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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349920

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Oh, I'm sure you 'respect and support' her as your underling," Hailey rolled her eyes, getting frustrated that he wasn't fighting back, "just like my first boss supported and respected me as his secretary." She put all her weight into a heavy kick to his groin. "And of course you only discuss her accomplishments in relation to the team you manage. How 'you've proved yourself' and how 'you buy action figures of her,' like her only value is in whether or not she impressed you." For one last hit before she turns on the flames, she attempted a stunning strike to his forehead, hoping to combo it with a full-body tackle. Her wrestling skills could be put to better use if she could get him on the ground.


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i dont BUY action figures of her " Po corrected her ' I MAKE them, myself, by hand. and shes not an underling, not like you being a secretary . apples to oranges lady.' He chuckled. the Six, we dont have a hierarchy, theres not one of us that's tasked with serving at the others beck and call,  day and night. you're thinking of a king, or an emperor,  someone who clearly is above everyone else. thats not how we do things.  I get the sense you're just trying to goad me, lady. Why are you doing this, exactly? what have i ever done to you? You think i'm a criminal, what exactly was my crime? because I dont remember ever breaking the law the entire time I've been here..and my record is clean in China." po asked as he continued bouncing around  dsucking and weaving Haileys attempts to kick him in the head.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Child support evasion," Hailey answered simply, finally coming to a stop when it was clear he wasn't going to throw a punch. "That palace servant you slept with two years ago? Did you ever even learn her name?" She caught her breath and shook her head to get her bearings. "She gave birth to twins, Master Po. Twins who deserve child support. You may have fled China to escape your debt, but if you're the hero you claim to be, you'll stop running and pay your due."


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Jing had changed her makeup to add to her persona she was playing while undercover. "Do we have a map of this place?" she whispered to Tigress, "It's huge here....."


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look lady, its obvious you dont know me, at all ' po sighed ' i've never been with a girl, in that, way ever. but if you're going to smear me wuith nonsense well  then. heres pissed=-off po" po suddenly began charging Hailey and began pummeling her with violent and lightning fast blowws to the head stomach and legs. po's face was narrowed in anger. whoever this cop was, she clearly had the wrong guy.  po 's size and srftrengthy meant each blow had a lot of force and power behind it.. one blow to the inside of haileys left knee produce an audible cracking  sound.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey gasped in alarm at the sheer speed of Po's counter-attack. She didn't even have time to dodge before a heavy blow to her face sent her head snapping backwards with a terrible whiplash. Follow-up punches winded her and sent her staggering backwards. The final kick to her leg knocked her off her feet, where she skidded into the near wall.

She lay on the ground for several long moments, putting on a wounded show for the gathered spectators, before dizzily trying to rise, blood dripping from her knee and face. "That awfully violent response for an innocent man..." she panted, trying to put pressure on her broken leg and collapsing against the wall. "Usually when someone knows they didn't commit a crime, they come with me to the station to sort things out..."

Drawing a nanotech syringe from the workout fanny pack on her waist, she injected herself in the leg and shuddered as her knee bone repaired. "But no matter what you think, you're not above the law. And it's my sworn duty to bring you in or die trying." Snapping her fingers, she ignited both of her fists and assumed a combat stance, this time prepared for his speed and ready to dodge at a millisecond's notice.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 08:03:22 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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lady i'd need a dna match, court records and a ruling by a judge before i'd have to pay child support ' po said as hailey staggered to her feet. ' its one thing if you needed my dna to match, then of course i'd pay upif they matched . problem with that is.. well i'[m a virgin, so my dna wouldnt match it in the first place. kinda hard to have  kids  when you've never physically done the deed. well theres magic.. but hey what am I rambling on for?' Po said as settled back into his stance.  ' haileys pays igniting brought a smirk to his face ' Fire magic huh? Ha ha. I'm going to enjoy this ' He said, beginning his attack anew ' lets see what you've got. he said, going for the stomach again.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey threw two fireballs at her opponent as he bore down on her, but he effortlessly dodged them with almost invisible dexterity as two more heavy punches caused her to see stars. Gritting her teeth, she swung a flame punch right into center mass of her opponent, but missed because his uppercut was faster, lifting her off her feet and sending her tumbling through the air to crash heavily into the ground.

With a pained gurgle, Hailey didn't need to act the wounded gazelle; she was legitimately injured in several places. I'm getting under his skin, and selling it to the crowd, but that won't mean much if he straight-up kills me... With a pained grimace, she dragged herself once again to her feet, almost slipping on a puddle of her own blood and sweat. "I agree, Master Po, that a simple DNA test would verify your story. Which is why it's suspicious you're pummeling an officer to death rather than coming to the station to clear your name."

