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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey gulped. Wow, he wants me to directly participate in the upcoming breakout... For some reason that felt a bit more severe than the minor complications she'd thrown into Chong's plans up till now. If he figures out what I'm doing, I'm dead...but then again, I'm supposed to be dead anyway. Something steeled inside her as James explained that Aimee would want Hailey to help the good guys. If that's what she wants, that's what she's gonna get. "Let's do this," she affirmed, activating a landing frequency and guiding the ship into the hangar near Cellblock B.

Putting the guard uniform on over her workout spandex, she locked James in handcuffs that were large enough to slip out of and escorted him through the hallways. "We got another prisoner, please open cell B2," she radioed, and the guard in the security office remotely unlocked it. "The lockpick is more metaphorical than I implied, all the doors are controlled from the security room," she muttered under her breath. "Don't even think of trying to escape, prisoner," she said aloud as she pushed James into the Panda King's cell. "These locks are electrically-reinforced; nothing short of a thermal drill will be able to break them. Your only hope would be to head to the cell door generator and flip the switch to deactivate all celldoors in this sector...but there's no way you could ever do that, it's three hallways in that direction and then you take a right. It'd be impossible for to pull that off while locked in here. Chong's vistory is assured."

Leaving James' cell door opened just a crack, so the ultra-expensive unbreakable lock couldn't actually shut, Hailey walked under the blind spot of the security camera. In the adjoining cell, Lucia woke up from the noise and watched as Hailey removed her guard clothes and left them with her security card, folded in a pile on the ground. "What's going on...?" she murmured sleepily as Hailey's footsteps echoed into the recesses of the prison.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 10:29:06 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Mr. Bigmouth nodded. He reminded himself to place some bets later on. "There are fuel dumps on this planet. In particular, the is the largest one is actually not too far from here. Bombing that particular fuel dump should make Vox pay attention as it's so close to his spaceport for the guests. As for the other arenas, some Valbaaran antimatter charges should cause some havoc."


(Spire of Winter)

Captain Carson noticed that an emergency alert came up on the ship's computer. She brought up the crew roster and noticed that Dr. Zanasiu's emergency transponder was active. She swore under her breath; that meant that Chong had gotten to him.

She scowled as she called Stripetail. At the same time, she ordered her first mate to locate where the signal was coming from.

"Stripetail, Captain Carson here. Dr. Zanasiu's emergency transponder has been activated. I--"

"Captain! The signal is coming from one of the Dreadzone space stations. I can get a lock on the location." The first mate began to analyze the data and get the coordinates.

Captain Carson continued. "As I was saying, Dr. Zanasiu has been kidnapped by Chong, but my crew has gotten his position."



The moment Hailey left, Dr. Zanasiu slipped the handcuffs. He made sure to commit her instructions to memory. He turned to the Panda King. "Haven't we met before?" he asked.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 well frankly its not a surprise."  stripetail said with a sigh. ' we figured there would be others grabbed. that makes 7 or so. there will be others Captain. good news is, we know where they are and we have folks on location, working to free them. Utsa has reported they are making progress. ' Stripetail mused " Chong is obviously planning something big.. quite possibly aimed at me. Why else would he grab my friends? Besides the getting even part. Keep watch Captain. and have rescue groups on standby. we will only have 1 shot at rescuing them, and we cant tip our hand.
Panda king started as a new prisoner was pushed into the cell." We might have, briefly. panda  King, at your service. the young girl over there is Lucia> we've been here a few days, now. i'm still waiting for my first fight." As am I " Po said.
-Eris Biyomon and Elida returned from the party, carrying  gift bags ; biyomon laughed as she recounted some of her dance moves.
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Kiara leaped onto the balance beam with stunning grace. "Focus, Kiara..." she told herself as she made her way in a perfectly straight line towards the other end. Most of the others in her pride couldn't do this.


Sima handed Vushu a piece of seafood. "Want some of the food that best describes you.....shrimp?" she teased between stuffing her own face.


Oliver and Ollie were thinking of what to get next. "I could use a new scratching post," Oliver thought, "Always fun to test my claws out when they grow."

Ollie hmmed when he thought about what to get. "How about some RC cars?" he suggested.


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"Acknowledged. Captain Carson out." She then cut the transmission and turned to her first mate. "Track his position and plot it. It is very likely that his position will lead us straight to Chong."

She rubbed her forehead. What had happened was a blessing and a curse. It practically spelled out Chong's location but one of her crew was in serious danger. That and if his transponder was found out...well, things would get ugly.



