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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

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Carmelita nodded to Zanasiu. "Where are the creeps who got me thrown in here?" the fox inspected asked as she followed after him. "I'm gonna make sure they get locked up FOREVER."


"Oh, you will," Kiara nodded to her brother, "Once Kovu's set free I'm letting him get whatever he wants, he'll have earned it," the princess said as she begun to pig out on the food they had been given.


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"Worry about that later," Dr. Zanasiu said as the alarms continued to blare. "Right now we have to get out before Chong and his forces restore order."

He looked around. There were no guards present but there was the faint white haze of coolant gas hanging above the floor. He silently hoped the maintenance crew didn't show up as they were likely to alert the guards.


(Spire of Winter)

Vox spread his hands widely and flashed a winning smile. "Sure thing! After all, when a few trillion bolts are on the line for my patrons who want to see a fight of cosmic proportions, anything is worth it. Now then, what do you say?"

Captain Carson was listening in and she relayed a private message to Stripetail. "Stripetail, Vox may be an amoral businessman but I do believe he would keep his word as after all, he has an enormous customer base to please. However, Chong has proven himself to be incredibly untrustworthy. We need to find a way to ensure he doesn't interfere." 

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Very well Vox. I accept. give me a week to prepare my team.  In turn  we'll give you a show the likes of which any promoter, even one such as  yourself, sees but once in a career" stripetail said. Shall we say 7 oclock  in the evening, 1 week from today? he gave a silent nod to carson ' we make our plans after this call." he re[plied via pm.
 Sly had been captured and thrown into the cell Neyla occupied ' Well, Well Sly, Nice of you top drop in .' The Interpol agent said., ' rescue attempt backfire?" she said wryly. " something like that" Sly sighed.
 Po Panda king and Lucia reached where Zanaisu was.. " Ok so the way we just came diown, is the not the way out.'  po said before noticing the others. '  Hey guys , we need to get out of this station, and head to some moon, where we can lie low for, i dont know, 6 months.' Po said huffing and wheezing friom exertion. pabnda king loked at him funny ' are you proposing  hiding out  as a way of reneging ojn our agreement? the elder panda said with eyes narrowed. " if we get caught, they will kill us, so whatever plans we may have made previously, are now null and void ' Po replied.

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(Spire of Winter)

"Of course!" Vox said. "After all, such a massive show requires extensive preparation." He then tapped his fingers on the desk he was seated at. "Of course, entertainment is fickle and as such, demands a tight schedule. If you are not ready by the agreed time, the arrangement is off. Now then, I will have the contracts written up and haven them sent by secure courier. I look forward to our meeting."

The screen then shut down as Vox terminated the connection.



Dr. Zanasiu looked around the cell block. It was empty except Panda King, Po and Lucia. "Panda King, Po, Lucia!" he yelled as he waved his hands. "Over here! I've come to rescue you!"



Ms. Swimmer looked at the completed vessel. There was an explosion overhead, causing her to look upwards. She saw Drobot use his bladegears to destroy two missiles Rainbow had fired at him. "I think we're about done here," she said.

Mr. Bigmouth dug in his bag for a radio. "Not quite, we need to--" He was cut off as one of the water discs from Amaria's razorblade typhoon spell bounced off the shield protecting them with a startling crack.

"As I was saying," the Saurolophus continued. "We need to contact Captain Carson and see if we can have her arrange a distraction. Vox and Bespl's security forces keep tabs of every vessel entering and leaving even if we say it's a souvenir. We're f---ed if they find prisoners on our ship."

"What about a bait vessel? One that's made to attract attention while ours slips by?"

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. "That may work for something small but for something this large and ostentatious, we need a big distraction. In the meantime, let me radio Captain Carson and Stripetail." He pulled out his radio and sent a message to the duo on an encrypted channel.

"Stripetail, Captain Carson, this is Mr. Bigmouth. The vessel is completed, fueled, checked and ready for launch. We need a distraction to occupy the security of Bespl while we make a run for it."
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 02:21:37 AM by Serris »

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"What did you order, by the way?" Kiara asked Kopa as she slurped up some udon noodles. She could not deny that the Mawashiians were talented in the culinary arts.


"We could also get stuff for Oliver if you'd want," Kitty offered Arlene, knowing how spoiling she could get towards him.


