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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350743


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The two Aurors nodded and exited Minister Fudge's office.


Meanwhile, Auror Firch was looking over Daniel Lawder's criminal record. It was a lengthy one with mostly harassment — namely sending stacks of howlers to local Auror offices — and breaches of the Statute of Secrecy. It was only recently that the wizard had escalated his tactics to much nastier means. Currently, he was being tried for sending an envelope full of bubotuber pus along with a threat that the next envelope will have a mandrake root in it to one of the Aurors who had arrested Carlotta Pinkstone.

"Auror Firch."

The aforementioned Auror turned his head and saw one of the Aurors who had been meeting with Minister Fudge. "Yes, what brings you here?"

"Minister Fudge wishes to speak to you regarding the disposition of Daniel Lawder," the Auror said.

Auror Firch picked up the parchment he was looking at and apparated to outside the Minister's office. He then knocked on the door.

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Come in, Firch." Fudge said." I will be with you in a moment, have to move some files around." He motioned to a chair as Fudge moved papers around his office.
Stripetail gestured and clothed the gathered group- including Carson and her security- in wizards robes." Each robe has a wand in the right pocket." Stripetail said " By dressing up as wizards and witches we'll blend in more. Just carry your wands out in front of you while in view of wizards, to them you will look ordinary. The disguise only has to work until we meet up with this Pinkstone supporter, and see what she has to say and what, if anything she has to offer. I suggest we leave now." Stripetail said.
It is nice to meet a new God and his , shall we say, supporters. Unless you are a goddess now Kitty " Panty chuckled." Oliver here is a half-god , or demigod if you will. You know his mother of course Arlene is one of your closest girlfriends. But you haven't met Oliver's OTHER parent, well until now. Oliver, the blessing I stowed upon your mother.. was you. You are the product of a magical spell I cast on  Arlene. Your abilities, well the abilities that will manifest in you, are from me. You don't have a father, well unless you consider Garfield or Scooby father figures. Both you and Tiger will go through, let's call it " Orientation for Immortals" for lack of a better term."

Vitani finished her call with Gia , they had a lunch date set for 2 that afternoon, with Laval and Li' Ella making it 6. She breathed in the mist and was brought into a large room full of bookshelves." This is the Room of Study." Ozai said from a chair by a fire." It is a place of reflection, each book contains images from your life, sorted into categories. Go ahead, pick one. " Do you know what is in each one?" Vitani asked." I have a good idea, yes. " Ozai said." Can you keep secrets from a God? In theory, yes, in practice, no. " Vitani went over to a row called  " Flames of Desire" and picked out a green book, as she opened it she got a image of her and Li ' Ella tongue kissing on Hoolefar, they were dressed in vacation clothes underneath a store that advertised grind rail races. Vitani watched as her tongue slipped into Li Ella's mouth before their lips locked together." Vitani blushed and closed the book." Um.. do you have any romantic stuff I've done." Ozai smiled." Try the " Royal Outing " row. 4th book from the right. Vitani picked up the book and she soon saw her and Kopa walking together around Winterville. Kopa had gotten her purple flowers and a box of candy, she was holding the flowers with one claw, the other was wrapped around Kopa 's waist, and both of them were laughing about something. Vitani smiled as she looked at the memory." I'm lucky to have him in my life." Vitani said " Of course you are my dear. What lioness wouldn't want to be on the arm of a king, well a king to be? The perks are longer than my arm, and given my size, that's saying something." Ozai said.

Ollie and Mona were shopping for Flash, specifically, they were looking for Ozai plush dolls as the purple wolf cub was a big fan of the sumo deity." Don't forget to get yourself something too." Ollie said." I'm getting my mom a book." Mastering the Hunt: Wolves. There's a set of them " Mona said." There's Lions Tigers and Bears too."
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Kitty chuckled and rubbed Tiger's stomach. "I'm just his chief priestess, Tiger here is the god," she smiled. "He already has a tribe of mice who worship his every step. I hope you like his god attire, we spent a lot of time picking it out."

