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Steve Jobs Dead


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Well, I heard this on the news today.  Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple, creator of iPad, iPod and iPhone, passed away today at the age of 56.

To be honest, I'm really not sure how to feel on this one. -_- (Yeah, a part of me is sad, but do you know how much I hate Apple?  It's really conflicting for me right now.)

However, I'm sure Apple fans everywhere will miss him deeply.


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I'm kinda sad since I like Apple product's. I own a I Phone and I enjoy it a lot. So it's sad to see Steve Jobs pass on. And he co owned Pixar witch is really cool.The only down side is the employee/'s really suck. They're rude and so on. So I hope he Rests In Piece.


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I know this sounds horrible, but he deserved what he got.  Apple is a HORRIBLE company making substandard technology in a pretty package and charging 5 times what the products are worth.  He was a horrible narcissist that cared about nothing but himself and money.  And the fewer people like that in this world, the better as far as I'm concerned.


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While I can understand why there are people who hate Steve Jobs (I'm not fond of Apple to be honest), to say he deserved to die is a horrible thing to say and doesn't say much for the people who believe he deserved what he got. To say that Steve Jobs deserved to die is worse than what Steve Jobs did, in my opinion. Those who say such a thing should be ashamed of themselves.

As I said, I don't like Apple, but I wouldn't be so cruel and cold-hearted to say that someone from Apple, including Steve Jobs, deserved to die.

Sorry if I offended anyone.


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It's not you who's offended anyone, Dark.  It's LBTlover.  Who once again opens another can of worms.  How could I comment on this utter pot of toxic waste?  Cold-hearted? Unconscious? Inhuman?  To wish death on a man like Steve Jobs is overkill at its finest.  I'm not a huge fan of Steve Jobs either, and I plan on getting a PC as my next computer.  But, I would NEVER stoop cheering on the death of a man like Steve Jobs.  To do so defines you off the spot as the epitome of unlikable in any degree and alienates you from society, humanity, and earth as a whole.  There are many other things I would like to say but would probably get me kicked off the forum for, so I will leave it at that.


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he had pancreatic cancer and was clearly in decline, so his death was not surprising. to wish death on someone is very bush league imo, even the worst of the worst have those who love them after all..
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Steve Jobs is a mass murderer.  He killed thousands of Chinese workers and many of them committed suicide while building his products like the Iphone and such.  He blames it on the Chinese sub companies, but we all know he knew about it and just needed a good scapegoat in case they were found out by the American people.  This is commonplace amongst the big narcissists as no one questions how they get an Ipod built for $3.  If you notice there isn't much material on this anymore.  It's all been covered up.  I have no sympathy for narcissists like him.  The narcissists that own Dell, HP, and a host of other computer and electronics companies are also guilty of this.  If one of their competitors do this, they all do it.  They just haven't been found out yet.  I'm sure they added extra security precautions once Apple was found out.  Oh yeah.  Steve Jobs was a visionary whose only desire was to usher in a new era of electronic living.  BS.  He was a greedy ass cut-throat bastard that would do anything to make a dollar.  It's just sad that not many people see this.


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I've heard similar complaints about Coca-cola treats thier workers in Columbia.. so the fact that multinational corporations follow the almighty dollars and treat third world countries like dumping grounds and treat the people of those countries as disposable trash, is surprising , how exactly? whatever they can get away with, they will.
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We all have a part in these mass murders. The deindustrialisation of America, Europe and the Soviet Union was a big mistake. I'm fairly ambivalent towards this man. I'm sorry he suffered from a terrible illness, but I can't say I'll cry after him.


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Im far from apple's biggest fan, but they have, for a long time, made a great product (im posting this on my iPad lol). And regardless of how a person feels about apple, you cannot deny that Steve Jobs did a lot of wonderful things for the computer industry, and he will be remembered as a person with a vision. A person that had a dream, and made it a reality.

I know that he has been much of a douchebag in his life, but the computer industry wouldnt of been the same without him.

Steve jobs. 1955 - 2011.

Rest in peace


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Just wait till that Ipad blows up and you learn you bought a $700 non repairable disposable paper bag.  There's a reason it only has a 1 year warranty. <_< I don't understand why people can't get this concept.  Apple products are nothing but a rip off, but people just keep buying them.  Take a recent client for example.  A 14 month Macbook Pro.  It was $2,500.  After only a little over a year, the motherboard had to be replaced.  Cost close to $1,000.  But the guy's still praising Apple's name.  Their marketing campaigns aren't anything if not effective.  But jeeze, it must be some sort of brainwashing or something.


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I know this sounds horrible, but he deserved what he got... He was a horrible narcissist that cared about nothing but himself and money... And the fewer people like that in this world, the better as far as I'm concerned... Steve Jobs is a mass murderer. He killed thousands of Chinese workers and many of them committed suicide while building his products like the Iphone and such. I have no sympathy for narcissists like him. Oh yeah. Steve Jobs was a visionary whose only desire was to usher in a new era of electronic living. BS. He was a greedy ass cut-throat bastard that would do anything to make a dollar.
I think I can speak for everyone in this thread:

Taunting death is not cool. RIP Steve Jobs


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I don't know enough about Steve Jobs to comment on his beliefs and personality, but I do own Apple products, so I can safely say that Apple has made an impact on my life. I don't care what people say about how he acted in his life. In the end, people will remember him for the contributions he and Apple have made to technology. I feel that nobody deserves to suffer the pain that he felt, and I'm happy that he was able to die peacefully (which I know sounds incredibly wrong and terrible, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say here). May he rest in peace and his family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I must say I'm quite shocked by landbeforetimelover's remarks. I understand that you don't like Steve Jobs, and that's fine. You are entitled to your opinion about him. Having said that, why do you feel the need to openly bash him like this? Not everybody shares the same hatred that you do, and I'm not trying to be rude but you are pretty much ruining this thread for people who may want to pay their condolences to him. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say at all," is a phrase I know we have all been taught when we were young, but I guess it no longer has any meaning. I ask that if you want to continue voicing your strong opinion that you keep it to PM's and leave this thread to those who want to think of him as the visionary he really is and the contributions that we feel he has made.