Dr. Zanasiu did a double take. "Wait, you're the Panda King? I've heard you mentioned a few times aboard the ship but I've never seen you. Granted, it is a large ship. Anyways, Your Majesty, I am Dr. James Zanasiu." He dipped his head in respect.



Ms. Swimmer was listening in. "Vox will be screening things very closely. How will we sneak in those Vaalbaran antimatter charges?"

Mr. Bigmouth smiled. "Antimatter is extremely powerful. The amount equal to the tea leaves for a cup of tea can destroy an entire city." He then rubbed his chin. "Now all we have to do is go get some."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Hi doctor!" The 15-year old vulpine sat up, excited to meet a member of Stripetail's crew other than Aimee. "My name's Lucia Shelton. We haven't met before, Aimee just recently brought me here from earth."


Hailey's heart was racing as she approached her quarters. The trip to grab Dr. Zanasiu had taken way, way longer than she'd expected, and Aimee was almost certainly awake by now. I'd been planning for time to freshen up, maybe surprise her with a cooked meal when she comes to. What do I say? How do I look? Taking a deep breath, she reached in her pocket and realized she'd left her keycard with Dr. Zanasiu. Oh, great... Grumbling, she resigned herself to looking like an idiot as she knocked to be let into her own room. "Aimee?" She asked. "Can you unlock the door?" No answer. "Aimee?"

Several uneventful seconds passed before an unexpected panic gripped her heart. What if the curse didn't work? What if she woke up and immediately bolted? What if it's like newborn birds, and she had to see my face to fall in love? "Aimee! Are you in there‽" she cried, rapping on the door urgently. Fuck fuck fuck, I need to contact security! she realized wildly. But then they're gonna wonder where my old keycard went--

"Hailey?" The door creaked open, and Aimee peered into the hallway with a puzzled look. As Hailey's brain scrambled to digest this new update, a smile suddenly broke out on the other vixen's face. "You're back! Come in!"

Hailey allowed herself to be led inside. "Umm, hi Aimee..." she stammered. "Uh, how you feeling? You're looking good."

"Fine, I guess. No lasting effects from when you gassed me unconscious," Aimee shrugged.

"Oh yeah. Uh, sorry about that."

"No need to apologize. Friends always forgive each other." Aimee smiled, then just as quickly rubbed her forehead. "Wait...are we friends?" she asked, blinking.

"Umm...well, what do you think we are?" Hailey asked slowly. She quickly locked the door behind her in case Aimee snapped out of it and tried to escape.

"I don't know..." Aimee regarded herself, her surroundings, and her companion. "We used to be friends, I know that. But..." her confused gaze drilled into Hailey's. “I don’t think we are anymore.”

“We’re not?” Hailey gulped. She could recognize the gears turning behind Aimee’s eyes; she was putting the pieces together.

“No…” Aimee advanced on her. Hailey didn’t have the heart to defend herself, and suddenly she felt herself being firmly pressed against the wall. “I don’t understand what’s going on…” Aimee whispered in a low voice. “But I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. And when you walked through that door just made me happy. True, single-minded joy for the first time since this whole nightmare started.” Hailey didn’t trust herself to reply. She felt Aimee’s robotic arms wrap around her torso, titanium fingers that could bend steel were digging into her back. “What’s going on, Hailey?” Aimee murmured in her ear. “What did you do?”

“I… I asked Chong to put a love spell on you,” Hailey admitted. “I just...wanted you to like me.” She flushed red.

“Well, I don’t.” Aimee tightened her hug. Hailey squawked in protest as Aimee’s bone-crushing grasp threatened to collapse her lungs. Her former friend squeezed...and squeezed...Hailey’s vision was swimming and growing dark. She tried to plead, but she didn’t have breath.

And then Aimee pressed her face against hers. Her light red lips connected lovingly with Hailey’s, their cheeks breathlessly brushed as Aimee broke the kiss for just a second to add, “...I love you.”
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 06:17:46 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Tigeres gabuna and dixie finished writring down the last of the daily newcasts. ' no more broadcasts for the evening' Gabuna said relaxing briefly, as they watched the Dramosian ship be put together.
 a guard rapped on the cell door '  pandas! get ready you fight in an hour. you will be given weapons to fight with. try and not die within the first 5 minutes wll ya? the boss doresnt like flash in the pans.'
 Nick wilde had secretly been taking notes from overhearing guards chater  at the pub he had opened at the 4th floor food court.  He had been pasing tyhis info to the others hidden in  boxes marked ' lighting equipment.
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"You wanna go shopping?" Kitty offered to Arlene. "I know you like to spoil your son with shopping sprees," she added with a friendly smirk. "I have plenty of spending money on me right now, if you'd like to get yourself something nice."