Oliver looked amazed at what he just heard. "You're real mother?" he asked Panty, surprised by the truth. "And I might really become an immortal one day? That's incredible!" The kitten knew he would no longer have to worry about mean neighbor dogs with the power the panther was suggesting he had.


Kovu was enjoying having both his lovely ladies pinned under him. "I am your master," he purred seductively, kissing Kiara then leaning down further and giving Sima a kiss.

Kiara's words were muffled but it could be made out that she said "We live to serve you."


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Once the meal was finished, Kire spoke up. "Well, I guess I should..."

It was then that a guard entered. "Goblins are approaching!"

"Again?" Kire sighed as he drew his glowing spear. "Right, I'll go handle this." He then flew through an open skylight.

"I guess we wait here," Mr. Bigmouth said, helping himself to some fruit.

"Be on your guard," a man in a red hat said, a purple aura coalescing around his hand. "They can teleport it."

"Don't worry, we'll give 'em what for!" The speaker was a dark skinned man holding something that looked like a shark with several gun barrels sticking out its mouth.

"Guess that means we should get ready," Dr. Zanasiu said, readying his shotgun.



Captain Carson's robe was a expensive looking bottle green velvet one. She also had on the classic conical witches' hat. She pulled out the wand in her pocket. She recognized it as the unusual metal clad one that some of the Spirarians had made as an experiment. "Hey, these wands were made by the Spirarian science team as an experiment!" She shook her head. "It's a pity I can't use it or share it with the others on this planet."

Ms. Swimmer's robe was oversized to conceal her tail and saurian profile and it had a hood to conceal her distinctive muzzle. "Okay, we should—"

She was interrupted by an owl knocking on the window. She opened the window and said owl deposited a letter. Her heart sank as she saw it was addressed to Stripetail and it was a letter from what she assumed was a government agency, the Ministry of Magic. The owl flew off as soon as the letter was deposited.  "Lord Stripetail, you'd better look at this." She passed the letter off to him.


Auror Firch sat down in front of Minister Fudge. He placed the file regarding on Lawder on the desk. "Minister, we've compiled quite a bit of information on Lawder. I trust you will find the information useful."

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Stripetail opened the letter and read it ' It read' To lord Stripetail: My lord, I have received your request  for a meeting, and which i have decided to grant.  I do hope we can clear the air over this misunderstanding brought about by you and your employees being from offworld and thus, unfamiliar with our rules.  Under normal circumstances, we would be more forgiving of such cultural differences, however in the present climate leniency is something we must have a short supply of. As a leader yourself , surely you must understand this.  I  invite you to join me for tea and treats tomorrow evening at Londonium magical Bakery, at 7. Please try to be punctual, the place fills up quickly.  Sincerely. Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.".
 Well the Minister has invited me to tea tomorrow evening.' stripetail said. ' Good news, of a sort. For now, though, we need to find out what that woman has to offer us. ideally, she knows of a place that will welcome us, tolerate our magic, and keep us at arms length from the Aurors."

