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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5642 · 353663


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Sima Copies Kiara's technique, and put her paws onto Kiaras back (She wouLd form the "back' of the chair") and made herself as stiff as possible. Her chest would serve as Kovu's headrest. she helped comb Kovus mane as the lion climbed on to his "chair and rested> sima helped comb out knots and clumps in Kovu';'s mane.' you've got some split ends here.' she said ' her voice a bit muffled from having kovu's body lying on her.
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The great starship slowly rose into the atmosphere of Mawashi and rapidly accelerated until it left the planet's atmosphere.

When it had reached space, Captain Carson activated the ion drives to gently push the starship away from the planet. She had already programmed the ship with the coordinates to Weyard.


"Attention! We have left the atmosphere and sublight drives have engaged. You may now resume your normal activities."

Mr. Bigmouth got up and headed for the greenhouse to tend to some plants he had acquired from Mawashi.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Feel free to sit however you'd like dear," Kiara purred to Kovu as he positioned himself on top of her and Sina. She used her paws to rub Kovu's sides, stomach, and thighs. "You deserve only the best, my love," Kiara cooed near Kovu's ear, as his body gently pinned hers to the big bed the three of them were sharing.

As others were walking about, there was suddenly the sound of a magic spell coming from one of the bedrooms. "I think that came from your room," Tiger called to Arlene. He then looked back at his beloved wife. "Oh yeah, I know you want me blimp sized," he grinned, as he took in more food Kitty was feeding him.


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at least big enough to roll over any outlaws that come into town.' Kitty said " enough to make bad guy flapjacks ' Kitty cooed stroking Tigers chin- or chins.' Thees something about a guys gut that i find. SUPER attractive. Why.. I don;t know. maybe itsd the way you can play Santa Paws. or the way you're big enough to cover me in a blubbery blanket or warm fur ' kitty said. But anyway' she said pulling out a hairblower and pointing at at Tigers Face " This is a stick up.. Drop your  mawashiis.. and hand them over " she grinned.." Sorry , Love ' tiger said pulling out his Green river Sheriffs Badge " You're coming downtown. Willing or no " he jumped on to Kitty and Pinned her to the bed " You want me to read you your rights? Well.. you have the right .. to be drop-dead Gorgeous " He whispered seductively in Kitty's ear " and the right.. to be put in jail ' The Jail.. would be the closet. and her Prison clothes.. would be lingerie Tiger pushed Kitty into the closet, a grin on his face.
 Arlene headed over to the room.. and found Oliver and a red wolfess sitting on the bed. Mom!' Oliver said Running up to Arlene and giving her a Big Hug!' How did I get here? Did Mr Stripetail bring me here?' Yes dear " Arlene said, kissing him on the forehead. she then turned to the wolfess ' hi I'm Arlene. this is my son Oliver.. You're on the Spire of Winter.' I'm Luca , mam ' the red wolfess bowed, as she got off of the bed.. "How did i get here?' A wizard named Stripetail brought you here.. at the request of a girl named mona' Mona? My daughter! she's here? Luca surprise " Yes.. She's with the others in the hotel. I think they are a few doors down..' Arlene said kindly.

 Mona was heading out of her room with Flash when she saw Luca exit the  room, followed by Arlene and Oliver " Mom!" the young pup shouted happily and ran up to her nuzzling  her. ' the two were the same bright red in fur color , indeed Mona was a mini clone of her mother. " Mom. I have a lot of friends and folks to introduce you too..  Mona ran up to Flash " Starting with this girl. This is Flash, who's letting me stay with her and her folks. As long as I do my chores, I get an allowance! ' Mona beamed proudly as she held Flash close to her, in practically a headlock." they also agreed to help us out with some money every now and then.." What about your job selling hot dogs? Luca asked " the allowance they are giving me is more than I would make in a month selling hot dogs, 700 a week mom" Mona grinned broadly..As Tiger and Tigeress came up to them ' Tiger of the wind' Tiger nodded at Luca. ' Tigeress. Pleasure to meet you ' the purple wolfess said.. Luca. Thank you for treating my daughter so kindly.." luca said, bowing to them.
_ wanna play? Oliver said coming up to the Wolves ' I'm Oliiver' He said proudly. " Sure ' Flash said. ' You'll have to play with me too "Other Oliver said Coming up " Lets play Tag ' Mona suggested. "Oliver is it to start. Count to ten Oliver to give us a head start on running. the last person who is it in an hour, has to buy hot dogs for everyone. Condiments included." She grinned. Start.. Now' Come on! she laughed, as She Flash and Other Oliver turning and began running towards the stairs.
 we'll get you a cot and a blanket to sleep on " Tiogeress said leading Luca into their room. where they soon procured a large blanket and coach for Luca to sleep on next to the bed the kids were sleeping in.
_ Arlene entered her room and prepared a bed for Oliver, setting up his bears and toys the way the kitten liked.. "Hmm.. he even brought his Catman DVD collection " she smiled, as she looked at the belonging Oliver had brought. " Such a wonderful kid.' she said to herself.
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"He and I have the same name," Other Oliver said to Flash and Mona as they took off to their hiding spots.