Oliver was intrigued by the game roster that was available to them. "They have Catman games? Let's give those a try, they have a co-op mode," the orange cat smirked.


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you are forgetting my magical powers ' Utsa said ' we can change the prisoners into dragons, and pass them off as extra media for the event. As long as they pretend to do media stuff, like hold cameras take notes and act as a holkovision crew that shouldnt be a problem. my governmemt will issue media credential - includiong fake names for all the prisoners. we grab them transform them give them credentials. "
We'll put up a  Qwark holovid announcing his new movie. Biceps of Justice ' stripetail radioed back. ' The promo is 15 minutes long so that should buy you enough time to sneak out of there. Qwark was happy to pitch in, that guy loves to see his fgace on camera .' stripetail said.
 I ordered a steak' Kopa saidin reply. ' its gong to be huge, so I'll have lewftovers for later ' He laughed.
_ po started as he came across Zanaiusu. ' its a rescue mission? greeat! where are Viper and Toigeress? they usually re the opnes bailing me out when I get into trouble_ which happens a lot"
 just lead  us to an escape vehicle' Panda King said ' We need to get clear of this place and get some time to lie low."
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(Spire of Winter)

Captain Carson nodded as she overheard the radio conversation. "That'll work perfectly. Knowing how Qwark is, I expect the running time to be more than 15 minutes. He loves to talk about himself."

She then tapped her chin in thought. "Right now, we need to figure out how to stack the odds in our favor for the battle next week."



Ms. Swimmer turned to Utsa.  "Sounds good." It was then Mr. Bigmouth got off the radio. He turned to the duo. "We've got a distraction. Stripetail pulled some strings and got Qwark to do a promo for his new movie. Knowing how famous he is--" the Saurolophus-turned-dragon pointed to some Bespl mechanics on break who were watching a Qwark-made movie "--I expect that literally half the planet will be watching."

Ms. Swimmer nodded. "That should work but I think Utsa's method of disguising the prisoners should also be used in the event we get someone who's not watching Qwark's promotion."



"There's signs leading to the hangar," Dr. Zanasiu said. "I'll meet up with you once I find two others."

He tossed his stolen backpack to Po, Lucia and the Panda King. Inside were three gas masks and a gas detector. "There's a gas leak a few floors below us. Put them on and get moving."

That said, being said Dr. Zanasiu exited the cell block. Already, pale wisps of the coolant gas were starting to leak out of the vents in the floor.

He had two prisoners to find: Hailey and Aimee. The Human took a deep breath, held it and headed down a stairwell that was choked with the thick white mist. All that was visible was the reddish glow of the emergency lights.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Surprised to see you in here," Carmelita said to the Panda King. "I wonder if that means some of Sly's other friends have been captured too..." she added with concern. The inspector followed the instructions Zanasiu had given her.


"Kovu loves steaks, zebra ones especially," Kiara noted, "When we get him back I'm giving him a huge feast." She thought of her mate as she ate her lunch.


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its a two-for.'  utsa said ' we disguise them upon retrieval. qwarks announcement provides us cover' Utsa sid. nick raised a claw. 'we can also have some pose as security, as holovision will need security. the typical look tough bouncer types. ' Dulcy, samia, korin, Sara Cynder-S And W took notes, while gabuna AguminaDiuxie and Tigeress finished instaling seats. " so who is going to fly this thing?' Gabuna asked. " dragon was sipping at the some bespl tea. ' how much longer do we need to keep up appearances?' the large dragoness asked.
Lets start the catman games 'ollie said, picking the co op mode for 'Danger in cat city" this was an racing and adventure game involving the Catmanmobile. Which course should we start on?"
Wendy and Flurrie were getting the upfdated racing stabnding after their most recent kart race'- they had neaten Birdo and Yoshi by just over a second. Diddy and junior had finished 6th, wiping out after getting hit by a blue shell.
Skylar plux, Eris Elida and li ella foloowed Vitanio around the spires shopping mall, getting a bunch of supplies together for Kovus birthday which was coming up. " " this will be a birthday in absentia, in all liklihood ' Vitani said. ' But i'm getting him nice stuff anyway.
 Kovu was brought out for the champonship match, and the entire arena was packed, as the overall #1 seed faced the #28 seed. ' Its David vs Goliath, if david was covered in fur and Goliath weighed 10 times as much. its so one-sided, it should be illegal, but this is Dreadzone baby, rules are for wimps!" Dallas commented.
I know you'll spoil him , sis. i miss him too' Kopa said ' He's family. we'll have to downplay this part of the adventure to mom and dad ' Kovu got captured" isnt very reassuring." he said as he took a swig from his glass.
 Po , and Panda kingg doinned the gas maskeed, as anm image of Tigereess appeared on Po's wrost ' go, they found you dragon warrior. ' Vipe and I are helping on the rescue mission, she;s been put up as a snake translator for remote locations.' Tigeresss said. ' me, i'll her ' translator' so get back here soon, po. we need to you.. and I miss you. well, we all miss you. Tai lung, has gotten stuff from the colectibles area that you'll really like."