 Sima moaned in pleasure as she was made love to by Kovu, having kiara on top of her made it hard to do anything above simple kissing and to meet ' little kovu' but she was enjoying it nonetheless.   " i would offer to switch places Sima, but then again you just sat on me for 10 minutes, so on second thought i'll pass.  besides i'm closer to my king this way. he;s real good, as you now know..  but as I think he;s getting tired, i think a change of, position is in order. plus recuperation from the  lovemaking we';ve been sharing. well given to us by the Scarred One ' Kiara grinned.  ' how about a movie girls ' Kovu smiled ' i have several my dad gave me, and which I treasure. How about this: we watch two of mine, and one each picked out by you?"  let me guess, Master of the hunt is one of them " Kiara smirked. " Naturally, it has dad narrating his past hunts. so more of my father to emulate. i dont have his voice though ' Kovu said. ' Sounds fun' Sima said.  " well my dad was one of the best kings in Pridelands history, at least those we have reliable records of. The early kings are  mostly legend, as records from back then are scarce.   but as I am his son, I have to have a high opinion of him . Filial loyalty and all. Plus he;s been a big help with the kingdom finances. Gia and her circus group are paying us back in drips and drabs, at the rate they are going however,  it';ll be like 75 years before we are fully paid back.  Kopa and  I are discussing sending a bill to Alex's kingdom of New York for payment.  For a king, the guy doesnt act like it and he;s not that rich either.  Which is rather ridiculous for a king to not have cash' Kovu said as he got off of kiara and Sima ' i';ll go get the movies, you girls get the snacks. " We get to pick one too. ' kiara said ' dear I have a good idea of what you will pick. " Kovu laughed ' i brought more than one ' kiara grinned, as she slowly climbed off of sima.  " i need to pick one too. ' i um.. didnt bring any films with me when I hjoined.. most of them are tied to my faith anyway. ' sima demurred ' You are loyal to your king,' Kiara said as the girls went over to the coach which had a huge tv in front of it. Abu had sent down a large basket of snacks for them to choose from, naturally they were from mawashii. "  Chocolate Sumo rings  cereal ' Sima licked her lips. ' Yes they look like doughnuts and smell like doughnuts, but they arent doughnuts.  Doughnuts have more filling and toppings.'  Sima was on the left side of the couch, kiara the right side, with the middle seat reserved for Kovu. " Kovu soon brought out a pawful of movies with his picks on top. ' Ok ladies i have 5 non-scar ones . Dear you get first pick ' He purred to Kiara. " I';ll pick,  Dash across Africa. Thats Fuli's favorite flick, Jasiri's too. Well its a hyena and cheetah team racing across Africa for money to save their home. you cant get more sentimental that that ' Kiara  said.
 Sima pulled out the bottom film '  The Lion in Rome ' She said ' whats i about ' Its a lion condemned to fight gladiators in the arena. Lots of human eating, and crowds going crazy over lion kills. Naturally he falls for a lioness in the emperors guard and they have to find a way out of Rome ' Kovu said.  " sounds fun. We can watch that. sima said. " Kovu climbed onto the coach, and set the movies next to the food.  He put his arms around both Sima and kiara and puled them to him.  The Girls rested their heads against his chest and  softly purred in contentment.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 12:00:51 PM by Nick22 »
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Seeing the piles of food they had with them, namely the fact it was the high calorie Mawashiian food, gave Kovu an idea. "You know what...." he said to Kiara and Sima as they were now on each of his arms, "I was thinking....since I triumphed back in the sumo ring, maybe once I'm ready to join you guys in battle, I'll make myself bigger. Eat a lot, and use my belly as a weapon. Combined with my power to control fire, of course." He reached his paw over and ate up several of the treats.

He then reached over and put two things on the tables nearby. One was a photo of Scar, and the other was a mini-statue of Ozai for Sima. "I know you'll want a space to bow to your king," he said respectfully.


"So, I see Jing has already gotten you a lot of gifts," Viper said to Po, "You have yourself someone very caring for you, big guy." Tai Lung and Tigress brought in the latest tray of food Jing's group had prepared.


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Captain Carson nodded. "I'd normally ask for help with the local authorities in chasing down Chong. But at this point, I'm happy if they'll leave us alone."

"We should get going. No telling how long the person we're going to be talking to will be there," Ms. Swimmer added.


The trip to Londinium was uneventful. As they were dressed in the outfits of magicfolk, they had to take care to use magical means of transport. Luckily, the Aurors had not completely shut down the entire floo network. But the single functioning floo fireplace was located at an Auror outpost.

"What is your business and your location of travel?" the Auror operating the floo fireplace demanded, looking over the retinue. The floo fireplace was an unremarkable brick and stone fireplace with a moderate sized fire within. Two men with dragon hide gloves and equipped with wands and fireplace pokers operated the fire.

Captain Carson stepped back to allow Stripetail to handle this; she was not in the mood to get obliviated again.

