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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424613


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"And as a king, I have a king-sized appetite," Kovu said proudly, patting his belly. It was good to just be back with his family and friends again, hanging out and enjoying themselves. He knew they still has an important mission, but it would be one they could do together. The smell of the buffet's food came to his nose soon, and it made Kovu drool. "This is the kind of eating I've been missing," he grinned, as he filled his plate.

"If they have grapes we should feed them to Kovu like the Greeks do," Kiara chuckled to Sima. "Maybe he can use his fire powers to give the food a little extra grilling if need be."


Oliver and his friends made there way to an ice cream shop, complete with a list Sneed had given them. "He likes every flavor they have to offer, I should have guessed," Oliver figured. The young cat himself was partial to strawberry, and he was glad to see it was on a special discount when they arrived.

"Being a butler hasn't been half-bad," said Mona.


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Of course, news of the raid had quickly spread around the wizarding community. The Ministry had chosen to portray Daphne Wittenweld as a dangerous terrorist who was planning a coup against the beloved Minister of Magic Fudge.

Headlines like "Terrorist Leader Silenced by Ministry" blared from the front pages of  The Daily Prophet. Of course, others, such as the distinctively non-mainstream Quibbler had more inflammatory and pro-Pinkstone headlines like "Esbenshire Massacre! Aurors Slaughter Innocent Magicfolk and Muggles To Uphold Antiquated Law!"


Meanwhile, news of the raid cast a pall over Esbenshire. The streets were filled with people wandering about aimlessly and trying to get into random buildings, looking for all the world like they had just gotten over an alcohol fueled bacchanalia and were dealing with the collective hangover. Further adding to that suggestion were broken bottles, discarded cups and other party goods scattered about. But to those in the know, the appearance of a party gone wild was a sham; the ones who were staggering about were suffering from the effects of Memory Charms cast by overly aggressive hit-wizards and aurors.


(Spire of Winter)

A superluminal message from Briggins had made its way to Captain Carson. Thanks to the Stripetail's communication crystal and some wiring work done by Mr. Bigmouth, the delay between messages was only a few minutes. It accomplished this by routing the information through a separate dimension via an "information wormhole".

"Lord Stripetail," Captain Carson said. "I have a received a message from Briggins. I will patch him through to you." She pressed a button on the console and soon, Stripetail received the alert on his personal communications devices.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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an image of brioggins appearred in front of stripetail ' wizard i've located a strange magical signal originating from magical  world known as Myaardi. its quite small, with no major cities ,  in fact most of the population seems in live in appeared to be a sort of tower town.  like a castle, but on a larger scale. the ,magic of the planet has warped its biome, is that there are deserts surrounded by forests, large saltwater lakes a large portuion of the area  tundra with thick sheets of ice.. there seems to be large chunk of the surface corrupted  and giving off dark magic signatures. parts of the planet float around as sky islabds, not unlike in skylands, except   there arent as many islands. the residents are friendly enough, but as they have been fighting against corrupted enemies for the past few months, they are naturally suspicious of outsiders. approach them with caution.' thank you briggins. i will send a scouting group to myaardi as soon as possible " stripetail replied and broke communivcation.

he then turned on the comm ;link to Carson ' captain, briggins has found strange magical signals coming from a world known as myaardi. we will need to send a group to investigate it. he says the residents are friendly.. well friendly enough. we will need to proceed carefully. any magical world, regardless of size, can be a dangerous place.  Who can you send?"
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 05:37:27 PM by Nick22 »
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Captain Carson nodded. "With the high magic, I'd recommend the Omnidrate and Ms. Swimmer. I'll send over some shielded personnel as well with environmental probes and a few hoverskiffs." She checked the navigation console. "Looks like Briggins uploaded the coordinates as well. Also, I have overheard the mention of a planet called Pottermore? What is your next destination once Phoenix is fully repaired?"

