Ice? Could it have been an aberrant strain from 'The World'?" A female voice on the receiver said. Rogan blew a puff of smoke from the one cigar in his pocket that hadn't been ruined by all the blood.
"His vital signs weren't human, but they weren't reanimated. Besides, if the buyer had access to that much Type-β they wouldn't need any Type-0."
Rogan sat alone in what was supposed to be his intensive care unit, but he was more of a guy who liked to heal on the go. It was a nice place-- Mawashi had nice technology. Usually whenever he went into hospitals the patients and nurses were all trying to kill him, so maybe it was just the peace and quiet that struck him.
"Well if not that, what was it? The brass is worried, Rogan-- they don't know how they'd deal with an outbreak on another planet. If that thing is still out there, they’ll want to know what it is ASAP so they can send another batch of reinforcements.”
“I’m fairly certain I know what it was. Do you remember the Ludlow case, Kate?"
Kate Green erred on the other end of the line as Rogan twirled the ashes into cup he had been given to drink water from. He was hoping the smoke detectors weren't too sensitive-- he definitely wasn't allowed to be smoking here.
“No, I don't, and I know all the standard case files on record."
"Use your level 2 passcode." Rogan said. There was a pause on the other end, a few more clicks and keystrokes, and suddenly a little 'aha!"
"Oh! You were right! The 1983 Ludlow Pet Cemetary case... Spelled with an 'S' instead of a 'C' for some reason," Kate said, sounding a bit annoyed. "Multiple animal reanimations and at least three human reanimations-- locals claim a creature called a 'Wendigo' had caused it by haunting an old Indian burial ground nearby. AMS investigators at the scene were able to replicate the reincarnation with dead mice and immediately bought the land the cemetery was built on, but scientific investigation was unable to determine the exact cause of the resurrection, nor find any evidence of supernatural entities beyond occasional bouts of hysteria in the guards. Wow... Why isn't this case in the common archives?"
"Because it hasn't been closed yet," Rogan said as he casually checked his watch. G was taking way longer than usual. "Can you imagine what would happen if DBR heard about that place? Or Umbrella? They wouldn't need a formula or fancy equipment to create zombies. All they'd need is a shovel and a few 'amens', right?"
There was a hesitant silence on the other end of the line. Rogan took another drag, and savored it. It was nothing short of a miracle that the two people were on hand with the know-how to save their lives.
"So there’s an even greater danger to having that thing around… Do you think the buyer intended to use the formula on Mawashi?"
Rogan took a long drag on his cigaret as his eyes darted under his eye lids.
"... No. I've talked to G about this and we both agree-- it makes no sense to attack Mawashi. There's nothing here worth causing such a highly profile attack."
"You are POSITIVE about that?"
"Not positive enough not to alert the local government, but yeah. Pretty positive. Mawashi's just an inconspicuous place for the formula to change hands."
“And what about that Wendigu, or whatever its called? If he’s able to create reanimate soil, wouldn’t that make him just as dangerous as the formula?”
“If the buyer had known, it stands to reason he would have tried to capture him the moment he made his delivery. The fact that he was relaxing in a stadium tells me the buyer has no idea about Defago.”
“What if he does it on his own?”
“I’m confident he won’t.”
“He told me he wouldn’t. Either way, going after him would just waste time. I honestly doubt he wouldn't be able to give us some information, but neither of us are in any shape to take him by ourselves. The formula we can handle.”
“No, you can’t,” Kate said exasperatedly. “Don’t you remember what I told you? You are both on strict orders to stay in that hospital and cooperate with the Mawashis until the AMS team arrives!”
“Tell HQ that my traumatic head injury has tragically left me unable to understand orders for a few days.”
Rogan grinned as he heard a real, audible facepalm on the other end of the line.
“Rogan…” Kate groaned. “Please, listen to me. You don’t even know where to start looking!”
Rogan raised a finger up in the hospital room.
"Au contraire. We reviewed the security footage. There was a heavily bandaged man and what looked like a talking squirrel. I bet they know something.”
The tone of Kate’s response was pricelessly wretched. "A talkingów-what? I…” She sighed miserably. “Rogan, please reconsider staying in that hospital a bit longer--"
"My head's fine, Kate. You see funny things out here beyond earth. It just so happens the squirel left us a card-- me and G and are going to try to track them down the moment we're able to. If you want to help, start looking at common spaceport traffic destinations off of Mawashi in case the formula jumps ship."
G entered the room and shut the door behind him with eerily perfect quiet. One one shoulder he had their confiscated ammo and weapons bags slung over his shoulder, to which Rogan gave him a ëperfect’ sign with his hand.
“Hold on a sec, Kate.” And before she could protest Rogan cupped the phone and looked up to G.
“Any luck?”
“Afraid not. In fact they said they’re going to be sending armed guards to keep us in our rooms.”
Rogan swore out loud.
“Well, so much for asking nicely,” he grumbled as he flicked the stub of his spent cigar into the water glass. “I’m guessing you already thought up an escape route?”
“Of course,” G said with a smile as he began to thumb bullets into his relolver with unbelievable speed. “But we’ll have to leave soon.”
“Alright. Let me finish this up and then you can lead us out of here. Kate says hi, bye the way.”
“Hi Kate,” G said as Rogan held the phone up in G’s direction.
“Sorry, that was G. Apparently we’ll have to leave the hospital sooner than we thought. Any last words before I go?”
"Yes: both of you are insane." Rogan and G exchanged a knowing look.
"I'll see you later Kate. Now I have to use the last few minutes I have to call Sophie and tell her I'm still alive."
"Good! Maybe she can talk some sense into you!"
Rogan laughed. His wife, who had to have her right arm amputated at the shoulder to prevent contamination after Type-27 'The Chariot' slashed her with a bardiche, would definitely not approve of him refusing medical attention.
"Well, I suppose if anyone can, it's her.” Rogan said as G handed him his pistol. They had no intention of using them on security guards, but in both of the two's experience if an asset was on hand it was best to have it ready for use in a moments notice. “She and Lisa."