Jing sat around with her friends. "I managed to pickpocket some ID cards. It's a trick you learn when running with the Cooper Gang," the panda revealed, tossing some guard IDs onto the table. "I also spiked some of their food. They'll be.....occupied with the restrooms for a while."


Oliver and Ollie were heading for their hotel room. "Let's rent some games," Ollie suggested eagerly.


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 problem is that we have to rescue ALL the Prisoners ' Dixie said " not just our friends. Theres at least a couple hundred ' contestants' that vox has fighting for his bottom line."  They had gotten a message from Sasha telling them that she had glactic forces stations on nearby planets outside of the range of Dreadzones tracking radar.  " we have at least a week or so to go, before we can make a move ' Utsa said to the others. Korin and Dragon wre having a chat with ember about dragon culture in the dragon realms where Ember often visited.
 Cali and tessa were having lunch with Old and Young Spyro, who was busy watched Crash Racing TV. hey theres a dragon that looks like me" Spyro-S grinned. " Another Spyro?' Spyro-S said with a start. " looks a bit like you warfang except smalle.
  Tiger the wolf heard a buzz in his fyur and pulled out his monsterphone. an image revealed a large grey  colored wolf soitting in the living room of the house Tiger lived with Tigeress and Flash. " Hey big brother " Grey wolf smirked " just calling in to check on you, also to let you know that your larder is now officially empty. " Emoty? but thats supposed to last you a year? its only been-- ' 23 days yeah. But remember brother I'm the Big bad wolf, and I have to constantly eat" grey said.
- Sima and Vushu weighed themse;ves on scales, they weighed exactly the same, 385 pounds.' I miss kovu " sima sighed as Vushu ordeered a large basket of fries from the fry stand next to them.
KoPa kept fliping and tossing Kiara up inmto the air as he helped her with her routines.
 i'm game Ollie said. " theres lots of games on here ' he said  as he brought up the game screen. ' thees was cats vs dogs  arena, catman to the rescue. lombax vs markazian, and dance dance pokitaru.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Time seemed to stand still for Hailey. Here, finally, after decades of unfulfilled yearning and no hope in sight, her long-abandoned dreams had been fulfilled. Overnight she’d gone from Aimee’s embittered antagonist, standing for everything she hated, to her lover. She could hardly believe it; she wished she could chalk this up to any level of planning or the culmination of some sort of clever gambit. Who could have thought her success would come from a split-second request to a being of pure chthonic power? Hailey wanted to pinch herself to ensure she wasn’t dreaming, but the feel of Aimee’s lips against hers was real enough. Besides, if this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up…

Ten minutes later Aimee finally broke the kiss with a passionate gasp for breath. “Wow! That must have been pretty good for you, huh?” she grinned. “Considering you’ve been crushing on me since we were kids and all.”

Hailey sank to the ground, her legs no longer able to support her. “You’re...taking this rather well…” she panted.

“I don’t really have a choice,” Aimee grinned, joining her on the ground. “I want to see you happy. My only goal is to make your life as blissful as you’ve made mine. It’s bizarre...I know it’s all fake, but that doesn’t make it any less real.”

“It doesn’t?” Hailey felt her temperature rising as Aimee snuggled into the little spoon position. “Aimee, I know I shouldn’t be questioning this, but...I really didn’t see you taking this so well.”

“Well, it’s what you desire, right?” Aimee played with a lock of Hailey’s hair. “You know I’ve always pitied you, Hailey. Not when we were kids, but ever since we reconnected as adults. You joined an illegal underground organization and did all sorts of terrible stuff for them...then you switched sides, like a trained puppy, when I asked you too...then you were resurrected as Chong’s’ve always let other people tell you what to do. I just...I guess I expected more of you.” She seemed innocently oblivious of how Hailey was taking her words. “Growing up, you were so independent...I always thought you’d blaze your own trail. But instead you’ve been a lapdog for two lifetimes.”

“Why are you talking like this?” Hailey interrupted, feeling like her heart was twisting in two. She’d broken out in a cold sweat and her hands felt clammy.

“Cause I love you.” Aimee rolled around so they could look face to face. “I think you could be so much more than you are. And I want to help you get there.”

