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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350143


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Gunfire and explosions echoed over the howling blizzard that whirled around the building. While many of the contestants were not soldiers, they were hardened gladiators with access to some of the best weapons available. And they were all too willing to use them on the Spirarian soldiers as they chose to experience one last rush of unfettered combat.

"Can't these people see we're trying to help them!?" a soldier screamed as they fired a burst of explosive tipped rounds into a charging gladiator that had already quite literally torn one of their fellow Spirarians in half, the armored spacesuit proving little tougher than tinfoil to the cybernetically enhanced armored gladiator.

"Help? Help!?" the gladiator snapped as they backhanded the soldier's rifle, sending it flying into a wall. "Vox kept me out of Zardoom! What do you have to offer?" The armored alien gladiator picked up the soldier. "Nothing!"

The helpless soldier was then thrown into an onrushing group of Spirarians, sending them sprawling on the carpeted floor in a brutal game of bowling.



Of course, the contestants were not to be outdone by the planet's fierce wildlife.

A flock of the contestants shot up from a forest and pursued the glider. Due to their hiding place, their method of flight consisted of exoskeletons with integrated jetpacks.

And weapons. Automatic gunfire and explosive energy blasts indiscriminately filled the air and shredded the ground as the opponents all jockeyed to be the one to land the first hit on the mage's glider.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail tore trees out of the ground with his magic and swung them at his pursuers like a enormous baseball bat. Getting hit by the tree would be, quite obviously, fatal, not only the force of the impact but the speed at which they were traveling. Stripetail reached the ledge where Young Spyros prison was then raised a huge wall of earth around him and the surrounding areas, the sheer height of the wall was reminiscent of the caldera of a asteroid impact. Stripetail tore off the door to the glider and found skylands Spyro continuing to fight against his ropes and gag. Stripetail cut him free and removed the gag. " that prick of a green squirrel blasted me while I was on patrol " Spyro said as he gasped for fresh air. " He got me good, I'll give him that. " even if you had caught sight of him and recognized him , you wouldn't have stood a chance against him." Stripetail said." You're very lucky Spyro. Mertavius normally doesn't flinch at killing his enemies, in fact I would say that he enjoys the destruction and death he causes. " How long have you fought this guy? Young Spyro said as they walked out " Ages, Spyro, ages. I've always gotten the better of him, but not without losing friends and allies along the way. Many of our contests have had very high stakes, this current challenge he's given me is no different. For now, I'm sending you back to the Spire. I'm sure Skylands Cynder is worried about you, as are both Warfang Spyro and Warfang Cynder." Stripetail said. " Actually I have schoolwork to do" Spyro groaned " The History of Haunted Isle. It's an Undead zone." " Considering that your best friend is an Undead, that assignment should be an easy one, if you don't slack." Stripetail said. " and you don't make her do it for you. Friendship is one thing, laziness another." Yeah I know. I'll do a study session with her, Ember and Spyr and Cyn."Thanks for the save Stripetail. I owe you. Normally I'm the one doing the saving " Young Spyro said ruefully " You're welcome Spyro. Go get some food and rest. Teleportius" Stripetail teleported Young Spyro away. Then magicked himself to the next planet.
Young Spyro appeared in the hotel lobby where Ember was typing away on a communicator. " Where have you been? Cynder has been looking for you." Ember said as he approached her." Mertavius grabbed me and put in into a trap for the wizard as bait " Spyro grumbled" Geez" Ember gaped " No wonder we couldn't find you.Glad you got away from that creep"

Kiara and Sima went out on a food run for Kovu, who was in the mood for takeout. Vushu and Vitani followed behind them, both having lists of food and snacks that they could eat for a few days - or hours depending on Kovu's appetite " We'll go to the Winterville Mall first" Vitani said " Mawashii Pizzas is there, and everything is huge, a small soda is 100 ounces."
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"Plus if you need an extra cushion Mr. Sneed doesn't mind if you sit on his big belly," Ollie told Arlene and the others.

"He pays good too," Oliver assured as he got the pieces for the game ready.


Kovu turned on the TV in his recovery room. "It's so good to be able to watch this again and not be the entertainment on it," he mused, as he thought of the food his family and friends would be bringing him. The thought of a good meal made him drool on his blanket a bit.


"We got any updates on what Nick Wilde's doing?" Jing asked Tigress as they snuck around. "His schemes have been helping us locate the captives." Po's fiancé was focused on their mission and not just her soon-to-be husband. She could play the part of a reporter with finesse. She was used to wearing makeup, after all.