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"keep an eye on him. do NOt engage" stripetail radioed. He then Turned to BigmoUth " Good back if you find anything ' i'll be testing the wendigo blood i found.. how old it is, and how strong it is, that sort of thing.
clank radioed in to ratchet ' ratchet i have gathered enough information for us to use in a script We'll need Ozai to play a casino operator who likes to gamble millions of bolts at a time." Clank said.
_ Dulcy, Samia and korin flew off agfter enjoying the soak.' ' you Two go to college?' Korin asked Dulcy as she flew above her " No, we didnt have colleges in Vesuvio' Dulcy said ' i'm basically self taught, for the most part.' Thats a good idea actually! Start a college Vesuvio Prep!' Samia said " i could teach Dulcy how to fly! She laughed.

_ Tarrax flew towards the Spire of Winter.
 Well we know magic, on Chima its called chi and it comes in orbs ' Eris said, then stopped as she saw Liella enter the resteraunt whee the 3 of them wre eatting ' Liella!Over here! she said with a grin." Eric this is our friend Li'ella.
_ Ah the delivery guy we ran in to' Li Ella said as she took a seat next to Eris." i hope your delivery went well.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"In my spare time I like to play video games, watch television and hang out with friends," Eric continued. "I sometimes think of going home and visiting my hometown again, I have lots of good memories from there. But sadly the life of an interplanetary delivery man has few vacations, and I'm not sure if I could meet my old neighbors in the eye." His face grew somber. "I did so many terrible things as a kid, I don't know how they'd think of me even as the good-mannered citizen I've become."


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"Roger that." Lt. Martin continued flying her holding pattern -- a simple figure 8 -- over the house. As she flew, she made sure to keep the cameras on her belly-mounted sensor pod pointed towards the house.


Mr. Bigmouth saluted and the sled rocketed out through the hangar doors and down the ramp.

As he did so, two laser armed hovertanks followed after him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rogan and G, having just escaped the hospital without a hitched, got to the nearest phone booth and called up the number on the card. Neither were entirely sure what to expect.


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Stripetail meanwhile was running tests  on the wendigo blood, when the phone rang.  stripetail set down the vial and answered it.' hello? this is stripetail." he then saw a name on the phone screen ' master Rogan? i see you and your partner pulled through. both of you, gentlemen, are extremely lucky. a Wendigo is not a foe many face and live to tell about it. So how can i help you?"
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Rogan raised an eyebrow as he looked over to G, who was nonchalantly looking around to see if they were being followed. "Yeah, this is Rogan," he said as he scratched his head. "I suppose I should start off by saying thanks for saving the two of our lives. We owe you one. But we'd also like to ask you a couple of questions regarding the Wendigo, if you please. We have something a of a crisis going on at the moment."


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certainly gentlemen' stripetail said. ' Ask away. I'm currently testing some of the wendigo's blood,to determine its age, power and level of transformation. the more a wendigos transforms, the more powerful it is, and the more likely it is to kill anyone who crosses it.' he paused as he ran a wen-counter over the vial.. ' hmm a 5. mid-level power' he said in himself.' the wendigo wasnt fully transformed.  he resumed talking ' so what sort of crisis are you facing gentlemen?
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"We're not here to talk about the Wendigo specifically, Mr. Stripetail," Rogan said simply. "As it happens, the Wendigo-- Defago-- was a smuggler who brought a large amount of a highly, highly dangerous mutagen onto this planet to be sold to a buyer. It is imperative that we locate this buyer before he can use this mutagen as a biological weapon." He tapped on the metal surface of the phone booth a little, ignoring all the little questions that were popping up in his head about how this squirrel knew so much. "You say you've done an analysis on him, right? Does that also mean you can trace his position?"


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yes. gentleman i can trace his location. but if you are thinking about having another shootout with him, i'd very strongly advise against it . no amount of bullets can kill a wendigo. only powerful magic can do so. but i  gather you are more interested in the buyer than the smuggler. as for i know so much, gentlemen, i'm a wizard and i've been around a VERY long time, and have run into just about every kind of supernatural being you can think of, including quite a few Wendigos. this wendigo was carrying something called Formula Type RC magZero. theres was  a blood-soaked paper with that written on it  in the blood i retrieved" stripetail said.
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