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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350503


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"But, at least now you know what to expect in the ring," Thiago told Kovu. "And well what you experienced is normal for everyone who survives their first fight, if you keep winning you could become a crowd favorite, you know."


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 I got 100 bolts for winning my fight " Kovu said. "I'm more interested in getting out of here than I am in becoming a fan favorite. No offense intended< i'm sure you;ve seen your share of fighters interested in wealth and glory" Kovu said taking off his armor, or what was left go it. and in doing so revealing in gases and wounds he had sustained in fighting.
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"Yikes," Thiago said, seeing the battle scars left on Kovu. "Any way I can help with those?" He then noted what Kovu told him. "Ah, you have a lovely lioness waiting to find you, right?"


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More than that " kovu said. I have family that is looking for me. A Mate, a sister and a brother-in-law' Kovu said " all f whom are dear to me, and who i hope can get me out of here and soon."
 Dixie  brought Gabuna some food out of her belongings ' and the Wolf Digimon stirred at the smell ' Ah, sorry! I was just getting a short rest" Gabuna Yawned, As Agumon and Gabon came over " So what should we do, until we reach the resort?' Acumen asked " Well, we need to stay close to each other. remember several of our group are in Chong's clutches " tiger said. " Pass me some of that ice cream , honey' he said to Flash, who headed over the ice cream she hadn't yet eaten. "Reload" Tiger intoned and the ice cream great increased in size, and Flash and Mona's mouth fell open" can you change mine into Mint, Mister tiger?' Mona said. " certainly " Tiger nodded and quickly changed the ice cream.
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"Could me and Ollie have some soda from the machine, mom?" Oliver asked hopefully. The cat was thirsty.


"That's good," Thiago said kindly, "Keeps your mind on pleasant thoughts."


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Captain Carson immediately snapped to attention and saluted. "Sir!" she said. "I have no excuse for the tardiness in reporting in. However, I can explain our operations in what would otherwise be a restricted area. Stripetail has apparently tracked the location of his target to this area. I can patch you through to him if you need to confirm my story, sir."

She then patched her superior through to Stripetail.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail turned as the mans image appears before him " lord Stripetail, Admiral julius Pearson at your service. I'm contacting you regarding Captain Sharon Carson, and her recent conduct. Are you aware of why she is in the Solona Galaxy?" Yes Admiral, and her tardiness can also be accounted for. I had given her a vacation break, as the pursuit of my foes had left pretty much everyone aboard this ship exhausted and at their wits end." Well, Sir, I do have to inform you that Gadgetron is taking this as a violation  of their exclusive right to operate machinery in this galaxy, and is threatening an enormous damage lawsuit." Don't worry about that Admiral. Have their lawyers touch base with me and I'll explain the situation. " Thank you , My Lord. If they had followed through with their threats it very well could have bankrupted my company, and cost me everything.  Are you satisfied with the captains overall performance and command?' More than satisfied Admiral. in fact i believe she deserves a promotion for her services to me, she has been a steady guiding hand throughout this venture." Really, my Lord? well.. I will talk to her shortly about that. in all candor, she owes her job to your vouching for her, had you been dissatisfied with her, I would have terminated her as captain." Come now, Admiral! and strand us in the middle of the solona Galaxy without a licensed Captain to operate this ship? That would be a shortsighted move in the extreme." Well, officially she would not be dismissed until after her services with you were completed, but i see your point. I will get in touch with gadgetron and forward their legal counsel to you." thank you Admiral. tell them i'll cover any costs they have incurred due to this matter, and that it was a misunderstand. " Thank you my Lord> I will leave you to your wizardly duties. " The admiral said, and his image vanished. reappearing in front of Carson>" Sharon.. in your quarters. Immediately. We have a lot to discuss."

 You'll have to ask Tiger " arlene said " i don't have any money on me>' she admitted to the kittens.
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"If Mr. Tiger gives us some," Oliver offered to Arlene, "Would you like us to get you anything, mom?"


Jing King caught up with Tigress. "Glad I found you," the girl panda said, "Could you look over my latest drafts of poems I wrote for Po?"


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"Sir, at once, sir!" Captain Carson snapped a sharp salute and left the ship on autopilot as she made her way to her quarters. When she did so, she closed the door and stood at attention in front of the viewscreen in her quarters.