Rabbit and Fox listened in on Tiger and Kitty having fun in their room. "They really love each other," Fox said with a mischievous grin.

"Having fun, king of my heart?" Kiara purred to Kovu, as she felt his paws slip under her behind for a nice squeeze.


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Yes he does " Flash said " coincidence I think." She said as she pulled ahead of the others. ' Well, You're gonna be it next Flash" Mona said with a big grin. " i'm glad my mom got to come along. Now she'll get to see all the fun stuff we'll get to do..See new worlds, try new foods.." Stuff ours, go on rides" Flash said "Get my aunts and uncles to get you stuff"
Kovu Fondled Both Kiara and Sima at the Same Time, Sima Moaned as she ground against Kiara , and felt Kovu cup her tail and Behind, as she tried stay firm  as the "back" of the Chair. Hard to do, with Kiaras butt smack in her face. " My King, You have a very form Grasp' Sima said. You flatter me. and milady, you have a fine rear. No wonder the king is so taken with you.' she said to Kiara.
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"When we get back to the Pride Lands," Kiara told Sina, "You'll be one of about 13 girls in my dear Kovu's personal throne," she grinned. "I swear, half the conflicts with our enemies have been resolved by Kovu charming them," she said proudly, rubbing Kovu's stomach, knowing how much he liked the feeling.


"So, is that orange kitten your little one?" Carmelita asked Arlene as she walked through the ship and stopped by the pink cat's room.


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The other half is your bro, beating them into submission. It works. Lover, Fighter. Brains, Brawn> Charm Strength.. I think I get the better of it " Kovu said Purring As Sima and Kiara continuing stroking him. Sima gave him a shoulder rub.' So i'll be lucky number 13 , h? I can live with that milady" she smiled.
 Yes he is' arlene beemed proudly, as she watched Oliver chase after the other kids,." Hes a good kid.' be Careful or I might just steal him away ' Sly smirked, giving Carmelita a grin." for being so cute"
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Once the ship had gotten into space Sara walked out of the tardis to head back to Winterville to fly around and look for some of her friends or others to see if any were there.


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"I've never seen a city like this before," Shoukichi awed as he walked around Winterville. "It's weird seeing only a few restaurants and no portraits of the great king."

"I brought one of those from home, so I got us covered there," Kiyo smiled to her husband, pointing to her back pack.

"Hopefully there's a ring I can wrestle in," Shoukichi said. The tanuki sumo stretched his legs. "I could use the practice."

"I have heard they have lots of spas here," Kiyo mentioned, "Let's go to a couple's one, shall we?"

"You got it," Shoukichi nodded.

"Very funny ringtail," Carmelita smirked to Sly, "I'm Carmelita Fox by the way, this is my partner, Constable Sly Cooper." she introduced herself and Sly to Arlene.


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(Spire of Winter)

Mr. Bigmouth sighed as he plucked some Mawashian kelp from the tank it was growing it. The kelp itself was harmless and delicious but it seemed to grow at a speed that seemed to be utterly impossible.

On the plus side, the tavern absolutely loved it.

He placed several fronds onto his cart and moved onto the next greenhouse. This one held fruits and vegetables from the Great Valley.


Dr. Kerzach and Ms. Swimmer were practicing some martial arts in Winterville Park. As was usual, several of the troops there were doing PT as well. Some children also ran around playing games under the artificial sunlight.

Deimos and Dr. Zanasiu were eating lunch and enjoying the simulated spring afternoon.



The reports from the experiments to try and reach the Apollo Lens without the Umbra Gear had been analyzed and given to Chong.

The results were what could be called dismal.

The light there wasn't anything magical. It was just so intense that it vaporized pretty much anything they sent at it. They simply lacked the materials to make something that could resist the intense light.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Agumon and agumina headed into Winterville cafe where they found Gabumon sitting at a table with a female Gabumon '; Hi guys ' Gabumon said, this is Gabuwomon, but she prefers to be called Gabuna.' Gabuna smiled her dark red lips parting to show glowing white teeth.' so you are the famous Lord Agumon.  She said to Agumon ' Gabumon's been telling me about your adventures together." pleasure to meet you Gabuna' Agumon smiled ' Mind if I and Agumina join you for lunch?' Oh, Not at all ' Gabumon Smiled " the food here is REAL Good.' I'm Agumina' Agumina said to Gabuna " pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Lords Agumon and Gabumon is a friend of mine. " the waiter came around, and Agumon ordered drinks for the table. ' I'll introduce you to the rest of the team' Agumon said " Say Gabumon Why didn't you volunteer to join?'