She limped back to take her position facing him. This time she summoned all of her remaining strength and fired a full-spread inferno, a shower of fireballs designed to cover an entire area-of-effect, to make dodging almost impossible.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 08:26:11 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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unfortunately for Hailey po had experience with fire magic, and knew how to defend against it. but in this case, pos first instinct was to simply deflect it away from the watching crowd ( and luckily for hailey, away from her as well).  Po swung his arms in a fluid   rapid  circular motions briefly pawing each fireball before pushing it away. in this way. all 35 fireballs were palmed and pushed aside, the whole thing took just over 3.5 seconds. the onslaught of fire was re directed away out of a window, which exploded as the fireballs hit it and they lasndsed into a nearby fountain hoissing upon impact and sending up a screen of water vapor. po turned to hailey who was now feeling the efects of the vivcious attacks he had launched on her ' now we finish this ' Po saud. as he took  two steps forward several red dots appeared on his belly, from gun with lasers attache to them ' Get away from the officer!" barkred a meridian city cop " get away master po, or we WILL shoot! and believe me, these things will hurt, they are designed to incapacitate fully berserk agorian warriors. Hands above your head!' 8 fully armed meridian cops burst in though the shattered door and surrounded po in a flash. anbother s;lowly helped hailey to her feet ' lT Spaulding, mam>' he said kindly ' i see you found your suspect.
 po, with 8 guns inches from his face, realized he had no choice,  he raised his paws over his head. ' one of the cops rerached into his pockets and came out with pos wallet which included pictures of Tigeress, Viper, Master Shifu and mister ping, along with a contact card with stripetail's name written on it. ' well well, you're friends with the wizard' the cop said looking at Po. " y-yeah, he said if i ever got into any trouble, that i should have the cops call him to straighten stuff out. ' well, Master Po, i hope the wizard can afford the 25 million bolt bail amount we're putting on you for beating up LT Spaulding there!' the cop said, as pos arms were cuffed behind his back. ' Master Po, you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can be used against you in court. you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. under igliakian law, in lieui of jail time, you can be exiled from the planet,  at the discretion of the judge, be barred from returning for a minimum period of 5 years. do you understand the words i have just read to you ?" po, nodded slightly. ' the right have been read, get him out outta here. " the cop said to the others.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Stripetail, huh? Hailey glanced at the card while she pocketed Po's possessions into her knapsack. Chong's gonna want that. "Thank you for your assistance, gentlemen," she said to the officers. "You came at the perfect time. I'll be sure to write a report of commendation for your department when I get back to Interpol HQ."

She shot herself with another nanotech syringe, wincing as her bones and muscles sorted themselves back into place. "I'm gonna feel that in the morning..." She pulled a pair of glowing purple handcuffs out of her knapsack and adjusted a dial so they grew to Po's size. "Place your hands behind your back." She snapped them onto her. "These are inverse-matter cuffs; they get stronger the more powerful the wearer is. If you struggle, they'll only tighten further. I've also included a magic inhibiting subroutine, since you revealed yourself to have water-bending powers." She began leading him back to her ship. "I encourage you to cooperate from here on out..."
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 09:27:34 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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madam. you dont need special cuffs '; the officer pointed out. those cuffs can hold an enraged wargrok without any magical additives. also ' he grabbed the card ' we need this to call the wizard to set up a bail payment plan. under igliakian law you get a quarter of any bail payouts. in this case 5 million bolts. one of the perks of being an arresting officer. ' the officer said. ' just take the prisoner to the nearest holding facility. we'll put in a request for extridation to your  planet in the morning. i expect it will be granted ' the officer said to hailey. ' is there anything else we can  do for you lT Spaulding?"
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'm sure your restraints are of exemplary quality, but mine are mostly for the magic inhibation; I don't want Master Po using water or other magic to destroy the backside of my cruiser." Hailey returned the Stripetail card obligingly. "And 5 million credits, really? I believe most of that will go to my department, as per Interpol policy, but maybe wit that they can finally fix the drinking fountain in the break room."

She led Po back to her cruiser. "Play nice, now," she advised, ushering him into the brig where Lucia was sniffling and Aimee was eyeing the newcomer.

"Don't trust her!" Aimee urged Po. "She's not a real cop! She's working for Chong!"

Hailey rolled her eyes. "Again with these accusations? You know these lies you spout will be used against you when the judge hears your case." She sealed the door behind her and returned to the cockpit. "This is Lt. Spaulding, I'd like to formally thank you for helping me apprehend the first and arguably most dangerous of the three suspects," she radioed the Meridian PD. "Have you managed to locate any clues as to the locations of either of the other two?"