“I’m trying!” Hailey blinked to keep tears from forming. “I spoke with James Zanasiu earlier today, I’m helping Stripetail’s team cause a prison breakout!”

“What? Why the hell would you do that?” Aimee frowned.

“Because...isn’t that what you would want?” Hailey bit her lip, eyes wide.

“Of course, but you should never do things for me.” Aimee smooched her again, a light peck that nevertheless sent a hot flash through Hailey’s body.

“But I will!” Hailey affirmed. “I’m gonna be the best girlfriend you could ever imagine. You’ve always put your ideals above everything, so I’m going to help those ideals. I’m gonna make you proud!”

“Uh huh. Now did you come up with all that, or did James?” Aimee smiled as Hailey couldn’t answer. “You’re not a hero, Hailey. You don’t care about Stripetail or Chong.” She nuzzled their noses. “You’re a selfish backstabbing bundle of hormones. But you’re my bundle.” She stood up. “Now come on. Let’s sound the alarm and warn Chong before James can do anything.”

“What? Why would we do that?” Hailey leaped to her feet and blocked the door.

“Because Chong will pay you a fortune in reward money and let you keep killing people.” Aimee shrugged knowingly. “You fit in far better here than the Spire. You don’t need to put on a show for me, I’m madly in love with you just the way you are.”

“In that case, promise me you won’t tell anyone about the breakout!” Hailey urged. “And stay in here with me! Don’t go anywhere.”

Aimee flashed her a knowing smile Hailey didn’t particularly like. “Are you sure? Then of course, darling. I won’t tell a soul. Not a single word,” she chuckled, then crossed to the sink to pour herself a glass of water. “Honestly, Hailey, you’re starting to make me think you need saving from yourself…”


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Kiara was doing mid-air spins with each jump and managed to land on her feet evenly, like felines were known for. She crossed the beams without losing her center of gravity. "Try doing that," she playfully teased Kopa as she finished her routine and wiped sweat off her royal brow. "All those muscles and yet you couldn't maintain balance if you were sitting down on the ground."


"Well, with what I obtained at least we'll be able to get around easier, girls," Jing smirked, proud of her work.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 06:39:49 PM by brekclub85 »


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oh ho ho , very funny  sis, very funny. " kopa said. ' Watch this ' He went over to the rings, jumped up grabbed them and did  a rings routine with flips and grabs , landing with surprising nimbleness for a lion of his size. " I'm not nearly as nimble as you are, Kiara but remember I am carrying an extra 300 pounds . " Kopa smirked. " now lets get some lunch . You pick, I buy " He said ruffling Kiaras headfur. " you did a great job on your routines. There isnt a lioness in the pride that can beat you on the floor program. Remember when Vitani tried to challenge you ?' he burst out laughing.

The Ship was coming together nicely, it was now more than halfway restored. The seats were on order, and they were magically creating the defense system.
_ Kovu entered the arena for the championship match against the #1 seed, an argorian named murclug the meatgringer. he was massive, ugly, had disgusting teeth and breath and loads of fans. kovu noticed about a third of the fans wore Scarred one Tshirts, has scar like patches onn there faces, or had scarred one merchdise. Kovu had to adnmit that it was real cool to see stuff with his face on it.
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Ms. Swimmer nodded. "How's the progress on the ship?" She looked at the soggy tea leaves at the bottom of her cup as if they might provide her with the answer.

Mr. Bigmouth returned a bag of bolts and a bottle of champagne. "Well," he said. "I just checked the progress. We're more than halfway there. I have to say, I am impressed with your ability to find such opulent furnishings in such an area like this."

Ms. Swimmer shrugged. "You'd be surprised what gets thrown out." She looked at the bag Mr. Bigmouth had in hand. "And the bolts?"

"Bet on Rainbow. She obliterated that Agoran raider on an air-skimmer."



There was the sound of footsteps as a veritable platoon of guards thundered down the hallway. Many of them were holding their hands over their mouths and they looked quite nauseated.

James waited until the footsteps faded away and looked around the hallway. Deserted. He smiled and gently opened the "locked" cell and headed down the hallway. Three cells to the left, he noticed that there was an ID card on the ground that must have been dropped by one of the guards in their rush to get somewhere.

He carefully continued down the hallway until he found the guard station. The guards were in such a rush, they had left everything open. The Human entered, swiped the stolen ID card and deactivated all the force field doors. Of course, he also helped himself to a stun rod still in its charger. He watched as the prisoners escaped and began making a run for it.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Oh yeah, I defeated her with ease," Kiara said with pride, and then she heard her stomach growl. "I'm hungry. Let's go to one of the Mawashiian cafes, how about that?"