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Nick mentioned Floor B-2 had some potential prisoners " Tigeress said as a guard approached them " What are you ladies doing here!" " Looking for an interview with.. um Blue- eyed Beaker the fighting Parrot " Tigeress said. We have him down  for an interview at 1430, which is in 10 minutes " She showed her holo-id to the guard." " Dragon Tv huh? The guard shrugged " Follow me and try not to get lost. Who's doing the interview?" She is " Tigeress motioned to Jing. " I'm recording the interview for transmission later. Parrot Planet has been watching his fights in huge numbers."  Eh, fighting and killing sells. Me, I just make sure they stay where they are supposed to." Blue-eyed Beaker was a huge parrot with a rather sour expression on his face " Joy! Another interview , likely talking about the time I bit 4 opponents heads off at once. What can I do for you ladies " he asked Jing and Tigeress as they entered his cell.
Larval and Li' Ella stopped by Kovus hospital room, bearing gifts, Li Ella had gotten him chocolates while Laval had gotten him a statue of him and Kopa holding the sumo championship trophy, the trophy was actually quite heavy " Hope you feel better soon " Li Ella said." Vitani was really worried about you, you know. We spent hours on patrol talking about you. Good things, of course." She smirked . Thanks guys Kovu said as he set the gifts on a table "

Sims and Kiara were dragging around a food kart full of food, Sima was the one pushing the kart, Kiara was putting food into it." So what should we do to entertain Kovu tonight? Kiara asked as she put in a Sumo Rings cereal" I'm always up for snuggling with him, kissing him, stroking his fur. " Sima smirked " You two are going to have 50  cubs, at the rate you guys are going. Save some room of the stud for me. " Kiara laughed " It's true. And girl I'm looking forward to having them. Give my folks grandcubs and make my big brother a doting uncle. Kovu will be a great father, I have no doubt. I am so glad he's safe. " We could always sumo. Winner gets to make out with the master for an hour." Master? What- oh you mean Kovu " Kiara said " and you have to have some other things we can do too. You're better than me at sumo." Naturally, why do you think I picked it?" Sima grinned " Well there's interactive dancing, with him using us as drums " Kiaras grin grew broader" I like how you think! Good idea. We could buy him a car- no wait I'm sure Kopa will cover that. I'll give him suggestions, like what color and what extras to put on it. " " Games, girl, games. Fantasize about Dream boat later when we're snuggling with him " Sima cracked " Sorry, sorry. We could get some video games for us to play " Kiara said.
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"Where'd the statue come from, was it made on Mawashi after our win?" Kovu asked as he smiled at it curiously. "And of course, there's plenty about me that's great," he chuckled in a joking ego fashion.  "Hope Kiara and Sima make it back with the chow soon."


"I don't think the two of you ever properly met," Oliver realized as he spoke to his mother, "Maybe you and Sneed should get to know each other."


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Yeah, this was made shortly after you won" Laval said with a chuckle . " I also ordered you a China Care Pack, which has foods and stuff from each of the species in Chima . Eris is finishing adding stuff and should be bringing it over shortly, she's organizing it. Knowing her, it will be very organized, very neat and full of cool stuff. " Laval said as Eris and Elida came in carrying a huge box " Hi Kovu " Elida said as she set the box on a table. " We got you a few things, to help you get over that fighting stuff. Tales of Wolf Mountain ' is a fun read." Hope you like Chima Chocolate Choices, it's an eagle special.
I remember you " Sneed said to Arlene " Your son worked for me before, briefly. That was not a good experience. But I need help with my chores, and I am pretty.. busy."
Well, as long as you pay him and treat him well, you can have him work for you " Arlene said as Luca brought out some cards for Go Fish" Care to play Mr Sneed?" " A couple rounds I suppose " Sneed said as the 7 gathered into teams- Oliver with Ollie , Flash with Mona, Arlene with Luca, and Sneed by himself. Luca passed out 5 cards to everyone save Sneed who got 10, the partner rules were different, one went Go Fish only after asking both team members if they had a number and both said no.
Vushu entered the hospital room carrying a shrine " Sima asked me to bring her shrine so she can pray."
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"Anything to fill my belly right now sounds good," Kovu smiled as he began eating some of the chocolate. He then turned to Vushu. "Sure, that thing's not too big, it can easily fit in here." He then used his phone to call Kiara's number.

"We're getting you some Mawashiian food dear," Kiara said happily to her mate, "And trust us, we have other surprises in store for you upon our return."


"We can win this," Oliver said to Ollie, ready to play the card game.

"If we lose I'll blame you," Mona said to Flash teasingly.