The shuttles carefully manuevered around the anomaly and found a spacesuited humanoid. Spirarian personnel then disembarked to gently ferry the creature into the the hold of one of the shuttles. Once that was done, they sent a message staying that they had successfully recovered the creature.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Julians image appeared in front of sharon " well, captain. i have just talked to the wizard, and he has vouched for you on many levels. for starters, the reason you didn't  report in  was that you were on vacation, and that is understandable. We all need a break from time to time, and from the reports he sent me, you have been traveling across the cosmos for several months, and getting involved in many situations that required all of your attention. Secondly, he has vouched for your performance as captain, indeed he speaks very highly of you.had he not Sharon, i would have relieved you of command, and your future with this company  would be very short. thirdly, he has offered to handle this Gadgetron matter, which is a big relief to the company. had they gone through with litigation, and won, our company would have been forced to spend tens of billions to satisfy them.  Julian continued.' what is your personal opinion of the wizard, Sharon? we at the company know him only by reputation, and you have had a chance to work with him for several months now. is he a reliable partner? wizards, by their nature tend to be fickle and make plans only for themselves. they also tend to view themselves as superior to non magical creatures."
Tigress looked at the three papers, which were short and tend mostly to figure around homemaking ' these.. aren't bad, but normally a girl doesn't start thinking about homemaking until deep until a relationship, when both her and her partner have gotten used to each other and are  comfortable  with each other. at this point in a relationship, you're more feeling each other out. finding out what  they like to do, where they hang out, things like that. you a;so need to give your partner space. my relationship  with tiger, for instance, was anything but smooth at first. indeed he thought  more of himself as a father type figure to me, when he thought of me at all. i learned that he needed space, and more than a little of it. fortunately i had friends to help me through my ups and downs and keep me connected to him. having Flash has only deepened our bond, and i like to think she takes after me, but i can also see her father in her. she's feisty, like he is" Tigeress said.
 No honey, Arlene shook her head ' i don't need anything. but thank you for asking.
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Oliver nodded and went to find Tiger. "Mr. Tiger, could we have a few dollars for the soda machine?" he asked hopefully.


"Hmm....maybe you have a point," Jing nodded, "But there's so many good things I can say about Po already. He's kind, he's funny, he's big and fat, that's important for us pandas...."


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" didn't your mother give you anything?" tiger asked. " no, dad ' Flash said " We just need, like 10 bucks>' didn't i give you kids an allowance? tiger said " Well, no, not yet. You did say you would though. like 500 a week.'  Alright alright' tiger said,  reaching for the money sack in his armor. " So 500, in coins " he  said, handing the coins to the purple pup." and Mona too " Flash said with a grin.
 well you should focus on other things about Po, not just girth " tigers said " and don't be too over the top, guys  don;t like  clingy girls who cling too tight.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 07:28:17 PM by Nick22 »
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"Well, it's just I admire him so much," Jing blushed, "And the fact he's the Dragon Warrior, I've read reports of the villains he's beaten." She then turned to Tigress, "I can see your point about not getting to clingy, but even with that, Po and I are officially engaged now."


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Look jing honey, you are engaged. and i'm happy for you. but that means you have to be ready for all the stuff life will throw at you. And the reality is Po is going to be away from you for long stretches, its his job after all. you are going to have to fill that time as best you can. It comes with the territory when the hubby;s a hero or a warrior, girl i could tell you stories for weeks about my experiences. " Tigeress laughed. "you are going to need friends to get you though it, and if you need anything from me, just ask. even if that means spending 12 hours a day magically texting . i trust you'll have enough money to make a good living? Tigeress asked. "because a nice house with all the stuff you need, costs money, loads of it.
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Jing gave a grin that was both warm and slightly full of herself. "Oh yes," she confirmed, "My father is positively loaded money wise, I can safely say I'll never have to work a job a day in my life. We have a staff of servants who can tend to most things. As for me, when my beloved Po is away, I'll do things around my village."


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well, thats nice that daddy takes care of you. my folks werent super rich, but i didn't starve either. i make loads more money now than they ever did. hence why i'm basically helping them with their golden years" tigers said ' filial repeat and all that. So, now lets start planning out your first date with  Po. it'll be a couple weeks from now, likely while we are on merdegraw. Now, what would you like?' Tigers said as they reached a cafe in winterville " Lets do lunch, Jing. My treat" the purple wolfess smiled.
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"Well, Po and I's first date should involve food, naturally," Jing mused as she followed Tigress to the cafe section. "Maybe I could watch him wrestle, or we could hit a spa. Though I must say in advance it can't be a double date, it's just me and him."


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Well a double date would help his confidence, as there would be another guy  for him to talk to. " tigeress replied. You'd need a few dates before he'd be comfortable enough to do one-on -one dates, Is my read on him. You don't lack for confidence, Jing, but Po is another matter entirely. When it comes to dates with a girl, i don't think he's ever had one.  He'll be out of his element.' Tigeress said as a waiter brought them two menus. " I think something food related, like lunch would help break the ice . Nothing better than good food with company.  Something  with meat, I think, although that might just be my canine side talking." Tigeress said.
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"You have a point there," Jing nodded to Tigress, "And if this sounds good to you, how does mixing bamboo with meat sound? Bamboo is a classic panda dish that can be prepared many ways......"


There came a time where Kovu was no longer a newbie in the ring. He had started to win more and more fights.

"I saw the arena on the monitor," Thiago said to Kovu, "Some people in the audience were wearing "Scarred One" shirts."


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Meat wrapped in bamboo sounds great" tigeress nodded. Sorta like mozzarella sticks, except with bamboo, and meat.   Have a mix of stuff both you and Him would like.  Pasta noddles, Soup, crunchy stuff. Drat now I'm getting hungry>' Tigeress laughed.
 Pity I don't get any money when they buy those shirts ' Kovu said, as he  sat in a small hot tub pool designed to relax injuries after  matches. " Vox is making money coming and going.
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