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Sightseeing, sir." Stripetail said " We wish to go to Crux Regis station . We plan on going by train to the village of Hornus  in the north , they are supposed to make some excellent chocolates there, and I do have a bit of a sweet tooth. My younger colleagues are more interested in Hornus Castle and it's history." Stripetail said. According to legend Morgan Le Fey was imprisoned there by Merlin after he defeated her in a wizards duel ."
For 3 years." Said one of the men stoking the fire." She bore a even bigger grudge against him afterwards, but old Merlin was simply a more powerful magician, no matter what that witch tried, he always had a answer. Which frustrated her to no end, as you can imagine."
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Nick Wilde was working out an undercover disguise he use next to aid the seer's group. His ability to blend into any setting were a valuable asset to the group. "And to think I also have a Paw-sicle stand up, too," the fox mused.


"If you need to pray to your king at any point during the film Sima, just let me know," Kovu offered as he nuzzled her face. "I know how important that is for you." The dark lion could respect how Sima looked up to someone the same way he looked up to Scar.


"I kinda want to see Roscoe and Desoto end up eaten," Oliver confessed to Panty. "They always picked on me so much...."


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Well, you might get the chance to get them, when you are older." Panty said " Your training will have to be secret, for obvious reasons. I have a idea for how to do it, but it may require some.. public punishment for you." Panty said " " I know the perfect lady to oversee the program."

Po was released from the hospital wing, and he carried Jing's gift basket as he walked along." These Wall chocolate doughnuts are good." He said as he munched on a few of the snacks." She must be a good cook."
Cinder  was trying to fit in as best she could, due to the clear anti- dragon mindset of the local population. She clutched to the hem of her clothes, trying to avoid showing her face or claws."
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"Hmm....what did you have in mind, Ms. Panty?" Oliver asked. He then realized, with what she told him, if he needed to address her differently. "Wait, do you still want me to call you "Ms. Panty", or something else?" he mewed.

Tiger waved as Ozai came by. "Being a god is the best," the feline declared to the sumo king, "You have subjects worshipping you, bringing you food.....a cat can get used to this."


It was little surprise that Jing was waiting for Po once he had been released. "How's my big fat fiancé recovering?" she smiled, going over to Po and hugging him tight.

"She's a keeper," Viper nodded to her panda friend.


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Just this once, call me 'mom' " Panty said." After that, just stick to godmother, well godDESSmother if we are being technical. For now, just walk around and meet your fellow demigods, minor gods and major gods. Before you ask, we don't rank immortal beings. This isn't like sports, where that sort of thing is important. Your job, Oliver, when the time comes, is to hunt your prey. That's it, basically."
Po blushed as Jing hugged him." I just got out, actually. Thanks for the food, you didn't have to do that." He said, pulling away."" Also, if you could dial back the " hubby of endless love " talk about, um, 50 notches, I would appreciate it . The texts of me in that Master Tusk outfit, I will admit, were very funny. Out of curiosity, how did you know that I HAD a Master Tusk outfit?"
I told her " Tigeress said a small smirk on her face " She asked for something funny and I gave it to her."
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"But I love you endlessly, I could never give that up," Jing smiled, hugging Po tight. "I can't wait to be wed to you, my love." Give Jing this, she was devoted to Po entirely and exclusively.

"Say Po," Tai Lung said, walking over to his panda friend, "I heard her father is ridiculously rich. That's another benefit you can be thinking about," he chuckled.


"Sure thing," Oliver nodded, and looked up at Panty. "Thanks for bringing me" When he said that, both Panty's and his own eyes briefly glowed. "Wow....what was that?" the cat laughed.


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Nothing." Panty replied . " Just go enjoy yourself, little one. These immortal get togethers are rare, so soak it in."
Being rich is nice, but money is not everything." Po said." If you guys will excuse me, there's a Kung Fu kiosk I've had my eyes on." Po said and made tracks to get away from Jing, he really didn't want to be smothered by her right now. " Remember that your date is at 9 pm, Po" Tigeress called out to him."  Don't be late, the place fills up quickly."
 Wirt Greg and Beatrice were wandering around the town taking in the view . Greg was running into and out of shops, making noises as he did so, much to his brother's chagrin." Greg! Please try to not act goofy here. We're trying to get some food and I'm trying to find some work so I can make enough money for us to get a room at the inn for a few days or weeks. There's something " Beatrice pointed at a poster with her wing." Laval had posted a job offer,promising money to anyone willing to test drive his new speeder" I... well am not very good at driving." Wirt said."  Just drive it for a little bit that should be enough to get paid." Beatrice said
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"Sure thing, godmom," Oliver nodded to Panty, "'s true? I'm an immortal?"