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Well we better not lose then" Flash said to her best friend " We just have to have a plan."
Mona went first " do you have a 8?"she asked Arlene " No" do you have a 8, mom? She asked " yes I do" Luca said handing her a card. Do you have a 3?" Neither of the moms did, so it was the boys turn.
Sima entered the room carrying a big bag of food, then set it down next to the gifts. Kiara kissed Kovu on the lips then nuzzled him" We got you a bunch of things. Hope you like crosswords
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"Do you have any 5s?" Oliver asked his employer.

"Yes, Sneed does," affirmed the bear.


Kovu began to drool at the sight of the food. "Yeah, it's a good way to flex my mental prowess," he told Kiara. "So what kinds of food did you get me?"


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We got you cereal, a Scarred One action figure, a set of mawashii steaks, extra jumbo breaded shrimp and some attire for our calendar " Sima said with a grin." Plenty of food, even for a lion of your appetite " Kiara purred.
Tigeress wrote things down as Jing interviewed the large surly parrot, who seemed to enjoy talking about past fights and brutal means by which he had won them.
Oliver missed on his next ask as did Ollie.?Do you have a 10 Miss Luca" Sneed asked" No." I don't either " Arlene said.
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"After the limited diet I was given in the arenas, I feel like I could eat a whole herd of elephants in one sitting," Kovu smirked as he began to stuff his face. "What kind of attire.....something that appeals to me, right?" he grinned at both Kiara and Sima. He loved them both, and they both adored him.


"Well, you certainly seem to be having a good time," Jing nodded to the parrot. She was well-aware of her father's own fights in the past, so she wasn't completely unnerved by the descriptions of violence. "Would you happen to know where your fellow contestants stay at?"


As game went on, some of the players leaned against Sneed's form. The bear's fat bloated body made for nice cushion.


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Looking for more interviews eh? Well I think Malevolent Mara is on Floor 7, don't know her cell number though. Markazian like the Lomba xs girlfriend- what's her name? Sarah, Sandra ? Sasha" Tigeress offered " Ah, that sounds right . I warn you, she's got a mouth on her, so I would edit out her interview for censorship reasons."
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As Kovu was in the middle of eating, he saw Kiara and Sima take out the outfits they had prepared. In the middle of some bites he jaw dropped at what he saw.

"That's for my viewing pleasure?" he said in amazement.


"We'll take note of that, call the sound effects guy," Jing told to Tigress.


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Definitely " Sima purred as she slipped behind a screen to change. Sima was ample, well , everywhere, breasts, body legs and booty" So do you want a front dance or a back dance, big boy?" She smirked.
We'll bleep out the swearing " Tigeress smirked as the guard led them from the parrots cell
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"So, based on our interviews so far, think we got a lock on any of our friend's locations?" Jing asked to Tigress as they left the parrot and were out of anyone's earshot range.


"Back dance," Kiara was able to answer for Kovu. "You probably could tell already, but Kovu craves big butts, and he cannot lie about it," she grinned as she changed behind a separate screen.


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There's a couple, but we don't have specific cell numbers , just Floor numbers " Tigeress sighed" And these floors have hundreds of cells on them. It's needle in the haystack territory " the wolfess sighed." We need more information.
Oh so he's a booty guy. Good taste " Sima said " We have shake your tail feathers " Elida said, holding up a tape " for Eagles who want to shake what they got. Eris has a nice set of tail feathers, girl can dance" Elida laughs
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"Sure we can use those songs, but maybe a seductive instrumental would work too," Kiara smirked.

"I'm all ears.....and eyes," Kovu grinned eagerly, "You may begin when ready."


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I have a Phoenix guitar " Li Ella said" one of the songs I play on it, is called " Love All Night " Its a combo or dancing and romantic tension. To start, I'll do the dancing part first. For Kovus re viewing pleasure. Show us what you've got ladies.!This guy has been locked up, let's give him a good time.!" Li Ella began to play and Laval clapped in time with the music as Sima and Kiara began to dance for Kovu.
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It had been a while since Kovu had gotten to look at Kiara's butt, and it was just as heavenly as he remembered. Both his mate and new sumo girlfriend were swaying their bodies to the rhythm of the music. "Shake it girls!" he encouraged with a whoop.


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Eris and Elida danced on the shoulders of Sima and Kiara , the four posteriors shaking fast and provocatively in Kovus direction Li Ella increased the tempo of her playing and Sima began to shake harder a smile growing on her face. " There's a full moon out tonight, my prince and it belongs to you!" She purred
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