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We'll head to Pottermore first, there's reports of a new Dark wizard there, who fits Chong's profile. We'll send some of my team to Myaardi to investigate that strange signal, find out what is going on."

Laval brought a large tray of meat to the table and passed the food around " Its all you can eat" the China prince grinned." So we fill our stomachs."
Dragon, Utsa Korin Sara Samia and Dulcy were flying around Meridian City , getting in a few final flights before going to the next location. Ratchet Angela Clank and Sasha were talking with Qwark they had found the locations of the missing planets- Vox had bankrolled their disappearance- and the process of restoring the planets was underway " I might stand a chance of reelection after all." Qwark grinned as Angela rolled her eyes " You're 10 points down Qwark, you'll need more stuff to break your way before November. That's 16 billion bolt fiasco of Qforce Resort and Spa isn't going away." How could I know it would get dislodged by a comet and get sucked into a black hole?" Qwark replied "It survived the trip though. I heard the Kerchu are using it now " Which everyone else is allergic to, so you won't get any visitors after that." Angela said
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Captain Carson nodded. "Acknowledged, I'll assemble a team to head to Myaardi and have them dispatched to the planet at your command. Captain Carson out."

She then looked over her crew roster and pondered how to handle this. Mr. Bigmouth would have to go to Myaardi since he could not pass as a magic user. From what Briggins had also reported, Pottermore was extremely technophobic and with Mr. Bigmouth's array of high-tech goods, he was least likely to cause problems on Myaardi. Dr. Zanasiu, Zachary and Deimos could round out the rest of the crew. She pressed a button on the communication console.

"Dr. Zanasiu, Deimos, Zachary and Mr. Bigmouth, report to briefing room one! Ms. Swimmer, report to briefing room two!" she ordered. The Human then sent a message to Stripetail. "Ms. Swimmer will be in briefing room two; you can use that room to brief your crew. In the meantime, I will be doing the same for the Myaardi group."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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" Thank you captain. I will call a few of my team to the meeting." Stripetail said. He tapped his communicator " I need to see Agumon, Agumina, Gabuna Gabumon , Ratchet Angela and Stitch and Angel. We need to discuss the planet Myaardi." Coming, boss" came Angel's reply.

Abu finished organizing the room for Kovu Kiara and Sima, making sure that there was a wide variety of music for his friends to cuddle up to.
Li Ella passed some food over to Vitani " Try the dipped meat fingers. I guarantee you won't be able to eat just one of them. Laval has already eaten 18 ." She laughed.
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Jing brought out a tray of cinnamon buns for Po. "I know you'll be hungry in the hospital wing, so I made these just for you," she smiled thoughtfully. "Trust me, they're tasty, I've made them dozens of times before." She then leaned down and gave her fiancé a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Get well soon, fat stuff," she whispered seductively, sliding something into one of his pockets.


Kiara whispered something into Sima's ear. "Once the three of us are together and alone...." she started to say, and made sure Kovu was out of earshot when she went into her plan for them.

"So Vushu, do you have to pray at one of the shrines any time soon?" Vitani asked her Mawashiian friend.


