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Nintendo sales falling


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I've loved Nintendo games since I was very young, and since a few years I got my hands on a N64. However I must say I was neither impressed with the DSi or 3DS (nothing much better than the NDS, which at the time was of course a great handheld console (especially the lite version)), and only in the beginning was I a fan of the Nintendo Wii. The games on this system though have been poor so far, there is none I would consider buying the system for. The Wii U looks like nothing much different from the previous, though I'm very glad they're finally going for HD (honestly, graphics are a big deal in this era).

I guess I'm simply oldschool. I played on a NES recently, and was wondering why I just haven't been able to have as much fun on a Wii. I can understand that the sales are going down, which is sad for a great company as Nintendo, founder of so many awesome games. In any case, I hope the Wii U is better than I imagined initially and that I might even get it eventually. Ehh.. And for now I hope they can come up with another kind of console.


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Let's see here...

# of games I enjoy on XBox 360 - 9

# of games I enjoy on Wii - 20

# of games from VC I play - 12

# of games from XBLA I play - 6

As you can see, graphics really don't matter to me.  It has to do with the games themselves. :)

EDIT: Oh, and if anyone is wondering why I don't have anything for PS3, I just simply don't have one, but at this point, I don't plan on getting one, period.  I have my reasons.


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I agree that although Nintendo themselves can make great Wii games (MKWii, Wii Sports Resort, and Mario Galaxy 2), the 3rd party titles on the console....are kinda lame. I did like the Klonoa remake and Guilty Party however.

As for the Wii U....thinking back to 2006, even though I intially wasn't interested in the Wii, I could tell at the time that it was indeed an innovation in technology. The Wii U.....well, I'm not saying it's going to fail for sure, don't interpret it as that, it to me, personally, just seems like a "gimmick" console.

Littlefoot Fan

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I know that Nintendo can make great games on their own without the need for flashy graphics, as I am one who greatly appreciates gameplay over graphics. But the fact is that the majority of the buyers out there are drawn in to high definition, killer graphics. Modern Warfare 3 made something like $770 million in sales in the first 5 days of its launch. There are just far more people out there who favor cutting edge graphics and simple straightforward gameplay.


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Great games can still have great graphics. I don't get this whole argument that talks trash about enjoyable "next gen" titles just because they're good looking games. If anything I just consider it a plus, not a minus. If it doesn't look visually amazing, oh well, doesn't kill the gameplay. I don't play many nintendo games anymore because I prefer fleshed out stories and depth in my games, and overall I'm just more attracted to dark mature titles. I also find the argument hypocritical coming from Nintendo supporters, considering nintendo jumped on the whole 3D bandwagon thing and now they're going for HD


  • Cera
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@Littlefoot fan: If more people favored graphics over gameplay, the Wii wouldn't have outsold everyone else.

@campion: I'm not trashing this gen's other game companies for having flashier graphics. I'm saying "top-of-the-line-graphics=/=great game". It takes much, much more than "killer" graphics to make something great.
I also happen to think that Nintendo does gameplay better than anyone else and always has.
When did I bash the other companies for having flashier graphics or were you not talking about me?

It's not hypocritical at all to defend Nintendo just because they've integrated HD recently.

Fine. Whatever. Nintendo sucks and they should be ashamed of making games the way they do and I should be ashamed of liking their games and finding them more fun than anything that's been produced by another since...ever. There, happy?
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To keep it all in perspective, Nintendo is a company that's been on-going for nearly 30 years. There are bound to be points in it's financial status where sales and profits are going to slump. This doesn't mean that Nintendo are going bankrupt or they are getting worse. Despite the fact that there is a worldwide recession in place for the past few years (last time I recalled, video games were NOT an essential life purchase), the earthquake and reactor disaster earlier this year saw Japan's productivity take a tumble in huge measures.

Granted, Nintendo have made a few cack-handed decisions and not everything has played out to script, but just coz their sales have slumped this year doesn't signify they're on they're way out. They are still one of the industry's top-dollar companies and still one of the three major players on the console scene. 2011 has been a terrible year for game companies with loads shutting down due to lackluster returns on releases, project cancellations and other issues. THQ this year alone has closed about five global sectors of it's empire for various reasons. It's been a hard year financially for all games companies, Nintendo included, but it's not stopping them from looking forward to future investments and building on these experiences.