 Because the wizard didnt ask me, and I didn't want to presume anything. ' Gabumon said shyly.' well I would be glad to go to bat for you ' Agumon said firmly.'the pay alone is worth it, plus seeing places like Mawashii are part of the job." Gabuma gave Agumina some of her tea as it arrived.' here have some of mine. I only drink a little bit of tea.' she smiled. Gabuna had met Gabumon at one of the spaceports on Mawashii, she had gone to the planet to try and find a job and gain some experience, but the jobs had involved cleaning Ozai's statues, and organizing books about the king, none of which appealed to her.  "so I was just wandering around, before I bumped into him. I recognized him at once from the Leomon medal he wore . its not every day you run into a Digimon peer so I followed him, and well its been a couple weeks and I'm having a lot of fun.' Gabuna said  Well Tigress and Dixie will really like you I'm sure' Agumina said " they're my girlfriends."Girlfriends! Awesome! I'm looking forward to meeting them and hanging out. The more friends the better I say" Gabuna smiled " Agumina here is the president of my fan club " Agumon teased." what can I say? hes a hunk" Agumina smirked. Well, If I'm going to join this group of yours I'm gonna needs some training and finger pointers ' Gabuna said. I'd be a rookie, in other words." Lunch arrived. agumina ordered a salad, Gagumon a large steak. Gabuna a large manmicotti, and agumon ordered pizza. the portions were mawashii sized so there was plenty of food for each of the 4 to pass around.
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A koopa in the corner of the winterville cafe grinned wide as he elbowed a monkey in a bright red cap next to him. "Check it out-- kremlins!"
"'ere?" the monkey mouthed through a mouthful of banana as he looked around the bar in alarm.
The koopa keeled over in a wheezing laugh and clapped his leg. "Jesus, Knuckle dragger! What kind of gullible soup've you been swallowing? Can I have your bank number too?"
The monkey scowled and forcefully swallowed his banana, but seemed to smooth it over with a winsome smile.
"Yeah yeah yeah. Can you blame me? There's so many scaley guys around here lately, a kremlin wouldn't seem to out of the ordinary. Really good looking ones too."
He rolled his head to his shoulder and sneered at the koopa, who scrunched his nose. "Eh, what do you know? You mammals have crappy taste. You only ever managed to find one cute scaley thing in your life and that was just you lucking out."
"Really? Whose that?"
"Your mom, monkey boy."
"At least I have one."
"Wether she wants you or not."
The two were giggling by that point enough that they were starting to get a few looks from around the bar, and they quieted down. They weren't exactly old enough to be there-- drawing attention wasn't exactly in their best interest, especially with a certain uncannily astute wizard in the bar.
But the Stripetail wasn't the only familiar face. A man wrapped in bandages was sitting next to men, one ordering a absinthe sazerac and the other enjoying a large cigar. The man in bandages was drinking from a glass of water.
"Say, where'd 'Ringo' go?" Bowser Junior quipped as he realized his friend wasn't there. Diddy rolled his eyes and started to dive into another ripe banana. They always seemed to have the freshest fruit aboard the 'Spire'.  
"I saw him talking to some weird guy in a metal mask out near one of the entrances to town. Don't know his name-- there's still a lot of people around here I don't know."
"Figures. You can always count on that one to hang out with anyone with a big metal face."


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(Spire of Winter)
Mr. Bigmouth wheeled his supplies to the rear of Winterville Tavern. The dinosaur then left the cart and entered the bar area. Apparently, word about his cocktails made in the Inglorious Hotel had spread.

He wrinkled his forehead as he saw Bowser Jr. and Diddy Kong. "I do believe you might be a bit too young to be sitting at the bar. Please move to another area and we will serve you."

A Spire infantryman ordered a Great Valley spritzer.



Chong had recieved a plan for a drone to scout out the Apollo Sanctum. It was covered with an ablative ceramic and silica aerogel shell that would burn away and slough off to keep the heat away. It also carried an open-cycle liquid nitrogen cooling system to keep it cool.