Sima noticed they were tied, weight-wise. "We need to have an eat off to see who becomes heavier," she told Vushu, determined, "And I can assure you that it will be me."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Jailbreak!" Lucia cheered as the uprising began. "Come on, Po!" she quickly threw the cell door open. "Let's rescue tu amigos!"


Aimee looked out the window as a rush of nauseated guards sprinted past. “Err, where are they going?” she asked.

“Don’t you worry about that!” Hailey swooped over and shut the shades. “Just let what happens, happens,” she affirmed. “I command you.”

Aimee swooned in mock submission. “Ooh, Hailey commands me,” she swept her hand across her forehead dramatically. “You know, if you’d wanted a brainwashed slave you could have asked Mertravius for one. I’m not beholden to follow your orders, I’m just madly in love with you.”

“So what, you’d break my orders out of love? How is that showing love?” Hailey protested, remaining in the way of the door and now the window.

“Because you’re lying to yourself,” Aimee grinned. “You’re always so conflicted, trying to figure out how best to make yourself miserable chasing the impossible. First you wanted a purpose; Chong brought you back to life for one. Then you wanted my love, and Mertravius helped with that.” She ran her fingers daintily across Hailey’s chin, leaving her shuddering from the touch. “And now you have everything you could ever want, so you’re forcing yourself to be a hero just so you can’t be satisfied. Why, Hailey?” she pressed their lips together, but drew away before Hailey could react. “Why won’t you just be happy with me on Team Evil?”

“I...will!” Hailey gulped, avoiding Aimee’s mocking doe-eyes. “In here. Let’s be happy, together. By staying in here.”

Aimee chuckled and shook her head. “You’re such a mess. You know if you keep acting like this, I’m gonna fall in love with the mess, and then we’ll never see what you could be truly capable of.” She turned on the oven. “But we’ll play it your way, for now. What would you like to eat? I’m thinking pizza.” The vixen's belly rumbled at the thought of the dish best served in slices.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2019, 01:12:15 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"Hey, you're--" The guard was swiftly silenced as Dr. Zanasiu jammed the stun rod into his face and turned on the current until he stopped moving.

He watched as the prisoners proceeded to wreak havoc, attacking guards and staff alike and breaking everything they could find. He carefully tucked the stun rod away and slinked out a nearby exit. He smiled. Looks like this was going perfectly.



"Back it up!" Mr. Bigmouth yelled over the din of construction. A repulsorsled carrying what was clearly a wrecked fusion engine still attached to part of a ship carefully settled into place.

"What's that for?" a worker asked.

"I'm going to restore it to working order." Mr. Bigmouth donned his welding mask and ignited his plasma pole cutter to cut the engine free. Of course, he had no intention of doing so. A fusion engine's magnetic containment field could be tweaked to turn it into a cannon that hurled bolts of superheated hydrogen plasma contained in their own magnetic field.

And that was what he was planning to do.


Ms. Swimmer helped muscle an ornate couch into position.

"Who throws something like this out!?" one of the workers asked as she carefully secured it into place so it wouldn't shift during the rigors of space travel. Around her, other workers were applying a thick coating of anti-radiation paint to walls before they added some decoration.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Po and Pandas king rushed out of their cell, po, holding on to lucias hand with his paw '  This place is huge! how exactly are we going to get off. ' Find a ship' Pabda kind said ' and steal it. ' wait? you can fly a ship. Po said ' its like a car , but with wings." panda king shrugged. ' we have loved ones waiting for us. you have your friends and I have Jing King. you've been talking about your friend Tigeress  pretty much nonstop since we got thrown in here. " the older panda shook his head, as they ran down the corridors.  the asir was fuilled with a pungent aroma.. light flashed and the scvreens lit up with ' Gas leak on Unit Four , initiating lockdown protocols, All staff evacuate to Deck 2." read the message.  guards lay sprawled on the ground as the prisoners on this deck grouped together.
Utsa was monitoring the construcxtion and  lending her magic to help sped up the process ' Dragon, put  that lader over there, and weld it into place. we're going to have at least 3 levels  within the ship. "
Korin , Sara and Samia, broke down and reworked junk and debris collected from the arena floor. ' Parts of guns, swords, laser emitters, even a staff from Quantos was used in their work.  Dixie and Tigeress helped  cover a coach with a fresh cover .
 mawashiian place huh?' Alright. just try to avoid overeating" Kopa said. " Otherwise I'd have to roll you around " he smirked. ' The nearast mawashii eatrery was on  the third deck and had a breadstick special with soup. Everythuing, as befitting mawashii, was huge.
laval and Liella were easting with Eris, Elida  plux and Biyonmon, and skylar was seated at another table eating some soup with Stitch and Angel , who were munching down greedily.
_ Bring it on, thin bean ' Vushu said.
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"Hey, say what you will about that planet, they make amazing food," Kiara smirked, "Besides, if any of us get huge we can get back to our original sizes via magic."