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Oh he's going to love that idea.. we're going to need honey and chocolate spread for that.. ' Sima whispered to Kiara.. ' [plus candles and candies.  and I promise not to eat the candy.. Also what do we do if we start screaming at the work of his ' little kovu"?" Hmm' i'll put an apple in your mouth to stop the screaming ' Kiara said ' and you'll do the same to me, when he;s ravishing me.. just in case. ' He'll probably be turned on by that ' Sima whispered giggling. ' after everything he went through, fighting in that arena, he deserves nothing but the best. and he has it, in us. he likes them big, and you;re big ' Kiara said to her friend. " i'm proud of being big ' sima laughed '  We mawashiians don;t care if you are really big, its part of the culture in fact. thats and triple breakfasts ' she grinned. "Oh.. We definitely are going to need more food.. Perhaps have Abu fetch some carry out for us.. like stuffed  cheese rolls.. drat now i'm hungry..  Sima laughed,.
 Yes , i'm getting ready to bow at the the nearest tower shrine, shrine 10, of 16 ' Vuahu said.  You , Kopa li ella and Laval are scheduled to join me..  well after your lion lunch.,. speaking of.. could you give me a platter of food? I'cve been busy  working all day ' the pantheress said . " sure thing Vushu ' Vitani said. ' you want dessert too. ' of course I'm a mawashiian."Vushu laughed as li ella handed her a tray of food ' help yourself..
 Thanks for the snack " Po said as he was wheeld away to the medical wing, holding the  sweet treat. ' the object she had slipped into his pockets was a picture of her overlooking the mountainside from a mountain vilage  with the words ' a picture from my hometown growing up. Always brings me peace and hope. hopefully it will bring you peace of mind as well, love, Jing"
 Ozai was going over recods Shifu had given him, tracking what festival events were going on in both mawashii and on the Spire ' hmm.  the fall mawashiis are selling well, particularly the orange ons that lok like an Earth Jackolantern ' Ozai chuckled mirthfully. "  Also shufu make sure theres enough merchandise of me to hand out to trick or trreaters, last year we nearly ran out.  Who knew my nunchuck model would sell so much?' he shrugged
« Last Edit: October 18, 2021, 07:40:21 PM by Nick22 »
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Captain Carson was in briefing room one. She looked at the clock on the wall.

The projector was on and displaying some information about Myaardi that had been gleaned from Briggins's communications and research.

Mr. Bigmouth was nursing a glass of seltzer as he sat on the table awaiting the others.


Ms. Swimmer had her usual cup of hot green tea. Her skin glistened with water from a fresh dip in the spa after a quick workout session with the Mawashiians. She waited for the rest of the group to show up.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"They do like receiving merchandise of you just as much as they do candy, your highness," Shifu bowed to Ozai. He sent a message to the respective factories to increase production rates on both.

Several other Mawashiians at the festival ran over to Ozai to ask for his autograph, something that happened countless times each day.


Kovu stepped over and grinned at both Kiara and Sima. "Planning something behind my back, eh?" he smirked seductively, "Does it involve me and you two, my big-butted beauties?" he said, playfully licking each of their faces.


Before meeting up with his mother and the rest, Oliver and Ollie took some desserts back to Sneed in his hotel room. When they entered, they heard a big loud rumble coming from Sneed's stomach.

"He must be hungry," Oliver chuckled.

"He is," Ollie affirmed, seeing the look in Sneed's eyes that told him one thing from experience. "Get ready, Oliver."


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of course big boy, come on ' lets go to the room ' kiara purred, as Sima brought a basket of chese sticks as the three of them walked out ogf the room togeher. Kopa laval li ella and vitani would continue feasting, it didnt take a genius to figure out what those three were going to be doing.. it would be loud, and involve screams moans and  shouts of ' Give me more, Scarred one!" in both the tongues of pridelander and mawashiian.  " Go get, little brother ' Vitani winked at Kovu.. " We'll be mediatating with Vushu at the shrun=ine, should you need us."
 Abu  had ordered a food spread  whgich had arrived in a couple minutes ago and was waiting for his patrons' Double breaded Zebra steaks.' Abu said to himself..' They must be hungry for portions like that.
 Snbed grabbed the two male cats and dipped them into a large biun of chocolate, then doused them into a tub of whipped cream.  he  ate ollie first then oliver, and showed little thought about eating eityher. olie was used to being eaten, Oliver wasnt.
 mona and flash went up to Tiger who was sitting at a large table in the middle of the diner. luca and arlebne had joined them, and finally tigeress, looking very tired  from her escapdes looking for PO, took to seat at the table ' sorry i'm late everyone. Had to report in with Stripetail.  Mission was succesful though. so I get a couple days off. " tigeress said as she took a seat. ' we'bve been running errands for bmR sneed mom' Flash said ' We just dropped off 10 dozen donuts  to his room, hopefully it will be enough."
Stripetail projected images of pottermore gleamed from the  magical database on the kreeli Comet. ' Pottermore is quite large ' Stripetail said to his gathered group.  " it is currently run by Minister Fudge, who has been in office for a number of years, they elect their ministers there it seems.  Magic is prevalent there but for some reason, its residents don;t like open displays of magic. They treat non-magic users with skeptoicism, bordering on disdain for most of the wizards and witches , although there is a sect  that outright HATES nonmagic users. Those are called Death Eaters and they are lead by a very powerful Dark Wizard named voldemort, who styles himself " Lord voldemort"  Whether lord is a title of nobility, or merely self-given i am not certain at this point. .  We will be  inquiring at a magical school called Hogwarts, you will have to wear your armor  and try to show your magical abilities when asked , after all, to gain acceptance you must show some magical ability. as states they have little use for non magicians. Any questions?"
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"Greetings Abu," Kovu nodded to the elephant as he, Kiara, and Sima arrived. "I can smell the food already." He looked at the door to his room. "It's time the three of us enter my kingdom, if you don't mind."