"What does living forever feel like?" Tiger asked the sumo king as Kitty rubbed his belly, "You're an expert on that."


"See you there and then," Jing smiled to her fiancé, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Tai Lung gave Tigress a kiss. "I'm glad the panda's taken, that allowed for you and I to hook up," the snow leopard smirked to his girlfriend.


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Half mortal, Oliver." Panty said." You will pass on, eventually, but you will have a lifespan in the thousands of years, I wouldn't be surprised if you celebrated your 10,000th before the end. Which is a long time to hunt prey and sharpen your skills- and claws and teeth. No mortal will dare mess with you once you are trained. Those Doberman who tormented you? You'll be picking your teeth with their bones, sooner rather than later. You know the saying " Payback is a.. witch, or warlock" Panty said.
Well, it's not having to worry about sickness or getting old and weak. It's about enjoying the things you like to do, for millennia and knowing that tomorrow will always come. In your case Tiger, it wouldn't surprise me if your following numbered in the millions before long. Demonstrate your power every so often, and answer your followers prayers when you hear them. Just so long as it's not 50 thousand variations on the wish" Grant me more cheese " Grant that to everyone after the first few requests of that sort. Saves on paperwork, you know." Ozai laughed.
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"Good thinking," Tiger nodded with a chuckle, "I'm sure you demonstrate you power to your subjects by winning an exhibition match every once in a while. I'll admit I did find it kind of weird at first, but now I can understand it's nice to have legions of people who absolutely adore you."

Oliver licked his lips upon hearing the news, and Panty could see his little teeth were nice and sharp. "That sounds.....delicious," he grinned.


"I can't wait to leave Po's face covered in lipstick marks," Jing told Po's friends. "He is just so dreamy, and he has the ideal male panda bod."


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One of the tenders tossed a handful of a shimmering green dust into the fireplace, which flared for a moment, the flames turning green. "Crux Regis Station!" he exclaimed.

The lead auror then turned to Stripetail and his retinue. "Now then, please step into the flames."

Captain Carson and Ms. Swimmer flinched. Walking into a fire went against all their instincts but they decided to follow Stripetail's lead, lest their cover be blown.

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 follow me' stripetail said cheerfully and steped into the green flame vanishing in a flash.  one by one his team folowed, cinder wincing  as she did sio.' in a twinkling. they appeared in front of a large train station.  there were two active trains , being boarded, on track 4 and track 7. " we're looking for platform 9, everyone. just aact.. well like tourists ' stripetail said , " look at the trains, and all that.."  " this robe is itchy' Cinder complained ' Discomfort is simply a issue you will have to bear, my dear dragoness' Stripetail said. ' You do have the exchange pass i created for you ' You do realize that Crestwood does not have a dragon school right?' Cinder said. " THEY don;t know that. now do they? When asked, just say that you are the inaugural class." Inagu- what?' the first class, ever. " stripetail  clarified. ' Oh.. yeah I could do that.  now for classmates.. Ruskin,  Groth.. who else could I use.. eh.. Roke ' Cinder made a face. ' Small group.. well thtats not really surprising,. You have to start somewhere.' Stripetail said as they continued walking towards Platform 9.
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Ollie and Mona had taken Flash into a store in the Mawashiian section of the spire. "We know you're gonna like this," Ollie grinned. It was a store devoted entirely to Ozai merchandise named "Mawashi Mastery Imports."

"We know you're a big fan, so you should go on a shopping spree," Mona encouraged as they already picked up some Ozai plushies and put them in the shopping cart.

Among the people currently in the store was a big sumo kitten, clearly a native of the planet. "Dad, where should I put the King Ozai board games?" she called to the sumo cat working behind the counter. She and her father had red and black fur, their mawashis also a mix of black and red.