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As I said I have been a fan of Apple Products since I was very young. They had awesome games for the Apple2 back than. But saying someone deserves this is being really mean and cruel. He had a lot of fan base and made some pretty decent products. Yes they're expensive but there is a lot that goes into the product. So hence why they charge a lot. So I will pay my respect's to Steve and his family. and I Wonder what will happen now with the company.


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Steve Jobs was one of the worst criminals around.  And he never got punished for his crimes.  He's worse than just a regular old murderer because he KNEW what was going on and kept on doing it because he didn't give a shit about the people that had to die so he could save a few dollars.  I celebrate his death just like I would the death of any murderer.  Just because he brought technology into the world doesn't excuse his crimes.  He more than deserved what he got.  Now there's always the possibility he didn't know what was going on in the factories, but I find the probability of that to be very low.  The guy at the top didn't know what was going on.  Yeah right.


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Quote from: LBTFan13,Oct 7 2011 on  12:32 AM
I must say I'm quite shocked by landbeforetimelover's remarks. I understand that you don't like Steve Jobs, and that's fine. You are entitled to your opinion about him. Having said that, why do you feel the need to openly bash him like this? Not everybody shares the same hatred that you do, and I'm not trying to be rude but you are pretty much ruining this thread for people who may want to pay their condolences to him. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say at all," is a phrase I know we have all been taught when we were young, but I guess it no longer has any meaning. I ask that if you want to continue voicing your strong opinion that you keep it to PM's and leave this thread to those who want to think of him as the visionary he really is and the contributions that we feel he has made.
I second this.

I understand that not everyone likes Steve Jobs. I understand that you didn't like him, LBTLover. But please show respect to others in this thread that do think more highly of him than you do. Just because you hate him and is glad he's dead doesn't mean that anybody else feels the same way, nor does it give you the right to say such a thing (that you're glad he's dead) in a thread about his death.

My recommendation to you: if you are unable to hold back your anti-Steve Jobs comments on this thread and unable to show others that do like him respect, then leave this thread alone. You don't need to keep trash talking Steve Jobs. You're being very disrespectful.


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Read all of that. The difference between them and him is he wouldn't intentionally hurt someone. People working dead end jobs in the industry (especially in other countries) isn't something new. Even if Jobs wasn't the bigwig himself people would still be out there putting together and making shit for diddly squat. It's just how the industry works, and it can the worst job imaginable depending on what you're doing. People dying or killing themselves over things like that isn't a new either. Regardless of whatever the fuck went down, you don't come walking into a thread like this talking shit about someone who just died. It's called being respectful. If you can't even do that, then you have no right talking about what's right and wrong. Leave.


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Dark Land can't respect people. He has no respect at all towards people. He is a ruthless heartless person who loves to treat people poorly.  He will never respect others on here or to the world. He has a lot of hate towards everyone in this world. So don't try to get Him to respect people, He is a heartless jerk. So it's one thing to say you don't like Steve Job's company and products but to say something like he deserves to die that goes way to far. He will never say anything nice to anyone in this world. He can't and never will. I wonder if he treats his people he knows like this. I bet he does alright. So don't try to teach him respect that he will never learn.


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Quote from: Petrie85,Oct 7 2011 on  07:55 AM
Dark Land can't respect people. He has no respect at all towards people. He is a ruthless heartless person who loves to treat people poorly.  He will never respect others on here or to the world. He has a lot of hate towards everyone in this world. So don't try to get Him to respect people, He is a heartless jerk. So it's one thing to say you don't like Steve Job's company and products but to say something like he deserves to die that goes way to far. He will never say anything nice to anyone in this world. He can't and never will. I wonder if he treats his people he knows like this. I bet he does alright. So don't try to teach him respect that he will never learn.
I'm going to attempt to steer this topic away from where LBTLover has been leading it with his comments.

I found an interesting article on Steve Jobs, as well as some heartfelt tributes to him from Apple fans.


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Quote from: Petrie85,Oct 7 2011 on  07:55 AM
Dark Land can't respect people. He has no respect at all towards people. He is a ruthless heartless person who loves to treat people poorly.  He will never respect others on here or to the world. He has a lot of hate towards everyone in this world. So don't try to get Him to respect people, He is a heartless jerk. So it's one thing to say you don't like Steve Job's company and products but to say something like he deserves to die that goes way to far. He will never say anything nice to anyone in this world. He can't and never will. I wonder if he treats his people he knows like this. I bet he does alright. So don't try to teach him respect that he will never learn.
I agree with DH. This is also going a little too far. This thread is supposed to be about paying tribute to a man most people consider to be one of the most influential men in history. We do not need to start a war between users.

Back on topic, I must say I found it really classy how Bill Gates sent his condolences to Job's family and his thoughts on his long time competitor and friend. I know there has been much debate about Gates vs Jobs, which can be another thread entirely, but I was happy to see that Gates held Jobs in such high esteem.