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po took a seat across from aimee and lucia. ' ' stripetail's going to be pissed when he finds out i got arrested.  wait.. shes not a real cop? great just great.. Now I'm going to get  the ' you fell for the fake badge ' routine.' He looked at lucia. ' eve n if you  are right, i cant get out of these cuffs.' he said..' all i can do is move them around to the front. ' he said m shooking the other prisoners his cuffs ' so.. where is she going to take us..?'
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I don't know how much Stripetail told you about Chong, his arch-nemesis, but he's one off the most evil people to ever live," Aimee sighed. "Hailey's gonna deliver us right to him, where he'll probably brainwash us and enlist us in his schemes as mindless puppets. He'll love to have my brains and your brawn to bring to the table."

"Don't forget information," Lucia pointed out. "If Mr. Panda knows his arch-nemesis, he'll want to know everything Mr. Panda knows."

Aimee glanced at her. "That's right. Kinda a surprising thing for you to think about right now."

Lucia shrugged. "I don't know anything about this 'Chong', but it's what I'd do if I were him."

Hailey, meanwhile, waited patiently for her hails to be answered.


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we may have a lead on the one called panda king. a large panda was sen buying fireworks in the herioes district, near the hall of heroes' came the reply. ' go check it out out lt. good luck to you. "
well i don;t know much about chong at all, onlty that he is a really bad dude ' po said ' i just came here for the kung fu convention' Po sighed. now i[m  going to be fighting for my life somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Any tips you girls might have?"
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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“Forget about your strength; it’s not going to help you,” Aimee replied. “When she takes us to Chong, it’s going to be up to us to talk our way out of getting killed.”

“Killed?” gasped Lucia, finally realizing the gravity of their situation.

Aimee sighed. “I’ve never met Chong myself, but I’ve heard a lot of stories from my teammates, and I think people overstate how blindly evil he acts. He clearly has an endgame, and he’s willing to incorporate others into it if convinced. I’ve got a plan, but I need more time to work through all the possibilities.”


Hailey grinned. “Perfect, thanks again. Lt. Spaulding out.”

Gunning it, she wasted no time reaching the Heroes District. After double-checking the prisoner bay was sealed and her prisoners were all restrained, she parked her ship and looked around for the most likely shop to buy fireworks from.

“Excuse me,” she asked the shopkeeper once she located it, “was there a panda buying fireworks here earlier today? And if so, could you tell me where he went?”


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"What do you wanna do now?" Oliver asked his friends. "I know our parents want us to stay put in the room, so we shouldn't go too far." The kitten was enjoying a snack he had gotten from a vending machine.


Kovu's opponent looked at him in the eye. "This is your end, Scarred One," he smirked wickedly, "I'll make sure of that."


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Tigeress came over to the relay area where Dragon, skylands and warfang were sitting on chairs watching a match with subtitles translated into dragon. Dixie Agumina And Gabuna walked into the station. all 3 of them looking very tired. Out in the  lawless regions of the galaxy, telling time was very difficult as there were no sunrises or sunsets. ' 17 interviews' Gabuna said wearily, putting down her camera and recording equipment on a table . ' nearly 4 hours of guards talking about the prisoners they've sent to be blown up in the arenas. I get the strong sense that these guys enjoy it." And the announcers do too' Dragon said. "Thats goes for  Juanita especially, when not insulting Dallas' fitness as a male, she openly roots for bloodshed and carnage." she sighed as she drank some tea. Dulcy and samia entered bringing in some dreadzone foods, which included fried Argorian, Baked Fongoid and Skewered bogonian. ' " They recycle gladiators into armor weapons and food ' Samia said. " You mean that literally part of Shark Boy and lava girl?' Dixie asked. " Samia!' Sorry, you cant avoid the food having.. questionable provenance here  and I am a dragon, and I need meat." you do realize that we can order stuff shipped in from the Bogon or polaris galaxies right?' Agumina pointed out. ' Dramos is paying for any costs of food.' like I said I was hungry. " Samia sad as Dulcy went over to grab some drink from the minibar. ' right now i could use a vesuvio mudball.' Dulcy said putting together a drink from her homeland. " Anyone want one?' i'll try one ' Warfang said ' I'll have a soda.;' Skylands said ' had a nice chat with a Binkoran dragoness named Emanu." she has been working on magical ampliers to broadcasts that will increase the range." Emanu is a tinkerer, like me, Korin said" i like her" She sm,iled. Ember was  trying some microwave popcorn.
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The Mysterymen began firing shots on Kovu. "I'll be keeping you on your toes, lion!" he laughed as he kept reloading his ammo. This wasn't going to be easy for either side.


"Hungry?" Kiara asked Sima.


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we're on patrol sis ' Kopa reminded her. " best leave your next meal until after the patrol is over."
 laval was patroling with Agumon Gabumon  while Eris and elida flew above them. the digimon had beaten the chima prince at the latest game and Laval was taking a peek at his wallet to calculate if he had enouygh Chima gems to pay for what was likely to be a huge meal. " Laval sighed.
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