As the trio were permitted inside and having grabbed their food, Kovu had a fun plan for the two ladies. "I think you both can agree that I, your king, am amazing," Kovu smirked, "And as such......I want the two of you to compete for my affection in some little challenges."


"Whoa!" exclaimed Oliver as he landed down in Sneed's belly. He looked around the surprisingly roomy stomach chamber. "You said you've been eaten by him before...." he commented to Ollie, "What's it like being eaten?"


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Ratchet, clabk, angela, stitch angel and 4 digimon ebteed the room and quickly took theior seats. " sorrry were late' Gabuna apologized. ' they ran out of take out boxes at the diner and had to dig some out."
 if you could review what you have already told Mr Bigmouth and the rest of the group, that would be appreeciated ' Agunmon said, speaking in the calm collected manner benefitted someone used to recieving briefings, as the leader of the digidstined , agumon was used to this sort of thing. " does this place have anywhere to store ships like Aphelion and Thief?' ratchet asked from the row behind Agumon. '
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"Wonder if I should give Po more intimate photos next time," mused Jing, as she went to go check on her father. She had a bunch of his favorite dumplings prepared, with extra spice to "feel like fireworks." It was the way the Panda King preferred them.


"So, which of you two beauties wants to go first?" Kovu asked of Kiara and Sima.


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I'll go first." Sima said." What do you want to me to do in this little contest of yours my liege?" She said giggling despite the formality of her words" And no bias, hunky boy. Yes Kiara is your primary, but it's not much of a contest if you clearly favor one side over the other " First off, I want a taste of your cream." Kovu said kissing Sima forcefully on the lips. Sima put her tongue into his mouth and they rubbed tongues for a couple minutes. Kiara busied herself tasting some of the food Abu had gotten them, the grilled gazelle on horns was sucrumptious . Sima pulled away from Kovu who smirked at her " Good, good. Your kisses please me. Now I  want you to do a sumo dance for me. After that you will be the chair I ravish Kiara on. Bring some apples, she tends to yip when I am forceful with her . On the other side, you'll get a full moon view, that only those in this room get to see." Kovu laughed " And what will be Kiaras challenge? Sima said " Im still working on that. Perhaps a limbo contest, to see how low she can go." " Well that would be a one sided contest. I'm too round and plump for limbo " Well it's not a direct competition, you girls aren't doing the same thing."
Kovu said as Kiara brought food to both of them, for Kovu, a large quadruple decker burger and for Sima, a tray of chicken strips " A nice meal before I show off why I won Miss Pridelands every year starting at 14, mom wouldn't let me enter before that." Kiara said.
The wolves began eating lunch, with Tigeress ordering a large helping of breaded shrimp. Flash and Mona had breadsticks while Luca Arlene and Tiger had steaks.
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Kovu playfully gave Kiara's rump a smack. "I think I know why," he said teasingly, pretending that he didn't already know the answer. The dark lion king began chowing on the burger as Sima began her sumo dance. It was a dance that made use of her tremendous size. Despite her sumo figure, Sima was graceful on her feet, and the sight of the dance made Kovu drool.