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The gas detector warned Dr. Zanasiu that the gas level was too high for the gas mask to cope with. He found his way into one of the sealed guard rooms and bolted the door shut. He then took off his mask and let out the breath he was holding. The Human looked around for something to help him and he found it in the form of a rebreather set. He quickly donned it and put the mask on. He checked the timer on the set. Two hours. That should be enough time.

He exited out into the vapor filled hallway and started looking. There were some prisoners dead in their cells as the guards had managed to recapture them but didn't bother evacuating them. He scowled; of course whoever Chong partnered with was as inhumane as the mage himself.

Dr. Zanasiu retraced his steps hoping to find Aimee and Hailey...that is if they hadn't already suffocated.



Ms. Swimmer swirled her cup of tea. "Sounds good. We can keep the ship as is. Knowing that Dramosian ships -- especially royal vessels -- are heavily decorated and extremely ornate, we can use that to help for our cover as government holovision producers."

Upon Gabuna asking who was supposed to be the pilot, Mr. Bigmouth's face fell. "That's going to be a problem," he said. "I think Captain Carson is the only one who can pilot a ship this large. Unless Utsa's serving as the pilot."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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i'll pilot it.' utsa said. 'after all this is a dramosian ship, it needs a dramosian command."utsa said. ' we'll have uniforms and whatnot shiopped here or tteleportated here, so we look the part.  Any other questions?"
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"Red, orange, and yellow," Jing explained to Dixie and the others, "Colors of fire, which is a key part of my family's industry." She was happy her friends were up for her offer.


"Yeah, they might demand we come back early if they hear about that," Kiara nodded, as she kept eating her meal. She wanted Kovu to be freed more than anything else.


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"Not at all," Ms. Swimmer said.

Mr. Bigmouth looked at his watch. "The broadcast should be starting soon. We better time it so we can get all the supplies while everyone's watching Qwark."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' which is why we are not telling them' Kopa said with a nod. "They pull us out that would not reflect well on our kingdom." He finished his meal and put money on the table to cover their meal. "Come on,sis,  we have a new patrol of town starting in 10 minutes".
_ luca and Kitty were having a girls lunch, in the middle of town, at a fine resteraunt called Posh Polaris. they were  at a table in the middle of the restersaunt, just the pair of them. Currently they were noshing on a meat appetizer that looked like something approaching lamb.
 " then let us see how well the engine works ' Utsa said turning on the engine which took a couple seconds to warm up. the large craft began to lift off of the ground, just a holo transmission appeared on the floating cAmera. Qwark appeared with a voiceover ' Starting in his 637th holofilm, captain qwark shows off his most powerful weapons of all- His Biceps.. of Justice. Challenged to a duel by the dread Pirate kavandish skullcrusher, qwark must smash his way through evil  , one punch and laser blast at a time! Partnering with reluctant ally Steel Throat (played by Rusty Pete) , this dynamic duo must bring the blinding light of justice to the dark corners of the universe.!"
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"There's multiple titles to choose from," Oliver told Ollie as he looked over the game collection they had, specifically games in the Catman series. "What would you like to play, or should I pick?"


"Mmmmm.....this smells like it would go good with a nice sauce," Kitty smiled, the scents pleasing to her ears. Out of her group of ladies, she came to closest to sharing the appetite of their husbands.


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Well i could go for a racing game.' Ollie said' or an adventure game. theres adventures of doggirl and catman, where you have co op. ' He pointed at one of the games.' we could play that. ' ollie said 'he noticed a large poster on thre far wall of a large muscular cat flexing his huge muscles . ' whos that Oliver/' olie said. 'a football player?' Olie having been Sneeds servant ( and meal for a long time) wasn't familiar with  much of anything outside video games.
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From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien
March 15th 1998
It is the ides of March, and on this day, we have brought a man back from beyond the grave.