The workers waited for Chong to approve the design ao they could test it.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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They're with me Bigmouth " stripetail said, coming forward.' Do you have any drinks for youths?" He asked, giving the young boys knowing , disapproving glances." we'll take them at the table over there.
 go ahead ' We might as try it, nothing else we've tried have come with 100 miles of the sanctum' chong Sighed, as he went through reports on the many previous attempts..
 Mona was finally tagged by Oliver, Making her it " drat you got me " she said. " Ok Guys this next part of the game we'll have.. in the park. you guys will get 20 seconds to hide.
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Some of the reports that Chong had recieved involved using some of the slaves they had taken to test the modified craft.

Most of them had burnt up in less than a minute. The unfortunate "volunteers" who had been dropped off to scout the sanctum were incinerated in five seconds at most -- even with spacesuits and other protective gear.


When they had recieved approval, the small factory aboard the Phoenix began work on the craft.

The shopping mall aboard the starship had been gutted and retrofitted into a treasury for Chong's ill-gotten gains.


(Spire of Winter)

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. "All of my cocktails can be made non-alcoholic." He filled a small shot glass with a curiously shimmering liquid and passed it to the Squirrel mage.

"This is a new brew I had developed from analyzing some of the treasures. Specifically, it is an sacred rice liquor used to purify the ring before a sumo match as well as consumed by the wrestlers to sanctify themselves. Carbon dating places the text it was taken from at approximately 1,600 years old."

It was then Mr. Bigmouth's tablet began to incessantly beep. He picked it up and gasped.

"Oh no."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail took a sip and washed the liquid around his mouth, before swallowing.. Very tasty Bigmouth. Make a couple non-alcoholic drinks for Junior and diddy over there. ' His wrist glowed yellow " agumon was contacting him ' Hey Stripetail could I ask a favor of you?' Agumon came in.  Its a rather big one I suppose " Ask away Agumon" stripetail said taking the drink Bigmouth had given him to an open table and sat down ." well. i think I might have a new pair for the team" Stripetail's face hardened  as he heard this ' Lord Agumon, organizing the team is MY job This is MOST irregular." He said, clearly not pleased. ' like I said, I knew it was a big ask.. Could you please hear me out at least? '  who do you have in mind? Stripetail sighed ' Gabumon, my fellow digidestined. He found a partner on Mawashii, her name is Gabuna' Agumon said. Stripetail stroked his whiskers in thought' Have them come to my room at the earliest convenience and I will test them for their abilities. I trust Gabuna is rather inexperienced? ' Yeah by her own admission. " You'll have to lead by example then, You, Scooby  Tiger and Spyro. Gabumon, i'm not worried about. You picked an interesting pair, I will admit. However in the future, do not go looking for new members to add. that is my prerogative . But on the other hand, it is clear that the lions will return to their duties after this mission is done and return the rings I gave them. thus we will be down to 6 pairs at most, Depending on whether Ratchet and angela wish to stay- Which they might, ratchet has mentioned how much he likes the pay, its orders of magnitude above what they normally get in Solana," He paused" i'll give them a look over. can Gabumon still Warp Digivolve? " Yes To MetalGarurumon. He and I are the only ones on the team that can do that..I';ll have to help Gabuna  learn  how to do that' agumon said. Very well. If they perform well i'll add them to the team " thank You Stripetail" agumon said "  You're welcome Agumon. Stripetail out" stripetail said breaking off the communication. and the bracelet returned to normal.
 Chong frowned the longest any "test subject" had lasted was 10 seconds.. we'll need some sort of magic object to divert the beam l;ong enough to  get the lens. failing that.. we'll have to use the Gear."
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Diddy and Junior both let out a pair of aggravated groans and were about to hop out of their chairs when they heard Stripetail stand up for them.
As Mr. Bigmouth was describing, Diddy listened, not quite understanding half the things he said. Junior, meanwhile, had enough education to know what he was saying but was merely nodding his head and pretended to listen.
ëDamn, we lucked out!’ he thought to himself. ëThough knowing Stripetail, I don’t think we’ll be able to push our luck any further than this.’
“If you’re uncomfortable here, we can take this somewhere else,” G said politely to the bandaged man who had been staring at his glass of water for some time now. The man, Joshua Graham, shook his head.
“I understand not everyone shares my beliefs. Sometimes it’s good to be in a place that reminds me of that.”
Rogan nodded as he tapped a few bundled ashes into a nearby tray. “It’s my fault,” he said, ignoring Joshua’s assurances. “I wasn’t really thinking about that. I don’t think we’ll need to stay too longówhat we wanted to say is pretty brief.”
Joshua looked over at the two agents with his piercing, fire-bleached blue eyes. “Yes. I was wondering about that. Does this have anything to do with Defago?”
“No,” G said as he took a gulp of the sazerac large enough to draw a troubled look from a nearby bar patron. “We trust the wizard’s judgment, even if I disagree with him. This has more to do with our destination.”
Graham nodded, and took a sip from his glass. He had removed the bandages on his mouth to drink from his glass, and the two men could tell why he usually kept it covered. His lips had been all but burned off.
“Weyard, yes… The world of alchemy. I gathered you were interested from our earlier conversation.”
Rogan smiled disarmingly, smoke seeping out of one corner of his mouth. “Well, a little more information couldn’t hurt. Any world that Chong deems of interest should be of interest to us too.”
Graham replied in his usual slow, powerful voice, but with the politeness now belied by a hint of suspicion.
“And what in particular were you-- or your organization --interested enough that you had to come and meet with me in person?” Rogan didn’t stop smiling, but he did discard his cigar into the nearby ashtray while G motioned for his glass to be refilled. Despite how heavy the drink was and how many he’d had so far, he showed an eerie lack of inebriation.
“Well. Quite a few things. But in particular the elemental spirits.”
Graham gave a slow nod of understanding. “The Djinn. I see…”