"So beautiful...." Kovu grinned between bites.


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Sima grooved to a song called " Sumo shakedown " which featured gut shaking, butt shaking and twirling her figure. Sima was a beautiful lioness and she was proud of her figure. Mawashiians were proud of their bodies and sizes, and it was common for sumos to dance after matches, unless they were injured.  Kiara looked at Sima briefly as she continued sampling the food." Show our boy some fun Sima." Kiara laughed before she kissed Kovu on the lips lovingly " Mmm tastes like fighter" She purred.  After you finish dancing Sima have some food. Fill your belly girl." We can do a tandem booty dance. We'll hyponotize dream boat here." Sima chuckled.

Utsa continued hanging out with the other dragonesses, periodically getting contacted from her homeland as part of dealing with dragon supporters of Vox and Chong. " The leaders of Dramos are officially commending me for my efforts in this matter. While dragons usually don't care how they make money, this case has shown a bad light on a good chunk of the leadership council and the sheer amount of murders can't be overlooked. Hence the cleaning house and the seizure of funds. It was time for new blood anyway, some of the members had been on the council for 30 000 years. "
 Those dragon must be grayer than the drapes at Far Far Aways cast off boutique store." Dragon said." Er, Donkey  sends me pictures of the shops he delivers stuff to  .  The Blind Mice Cheese store has 700 different flavors of cheese. I like the Drowned Mouse flavor, personally. No, they don't drown mice in Making the cheese. Believe me, I asked. Would violate Fairy Land safety regulations."

Vitani and Li Ella lead their boys to the shrine where Vushu was waiting, dressed in her sect attire.  " Gather in a circle around me. Gather together based on Name. So Kopa, sit with Laval. Li Ella sit with Vitani. Clasp claws and close your eyes. Clear your mind of thoughts troubles and worries. We will be able to travel to the afterlife, as my sect sees it. The sects of Mawashii believe that Ozai becomes the heavenly home for good souls, although the form he takes varies on sect. There's a small sect, for instance that believes Ozai turns into a pop up book and they go into the book upon their passing." Vushu made a " crazy" motion near her head." How long will we be there?" Laval asked." I don't know, each experience is different, some only get a brief glimpse, others can stay for hours." Vushu said.
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"Your sumo size makes you even hotter," Kovu purred to Sima, briefly rubbing his paw against her large behind. He had missed this while in captivity, and now that he was free he was going to indulge in it as much as he possibly could. He then ate some of the food Abu had ordered. "I'm glad he still remembers my favorites," he smiled.

"Please your king, entertain me, show me affection," he commanded the two ladies with confidence.


Oliver was surprised how fairly roomy it was it Sneed's stomach. "So how long are you in here for, usually?" he asked Ollie as he walked around the bear gut. "I'm not used to being digested, you can tell...."


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"Lord Stripetail," Ms. Swimmer said. "As you are aware. my magical capabilities are artificial as they are a product of my magical artifacts. The essential water that I've been consuming merely grants me accelerated healing."


"Very well," Captain Carson said as she projected some data from Briggins about Myaardi on the wall. "According to Briggins, this is a magic rich world with very unusual climate conditions as well as floating islands." She looked at Mr. Bigmouth. "The planet itself is very small and as a result, there are no major settlements with the exception of a large tower town."

"Are the inhabitants hostile?" Deimos asked.

"Well, no. However, they will naturally be distrustful of outsiders as they have been fighting various beings warped by the dark magic emanating from some parts of the biome."

"Is technophobia or anti-nonmagic sentiment an issue?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

Captain Carson brought up another slide from Briggins's research. "From what Briggins sent me, no. Indeed, there are some technological elements there but magic use seems to be the majority."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.