Carmelita could detect that a breakout was happening around her. "OVER HERE!" She shouted banging on the bars with all her might to get anyone's attention. The fox inspector wasn't going to let herself be a prisoner any longer.


"Say girls, when this is all over, would you want to be bridesmaids at Po and I's wedding?" Jing asked her teammates.


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Dr. Zanasiu held his breath as soon as he felt the distinctive tickling in his throat that signaled gas. He bolted into a nearby control room and muscled the sealed door shut. He then let out the breath he was holding.

Spotting a gun cabinet, he quickly opened it, grabbed the gas mask and donned it. Opening the door and leaving it ajar, he headed back out into the hallway, going the opposite direction of the prisoners. A placard on the wall indicated he was on Unit Four. He quickly did a sweep and noticed someone banging on the bars. He quickly recognized the prisoner as Carmelita.

Dr. Zanasiu used the stolen keys to unlock the door. "Carmelita, right?" he asked. "Quickly! Follow me! We need to get out of here!"



Dr. Kerzach was being treated for some kind of poisoning in the infirmary. He was hooked up to two IVs and several doctors were attending to him and monitoring his vitals.

"Seriously, did you even read the label?" one of the doctors asked as he held up the bottle of extra-strength lodestone pills.

The Cassowary paused to vomit into the sink before he replied. "Yes! I was fighting a mage they called 'Master of the Mental'. I needed something to block out his mind control."

"That doesn't mean it's a good idea to take twenty pills at once! Twenty-five is usually lethal!"

Dr. Kerzach shrugged. He had already died before.



"Well, I'd say the ship is coming along nicely," Mr. Bigmouth said with a smile as he finished welding the modified fusion engine onto the front of the ship. He had disguised it as a manuevering thruster to justify it being so mobile. The ship was enormous and incredibly graceful with sleek lines and silver livery characteristic of Dramosian vessels. Indeed despite it being cobbled together from scrap, it could be mistaken as a vessel fresh from the Dramosian shipyards.

Though that may have had to do with the fact that it was made of Dramosian ship parts and that Bespl's shipyard workers were among the best in the Polaris Galaxy.


(Spire of Winter)

Captain Carson received a transmission from Gleeman Vox. It was addressed to Stripetail but she opted to listen in to it alongside the Squirrel mage.

The transmission opened up with the smiling businessman standing in front of his the emblem for his Dreadzone. "Greetings Stripetail, I know my partner Chong would rather see you dead but I'm the more...pragmatic and merciful sort. I know about your crew and their prowess in battle. To say nothing of your own cosmic abilities."

Vox then smiled even broader and spread out his hands. "Let's have a little challenge and put on the best show in the history of the Dreadzone. You and a handpicked group of your best crew will run a gauntlet composed of all the Dreadzone champions and the toughest mercenaries Chong and I can find. If you win, all the prisoners that Chong took from your ship are released to you. If you lose, you become my next Dreadzone prisoners. How about it?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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sure thing ' dixie said. ' you'll have to show us what color you want the bridesmaids to wear, its normally pink. ' she said. ' but that will have to wait awhile. you have to date him first too, you know" Dixie chuckled.
 You'll have to sweeten the pot a little Vox " stripetail said, smiling an ironic smile. ' 10 prisoners or so, on 1 contest, when you have probably 100 times as, shall we say, guests onboard your station? Make it 100, and we'll come. precisely how many bolts  are on the line here? I ask purely out of curiosity, you see."
 Well once this is over sis, we won;t have that magic any more. " kopa said. " so lets watch our figures, as much as possible. I'm fine with pigging out now and then, but not that often. " he chuckled as the first appetizer was brought out, on a huge plate. " i need to get you something for the holidays Kiara as it is holiday time back home. And of course I'll get something nice for Kovu too. What do you want?"
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