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Agumon  looked over at Gabumon after finishing the conversation with the seer" well. Gabumon, I got you guys an audition with Stripetail " Gabumon spat out his drink and coughed loudly " Wait? you just asked him? right out of the blue? Just like that?" yeah Agumon said "Well.. he was not happy that I broached the subject, normally he's the one picking team members. But he seemed to be more accepting when I told him it was you I was proposing." so he's heard of me?.' He knows of the digidestined, yes" Agumon said " well then why not add Biyomon too? she's skilled Gabumon said" she doesn't have a partner. there are no male Biyomons" Agumon said." so male-females are required? Gabuna said " yes, of the same species" Agumon said." And the team has worked  well so far. If things go well, we'll introduce you to the rest of the team before we reach Weynard."
 Mona counted to 20, as Flash Oliver and Other Oliver hid among the trees in the park.
 Nice to meet you Carmelita and Sly " Arlene said ' its good to have security around. So what brings you along? I'm guessing stripetail hired you for security purposes.

_ Luca accompanied Tigress and Tiger as the three wolves went for a stroll in town, Luca taking in the sights and sounds."We ran into Mona selling hot dogs at a stadium on Mawashii and well she hit it off with Flash right away "Tigeress said explaining how they had met the young pup." Mona is a good girl, I've been trying to do the best I can to raise her " Luca said " Given I dont have her father around to help raise her.' Do you know who her father is? Tiger asked "No.  I.. had a few flings for money.. I'm not proud of it." Luca admitted "So, shes a one night stand girl huh? " Tigeress shot him a look, Tiger could be very judgemental "Look, we'll help you with money" Tiger said finally ' It would be good to spend it on something that doesn't involve sending Genki to a new gamecon, buying Flash books, or having Tigress try new kinds of horn sharpener. How much do you need?" um.. 5000 dollars?" Luca asked "to fix up my house in Rancher World and to give Mona a new bookshelf for her books. Girls a big bookworm.." Well, What about a new house?" Tigeress offered " one that's bigger, and has more room, for the both of you?."I could never afford it.' Luca started.' Don't worry! We'll pay for it' Tigeress said  to the surprise of both Luca and Tiger.'All we want in return is that you and Mona visit us and Flash regularly." Sure, why not put it right next door to ours?" Tiger grumbled.

"Great Idea Tiger!That would be perfect" Tigeress beamed " I was being sarcastic Tigeress.'Tiger retorted. " Tiger we have more than enough money  to do it,  all the horn sharpener, books and Gamecon trips barely make a dent.' Tigeress pointed out " I mean It would be like, half a check from the wizard, at most, like 500,000 bucks or so. We Can afford it" Fine Fine, We'll build the place after we put Chong into a dumpster" Tiger said. Luca hugged Both of them tightly tears running down her face " This means so much to me and Mona! I'll pay you back, I promise, even if it takes me 50 years! Mona is going to be thrilled."  Luca said beaming broadly.
 stripetail motioned for Duiddy and Junior to join them at his table " come along boys" He said firmly.
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Mr. Bigmouth's face hardened as he read the message on his tablet. He turned to a bartender whom they had hired on Mawashi. "Excuse me," he said. "Would you please serve Stripetail and his companions?"

He put his tablet away. "There's an emergency in my restricted greenhouse that needs my attention. Specifically, a combined fire and hazardous materials leak. Do not worry, the area is isolated from the town and no harm will come to you."

The Saurolophus quickly grabbed his messenger bag and headed out of the tavern.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.