The body we used was badly degraded from how long it had been in the graveyard, and we all knew that what we had strapped to that table would not be pretty to look at once it was reanimated. We did that on purpose—we wanted to see how completely the Chariot’s genes could resurrect its muscles, and the Hangedman its organs. We wanted to see how our sequences would function on even the most degraded of material. The subject had no family and had been dead long enough that no one would miss the body and headstone disappearing. It was missing an eye, and the lips were rotted away. The victim was balding, having left the world in his late forties, and had died of a stab wound, apparently from some long unsolved murder that nobody cared enough to try to solve.

I was unprepared. We all were unprepared. Seeing that… that thing that was once a man struggle against its bonds and gnash its rotted teeth like a hungry beast awoke a deep seated memory in my mind. The memory of when I had first read Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein as a child, and how the doctor’s horror didn’t spring forth until his creation began to move.
The staff were even more appalled than I was. Some of the researchers demanded we destroy it. I refused—as hideous as this thing was, as partial and incomplete it’s resurrection was, we had done the impossible. We had brought a deceased human being back into the realm of the living. Without hyperbole or ego, I can humbly say this is the most astounding breakthrough in the known history of medical science. Beyond a game changer. Now we just need to perfect our technique so we actually get a regular human being back from the grave instead of this animalistic horror.
He have a holding cell already prepared to keep and observe our specimen. It is, thankfully, not very smart. Just like the Hollywood zombie monsters, it seems to have only a simple, brute intellect. Yet, it has also surprised us in some ways. One of the first tests we did was to put tools in front of it and see how it would react to them. This mostly a practical test on our part, to better make precautions to prevent a nightmare scenario of it ever breaking out of its containment. It ignored most of the tools, like a mindless zombie would, but then it fixed its eyes on a pair of hatchets. According to the headstone, the subject had been a woodsman when he was alive. It took the two axes and swung them around fairly expertly, as if it retained some long buried memory of the motion needed to feel a tree.
Given it still has some aspects of its humanity when it was alive, we decided to give our subject the same name it had when it was a man: Cyril. Monster, zombie—whatever the outside world will one day come to call our creation, it is the first axeblow against the barrier of mortality that threatens to take my son from me. I will create a horde of monsters like this if it means stopping that from happening.

"He keeps mentioning a son," Joshua said suddenly, his icy blue eyes looking up from his reading. "And keeps bending all his actions to that one excuse of saving his boy. The man was clearly obsessed."
"Just keep reading," G said as he carefully lit cigar.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 09:37:52 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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Wendy and dixie kong brought out a giant stufed crust piza with sausage and pepperoni and set it in front of Diddy and Junior. ' here you go guys ' Wendy smirked ' now remember . 1 slice at a time. the wizard is paying for this one, but that doesnt mean you can order 5 more and send him the bill. " Flurrie laughed   as she took a slice. ' i havent had a pizza party in a long time. most of the time, on stage, it would have been  sauteed mushrooms with ravoli for our meals . or fettuccine alfredo."
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It was a testament to Qwark's popularity that the violent sports in Bespl had actually stopped to allow the spectators to watch the promo for Qwark's new movie was just the ticket. Indeed, it was treated as a half-time show. Even work at the shipyards had stopped to allow the workers to enjoy the promo.

The crowds cheered as a scene of Qwark deflecting a rocket with his massively powerful biceps played on the screen.


Mr. Bigmouth emerged from the engine room and entered the cockpit. "Life support, sublight engines and jump drive are ready to go."

Ms. Swimmer followed after him. "Supplies have arrived and are being distributed to the prisoners."

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"Yup, he has one of the best records currently," Oliver confirmed to his fellow cat. He picked the Doggirl and Catman case. "I call Catman," he declared. "Unless you really want the racing game."


"Would you want to go shopping after this?" Kitty asked Luca and Arlene, "We could get some nice things for ourselves, you two could get stuff for your kids..." She was enjoying the food immensely.


Carmelita had her shock pistol and was running along the path to the escape route. "Keep it moving, Panda King," the fox inspector called to the Cooper Gang member.